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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

My Brother Uses Musikfest For Bible Reading Marathon

As some of you may know, I have a brother named Mike. He's nothing like me. For one thing, he's a Republican. Worse, he tries to help get Republicans elected. Even Trump. My favorite restaurant, Pho Bowl, is close to where he lives. Not long ago, after dinner there, I decided to prank him by stealing all of the Trump signs from his lawn. I did so and then called him.

"Those are my neighbor's signs," he said. 

I quickly put them back.

"I'm calling the cops anyway."

That's his dry humor. 

I think.

We're nothing alike. I can be loquacious while he is laconic. He is mechanically inclined while it takes me three hours to change a light bulb. And he is deeply committed to his religious beliefs while I, like most good Catholics, studiously avoid church. 

I called Mike yesterday to ask him to check out a used car once I decide to buy one. He said he'd be happy to do so, but not this week because he's involved in a bible reading marathon outside of Musikfest. 

"Say what?"

"Yeah, we're reading the entire Bible at Johnston Park. Lesle [Mike's wife] is there now."    

"The entire Bible?"

"All 66 books. Why not come down and listen for a bit?"

"Mike, I know how it ends, but I won't spoil it for you." 


Anonymous said...

We would all do well to spend some time daily in God's Word.

Anonymous said...

Your brother is a lot smarter than you.

Anonymous said...

The surest way not to believe the Bible is to read it. That’s why they never taught from it in Catholic school. I am glad he’s doing a public service so people know what tripe it is. Good man. Still, it’s so boring that no one will listen and instead keep on virtue signaling.

Anonymous said...

"I know how it ends, I won't spoil it for you."

He probably said the same thing to you about the Biden administration.

Anonymous said...

You could learn a lot from him.

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons why the United States is considered an undeveloped country among other, more educated and technologically advanced countries is the inability for our citizens to comprehend how basic science works. Sure, we can memorize sports statistics and idolize athletes and celebrities, but after the thousand plus real-life experiences we’ve had with COVID, and even after having family members permanently disabled or even killed by the virus, some of us, specifically MAGA supporters, continue to refute the proven advantages to the COVID vaccine. What frustrates me the most about it is that the vaccine is NOT about you as an individual. It’s about entire communities taking the vaccine protective barrier against our elderly, immunocompromised and younger population. But MAGA can’t help themselves but have a selfish, uneducated opinion about a vaccine propagated by LIES, and as result, thousands of lives were lost because of it. Unreal.

Anonymous said...

I have much pity for your brother growing up with you Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Organized religion is nothing but a money grabbing scam.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your brother is a really good guy and you have a good relationship. Glad to hear it.

Anonymous said...

I see the family resemblance but the similarities apparently stop there. Perhaps listen to him, Bernie. Reading the word of God is never a bad thing. The fact that you still don’t apparently get that is a concern but not unexpected.

Anonymous said...

And better looking !

Bernie O'Hare said...

My brother is a much nicer person than I am, I have to agree. I have seen him go out of his way to help others over the years, and that includes helping me. I am surprised by his accuracy when he attends Bethlehem City meetings. He does not make the mistake of just condemning the city council and mayor, but actually is often complimentary in his assessments. For example, he observed after a lengthy Reynolds' speech concerning the garage that it was an excellent presentation, and he could see why Willie was a teacher. He said it was long but had to be long. Now I don't think he shares many of Willie's views, but he listens and tries to see things from their points of view. But he's also a pretty good bullshit detector. Overall, I'd say he might actually be a better observer than I am, but I am prettier.

Anonymous said...

Hey, try working with him at a full-time job!

Anonymous said...

Anout your bro: Everybody has a public side and a private side; and everybody has a side that hardly anyone sees.

Anonymous said...

Not many share Willie's over obnoxiously loud views!

Anonymous said...

Seems like a nice guy. Maybe you should listen to him more lol.

Anonymous said...

Go back to la-la land.

Anonymous said...

"One of the reasons why the United States is considered an undeveloped country among other, more educated and technologically advanced countries"

Stfu, poser

Anonymous said...

One day people will wake up and realize the Bible is just a book of fairy tales. We'll all be much better off when that happens.

Anonymous said...

Mike is a class act & recognizes the need for balanced government. Bethlehem is an autocratic control driven left wing administration with a complicit City Council.

That frustrates Mike & others in the city. Traditional Dem voters don’t have a clue that their leaders do not represent their values & have captured their party.

Republicans in Bethlehem are not a factor and AWOL!!

Anonymous said...

Faith is choosing to believe something which can't be proven.

The Bible is a great book of stories collected by men all over the Middle East. Men collected the stories, edited the stories, and then decided which stories to compile into a book.

Again, men collected the stories, men edited the stories, men published the stories.

Where does a "god" come into the process? - and if he was part of the process, why were women so ignored? Don't women matter?

Believe what you want. I see humans acting like humans and you see a Divine Plan.

Anonymous said...

Willie who?

Anonymous said...

Willie? Who’s Willie?

Anonymous said...

Willie. Wee Willie as some say. He talks very loud and is very obnoxious. That Willie.