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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

UPDATED: Harris Appeals to Center in Presidential Debate

If you read this blog, odds are pretty high that you watched the Presidential debate last night between VP Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. I am sure that his supporters fervently believe he won, and must have loved his appeal to nativism, protectionism and isolationism, the three-headed monster. He appealed to our dark sides with fear and division. I am equally certain that Harris supporters like myself loved her appeal to the "better angels of our nature," as Abraham Lincoln might say. Hers was a message of hope and optimism.

The question is how the candidates fared with uncommitted and more moderate voters. I suspect they were turned off by Trump's chaotic display, in which he would answer questions about the economy by talking about immigration and vice versa. Harris was more centered, presenting an image of stability that contrasted sharply with Donald Dissonance. 

Overall, I'd say this debate helped Harris and hurt Trump. 

(I am writing this based on my own views and without the benefit of any talking heads).  

The Handshake: At the very onset of the debate, a poised and confident Harris walked up to Trump and offered her hand. He looked as though he wanted to run away.

"They're eating the dogs!": In his constant attempts to spread fear of the OTHER and sow seeds of division, Trump declared that Haitians in Ohio are eating people's dogs and cats: "TRUMP: In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country. And it’s a shame. As far as the rallies are concerned, as far as the reason they go, is they like what I say. They want to bring our country back. They want to make America great again. Very simple phrase, make America great again. She’s destroying this country. And if she becomes president, this country doesn’t have a chance of success. Not only success we’ll end up being Venezuela on steroids. MODERATOR DAVID MUIR: I just want to clarify here. You bring up Springfield, Ohio. And ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured, or abused by individuals within the immigrant community."

Harris is Stupid? - On the campaign trail, Trump has repeatedly claimed Harris is stupid. But even conservative talking heads paint her as the victor. What does that say about Trump's intellectual acumen?

Updated 11:51 am


Anonymous said...

Vote for Harris-It will destroy this country even Putin knows that.

Anonymous said...

One word--FAKE

Anonymous said...

I thought she delivered a message of hope and looking to the future. She did not speak too much about herself and I wish she had because people don’t know her that well. Trump answered every question, seemingly, with lies about immigration. And I think the moderators let him get away with not giving direct answers to pointed questions.

Anonymous said...

As an independent voter, i thought this debate sucked. Harris was a sham, and Trump needs to learn when to stay on point. I got nothing of interest from this debate between the two. However, I will point out, when it comes to policies, the Harris campaign has been dull on them. Even their campaign website doesn't lay them out. She will tarnish herself if she keep talking about Project 2025 and J6. You can't accuse Trump of lying when she did it herself.... and she mentioned Election Interference... She was right in what she said, however, she never mentioned the Durham report which details the scathing plan in 2016 to keep Trump off the ballot... The DON was right too... he asked when the rioters would be held accountable... this happened under Tim Walz... let's look at this.. A pathway to the future only exist with those who are willing to put their differences aside.... I see a shocking surprise coming in 2025 that doesn't involve Harris or Trump at the realm...

Anonymous said...

The only thing that was apparent last night is that America is screwed. Harris is out of her depth and Trump is a buffoon.

Anonymous said...

Trump - last night showed that he has no vision for the future of America. All he talked about was past grievances and methods to get even with his political opponents.
Harris - gave a performance that moved me into believing she can be our next president of this great country. She has a forward thinking agenda that will allow America middle class to prosper. I will vote for Harris not Trump like I did last time.

Anonymous said...

Harris gave a good performance, but a performance was all it was.

Today, mortgage rates are double. Car loan rates are double. Home and apartment prices up 110%

Food prices up 20-35%. Gas prices still up 40%.

Open borders. Foreign drugs and gangs infecting communities.

Foreign policy a disaster.

Want more of it?

Anonymous said...

Trump should decline any further debates, even if it is on Fox. He has far more to lose than she does to gain. Everyone who votes has had their mind made up for months. So all the debates serve is to provide wrestling-style entertainment.

Anonymous said...

People with thoughts: "He lied more."

Anonymous said...

Harris presented herself as a female Barack Obama. All the same mannerisms, vacuous replies to questions, and full of hope and change. She did well with what appeared to be memorized, pre-written scripts by her handlers. For the most part, the disastrous four year Biden /Harris administration was something she wanted everyone to overlook, and she glossed over efforts to make herself in any way responsible.

