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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Kelly Keegan's Tik Tok From Forks Community Days


There were Democratic and Republican tents at Forks Community Days on September 13-15. Northampton County Council member Kelly Keegan, a former Forks Tp Supervisor, was in the Democratic tent. With the assistance of copious amounts of booze, they managed to make fools out of themselves by fighting with each other. Some community. A

I first learned of the ruckus from an anonymous comment posted on blog:

I volunteered at the Forks Township Democrat tent this past weekend and the amount of Republicans coming up to us being abusive, aggressive, and instigating was obnoxious. The police had to intervene so often that they just stayed next to our tent protecting us. A man in his 80’s acted like he didn’t know who he would vote for and then proceeded to say he didn’t know if he could vote for a slut. He probably is impotent and just frustrated. Who knows, but grow up dude. Trump’s sexual history has caused him to be a felon and a rapist! Maybe you should consider that when you vote.

So many people who came up to our tent wanted to take bumper stickers and signs, but were scared they would be targeted and that their cars and homes would be vandalized. The Republican Party is nothing more than thugs. Remember when they were conservative with class? Now they are conspiracy spreading liars who actually believe it all. It truly is a cult.

The Republicans have no platform except aggression, intimidation, and “concepts”. I can’t wait for Kamala to win and we finally kick Trump to the curb. Let’s get back to being classy and stop acting like we are a third world country.

Someone anonymously responded with this:

I was nearby the Democratic tent and the constant snarky remarks were not so pretty either. Think some people need to drink less beer, pay more attention to their dress and personal hygiene before they represent a political party. Ever hear of the concept of presenting a party platform? It is possible to disagree and not be disagreeable. Somehow the Democratic tent was missing some of that "class" you were talking about. If a Republican had said what you just said about your experience working at the Democratic tent I would have said the same to them. I am not sure either side added to the event.

A police report has been requested, but since nobody was cited, I suspect alcohol, combined with partisanship and immaturity, are the real culprits.

Some say Keegan allegedly knocked the MAGA hat off someone's head and threw beer at him. But others say a beer was tossed in Keegan's face.

All I can say is that her narcissistic and sarcastic TikTok (see above) about the incident tells me that she may very well have done exactly what she denies. 

Keegan has managed to take the "demure" and "mindful" trend on TikTok, which is supposed to be funny, into something toxic.

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