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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, August 19, 2024

Have I Been Cursed by NorCo Council Members?

Last week, I was highly critical of NorCo Council member Kelly Keegan's refusal to go agree with a salary for a new assistant DA, even though it is below the starting wage of an assistant public defender. It is my view that, as one of Executive Lamont McClure's rubber stamps, she represents his desire to keep wages ridiculously low instead of paying people what they are worth. I also insulted one of McClure's opponents on Council, not on this blog, but in a number of text exchanges in which I accused this person of being both illogical and having some irrational fear of gay people. I was feeling pretty good about myself for being such an asshole but paid the price. I think those bastards cursed me or got a voodoo doll and began sticking pins in it. On Thursday, nearing the end of a long bike ride in Bethlehem, I had a nasty spill while navigating through railroad tracks at a small bridge near Conestoga Street in Bethlehem. It hit them at a bad angle and my tire wedged between the track and the new rubberized rail sides. I went down hard, and now I have road rash pretty on my left arm, left leg and a bruised left hip and shoulder.   

According to New Scientist, one-third of cyclists over 65 are good for one spill each year. This is my third.  On the first two falls, I injured my left side. Now I have matching road rash and bruises on my right side as well.  

When I fall, I usually lie there for a few minutes and try to assess whether anything is broken. Then it takes another few minutes to get up and another few minutes to walk around and see if I can hop back on. I was doing that on Thursday when it suddenly dawned on me that a railroad track with rubberized sides is almost certainly an active line. With that realization, I suddenly became very nimble.

Yesterday, I was back on the bike. It was muggy but there were no clouds. Once I was about 10m miles away, the skies opened up and thunder began cracking. Once I made it home. it stopped. 
It's been a rough summer, but I'm finally beginning to understand why. 


Anonymous said...

This post shouldn’t make me laugh, but it did. I know all about the clear skies and then the rain. You take care because Northampton County needs your reporting and Council invested a lot in their Bernie voodoo dolls.

Anonymous said...

Keegan certainly is mean enough for it. I swear every once in a while I see her flying on her broom late at night.

Anonymous said...

I guess at 67 I shouldn't start riding a bike then.

Anonymous said...

Also, glad you had no major injuries.

Anonymous said...

BernieOHare to 2:10, you can fall doing anything. I live with seniors and they fall getting off the shitter. Exercise makes it a lot more fun.,plus if you lift you are far less likely to break anything.

Anonymous said...

Face it, Bernie. Nobody likes you. Not even your assigned guardian angel. I bet even he has to go to therapy after watching over you. Apparently, this mishap is a sign from above for you to amend your ways.

Anonymous said...

Stay healthy Bernie. Maybe switch to a tricycle.

Anonymous said...

I used to do cartwheels and summersaults. Now I trip and fall putting on my underwear.

Anonymous said...

Bernie did you have a Biden and I see it is the left arm too?

Anonymous said...

We love you Bernie. Anyone who is active in the outdoors, including crazy cyclists, will take a fall now and then. Talk to your hunting buddies. Some of them even fall out of tree stands.

Anonymous said...

Why do I have visions of Joe Biden whenever you mention bicycles?

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better Bernie! Remember, if they all hate you then you’re doing a good job!

Anonymous said...

Bernie, the bicycle god (or better yet, God) is trying to tell you something (probably many things). What’s coming through clear to me is that maybe a stationery bike is in your future.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Be careful out there, Bernie! The people of NorCo need you. The Morning Call has abandoned their coverage of anything in Northampton County that is north, east, or south of the Bethlehem city limits. The Express-Times can't have more than eight reporters who cover county, municipality, and (non-sports) school district news. WFMZ does a good job, at times. But, we need more people like you to report what's going on!

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Why do I have visions of Joe Biden whenever you mention bicycles?"

What happened to him happened to me a few times. He fell bc he had straps for his feet on his pedals to give him more power. Many cyclists have special shoes that fasten to the pedal.

I used to have straps and junked them bc I fell quite a bit when I had them. Now it is less frequent.

Yes, I injured my left arm like Biden. I also injured my left leg, left shoulder and left hip. In my first two falls this year, it was the right side, so now I have matching injuries.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"What’s coming through clear to me is that maybe a stationery bike is in your future."

I dislike them. They bore me. I actually think an elliptical is more like riding a hybrid or mountain bike than a stationary bike is. I love being outside as much as possible. We like to talk and argue about freedom. I am never more free than when I am on my bike. And on the bikepaths or streets, no matter what someone is riding, we are all the same.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Another point about Biden. It is extremely embarrassing to fall off a bike. I am fortunate that no one sees me when I do something dumb and pay the price.

Anonymous said...

Easy to go down on a bike, a lot easier than people realize. Recover quickly Bernie.

The Banker

Anonymous said...

Safety first, Bernie (for other bikers and you as well).

Mike4ro said...

Yes! You should!