Harris used the usual scare tactic on women voters by claiming if Trump is elected he would institute a national ban on abortion. This shows a total lack of understanding how our government was designed to work.

It was TRUMP who helped create the condition where any single Federal Executive did not have such power. The abortion decision is now out of the reach of Washington, but reserved for each State Legislature. Abortions are still available in America and always will be.

In the end, it will all come down to Independent Voters and to how many illegal votes make their way through our weak system of accountability. Fraudulent behavior in America is a REAL threat, despite attempts here and elsewhere to hide this unfortunate fact.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is Commie-ala needed a 53 foot flatbed truck to carry that Pinnochio nose out of Philly after all the lying distortions and misinformation she dispensed last night. ABC & Harris/Walz: A matdh made in Liberal Land....

Anonymous said...

trump did himself no favors. He was his usual egotistical bullying self. I lost count of how many times he told us all the world leaders love him and most importantly fear him. But that number surely matched the many times he told us he is the best thing ever since sliced bread. Harris, on the other hand pretty much kept her cool and showed some class. She was articulate and came off very strong. I was impressed. However, neither of them ever gave a direct answer to a direct question by the obviously bias and liberal abc puppets. I rate the debate AKA shouting match 3 1/2 barf bags. KH was the clear winner.

Anonymous said...

Harris showed some class, but then that is pretty easy when you are standing next to trump.

Dennis P said...

Candidates whether of the extreme right or extreme left during the election cycle when they find it convenient for election purposes try to moderate their previous positions. However, the question is should they be elected does their so-called moderate position prevail when they start governing.... Then too I ask when a progressive now claims to be moderate, what is that person's definition of being a moderate. Does that definition imply what moderation means when you apply all ends of the political spectrum or is that definition related to one's now stated position within the candidates own political situation. I believe there is a difference in definitions when you apply these standards.

Anonymous said...

Once again it's very obvious that Trump appeals to the lowest common denominator of uneducated, worthless, gullible, lowlife, unemployed, basement dwelling tools.

Anonymous said...

Scripted platitudes is all she's got. No meat on the bone. I don't live on hope.
This country is headed in a bad direction and you praise this tripe. You are an old fool who still believes in the Democrat party of yesteryear. They don't care about you or your freedoms. They only care about their power and control in "their democracy."

Anonymous said...

The reality "star" has yet to figure out reality.

Anonymous said...

The rapid decline of America is happening NOW. We don’t have time to wait for the happy Unicorns to walk in and everything to somehow seem better. What we need now, not later, is a strong, experienced, courageous and decisive leader who rolls up the sleeves and immediately gets to work. You decide.

Anonymous said...

With these two the precise loser is the American people.

Anonymous said...

Trump would have you believe that every person that's trying to cross the border and come to this country for a better life is either a drug dealer or a murderer, or a convict released from prison or from a mental institution. He just throws these things out there with no basis in fact. Add to that his latest schtict, that the immigrants are eating peoples dogs and cats. Give me a break!

It's no different than me saying the average Trump supporter never got past the 10th grade because that's what I heard somewhere on the Internet. It's probably true and even if it's not that's what I heard. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Anonymous said...

3 against one -- unfair democrats as expect Harris gave a good rehearse debate, but she will be a worse president than Biden Trump is right again on that issue,

Anonymous said...

Don't you just hate it when liar's pants don't catch on fire?

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you vote for Bernie. Take off your blue colored glasses. This is not your Dad’s or my parents’ Democrat party. I know they’d be proud of me for realizing that fact.

Anonymous said...

Trump left a lot on the table last night. Price controls she proposed that even the Washington Post panned. Taxing unrealized gains. Bad idea. Most of all the gift Bernie Sanders gave him Sunday on Meet The Press when he admitted that she flipped flopped on her positions because she was saying what she needed to get elected. He looked unprepared and took the bait she laid out. She continues to vague on any of her positions. I think they’re both terrible candidates.

Anonymous said...

I owe my success to be given "Opportunity". I do remember eating government cheese and getting free lunches in school. I was introduced to college by a school field trip. My children are now successful in their own right. I want future generations to have that same opportunity. If we can lift a child/family out of poverty, they become self-sustainable. I will be voting for an "Opportunity Economy".

Anonymous said...

You’re delusional just like Trump who is the most dangerous man in America

Anonymous said...

