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Terry Houck |
A lawsuit seeking a preliminary injunction against the sect of seven was filed February 15.
In addition to this lawsuit, there was a "protest" at the temple. Guest speaker Steve Baratta sides with one of the factions, and posted this on his Facebook page: "Today I was proud to be with the leaders of Guru Nanak Sikh Society of Lehigh Valley and stand up for their constitutional right to practice their religion safely in their place of worship. The current District Attorney and law enforcement have neglected to protect these people and this Temple from harm. On the bench I was honored to provide equal treatment and as District Attorney I pledge to provide fair justice for all."
In addition to attacking the District Attorney, Baratta attacked police officers who have responded to each complaint.
Some of these Sikhs were at Tuesday night's District Attorney debate.
Baratta: "I got my friends from the temple here. Those people came to you [Houck] for help. Those guys invaded the temple, attacked a priest, tried to steal their money, and you sent them out and said, 'We're not getting involved, we're not going to give you protection in your township, we're not going to protect you so you can practice your religion peacefully.' They're here because you refused to listen to them and you passed them away"
Houck: "There is a civil, not a criminal, dispute between two factions of the temple that has existed for about 10 years, long before I was district attorney. They're apparently suing each other to keep each other out. Neither side has got an affirmative ruling from the courts, which of course prohibits us from expelling either faction and this has always been the genesis of what both groups want. Both groups have always had the option of getting civil injunctions ... .
"I've met with both sides and their attorneys on two separate occasions ... I also gave them the option of continuing the discussion, sir, which they both were grateful for. Neither side claimed at that time that the police or this office was ignoring them, and in fact, it was just the opposite. The police have responded to every call. I think they've been there in excess of 20 times. So the accusation that the police are not doing anything is patently false. The police arrive and are often met with accusations by both groups of lack of identification, alleged wrongdoing, inconsistent statements and recantations. ... Police are given accusations like 'He looked at me the wrong way' or some other similar type statement. If anyone ever feels the police are doing nothing, or they have evidence of a crime that the police are ignoring, they always have the option of filing a private criminal complaint, which to my knowledge they have never done. ... We have charged people in the past. In April 2022, we charged three people with harassment ... .All three have been convicted. ... Presently, there are two ongoing criminal investigations by the Colonial Regional Police Department"
"If [Baratta] had picked up the phone, he would have realized that both the police and my office were proactive in this. Instead, he took a side, made an accusation with no facts and now has disqualified himself from any independent investigation should he become the District Attorney. In other words, for anything in the past or the future, a referral would now have to be made to the state Attorney General's office to do all investigations, all at the added expense to the taxpayer.
"The district attorney is ethically bound to remain impartial in his pursuit of justice. This means conducting investigations in a fair and objective manner. He has failed at that task."
Baratta (to the Sikhs in the audience): "Apparently you guys aren't in control of your own church. He doesn't care about all the legal documentation that indicates that you guys have a board of directors and an executive committee and you guys own that property and you guys control that property. He [Houck] doesn't want to look at that and doesn't care because you guys don't look like him because when he looked at the video he told you what - he told you [audience begins to interrupt] Wait! Wait! Wait! Be quiet! - He told you what? He told you what? He told you, 'I looked at the video and you all look alike. I can't tell you apart.' [several members of the audience walk out]
Houck: "This is a lie. It's been in the civil courts for 10 years."
Blogger's Opinion: This was, in my view, Baratta at his worst during the Tuesday night debate. Don't get me wrong. He has some very good ideas and has some valid criticism. But he diminishes himself and his quality suggestions when he goes off on tangents like these.
First, it's quite clear that his claims that Houck and the Colonial Regional Police Department have done nothing, are factually inaccurate.
Second, he is no longer a judge and has no right to tell members of the audience to be quiet. I'm sure that alienated a few people. He could have asked me for assistance and I would have warned his detractors to be quiet or be gone. I could have played the bad guy, which I had no problem doing with a few people who tried at times to take over the questioning.
Third, his claim that Houck told people of Indian descent that they all look alike is highly insulting to anyone of average intelligence. That is when a few people left. Houck, and I daresay most white people, are well aware that statements like that should never be made Baratta claims this is what he was told. But the people telling him this, while understandably distraught, appear to have trouble with English. I believe they likely misunderstood Houck or offered that as a reason why Houck refused to do what they wanted.
What vomit-inducing choices we have. Whatever is decided in the primary, NorCo citizens are the biggest losers with these two politician pieces of %!&#. I wouldn't trust either of these creeps with a kid's lunch money. There's a reason most people hate government, and really despise politicians like these creeps. And make no mistake, as crooked as Hack is, Bratty is essentially a Soros candidate. Your choice: a cop-friendly hack who lets his cruddy buddy LEOs break laws without punishment, or a guy who's about to unleash Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York-style crime and mayhem on us. Your forum was extraordinarily insightful, albeit very depressing.
Baratta is simply trying to convert a County pension he contributed to years ago as an assistant DA. He currently receives a state pension as a Judge and now wants another at the taxpayer expense. Both he and Morganelli possess the same greed!
Ah, just like a good liberal democrat, can't win an argument so accuse the other guy of racism. Despicable!
Baratta is simply trying to convert a County pension he contributed to years ago as an assistant DA. He currently receives a state pension as a Judge and now wants another at the taxpayer expense. Both he and Morganelli possess the same greed!" Baratta could have stayed where he was and maxed out at 30 as a judge. He is going to collect that pension as well as a county pension already. I am not sure that spending the $ to run for DA for a salary that is slightly under the salary of a judge makes very much difference in the final analysis. I will ask some people I know to check. I support Terry, but disagree that Baratta is running bc he's greedy. I believe he is sincere. In truth, the DA is actually far more powerful than a judge. There are 9 judges, masters, senior judges, etc. There is only one DA.
When are you going to do a piece about the school board candidates?
Well said. Baratta is opposed to cash bail which makes him a non starter for me. I also didn’t like his dog whistle that Houk is a racist. Then he bad mouthed the cops on top of it. He’s not a good choice for DA. Heck, he’s not suitable to be a judge either with that attitude. That’s not a judicial temperament at all.
I agree, Bernie, I don’t think money is a motivator for Baratta, as he is quite affluent now. Power is his drug. This stunt — and yes, it is a stunt performed by Baratta, but choreographed by Morganelli — is a power play to get Houck out. It’s dirty. It’s politics. Baratta screwed up Monday and I will no longer vote for him, though I still think the majority of people will because he has the sound bites and mailers that draw attention. The average voter won’t do his/her research to see that a lot of what he says is not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help us God…
Great post. Absolutely the truth. The sad part is he’ll probably win
It cannot be said enough that Morganelli is behind this. His finger prints are all over Baratta’s campaign. Let’s see if the Honorable Judge gets in trouble for meddling in politics when he is no longer allowed to.
Barratta needs to just ride off into the sunset before he continues to embarrass himself. Houck is doing a great job. I don't think the Honorable Judge is very honorable. Just sayin'
I could not agree more!
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