Jeremiah Wright's NAACP speech, delivered Sunday night, actually claims there is an organic difference between blacks and whites. Amazingly, he claims we have different brain structures. Whites are apparently left-brained while blacks are right-brained, which enables black kids to remember "every word from every song on every hip hop radio station ... ." Gee, I wonder if he has studied Asian brains, too. This imagined difference is how racism becomes possible.
CNN's Soledad O'Brien, calls Wright's speech a "home run," proving she uses neither side of her brain.
I can't believe Wright is getting so much attention. With so much going on in the world I still can't believe we're focusing all our attention on such a prejudice speaker instead of the actual candidates and the issues.
And what issue of importance follows this circus on the MSM? Photos of Hanah Montana...
Bernie, I blame your middle finger!
That middle finger is where I think.
Wright is getting all that attention bc he has asked for it- he started a media blitz to restore his image, paying no attention to the damage it could do to Barack Obama.
...or the increasing damage to his own reputation.
I think there's a truth to saying that blacks and whites have different thought patterns. language follows thought patterns and there is, as Wright noted, a distinct black language used that reflects the differences in thought patterns. however, i don't think it's genetically determined (it's cultural).
and is he really that prejudiced? maybe it's my eyes, but doesn't that transcript keep saying, "different, not deficient"?
When you start thinking there are oprganic differences between the brains of different races, I think it's safe to say that person has become a racist.
Having listened to his speech to the press club and read his speech to the NAACP, I'm fairly certain he's a bigot. I'm sure he's a demagogue.
It saddens me to see the promise Obama might have held for this country reduced to "The Six Degrees of Louis Farakhan." No one is listening to what he is saying anymore. What were once profound speeches are now just the pre-game to the questions concerning Wright.
It just goes to show you that religion is best left out of the public sphere. Does anyone even know anything about John McCain's religion let alone his priest/pastor/minister?
I know a lot of people put a lot of stock in a candidates supernatural beliefs but you'd think that Barack Obama and Rev Wright were the same person.
I can't help but think that this was a grand scheme by the Clinton machine. Never mind the fact that Hillary Clinton actually worked with *real* Black Panthers.
Bernie - I noticed Rev Wright did not use the word "organic" - Google Janice Hale, the researcher whom he refers to - she's a highly respected professor who has spent her entire career documenting the differences in learning styles of black and white children.
I too do not agree that left and right "brainedness" is a genetic thing - I do however believe that it is cultural
Obama is in trouble on this issue because he was very slow in condemning the speech of someone who was a mentor to him.
One can rationalize all they want about culture and 'black churches' and styles of ministries, but this Reverend, with possibly Obama in the church, stood at the pulpit and said 'God Damn America' among other very icky things and he did it with the weight of the church behind him.
That may be a black thing, but that doesn't make it right or a legitimate thing to do. And it appeared to me that Obama's explanation of how he tolerated such speech was a rationalization of 'Oh well, he really didn't mean it and he is of an different era.'
Hitler was of a different era too, that doesn't make it proper to forgive his insanity.
I think Obama is showing his true colors here and by not repudiating the Reverend immediately and firmly and waiting until the Reverend started to threaten his standing in the Polls, Obama is revealing that he is no different a politician than any other. In fact he may be a bit worse.
Hillary has her faults for sure, but I don't think she would sit in church or associate herself with a minister who said 'God Damn America.'
And I'm sick of double standards. Let Al Campanis or Jimmy The Greek Snyder say that blacks are different and they both get tossed under the bus. Campanis was once famously asked by Ted Koppel why there weren't more blacks in management positions in baseball. Al's reply - "They don't have the necessities..." Jimmy the Greek answered a question "why are blacks good at sports.." by stating that it dates back to slavery when they were "selectively bred" by owners. Are these comments any more outrageous that the comments Rev. Wright made about the differences between whites and blacks? I can't see them.
The main difference is that the white press clobbered the two guys mentioned earlier, but nobody clobbers blacks who make insensitive comments regarding race. If that's not a double standard, what is? I'll faint dead away when Jesse or Al come forward to challenge these statements, but trust me, it will never happen.
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