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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, August 12, 2024

Why Trump is a Bad Choice

Though I'm a Democrat, I've often voted for Republicans. I've voted for them even when I disagreed with most of their policy positions. The reason? In my view, the character of a candidate for public office means a lot more than his views on the issues. In Trump's case, he has none. People, especially uncommitted voters, are beginning to see this. The latest polling bears this out.

There are those who will say they don't like him but will vote for him because they agree with his policies. I'll spare you his numerous flip flops because I think he's got no moral character.

A British writer at London Daily sums it up succinctly by observing "he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace." He adds that this bully also happens to be a "a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness."

Even now, Trump is more focused on the size of his crowds than in the number of votes he will get. Sure, he will still get votes from his cult, but it will stop there. 


Anonymous said...

Bernie, please encourage me to believe that you have some common sense and don't think that Kamala is a good choice.

Anonymous said...

Your choice Harris and the Fraud will destroy what left of the country when your other choice Biden is done.

Anonymous said...

Sure Bernie Harris and Walz sure have a lot of Character.

Anonymous said...

Harris character will lead this country to destruction her liberal philosophy is sick. The most left-wing radical president and vice president candidates in history --they want to make this country socialistic nation and eventually a communistic country

Anonymous said...

We can’t go on like this. The present administration is a dismal failure and that’s what it will continue to be. Truth is we don’t have great candidates on board to select from. The big picture is our national security is at risk. That means we could be at war and were unprepared for one. War would fix a lot of things unfortunately that’s not the best way.

Anonymous said...

Trump's the only choice.

You've believed every lie they spun up on the man.You attack his integrity and his character but ignore the policies and his oppositions short comings.

You've been a victim of military grade propaganda to hate a man you've never met.

Stop falling for it and realize he is literally the only option. His opponents are literally carrying water for the people cheering on a Maoist revolution in this country. Thats not hyperbole, its fact.

Or - you can become MAGA. You can admit that this isnt the best version of America. That we should be more focused on what goes on in our country and have less involvement in forever wars overseas. You can realize that we will never be GREAT AGAIN if we have to rely on CHINA to make all our goods.
You can admit that you got COVID wrong. It was a virus funded and made with US tax dollars. That the vaccine was experimental and DID have adverse side effects on millions.

You can admit that the democrats have a shit platform that focuses on giving drug addicts clean needles, DEI, Reducing carbon (people), redistributing wealth, and starting wars (IRAN is next if you let them keep at it.

The last 4 years were a dumpster fire. Have some humility, admit that you guys got it wrong, and give DJT a chance - no matter how much you have been brainwashed to hate him.

Anonymous said...

Trump is too old. He should drop out now !

Anonymous said...

Cue the MAGA victimhood. Let the MAGA Mania roll.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm . . . my choice looks like this.

Four more years of Donald Trump and Make America Great, or four years of Harris/Walz and their Marxist/Communist visions for my family.

Anonymous said...

The old orange menace is gonna get trounced in November. His big beautiful meltdowns in public and on social media prove he knows it. Harris will wipe the floor with his fat orange ass at the debate(s) and he'll blow a gasket on live TV.

Anonymous said...

So, apparently, Trump would run the country like the business it actually is; devoid of all the touchy, feeley, emotional ways you and many other woke cretins would prefer. That, in your opinion, is just wierd. Gotcha!

Anonymous said...

Please explain why Kamala is the best choice? She has done nothing in her 4 years as vice president; so why should i vote for her, because she laughs a lot?

Anonymous said...

Flipflops you say...?
What Politician would be seen without them?


Anonymous said...

You ever served in the military, Bernie?

Anonymous said...

So you would vote for a "woman" wgo got where she is on her knees with a vp who has stolen valor. That shows your moral courage. For the record tRUMP is a felon, womanizer and a con. I won't vote for either one. If this is the best we can do, we as a nation have already lost.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, your assessment of Donald Trump is right on. I have voted for middle of the road candidates not because I agreed with all their positions on issues but I did like their character. I as a Republican cannot ever vote for a man who outright admits that he will be a dictator (even for only one day). The list is too long on why we shouldn't ever vote for Donald Trump, and I hope and pray he is never elected. Take the time to look at your choice for President and then vote your conscience.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to be unbudened by what has been. 3 1/2 years of open borders, unaffordable gas, groceries, energy prices are not sustainable going forward for the average citizen just trying to make ends meet. I hate the Biden Administration choosing foreign nationals over citizens and criminals over law enforcement. My vote is not a Valentine professing my love for any candidate. I look at it as a chess move for the world I want to live in, and for my children and future grandchildren to live in. Bring back a strong military and energy dominance. Harris would be a disastrous Commander-In-Chief. I won't be voting for someone who won't even answer questions from the press, but simply reads pre-scripted remarks written for her by her staff. Her constant cackling shows she's not a serious human being. But I do love her gold Tiffany jewelry especially in all her ads where she's asking for money. Now that's real class!