Thanks 732am. Saved me a lot of typing. But Trump needs to do a Conservative News site. As a MAGA supporter, and CNN hater, I, as well as almost every other one I know, stated CNN was fair, neutral, respectful. Last night was definitely a Biased couple. Trump asked them to question Harris if it's 7, 8 9 months for an abortion in her view and it was met with the next question. Etc. A joke.

Anonymous said...

Democrats promised taxpayer money for student loan forgiveness and couldn’t get it done.

Harris doubled down with $50,000 for businesses, $25,000 for home purchases, and $6,000 for a newborn.

That’s the Democratic Party cycle.

Honestly, I think Trump should just promise every American $100,000 and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

Trump missed a big opportunity! And with mail in voting starting next week, I fear that this could be fatal. Even though Harris is an Obama puppet, Trump getting irate didn't help him. He just had to keep his cool. SHE has nothing but some cut and past Bidenomics, and yet he let her off the hook IMHO. He needed to reiterate (more than in his closing statements) that SHE/BIDEN have had almost 4 years to make changes, and yet, NADA regarding the economy, immigration, spending, Afghanistan, and on and on. SHE was "word salading" him to death, with some zingers that irked him. He started off cool, but then lost focus. SHE threw free money to everyone, but had nothing else to offer. If Trump had constantly pushed her on the fact that Americans are spending $1100.00 more PER MONTH for goods and services, and that has gone on for 4 YEARS!! Do you know how much money that is to the average American?? Of course you do, but he didn't go there until the end when he said SHE/BIDEN had time to make changes. Trump also didn't push her hard on her FLIP FLOPPING on all of her issues. Maybe just fracking. But his delivery left much to be desired, and that was my fear for this debate. He didn't even press on the Bernie Sanders GIFT comments made this week...

Her constant "poor me and my background" mantra was annoying. Diversion. SHE couldn't explain anything, and Trump didn't force her to. I am disappointed and resigned to the fact that taxes WILL go up. Free stuff costs SOMEONE money.

I will be voting for Trump for the 3rd time, and pray for a PA miracle.

Anonymous said...

Spend some time learning more about Socialist, Marxist, and Communist government rule over recent history. Next, consider living under those lifestyles.

Then, consider just reversing America’s current declines, fixing mistakes made by this Democrat administration and shoring up the guardrails against abuse already in place with our nation’s Constitution. I’m quite old, but anyone age 50 and under is looking into an abyss they won’t easily escape if we are forced down the current path.

Anonymous said...

Shocking analysis by BOH….who would have ever guessed that would be his take on the debate! Honestly, if you want to see that kind of craziness with utterly predictable results and analysis on both sides, skip any debates and bring back the old Side Show from the Allentown Fair.

Anonymous said...

Vacuous? I'll defer to Trump STILL not having a clue/plan for health care improvements. Notice he is no longer "repealing on day 1" but promising to "make it much better." Also, pet-eating. SMH

Anonymous said...

She has no agenda. That she's sharing

Anonymous said...

Worthless. Wow. I don't say this often but your an idiot. Half of America isn't worthless. He didn't articulate well but his policies far exceed harriss

Anonymous said...

And how is that opportunity working for u now?

A concerned citizen of the Valley said...

Trump supporters seek to "Make America Great Again", according to their hats. I sometimes wonder what year they have in mind when they seek a return to an idealized past when everything was perfect. If it is the 1960's, the top marginal tax rate was 70%. Today it's 37%. Wealth inequality has become so extreme in this country that a very large portion of the country's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. This creates the conditions for instability. I for one have no problem taxing the richest in our society at higher rates, since they have benefitted from the system so handsomely.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Trump is by far the most dangerous politician I've ever encountered, and yes, he is a politician. What bothers me most about him is his complete amorality. He is egotistical and a nonstop liar who embraces dictators while disparaging our closest allies. He somehow has you deluded into believing he helps the working man, when in fact his administration has always done the opposite. I'll agree that my party's obsession with political correctness can be nauseating, but in the end, it has always done more for the working class and seniors. Trump, when President, submitted budgets that actually reduced contributions to subsidized housing, which the Dems fortunately stopped. He tried to kill Obamacare. The only reason he gets away with this is bc he preaches the politics of fear and division. Like all good fascist leaders, he trains you to become fearful of the OTHER with lies like pet-eating . This is what fascists do. It is very easy to be snared by his warnings. It might even be called American, as we have always had a nativist streak (except when it comes to our own natives). He appeals to your dark natures, and we all have them. His "tired old playbook", as Kamala calls it, is used bc it works. But it's morally wrong.

