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Relaxing in Hawaii on public dime |
In October of last year, Gwozdz was charged with terroristic threats after an altercation with his third wife. He is alleged to have threatened "to kill you before I give you anything" He also allegedly said that he wished he had put a bullet in the head of one of his previous wives. Gwozdz has denied making these threats, but Magisterial District Judge Richard Yetter concluded after a preliminary hearing that there was sufficient evidence to hold the case for court. Gwozdz, who is free on $15,000 unsecured bail, is scheduled for arraignment on February 6 and trial on April 6.
Chief Miller reacted to this situation by placing Gwozdz on administrative leave. Paid administrative leave.
So what did Gwozdz do? He went to Hawaii on the public dime with future wife #4, who happens to be a cop herself.
According to his LinkedIn page, Gwozdz has been with Washington Tp since 2003. He's bounced around in the Slate Belt as a cop or Chief in Roseto, Portland, East Bangor, Bangor and Wind Gap.
Aloha...this pic is hard on the eyes. At first I thought was it Linus and Pig Pen shooting a commercial for Jenny Craig.
Is that the new uniform for the Washington Twp police paid for by me The Taxpayer? Perhaps Gwozdz can sing tiny bubbles at the next Board of Supervisors meeting in appreciation for his paid vacation. Or is it when you commit terroristic threats and domestic abuse you win a paid vacation complete with your health care benefits and accumulate.your pension when you work for Washington Twp
Is there something in the water over there in the eastern half of the county? I'm considering asking our supervisors to petition to be annexed by Lehigh County.
Gwozdz in his new uniform shirt and flower lay around his neck is now identifying and wishes to be called Officer "Bubbles" Gwozdz. We now have to say Alhoa and address him as be *Bubbles".
So you lie any your arrest record to get hired- You get the job. Commit domestic abuse and beat your wife gets you paid vacation and a promotion to Chief. What will DUI and destroying a man's home and property get you? Domestic abuse gets you a trip and paid vacation. Can you imagine the lack of integrity in one of these clowns arresting someone for beating a wife or thier child and testifying? Law Enforcement has got an all time low in the Slate Belt along with our elected Washington Twp. Supervisors. What a sick list of police benefits.
Perhaps Officer Gwozdz can tell us about his military service. He served only in the reserves and was tossed out less then honorable circumstances. The Marine Corps only keeps honorable men and purges the scat. The man is a liar. Ask the first three wives what a serial abuser he is. He defines stolen valor with his dilusions.
How do these guy's even have guns much less be cops. If they both have DUI's and PFA's
in their past how is that possible? If all I am reading is true it seems strange. My understanding is that if you got Dui's and PFA's they make you turn in your guns. If that is the case it seems really weird that you could be a police officer carrying around a weapon.
Hope he wears that shirt around Bangor since he has all this paid time off. Glad to see he found the battleship Missouri.
5:32 Now that is funny! Unfortunately, this police Dept., in particular, Miller & Gwozdz are pathetic!
While this is certainly outrageous, it's important to keep focus on SBRPD. Where's the blood draw results? Why aren't there any? What did they know and when did they know it? Did they engage in a cover-up that resulted in a dangerous drunk remaining on the roads, endangering us and our loved ones. Washington Twp and SBRPD are compromised and should not be considered legitimate law enforcement agencies until investigations are completed and the corrupt are dismissed and/or charged. What will you do, Terry Houck? It's your first test and some think you're no where near up to the task. Do your job (or recuse and appoint a state investigator) and prove us wrong.
Please stay on top of this and keep us informed. Also, while an admittedly completely different story, please don’t forget to re-visit the Palmer Township PD fiasco of the 911 call surrounding the eventual discovery of the death of Penny VanTassel-Himel in July 2019.
If the disgraced Chief was an honorable man of maturity and good character, he would publicly apologize for this incident and offer his resignation. It’s clear, he has list the trust of the majority of people he was hired to serve.
Better to resign than to be forced out, Chief.
Should have been “LOST” the trust. But, in this case, probably does include a list of damaging conduct!