Anonymous said...

You are really amazing. you mention flip flops and Trump but have nothing on the amount of flip flops Harris has and now she is stealing Trumps no tax on tips. If he is so bad why is she stealing his platform. Where is your article on the stolen valor of Tim Walz? You even look into it and the comments he has made over the years? Bet you haven't. Maybe spend less time quoting the London times and check out his C-Span interviews. The TDS is strong with you

Anonymous said...

Lol. Well, there's that whole HE NEVER STARTED A WAR thing. Remember when you and your party were anti-war? Remember Cindy Sheehan? Remember protesting in front of the Bush White House? Remember LEPOCO? Now, you're backing the war party and you were a stenographer for the evil Ukraine thugs, as if they're any worse than the communist Russian thugs. But the Military industrial Complex thanks you for your service. Is there any issue more important than war and peace and our 19-year old's' lives? To you, there is, apparently. War war war. You love wars you'll never fight in. It's like living on the dole and complaining about others' contributions.

Anonymous said...

We need a Monarch, Trump will pass the torch to Barron who has been IQ tested at 178 and is 6'6" once he fills out he will combine brains and brawn in such unparalleled manner that he will be the ideal leader for a new master race a program to be spearheaded by Nick Fuentes and Stephen Miller. let the purification begin

Anonymous said...

Kamala is a worse choice By far.

Anonymous said...

yes we will take final word on Trump from some brit sure Bernie--You want to saddle this country with high character Kamala and extremely high character Walz-lies about army days and want you to snitch on your neighbor--sur Bernie

Anonymous said...

Bernie Tell us any politician in this country who has high character

Anonymous said...

Give DJT a chance? He had his chance and was fired after 4 years of incompetence. No second chances for your convicted felon.

Anonymous said...

tRump for Jail, 10+ Years!

Anonymous said...

This your candidate? Trump is on trial. Not America. Not the judges. Not the prosecutors. Trump. He’s spent a lifetime committing fraud (university, foundation, organization all settled or were convicted of fraud cases). His casino settled a money laundering case. He’s cheated on all 3 of his wives.

Anonymous said...

Bernie can you tell us why Iran, Russia and China all want Kamala to win? Are you on their side Bernie you must because you hate Trump more than you hate them.

Anonymous said...

Bernie you run the best fake blog in the nation.

Anonymous said...

2:15am- I hope so, Trish.

Anonymous said...

Now you want us to listen to a foreign person -Bernie you are anti American.

Anonymous said...

How anyone would not care about policy blows my mind. With the world in such volatile times and our country in trouble policy should be all that matters! I want a strong leader not "joy". Give me a break!! How do you measure character? A man whose children love him? Wife loves him? Grandchildren adore him? A man who gives up the comfort of life to run for president and try to make it better? A man who did just that as president? A man who has been attacked from the day he said he would run and relentless attacks but who keeps running because he loves our country? A man who stands for something! A man who cares about those killed by illegals ! A man who doesn't mince words because he believes in our country? A man who is capable of standing up to world leaders who wish us harm? I simply don't understand people not seeing how the news has brainwashed half of our country

Anonymous said...

5:45am- Was already gave Dementia Don-old a chance, and he was a dismal failure, who eventually tried to steal an election and nominated three insane Supreme Court Justices. The "Dumpster Fire" in the last four years has come from the Supreme Court, not the Biden Administration.

While Kamala Harris is pulling in Taylor Swift-like crowds, your cult leader is talking about Hannibal Lector, pooping in his diaper and mumbling incoherently about Biden, who thankfully dropped out.

You're the one who's brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

8:13- do a little research before you spew lies . Governor Walz has no stolen valor. That's a fable from the MAGA cult drummed up by Fox News and TFG.