I believe Harris' message is one that appeals to our better selves. No, I do not agree with her on everything, but she is morally grounded and represents stability as opposed to the chaos Trump brought and continues to bring. I believe her message will resonate better with people in the middle.

Whether it does is a great test for us as a people. I know what kind of person Trump is. But what kind of people are we? Are we the gangs that invaded the capitol or that rioted in the streets of NYC during the Civil War and lynched black people? Are we going to fall under the sway of a fascist? We might. I pray we are better.

Anonymous said...

Complete Bullshit by you -- No wonder you were disbarred

Anonymous said...

Harris has no plan because her policies suck vote for and if she wins our we in trouble.

Anonymous said...

He's so dangerous, we should continue with the administration that is funding two wars? That's why you, Putin, and Dick "I never saw a war I didn't like" Cheney agree with you. I reregistered last year as an Independent on the endless wars issue. The numbers you've cited re: registration trends indicate I have a lot of company. I voted for Carter and I'll vote for the only never-war candidate since Carter. Dems lost me on the war business. I'll always vote for peace candidates, as Dems used to do. Weird world.

hoofty said...

Can someone help me? After listening to Donald Trumpet last night I am concerned about my animals. Can anyone tell me ....do white cat's taste different than black cats? Do they taste like chicken? Donald left me hanging. I'm really concerned about someone breaking into my house and stealing my cats.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, you must believe the Trump Tax Cuts didn’t help the average working families. The additional money we all, including you, me, and every other Social Security and other pensioners benefited from will be eliminated if Harris is elected. In my household, that amounts to losing about $4500 per year more in purchasing power. Nice, huh?

Anonymous said...

she never answered ONE question! And she had a wireless transmitter in her pearl earing...

Anonymous said...

Appreciate your acknowledging your opinion vs pundits. Although, as a blogger, you're essentially a pundit. Per the NYT, however: "Pundits Say Harris Won The Debate. Undecided Voters Weren't So Sure." Not good for Harris.

Anonymous said...

What policy...he's crazy...oh and too old

Anonymous said...

They are back to 2017 levels for the middle a d lower class

Anonymous said...

She performed the classic
Although to be fair my 7 year old grandson probably could have pulled it off.
He's an a angry old man with no intellect

Anonymous said...

What policies did Trump discuss? He was asked POINT BLANK: How would you deport 11M+ illegals? Go back and watch his response. He's got ZERO credibility. He is just bashing our country in hopes to grift grift grift some more.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Trump represents hatred of the OTHER, be it immigrants, Democrats or anyone who disagrees with him.

Anonymous said...


The top 5-10% of all wage earners are now paying 70% of ALL income taxes collected from citizens. Our nation has now passed into new territory. Roughly 50% of all persons living here are now takers, not makers, of tax revenue income to our nation’s operating budget.

Anonymous said...

Bernie all you do is gaslight your left-wing democratic friends on this blog the bottom line is if Harris becomes president we will be screwed on every issue and if we are not a third world l soon be one.

Anonymous said...

Attempting to stay out of prison!

Anonymous said...

Did someone eat your cat or dog? Did you see it on TV? Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Wireless transmitter! I love it. Trump couldn't have been beaten fair and square. You always have some phony excuse. It was the moderators.
It was this and it was that! Wah wah wah. MAGA is a pathetic laughingstock. Wasn't Trump picked by GOD Himself?! Haha. He's just a pretender.

Trump isn't a felon, the Democrats weaponized DOJ!
Trump didn't lose the 2020 election, it was rigged!
Trump didn't stain the nation on JAN6, it was Nancy Pelosi!
Trump didn't call dead soldiers "suckers", it was a four-star general lying!
Trump didn't bumble his way through COVID, it was libruls fault!

Trump will lose again badly, and MAGA is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Trump represents someone who doesn’t take any bullshit. When mistreated, Trump fights back. He calls out the nonsense, reveals the truth as he knows it, and confronts his foe face to face. I like all of that! That’s courage, that’s leadership.

Anonymous said...

What kind of car do you drive? Do you live in a house or an apartment? How big is your TV?

Anonymous said...

