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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, August 08, 2024

NorCo Currently Has 223,823 Registered Voters

At their August 5 meeting, the Northampton County's Elections Commission  received reports from both Solicitor Michael Vargo and Registrar Chris Commini:

Solicitor's Report.

Undated ballots. Current law is that undated mail-in ballots (MIBs) will not be counted. 

Date on Outer Envelope Must Have "2024" Printed.  A state directive now requires the county to print "2024" on outer envelopes of mail-in ballots (MIBs). NorCo Asked for an exception bc the county has numerous undated envelopes on hand, but it was denied. The month and day must still be filled in by the voter. 

Absentee ballots (not MIBs). Litigation is pending that would require absentee ballots to be voted at the precinct instead of at the elections office, like MIBs. No decision has been reached in that matter and it is unlikely that there will be a judicial determination until after the election.  

Registrar's Report.

As of August 1, there are 223,823 registered voters. No party breakdown was provided. 

There have been 30,262 applications for MIBs. 19,871 of these applications are from Democrats account for 19,871 of these applications. MIBs are being sought by 7,009 Republicans. The rest are other parties or independent. 

Plainfield Delabole voting precinct will be at the Plainfield Tp Fire Co's banquet hall and will hopefully be the permanent location. 

Voter outreach. Registering seniors at the eight senior centers. 

Logic and accuracy testing for Express Vote XL voting machine. This is tentatively set for the first full week of October (10/7 thru 10/11). 

Epollbook testing. Will take place 10/29 and 10/30. 

Dropboxes. Dates they will open are TBA. 

Misleading letters. Voters may receive letters scaring them into thinking their vote will not be processed or leading to spurious websites. Any voter with any questions can call the elections office at 610-829-6260 or 1-877-VOTESPA. 


Anonymous said...

There are 11 Sr centers in the county. Why are voter registration drives only being held in 8?

Anonymous said...

Will Northampton County voters be sent home after being denied their right to vote, again? The county has few responsibilities and massively failed at one of them, the last two elections. This is Democrat run and very dirty. No faith in a McClure election. He's earned his reputation as a grimy, cheater and liar. Truth.

Anonymous said...

That’s great Bernie, thanks. The greatest revelation I’ve had recently is that there’s a possibility that Trump drops out of the race. Hear me out. His biggest concern has been to never end up in jail, and although recent polls only have him behind by a slight margin, the fact is that Vance, according to numbers, was a abysmal mistake as a pick for vice president. The elites backing Trump hate him as a candidate, and Trumps plan has always been to have the project 2025 architects run the government while he plays golf, it’s looking like the momentum behind the Harris/Walz ticket seems more likely to appeal to normal, working class voters including moderates. So my prediction is that he drops out, and they choose another candidate like Hailey or DeSantis that would recharge the Republican base, but more importantly swing the women voters and even some the moderates, back to voting for them. I know it sounds like a looney idea, but the possibility is there.

Anonymous said...

What about in-person ballot requests at the courthouse, fillng out your precinct ballot, and turning it in right there?

Bernie O'Hare said...

"What about in-person ballot requests at the courthouse, fillng out your precinct ballot, and turning it in right there?"

That's early voting. It was not discussed at the meeting, but it starts September 16 in Pa.

Bernie O'Hare said...

:There are 11 Sr centers in the county. Why are voter registration drives only being held in 8?"

I honestly don't know, but based on the very poor attendance I saw at the one in Nazareth, I think it's a waste of time. There may have been four people.

Anonymous said...

Anything is a possibility......like "normal, working class voters including moderates" will back Harris. Now....what's the probability?? That's the question and based on your comment, you may be very disappointed....

Anonymous said...

FYI: According to the Department of State website as of 8/5/24 there were 95,844 Dem 83,213 Rep 34,246 NA and 10,536 Oth registered in Norco.

“The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election.” - Nikki Haley Jan 2024

Anonymous said...

"Democrats account for 19,871 of these applications. MIBs are being sought by 7,009 Republicans."

If the statewide ratio is similar, you now see why Harris didn't need Shapiro to win PA. As long as one party votes for a month and the other for a day, the results are predictable.

Anonymous said...

Voter Outreach: https://freebeacon.com/elections/meet-the-little-known-activist-group-that-has-tens-of-thousands-of-doctors-registering-patients-to-vote/

Anonymous said...

What was the last date the Epoll Books were audited? We know the system will function but what about the accuracy of the data being sent out? Some states had to be forced to clean-up and purge invalid listings.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I've just deleted a number of comments attempting to turn a post about the upcoming election preparations into a Trump rally.

Anonymous said...

The process of removing illegal voters from our voter rolls is still a mystery. I would like to know the steps taken with each paper ballot to determine if the named individual is truly a citizen. In other words, at what indicator is a ballot determined to be held before moving it on to be counted.

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:52, You are getting tiresome. The process of removing inactive voters is no mystery. The county has a purge system in place which removes voters who fail to exercise their franchise after being notified of their failure. In Pa. there is no need to verify the citizenry of a MIB applicant bc, to be registered at all, you must be a citizen of the US. It is a nonissue being championed by the right without any evidence to back it up. Noncitizens who attempt to register are caught, and guess what? It is an infinitesimally small number.

What you really want to do is create obstacles to voting so that to make it harder for us to exercise our most basic right.

Anonymous said...

9:50 offered...

"As long as one party votes for a month and the other for a day, the results are predictable. "

That's some of the silliest whining I have heard in quite some time.

What is stopping Republicans from using MIB?

Anonymous said...

Most seniors are probably already registered and have been dedicated voters for years, if not decades. No need for registration drives at these places.

Anonymous said...

Not quite, Bernie. A person can vote in Federal Elections without independent documentation proving citizenship.

Anonymous said...

I don’t mind the MIBs. I just think a week is enough pre voting. Look what happened is just 3 weeks time. Biden out. Trump Assination attempt. A month out is way too long.

Beverly said...

I understand there are about 6500 voters who've moved out of PA who are still on our rolls. The election dept. head was unable to explain to my friend the process for getting them off the rolls or help her (us) work on it ourselves. So we've had to work around him.