I could paste dozens of articles proving you and your other minions on this blog wrong, but you're to brainwashed and/or STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! BTW, I just quoted Trump at one of his rallies about Harris, so don't get your panties in a bunch by calling you and other MAGA very, very stupid. "I have the best, biggest words".

Anonymous said...

Kamala if elected will flip back to her liberal left position and then you voters will get what you voted for.

fletch said...

@ 9:28...

Of the top of my head, I'd say these...in no particular order...

1) President Barack Obama
2) President Jimmy Carter
3) Senator John McCain
4) Governor Mitt Romney
5) Senator Hillary Clinton
6) Senator Elizabeth Warren
7) Congressman Adam Kinzenger
8) Governor Chris Christie
9) Governor John Kasich
10) Senator Susan Collins

Runner up: Vice President Al Gore

If I thought longer, I could post a few dozen more.

Anonymous said...

There is no spinning VP Harris's lack of qualification to be VP, let alone become Most Powerful Leader in the World. The Dems chose Joe Biden to be their leader 'to save Democracy', then pulled the rug out from under him and annointed Harris as their candidate without a primary. You can't make that stuff up, WE (the Democrats) will ‘Save Democracy’ by not holding an election?
To say Trump has no character only shows you follow the MSM. Listen to the many people who he helps with no fanfare. He donated his 'salary' as President. Is he crude? Sure. Is he polished? Obviously not. Does he cater to the special interests? Doesn’t look like it.
His four years, COVID aside, brought economic prosperity to most everyone. Higher wages, more jobs, job security, more money in our pockets. I know noone who complained about the economy that Trump put in place. We all benefitted. Its just the Democrats can't stand when a billionaire succeeds, and they pit us commoners against them. Its shameful. No question who will make America prosper with my vote this fall.

Anonymous said...

Fire power and two carriers enroute to Middle East as I write this. Never had wars under Trump. Kamala and Walz will destroy this country.

Anonymous said...

Notice he was only attacked when he announced he would run for reelection. Also, all democrat DA's, judges which makes it political. Why wasn't he charged with anything for the years he got into politics if he is such a lawbreaker? Cheating on his wives? I am not dating the guy and we don't want to get into Clinton so bad talking point.

Anonymous said...

Awesome and dead on description from the reporter about our former prez, the Anti-Truth . Knew it would bring out the screed of nonsense from the cult. The reactions from facts and truth are like throwing holy water on vampires.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a narcissist asshole. He speaks before he thinks. And yet, I voted for him 2 x and will again. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T KEEP GIVING FREE THINGS AWAY!!! The Dems want everyone else to pay for the 50% who won't get off their asses and get a job. the 50% who are leeches of the system. The 50% who cannot cover the tax base needed without the business owners. WHO exactly is going to pay for the BIDEN/HARRIS/WALZ FREEBIE PLANS??? My God, they want bigger govt. More IRS. More taxes. More more more, and we (the real workers of our nation) get less, less, less. This doesn't even address inflation, oil/gas and "green energy" mistakes, immigrants, war in the middle east. Harris has done nothing.... nothing... and if you think she has proven herself behind lame duck Biden, I await your reply.
Trump is an embarrasement, but he will get my vote. I cannot afford Biden/Harris/Walz free giveaways.....

Anonymous said...

Bernie has served his Country in the Army Reserve. I served with him as an Artilleryman on M109 howitzers.

Anonymous said...

I love #DJT'S mass deportation proposal but realistically ICE and the INS can't handle that volume hence the need to mobilize militias like the %3ers, KeyStone Kommandos, Uhuru Bois, Wolverine Watchmen etc. deputize these patriots and give them the authority to assist in the roundup putting a bounty on each illegal incentives will make it go faster.

Anonymous said...

So easy to spot the comments from hardcore Democrats. They are devoid of any meaningful substance, little logic and understanding of what’s actually being done to our nation and by who. Baseless accusations, lies, and of course, juvenile name-calling. All the while, our futures are being destroyed, our cities being bankrupted, our Constitution ignored, and our culture corrupted.

Anonymous said...

When Trump claims this election is our last chance to save America, I believe him! Many more citizens must wake-up to this reality. Just think it through beyond today’s stupid political games and you’ll know Trump is right!

Anonymous said...

Besides lies, conspiracy theories and hate and even more lies, what exactly does Trump have to offer?

Anonymous said...