Are we going to fall under the sway of a fascist? We might. I pray we are better.

Wouldn't a fascist try to jail their political opponent? Not listen to the supreme court when they say you can't forgive student loan debt and do it anyway? How about making you take a jab even pregnant women? take it or lose your job. Sounds pretty fascist to me. Or how about taxing you on unrealized gains? You are a dope and have TDS and we all know it. If Harris is so morally grounded why hasn't she acknowledged the gold star families of the heroes that died at Abbey Gate? I'll wait for your response

Bernie O'Hare said...

1:33, That's because, unlike Trump, she is not going to use veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice as props to boost her candidacy the way he did in violation of federal law. Also, it is Trump who has disparaged ythe military repeatedly. According to his former chief of staff, a four-star general, he called soldiers who died in combat "suckers and losers." He disparaged John McCain, who spent years in a Voet POW camp, because he got caught. Trump himself sought five deferments and then was excused from military service bc he supposedly had bone spurs.

As President, Trump did nothing for veterans. This is according military.com. Biden brought the PACT Act, the biggest expansion of veteran benefits in a generation. Trump brought turmoil at the VA. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/07/03/heres-what-biden-and-trump-actually-did-veterans-president.html

But he did create the SPACE Force, lol.

Anonymous said...

As for the Trump statement that neighborhood invaders are eating local cats and dogs, I watched several eyewitness videos of people living in Springfield and nearby Dayton, OH claiming exactly that. No doubt Trump, or his advisors, watched the same videos. Trump even ended by saying that’s what people close to the incidents are claiming. What would we have Trump do, fly out there and wait to witness such barbarism himself?

Anonymous said...

Bernie you believe everything the democrats tell you no wonder rthey disbarred you

Anonymous said...

You must have missed the parts when Trump explained adding stiff tariffs on goods manufactured outside this country for sale here. Or, maybe missed sitting down with both Putin and Zelensky together in the same room to hash out a non-military settlement. Or, maybe, immediately closing our southern border by Executive Order. Something that could have been done all along by Biden/Harris.

Anonymous said...

Come on, 1:23pm. Get real. Trump is the ultimate bullshit conduit. Courage and leadership are about owning up and setting things right. He lost the election, but he can't admit it, so he sent his henchmen to make fools of themselves in court -- losing 60 times. He said last night that 13 soldiers who died in a bombing in Afghanistan were the worst thing in our nation's history and all the top generals should have been fired, but also... Taliban snipers were killing American troops on his watch, until he showed Abdul a picture of Abdul's house? Haha. The guy is just a yapper. Can't keep is big yapper shut. He's a kid with cookie crumbs all over his mouth trying to tell the American people there were no cookies in the first place.

Anonymous said...

2:01PM... Trump's tariffs have been panned by every reputable economist. It's called protectionism and it's not a strategy for long-term economic success, let alone dominance. Sitting down with Putin and Zelensky? That's not a policy. He didn't say what his actual policy is... which is to stop all military support for Ukraine (i.e. SURRENDER), because it's not good for the world, even if Putin would be happy about it. Trump tanked our border policy, championed by GOP Senator James Lankford. Executive orders are not a durable way to govern. What would Trump do about inflation? What about climate change? What about abortion? Trump's only got tax cuts for the rich... that's it. End of story.

Anonymous said...

Those supposed eyewitness videos are complete BS and not even in Springfield. Hook Line and Sinker on the Internet conspiracies & propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Election cheating in America is very real. Enough to change election results. Especially, down ballot races. There surely WAS widespread cheating during the past 2 elections. It is foolish to think the same, even worse, will not happen again this November.

Anonymous said...

Trump essentially surrendered to Putin. Trump foreign policy involves golf courses.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is Politicians are the scum of our country both of these are scum good solid people do not become politicians

Anonymous said...

First question of the night last night, given to Kamala Harris; “When it comes to the economy, are you better off today than you were 4 years ago.”

First question.

It wasn’t answered by Harris last night, and she wasn’t pressed on the issue.

If you’re looking for a takeaway from last night, start there. It’s the number one issue according to the American voters, Republican and Democrat.

Anonymous said...

@10:28 - *you're an idiot

Anonymous said...

@11:28 it's 'you're' not 'your' genius. You proved 8:07's point exactly. Touché

Chris Casey said...

