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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, August 09, 2024

UPDATED: AP Reporting That RFK Jr's Petition For Ballot Access in Pa is Under Challenge

According to AP, a legal challenge has been filed to keep Robert F Kennedy Jr off the ballot in this year's Presidential race. Although I've yet to see the objections on the Commonwealth Court website, they are based on "ineligible signatures and defects." 

I do know this. No bear will be supporting Kennedy. 

9:30 AM UPDATE: Here is a link to the actual challenge filed in Commonwealth Court. 


Anonymous said...

The democrat hierarchy wants him off. The process of nominating a candidate was fixed and should not have been done in that manner. I fear both parties are as bad as each other. The corporate oligarchy rules both.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least he's honest. That's more than you can say for Don the Con, kneepads harris and stolen valor tiny tim

Anonymous said...

I hope RFK Jr. Is kept off the ballot. Our elections are serious business, not a clown show for a self-promoting vaccine denier who thinks its funny to do prank with the body of a dead animal. Keep in mind RFK Jr. Was 60 years old when he dumped a dead bear cub in Central Park, not a teenager.

Anonymous said...

The American Psychiatristy Association has just identified a weaker strain of TDS, which has been identified as RFKDS, This subset has been diagnosed in numerous patients previously diagnosed as White Dudes for Harris, and Tampon Tim addicts. How weird....

Anonymous said...

The Dems are deathly afraid of having Kennedy on a ballot. While he will pull some votes away from Trump- just because, what he does do is pull away more potential votes for Dems. Given the low ceiling for Trump on who is willing to vote for him given his personality and past conduct, that is enough of a margin to give him a decent chance to win PA.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Actually I think RFK will draw voters who would otherwise vote for Trump.

Anonymous said...

This makes for a very interesting evidentiary hearing.

Anonymous said...

He got the CoViD hoax vax right. It didn't help at all, is continuing to harm, and nobody is studying its deadly consequences. He's been wrong on actual vaccines, though (you know, ones that are real working vaccines like mumps and rubella). Most of his positions are leftist to leftist-socialist. He'll pull from the other socialist in the race. That's Harris and the tampons-for-boys guy who lied about his service. Dems need RFKJr gone.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

I'm a coin toss between RFK Jr. and Chase Oliver (Libertarian). I'll never vote for the Democrat candidate for president unless they can clone HST or maybe JFK. The Republicans need to get back to John McCain type politicians for their lead candidate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

An evidentiary hearing on this would be most interesting.

Anonymous said...

60 is the new 16!

Anonymous said...

10:46. Your ignorance is showing. To make a statement as blatantly inaccurate as the Covid vax "didn't help at all" gives you zero credibility.

Anonymous said...

Democrats stand for Democracy That's what they tell you

Anonymous said...

Covid shots helped Biden get Covid three times. They worked great!

That anyone is still claiming they were at all effective is simply denying readily available government data. This also a poster who likely still wears a dirty mask. Alone. In a car. The shots did ZERO. Don't believe me. Check CDC and DOH. RFKJr nailed this.