Remember when Trump was POTUS and we had a worldwide emergency and more than one million Americans died, the economy crashed, and no one could buy toilet paper?

Anonymous said...

Bernie, imagine a world where poor white people (MAGA) are attempting to sway you from voting for REAL working class politicians (Kamala and Walz) because they’ve bought into the imaginary border crisis, and are bootlicking for billionaires who don’t give a shit about them, and the worst case scenario by voting blue this November is that they save social security and uphold affordable healthcare. That poor white people need to survive. The cognitive dissonance is mind blowing.

Anonymous said...

Seriously dude, shut all the way the fuck up already. Of course he’s voting for Kamala and Walz, and so is millions of other real patriots. MAGA is officially dead, and you white supremacist can finally only watch Trump in one of his golf courses, if you can get in, you broke fuck tards. Fuck off and die slow.

Anonymous said...

So you like the 9 trillion dollar debt your boy ran up? You like the Republican way ? Health insurance? None. Too bad just die. The hedge fund class needs their taxes cut even more. Let me guess. You’re also a Christian.

Anonymous said...

My household and family was in better fiscal shape under Trump. By country was safer under Trump. The world was less fractured and tumultuous under Trump.

My high school football coach was obnoxious and abrasive. I didn’t like him 40 years ago.

But he produced champions and winning records.

I’m voting for my children’s future now. I’m voting for my sons who face economic uncertainty and an increasingly violent American society and world. I’m voting to protect them from the illegality and drug crises that followed 10-15 million illegal migrants across the border.

I’m voting with hopes that someday they might be able to afford their own home in a market currently out of control, or to be able to buy a $10 cheeseburger again, or maybe a sub $2.25 gallon of gas.

Trump is the better choice based upon results. His words and attitude don’t affect me.

Anonymous said...

Yall just making shit up at this point.

Anonymous said...

You’re the one that has been brainwashed. You’re in a cult.

Anonymous said...

No she isn’t. She’s actually the perfect choice. A failed reality TV show star isn’t a good choice for a president. You’re just a racist misogynist that wants to uphold white supremacy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's piss poor view and insult to our military. The best in the world. You have a lot of god damn nerve

Anonymous said...

Yeah, look up trumps business record. Lol. The only successful business he ran was selling people the crap hats and flags.

Anonymous said...

I like trumps gold toilet. You might want to take that argument out of your arsenal

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, I might not agree with what he says, but as you stated we were much better under President Trump

Anonymous said...

Total bullshit,

Anonymous said...

You mean like
Meal Team 6
The Gravy Seals

Anonymous said...

Makes sense blame him for the pandemic lol

Anonymous said...

A much better economy, groceries we can afford, cheaper gasoline. Secure border

Anonymous said...

Hes doing it
To stay out of jail
To enrich himself
And reward the corporations and 1%
Your taxes will be back to 2017 levels this year because they expire but not for the wealthy. And of course that doesn't matter to you because you make millions a year.

Anonymous said...

Maybe true but he still has my vote we can’t afford 4 more years of free give aways

Anonymous said...

Only maybe 2 or 3 from that list

Anonymous said...

He announced he was running immediately after the election. He formalized it a few days after the first charges were filed. The justice department cant ignore laws because he is on a crime spree.

Anonymous said...

So, we see the DNC email arrived with the talking points for today. good soldier Bernie.

Anonymous said...

At least my choice did something. What has yours done?

Anonymous said...

1:59 you are 100% correct anyone who votes for Harris is a complete idiot.

Anonymous said...

Anti- Trump people look at Harris and the fraud no comparison those 2 are pathic a no nothing and a clown.

Anonymous said...

I think comments from people like this wishing harm should not be allowed. And it's all Democrats btw

Anonymous said...

This a picture of a true Democrat and what this will look like is Harris wins

Anonymous said...

Biden was a dictator on day one. Executive orders

Anonymous said...

His felony convictions affect me. He is a lifelong cheat. You MAGAS are endorsing a convicted criminal.

Anonymous said...

Your orange crush is the guy who loves the dictators of those countries. He even boasts about love letters from his lil' loverboy Kim.

Anonymous said...

If you're referring to Don the Fat Ass Con Trump, that's some funny shit you're peddling right there. Orange Julius is devoid of character.

Anonymous said...

4:09 1st of all he was convicted in a kangaroo court by all left wing radical democrats. 2nd it will be overturned--so I can't wait till you people eat your words.