I absolutely enjoyed reading all the comments here. I have no doubt that whoever wins will have to find Billions to pay for all the demand that will manifest for mental health care. In the meantime, I am placing my order for Donald Trumps' Haitian recipe barbecue sauce for pets, good on either cats or dogs! And if you order now, you will get a pocket size Trump bible and a maga hat with a left ear leaf that dangles like a wounded ear!

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:09, Funding two wars? You apparently have learned no lessons from history. Appeasement does not work. Ask Neville Chamberlain. Ask Winston Churchill.

Anonymous said...

Except Russia invaded the. Crimea under Obama/Biden. Putin went for the whole country of Ukraine under Biden/Harris. He left Ukraine alone when Trump was president. I’m not a Trump guy but this is fact. Biden/Harris have been the worst foreign policy regime in recent history.

Bernie O'Hare said...

1:56, There you go again. You paint "democrats" as the OTHER along with immigrants. I prefer a candidate who will represent all of us.

Bernie O'Hare said...

3:20, It looks like the moderators who supposedly had it in for Trump started the night by firing a tough question to Harris. Trump had the perfect opportunity to respond but blew it.

Anonymous said...

It’s the Oprah election who can promise more free shit lol. Giving 25K will just raise housing costs 25k.

Anonymous said...

I agree. But the moderators fact checked Trump at least 5 times by my count. None for her. They asked about all her flip flops and she never answered. They didn’t press her. I posted above that Bernie Sanders gave Trump a gift on Meet The Press Sunday. He didn’t use it. Her values haven’t changed she is far left, but like Bernie Sanders says she has to lie and flip flop about her past. The best was she went from Mandatory gun buy backs to now I’m a pro second amendment gun owner LOL.

Anonymous said...

Stupid republicans. This Harris is dangerous but you insisted on nominating Trump instead of Haley. Harris was a committed socialist, now she sounds like a moderate Republican lol. The media adores her. She’s going to win, and if she gets the Congress it’s going to be bye bye filibuster, pack the court. PR and DC statehood. Taxes on unrealized gains. Price controls. All bad far left ideas.

Anonymous said...

We are still pushing the suckers and losers hoax? Bernie that came out in the Atlantic a left wing rag and you know it. John Mccain thank you for your service but he was involved in the fake Russia dossier and pushed it. So sorry if Trump didn't like him. Those families asked Trump to come and here is the receipt below. Lastly, Deferments???? Biden got them too and you voted for him so I want a post about that and maybe you can add how he called them stupid bastards. All receipts below.




Anonymous said...

Bernie, are you satisfied with Kamala’s response to that first question?

Are you satisfied with the moderators not pressing her on the issue?

Anonymous said...

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984

Anonymous said...

He stated Obama care here to stay unless find better and cheaper. Kamala doesn't have a plan. With economy issues. Immigration issues, national debt concerns and on the brink of a WW Obama care is seriously low on the priority list.

Anonymous said...

Key issue. We disagree on who is the fascist party however. We disagree on who is the threat to our democracy. How do we solve that?

Anonymous said...

Harris was successful on four fronts. She excels as memorizing lines. She excels at still not sharing policy to pay for anything except the rich will pay. She excels at not answering policy questions. And she excels at going after her opponent quite viciously with lies and things she knew would get under Trump's skin. All staged. It all worked. Trump certainly did not ignore her and of course that was his downfall in this debate. Considering the years of lies and attacks I get it but unfortunately he should have ignored her. Michelle Obama said when they go low we go high. Harris went low all night. Disgusting display of what's happening in our country

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. I will add, from the perspective of national security and local American public safety, the best choice for President is clearly Trump.

I think you realize due to the Biden/Harris massive failures on border security, we now have Mexican Drug Cartels taking root throughout our southern states. We also are experiencing attacks by Venezuela’s most violent gang in Aurora, Colorado and parts of California.

Given a choice between Trump or Harris, who better to take on these small invading armies who are injuring and killing our American citizens? Raping our children, and robbing our stores? Who is more likely to track these animals down where they hide and get them out of our country?

The answer is rather obvious, I’d say.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Her voice is annoying; almost as if her vocal cords have endured years of constant stretching by a cylindrical object.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, the Biden Administration, warmongers in Congress, and our military/industrial complex are pushing Ukraine closer into Russia to a level likely to cause a serious response from Russia against those helping to make this happen. This could provoke a nuclear attack against America by Russia or one of its proxies like Iran. At that point, the dam breaks and all the Trump hating becomes meaningless to thousands of American families who lose loved ones.

