Naturally, Allentown's Democrats were quite offended by Scott's "snotty remarks," and they all rolled around in the gutter for awhile, slinging mud at each other. I was very pleased. Unfortunately, everything ended on a high note, thanks in large part to Professor Jeff Pooley.
Now that you've all finished prancing through the daisies, holding hands and singing Cumbaya, let me direct your attention to King Edwin's curveballs.
On the campaign trail, Mayor Pawlowski assured everyone he attends as many city meetings as he possibly can. That was a curveball. At Tuesday night's first budget hearing, King Edwin was a no show, despite pleas from Council member Michael Donovan that he make a guest appearance.
At candidates' nights throughout Peanutville, Pawlowski assured everyone that casino revenue would solve all of the City's financial woes, falling from the skies like manna from heaven. He sneered at challenger Tony Phillips's suggestion that these estimates were way off. Of course, that was another curveball. Tuesday night, Controller Bill Hoffman told City Council that Allentown will actually receive $1.4 million less in casino revenue than is projected in the budget. He also told Council they'll be finishing this year $4 million in the hole.
I'll refrain from calling Allentown Dems stupid. But what were you thinking? Seriously.
By the way, where the hell did he learn how to throw?
He throws like a girl!
Must be a Chicago thing. Obama embarrassed himself as well. He'll never be photographed lofting that Peggy Lee fastball again.
He was a relief pitcher for Moody Bible School. He came in when the school was down by ten runs or more.He still owns the E.R.A. record at the school for giving up the most runs. They did not have the mercy rule when he played.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice on me...seems to apply here. I think the public had a right to this information in a more timely fashion. I blame all involed for this but the controller and the press are supposed to be the public's watchdogs here. Anyone hear any barking before the election?
Scott Armstrong
Let me try this again
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...seems to apply here. I think the public had a right to this information in a more timely fashion. I blame all involved for this but the controller and the press are supposed to be the public's watchdogs here. Anyone hear any barking before the election?
Scott Armstrong
actually, bill hoffman stepped forward in october, as reported by jarrett renshaw then, and told city council that pawlowski taking advantage of act 44, and prolonging our pension contributions, was short sighted.
MM -
That's great, at least Hoffman was being straight with Council when the pension issue came up. Now he is also telling COUNCIL that the Mayor's revenue estimates are way off base.
However, I think the Controller owes it to bring this information to the PUBLIC when he becomes aware of it, not just to COUNCIL when the topic arises.
The Controller does not work for Council, he works for the taxpayers.
anon 9:03, in my political memory, going back to the dadonna era, i don't ever recall a controller holding independent news conferences in the fashion you suggest. do you? although the controller is independent, his role isn't to automatically be the mayor's adversity; i suspect that is where you're coming from.
That's an insult to girls.
And we are not even talking softball players.
Please also note that his honor was not present at the meeting last night. It was announced that there will be borrowing of around $50 million to spend on sewer infrastructure.
His honor was not there to explain what is planned. I bet they will borrow more than necessary in order to pay the debt service for about 4 years (the next election cycle).
But the voters have spoken and re-elected his honor. God help us
Bob Romancheck
By the way, where were the new council members last night? Wouldn't it be nice if they were trying to understand what is going on?
Please also note that his honor was not present at the meeting last night. It was announced that there will be borrowing of around $50 million to spend on sewer infrastructure.
His honor was not there to explain what is planned. I bet they will borrow more than necessary in order to pay the debt service for about 4 years (the next election cycle).
But the voters have spoken and re-elected his honor. God help us
Bob Romancheck
By the way, where were the new council members last night? Wouldn't it be nice if they were trying to understand what is going on?
Stretch the arm out, Ed. You're not throwing a football.
"By the way, where were the new council members last night? Wouldn't it be nice if they were trying to understand what is going on?"
Must have been a fundraiser somewhere. maybe they were playin Texas Hold 'Em at the Allentown Golf Course. Pawlopwski has his own casino gig there.
I would like to blame Allentownonians for being Democrats. But even educated Democrats can smell this rotten egg in the room. Even council's holding their noses!
I tend to think it was more like most of the people who showed up were too dumb to know how to vote. They found that big button at the top of the screen. Gave it a push and left. I said for years hacksaw the big levers off the old machines. I am all for taking that damned straight party crapola out of the voting machines. Erase that damn straight party button!
Make them take a basic intelligence quiz before they proceed to the next screen. Maybe some basic questions like how many are on council. Where's city hall? Who's the current Mayor. I bet some of them wouldn't recognize Pawlowski's picture if they had multiple choices!
Make them go everyone of the screens one by one. When they get lost somewhere along the way we've eliminated the idiots and their vote won't be finalized. Maybe they'll be frustrated enough they won't come back again.
I have no problem with you sinking your own boat, but don't do it while I'm in it, Damit!
All this is déjà vu x's 4 all over again. Even a octopus can learn to push a red or blue button when it gets shocked. Allentown, not so much.
MIKE, Hoffmandid not hold a news conference. As others are saying he waited to long. AS to the Daddona Era, I believe if i rememer, during those years, many news articles and editorialw in the Morning call and Evening Chronicle as to the findings of the Controller at that time. Check it out. Do you remember his name.
My options in the mayor election were terrible. A guy that had demonstrated a lack of capacity to even serve on council running against a the sitting mayor.
NOTA was the best option and is how I voted and looking at the vote totals across the city, it looks like a lot of people did the same thing.
anon 12:19, the charter says the controller should:
Review the Annual Budget before approval by City Council, and make nonbinding
recommendations to the Mayor and to City Council for consideration, if he or she deems it necessary;
hoffman has been expressing his reservations about the budget to council, which approves or disapproves the budget.
any press conference, etc. would be a political act
If Armstrong’s Yahoo Group site “proudly publishes overt racism” why not demonstrate the courage of your own convictions by signing your name. Coward.
Scott Armstrong
Scott, Ignore the troll. If I even suspect he has posted something, it will be removed.
"any press conference, etc. would be a political act"
So is running for office. I see nothing unseemly in a Controller who gives the public his assessment of the budget, especially since they ae paying for it. We need more transparency.
hoffman has made two recent presentations to council, reported by the press, criticizing the budget. the budget is approved (or not) by council, not the public. as you know, he has also supplied the public and press with information on request. the charter, i believe section 403, spells out this duties.
Nothing in the HRC prevents him from holding a news conference to report to the people who actually pay his salary. That would promote transparency and more interaction w/ the public would assist any Controller in preventing waste and fraud. That's why many of them establish hotlines.
I'm not faulting the guy. The public learned what he thinks about the budget, but most local controllers do have occasional news conferences to inform the public about audits.
To suggest this is somehow wrong is to miss the whole point of transparency in government.
what worries me about an elected controller in allentown holding news conferences is the potential for partisan advocacy. as it turns out because hoffman is a D, in a D administration, this wouldn't be an issue. but how about if a R had won, and used october to blast the mayor before the election. as it turns out hoffman did, in october, warn city council about the administration using act 44, and the costs down the road. under the circumstances of allentown's one party domination, hoffman is, in my opinion, serving the public well by exerting his opinion independent of the administration.
In light of the recent mayoral campaign where this budget was a contested issue and Allentown’s dire fiscal situation it seems to me the controller could have done far more than he has chosen to do. That is unfortunate.
I am sure Mr. Hoffman is a decent man who wants to do what is right, I also understand the party pressure on him to be a team player must be enormous. Single party (Democrat)control has led Allentown to ruin. Anyone want to dispute that?
Scott Armstrong
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