Anonymous said...

Harris wants to make America California. No thanks! I really can’t stand Trump, but his policies are better. Remember, no wars with Trump. It’s a tough one. Stupid republicans, if they nominated Haley she’d win in a landslide.

Anonymous said...

That comment sums up the party and people that are a part of it. Angry radical cowards. It should not be allowed on here.

Anonymous said...

Despite what Bernie says it's about policy. The decision is very clear if you look at policy. Policy ends with a result. One you like or you don't. It's so clear. Are you in favor of open borders? Do you want to pay more to support give aways to even non citizens? Do you want your children to be safe? Do you want a strong military? Do you want prices to go down? Do you want to pay less taxes? Do you want our country to be independent and not dependant on others. Do you want the American dream? Do you want the world to look to us as a leader? Do you want a press that at least attempts to get Harris policy thoughts before they crown her queen???

Anonymous said...

Best comment on here.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama LOL.

Anonymous said...

She’ll be the first DEI president yall

Anonymous said...

Why are you citing a British source that’s……weird.

Anonymous said...

Those of you worried about Social Security. Maybe if the Biden/Harris administration wasn’t allowing billions in frauds it wouldn’t be so under funded.


fletch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So Biden has been mentally incompetent since 2020 campaign in the basement , Harris went along with the lie and Trump is a cheat? Wake up!

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris TV adds touting her time spent as a prosecutor. She is the most overtly anti law enforcement Presidential candidate in this nations history.

She is a Defund the Police and Black Lives Matter bigot who is despised by the men and women in this country who have skin in the game by donning a uniform and assuming the risks.

By virtue of her coronation she makes a mockery of the democratic process, for her gain, and her gain alone.

Sick, sick, sick!

Anonymous said...

The safest way to assure the best candidate wins is to vote opposite the endorsements offered by Mika Brezinski and Joe Scarborough.

Anonymous said...

Geez we are broke fuck tards because of Biden and Harris

Anonymous said...

Trump is a bad choice because he's fucking deranged. It's becoming clearer with everything he says out loud or on social media that he now owns TDS. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. And 45 has it bad. In just these past two weeks, Harris and her campaign have triggered him bigly. He doesn't even think to go after her politics; just her person. And crazy unhinged shit. Just imagine what Harris' continued rise in popularity and crowd sizes over the next three months will do to Trump's deranged psychology. Not to mention how she'll skewer him in next month's debate(s). His public meltdowns will become legendary. Gonna be some amazing shit to witness. From the king of reality TV himself, no less. Ah, the irony.

Anonymous said...

She has no policies!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know, topics like this one always run a typical course and end the same way. Vastly uninformed, and apparently uncouth, people reply multiple times in effort to bully away those they don’t agree with. So unfortunate how far our citizenry has fallen in self-respect.

Anonymous said...

Dementia Don-old is going off the rails of the CrAZy train. He's mumbling incoherently at his KKK rallies and praising Hannibal Lector, the murderous cannibal in the film, Silence of the Lambs. Yet his cult is still backing him. You can't make this stuff up. SMH while enjoying the trainwreck.

Anonymous said...

7:26- Go find your safe place until after the election.

Anonymous said...

5:55- I answered yes to every question you posed. This is exactly why I'm voting for Queen Kamala.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 1:40pm. Excellent analysis and spot on.

Anonymous said...

12:35- "You can't keep giving free things away". That's a very oxymoronic statement if I ever heard one. By definition, you can give away free things all day/all night, every day.

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, it was a republican that tried to end Trumps life. Besides, the “die slow” comment is directed toward the MAGAt cult, not a particular individual.

Damn, you people are slow. Instead of having Fox News force feeding you propaganda, pick up a book sometime.

Anonymous said...

@5:59 Say what you really want to say, dont hide behind dog whistles. DEI is just your way of saying the “N” word. So just say it, you’re not fooling anyone you racist POS.

Anonymous said...

Can somebody please explain to me the significance of the passage of time.

Anonymous said...

Took me a 15 second google search to debunk you and prove you know nothing. Bernie should actually take your comment down because it is mis/disinformation. From Wikipedia he announced after the mid terms.


On November 15, 2022, Trump announced his candidacy at Mar-a-Lago in an hour-long speech. The announcement came one week after the 2022 mid-term elections

Anonymous said...

would staying at a billionaires home in Nantucket for free constitute bootlicking for a billionaire? Just asking. The Bidens will once again be staying at the compound of private equity billionaire David Rubenstein on Nantucket Harbor during their stay


Anonymous said...