Anonymous said...

I find it very amusing that some people here resent the moderators fact-checking of Trump but not Harris.

Fact-checking is only needed for people who unleash a torrent of lies. Trump does and did. Harris doesn't and didn't.

Anonymous said...

The tariffs are a temporary, effective means to stop the bleeding and to rebuild American manufacturing on a more level playing field. A defeat of Russia is NOT happening without American funding and weaponry. Thus, it is America as the enemy who will pay the price of poking the bear.

The border policy rejected did NOT fix the leaking border. It would have made it worse.

On inflation, Trump did state he plans to solve that by making the prices we pay for gas, oil, etc. much cheaper as those items make everything else more expensive.

Climate change? NO human working alone, or as a nation will ever stop climate change in any significant manner. Such a notion is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

3:44 - Thank you. Too many in our CONgress believe wars (killing people) are too good for business to pass up. Explain that to those on both sides who lose Sons and Daughters. We sure couldn’t do it, could we?

Anonymous said...

You nailed it, 4:10! But, even Haley had some major flaws to deal with. All things considered, I’m pleased the most experienced candidate was selected to possibly overcome the cheat.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, thank you for turning off your usual censorship button today. I made several posts in what became a much more lively discussion than some. Hopefully, more educational, too!

Anonymous said...

Harris is a leader a leader of failing policies last person in the room she brags worse military failure of all time.

Anonymous said...

Dear heavens. A spell check issue. Sounds like you're a Harris fan. Rip everyone apart ignore the message.

Anonymous said...

Trump unleashed 5000 Taliban terrorist on the Afghan security forces. Trump drew down our troops to perilous levels. He negotiated a withdrawal date certain. Trump excluded our military from the planning. He invited a terror leader to Camp David.

Anonymous said...

You're funny!

Bernie O'Hare said...

6:22, When I see a comment like this, I think about my own reaction to the voices of some women. I can't say this is true of you, but in my case, I think that sometimes my reaction has a lot more to do with the fact that the voice belongs to a woman than the actual voice. Yes, this is sexism on my part.

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:24, This is a post about a Presidential debate and I'll be happy to post pro-Trump or anti-Harris comments, much as I disagree with them. When I refuse to publish a comment, it is almost always bc it is OT. Most of my posts have nothing to do with the parties or the various candidates, but some people inject it into everything. Those are OT comments and I won't post them. Here I want to hear from Trump followers and try to engage them. I do not consider you evil or terrible persons, even though many of you have cast all Democrats in such a way. I have no problem with conservative values and have some conservative values myself. But I hope you folks eventually realize that your standard bearer is fundamentally flawed as a person and as a President. I do not consider him strong, but weak. I have seen people like him my entire life. He is a bully.

Anonymous said...

Trump appeared to be unable to focus his thoughts and attention.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have to say. I wonder how many times Harris said. "Understand". Did anyone else notice that???

Anonymous said...

When was the last time Tump had a cognitive test? It looks like elderly abuse for his campaign to put him out there unable to answer any questions with verifiable facts. He clearly lost the debate but professed he won a belt buckle. Hard to believe was his best performance ever. His words, not mine.

Anonymous said...

7:24 here. I have studied Donald Trump and his career for more than 50 years. I’ve watched him respond to very many different circumstances that involve his interests.

Donald Trump is NOT a bully by my definition. I see Donald Trump as a COUNTERPUNCHER. If he believes someone attacks him (throws a punch, so to speak) Donald Trump punches back hard. He never runs from a bully, he faces the threat directly and forcefully. I admire him for this and try to live my life the same way.

Actual bullies don’t like that. They move on to an easier mark every time.

Anonymous said...

It's not a spellcheck issue but rather it's proper use of grammar and the general point that the vast majority of Trump supporters are just uneducated tools.

Anonymous said...

fear of socialism and scapegoating “the other” are how fascists take power. presidential immunity sets the stage for a truly imperial presidency. it won’t make us better, just as mussolini and hitler didn’t make their countries better. same old song. when you won’t accept losing you are a disgrace to the best part of the USA.

Anonymous said...

8:19: if you truly feel this way, please seek therapy immediately. I feel sorry for your family if this is how you live your life. Sad.