That's Fleck's style. It's what I'd expect from someone who lied about being a college grad when he first ran for Easton mayor. Now I understand he has since graduated summa cum laude from both Oxford and Harvard, where he double majored in Astrophysics and Physical Education while simultaneously writing several novels in Sumerian.
On Friday, I received a "warning" that Fleck's been bragging to his buddies at the Allentown Brew Works that he's about to take me down. Apparently, he has incontrovertible evidence that I'm being paid to write stories favorable to Congressman Charlie Dent, Northampton County Exec John Stoffa and Bulldog Ron Angle.
This is great news to me because I'm broke and Christmas is fast approaching. But where the hell is the money? I've looked everywhere and can't find it.
On Thursday and Friday, anonymous comments began to post on this blog, claiming I am supported by these pols and, for good measure, drawing attention to my 24 year-old legal suspension. They even slammed me over a laptop I received from friends as a birthday present, and which I wrote about here. I've been deleting these personal attacks, but in retrospect, that's been a mistake. I should at least have asked them to tell me where I could find my stash.
Of course, there is no treasure. I have never been offered nor would I accept a penny for what I write. But as I reflect, this accusation is actually an admission. It's an acknowledgement that even small blogs like this one can and do shape and influence public opinion. So thanks for the compliment.
I looked it up in my Funk & Wagnalls ..
slinging mud;
(1) accusations with substantiation (proof)
although similar in appearance to crap, mud is a brownish material w/o the stink attached to it
Oops correction. It should have been..
I looked it up in my Funk & Wagnalls ..
slinging mud;
(1) accusations without substantiation (proof)
although similar in appearance to crap, mud is a brownish material w/o the stink attached to it
Three words for you:
Old Gym Trunks!
How's that for the 411?
Peace, ~~Alex
Simply by mentioning Flock's name gives him the attention he wants. One simple look at him tells anyone there's "crazy" behind his eyes.
The real shame is that for whatever reason, he ran virtually without opposition. The last minute write-in campaign, although well-meaning, was not realistic, given the obvious apathy of the majority of the registered voters.
So we're stuck with Flockin Fleck, (or Fleckin Flock), for 4 years. Hopefully, perhaps, maybe more West Ward voters will take notice that they are being represented by Bozo, and vote next time. If not, shame on them!
11:11 is a personal attack please delete it!
It will stay. Fleck is an elected public official who should get used to a little criticism.
Why do you allow personal attacks on Mr. Fleck. You delete personal attacks on some ohters but you let them stand if you do not like tthe person that is being a hypocrite.
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