Donald J Trump put on a clinic last night on his glorious return to X , it was a beautiful thing for the county Kumula needs to be deported to India so she can get back to her roots!

Anonymous said...

Every bill I have is going up because ofr Biden and Harris and you want us to vote for them you are crazy anybody who vote for them mis crazy too. 9:28 is deranged what an idiot he will get along good with Harris and the Fraud.

Anonymous said...

Here Tim Walz's covid lockdown being enforced by armed troops firing paintball guns..... at civilians .... in Minnesota ....

Anonymous said...

You are so correct @7:29 PM. I'd never utilize the endorsements of Mika and Joe. I reply on the endorsements of Rachel Maddow and Ari Melber.

Anonymous said...

Two (2) independent, Republican polls are now showing that Trump is losing to Harris in Ohio. Frickin OHIO!!! THIS IS JD VANCE'S HOME STATE.

Anonymous said...

Tim Walz carried weapons of war on the battlefield. Suck it Trump and Vance. The guy is a legit hero who risked his life and saved countless others while in combat. You just hate those facts don't you? Walz is a decorated military hero. Tell 'em Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for that laugh! I needed it after reading all of this

Anonymous said...

All the bullshit in this blog does not matter what matters is if you vote in Harris it is going to be a bad 4 years for the people hopefully we will survive it.

Anonymous said...

Unhinged slurred words...that X interview will make a great commercial. Thanks Don old.

fletch said...

8:55am- You are Fake News!!! While the video is real, per se, the curfew was implemented during the George Floyd protests and the National Guard was called in.

It had nothing to do with COVID.

Please retract your post and apologize.


Anonymous said...

It feels so good to know that the MAGAt cult will be officially dead come this November. And I really hope that all the family and friends you’ve ostracized by having your racist and misogynistic opinions, never speak to you again and you lead a lonely life until you dwindle into nothingness. You deserve all of it, because you allowed white supremacy to infect your brains and worship a false orange savior who has done nothing but think only about himself and appoint Supreme Court justices that have hurt people with their widely unpopular court decisions.

Next up, expand the Supreme Court and remove the power these conservative justices have over the people and make this country worth living in.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment here since I never saw Trump ask for money while sitting on his golden throne, but I have seen Kamala's Tiffany jewelry dozens of times in her YouTube ads asking for campaign donations.

Anonymous said...

All the liberals who write into blog Really want to destroy America Look at what Kamala did to San Francisco and California and look Walz He left Minneapolis burn for days as any democrat he lies all the time shut down Minnesota and he wanted people to snitch on each other. By the way kamala lied about Biden for years. No wonder all our foreign enemies want Harris and the fraud to win.

Anonymous said...

High character? didn't Elizabeth Warren fake being Native American? Yes she did. Link below from CNN


Anonymous said...

You want to really talk about waltz negligence in handling the riots ?

Anonymous said...

That's hysterical! If u mean it. Watch your country continue to go downhill the next four years.

Anonymous said...

Enrich himself? Straight from Wikipedia. Again, Not sure why Bernie lets this mis/disinfo on the blog. link attached

In March 2016, Forbes estimated his net worth at $4.5 billion. A year later, shortly after his inauguration, they lowered it by $1 billion, and by the end of his presidential term, they had subtracted yet another $1 billion.


Anonymous said...

Anytime a liberal uses a word that ends in ist or phobe you lost the argument. An old tired stereotype. Curious question. Did you vote for the guy that eulogized a KKK member? Go to you tube and type Robert Byrd eulogy/Joe Biden. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

You left wing people are evil.

fletch said...

Sure. Why not. Go. But, before then, I want you to admit to spreading fake news and believing right wing propaganda.

Nice deflection, though.

Nice try.

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Anytime a brainwashed conservative uses the weak and anecdotal example of Biden eulogizing Robert Byrd when the actual facts are conveniently omitted from the accusations, you lost the argument. Byrd renounced his affiliation with the KKK, and although he wasn’t a progressive Democrat, he wrote in his autobiography how badly he felt about the decisions he’s made as a congressman. Looks like your argument is weak at best.

No one has ever claimed Biden was the perfect politician, he’s made a lot of mistakes in his career. But I give him grace because he’s shown to evolve and change his opinions about what’s important to the American people. Unlike the Orange dolt you idolize in your cult that chooses chaos and divisiveness every time.

But let’s look at how many times TRUMP has been racist:


But I know you won’t click on the link because you don’t give a shit about the ACTUAL facts, you’re just a pawn for ultra-wealthy doing their bidding for them.


Anonymous said...

Bernie why does Iran want Kamala to win can you explain to us why?

fletch said...

I consider that a badge of courage and honor. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. You're not voting for Trump. That's a shocker. Lol. I'm certain this woke blog will influence many Independents and undecided. Meanwile I continue to vote for my dead parents and disabled sister for the third, third, and fifth cycle. Drop boxes are awesome and Rs need to get better at this game. It's easy.

fletch said...

I did. I will always vote for a Democrat for president because s/he has the power to nominate the Supreme Court and those issues are more important to me.

Otherwise, I'm independent.

Anonymous said...

Kamala says she’s going to fix everything! But I thought she was already in office. Weird.

Anonymous said...

If anybody thinks Kamala will secure the border and stop migrant crime -you must be a left-wing radial or you are an idiot. more migrant murders will be coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Kamala is bringing joy to the people more inflation, more taxes, or more wars.

Anonymous said...

Walz will definitely help Kamala, let cities burn, a good Lier like Kamala is a flip flop, Honeymooned in China, Kamala leaves border open Walz gives them driver licenses, Walz will keep Kamala informed by his snitch methods, and do not forget he carries weapons of war in war?

Anonymous said...

Trump will bring peace to Ukraine. Pro-war Bernie, it's time for another of your fabulous puff pieces on Zelenski. Why so quiet lately? You were head cheerleader for Ukraine. What's up? The war needs its supporters and you did so well for so long.

Anonymous said...

Facts are this, Trump ran a better country then anything we've had or will get in the future. I don't care about anything else...just run the country, close the border, focus on crime, lower prices and keep us out of wars. He can absolutely do all of that and that is all I give a shit about.

Anonymous said...

Your boy is focused on crime alright. He's a convicted felon.

Anonymous said...

Voting Harris-Walz purely on environmental issues.

Anonymous said...

4:14 yes Convicted by all left-wing radial Democrats and nby the way stupid T It will be overturned no doubt about that fact

Anonymous said...

One issue? With all going on this is the one?

fletch said...

I thought I'd take more heat for my list than Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren, but according to factcheck.org, she is Native American.


Anonymous said...

The hard reality is that Harris is going to be elected President in November. All the blustering, all the hopes and wishes, all the conspiracy theories are just wasted hot air. Trump was unpopular when he was President (in terms of the overall country) and lost the general election - pretty badly in electoral college terms. Biden was absolutely "meh" and after 4 years a fatigue of sorts had set in, and Trump could at least prop himself up on the "younger" candidate angle, but that is no longer the case.

As an ex-President Trump can't represent himself as a significant "change" or "something new", when its against another candidate who is younger and the opposite sex.

Anonymous said...

Democrats master one thing. The art of deflection

Anonymous said...

That is misinformation

Buck Fiden said...

He was NEVER on a battlefield, he was in the friggin National Guard! We real Army vets call them Mama's Boys! No Go's, Etc...HE NEVER saw actual combat!

Anonymous said...

I hate to have to jump in here....

Trump is not incompetent. You can disagree with him, but he's not incompetent.

He was charged and convicted in a 98% Democrat stronghold by a prosecutor who ran for office on getting him. Trump did not have a chance.

The Supreme Court rules on the laws set by Congress. Take your dumpster and start your fire there.

Taylor Swift-like crowds? Are you sure? Look closely.

And as for brainwashing - it appears through both of your very ugly, very insulting and very mean comments that you're the ones brainwashed. It's sad, pathetic that you can't have a conversation. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Lastly, I want to call out every single civilian in this forum that has served in the military and are still voting for Trump after he said that the “civilian Medal of Honor is much better than the military Medal of Honor”, doubling down on what he referenced years ago about those who have been captured in war as “losers”. The guy has no comprehension of what it means to serve others, or even respect that fact. But yet yall all go to his rally and support this dogshit of a man.

So I never want to hear all you POS defend a man who talks that way about our military personnel, and their families who have been affected by the atrocities of war.

You are all hypocrites, and there’s a special place for you in hell.