This is his picture when auditioned for the lead role in remake of Magnum P.I Unfortunately the taxpayers of Washington Twsp. are still stuck with this POS.
I work hard and pay taxes in Washington Township. I can't afford to travel to Hawaii. I'm saving and hope to one day, as I have family there I rarely see. Supervisors should explain how this goes on, while many (most?) of us can't afford to travel to Hawaii.
My advise to Mark would have been to forget the trip, buy a new carhartt coat instead of the shirt and get yourself a good beagle.
Umm is that a tattoo on her upper arm or the education?
I saw this pic and thought he got a security job at Toys R Us. Look at the purdy flowers.
Any chick who gets involved with a ‘man’ who has previously been married three times should have her head examined and probably deserves to eventually become ex- wife #4.
Trampstamp too? Prison guard? All you-can-eat buffet security staffer?
With apologies to George Straight:
All my exes live in NorCo
And NorCo is the place I'd dearly love to be
But all my exes live in NorCo
And that's why I hang my lei in Waikiki.
Me ke aloha,
These two narcistic sociopaths are leaching more then any milk snake in a dairy barn.
lets not forget who is doing the reorting here....a less than honarable man himself....a drunk ,disbarred attorney...sure would listen to what this ididt has to say..get all the facts before you half wits put a rope up in a tree????LOL
Its all a Hoax
12:08 is criminal defendant Tricia Mezzacappa.
Reading all these comments it seems they’re a whole lot of jealous self loathing individuals including the idiot writer. Live your lives and stop being so pathetic.
He's actually on location filming the bachelor!
This whole ordeal is sickening to think this goes on in this area. Police officers beating wife's driving drunk and all is just shady. What kind of local government do we have to permit, allow and consent to this type of behavior. A domestic abuser has a 44% CHANCE of beating a woman within two years of the assault.Regardless if its the first or the fourth wife. Gwozdz as I refer to is him as one he is no man and for sure not a legitimately someone to be called a police officer has proven over and over again of his assaults.
I am very familiar with his actions of wife # 1 and was aware of his assault of the second wife. This creature needs to be removed as a police officer. Both he and Miller should be terminated by the Township for "Conduct unbecoming of a Police Officer" and get a lawyer to handle this that actually handles these types of mental behaviors by Law enforcement Officers and police terminations.The Township residents deserve else by a detoxing of the vile element that has crept into our local police. Hire a real Chief that has the management and leadership track record to run the police department. I am a disgusted resident and taxpayer of Washington Township.
It would seem that you are not a Washington Township resident whose tax dollars have funded this circus of idiots for sometime now. Good for you. I hope your township or borough police don't fall to the level that these characters have. Signed, A real Washington Township resident/taxpayer who knows for a fact that our police department costs us close to $1,000,000 per year. Have a nice day.
This is why townships are right to take advantage of PSP coverage. PDs serve little local purpose but to hassle residents about traffic issues, and file crime reports after the fact. Their primary purpose is forensic. They do little to prevent crime. Their departments are simply expensive fiefdoms for less than admirable characters who have run of these places.
That beached whale looks like it just had it's manhood cut off for the ingagement. Mikey will try anything, let's get Mikey, yeah.
She's got impeccable writing skills. Can certainly see how she could be an independent journalist. Pulitzer prize writing material she is.
1:40 is criminal defendant Tricia Mezzacappa
Constable I’ll be there on February 3 to see that you get yours.
Wow Bernie, you have a hornets nest of non thinkers racing around in that venue. Some aren’t going to sleep well tonight. Well , I got a story about stuff too.
Hey where is pete to tell us to never question cops? This is why people get tired of the hero nonsense shove down peoples throat. Cops are people like any one else, good and bad except they have the ultimate power and DM's rarely disbelieve them. Especially the little town cops that is more like a give my cousin a job deals. Agree with the poster about how they can be police with the dui and pfa history.
Cops committing crimes all over. Is the new DA Houck going to impeach the Bethlehem cops for their inside info on that house deal?
Bernie keep us up to date on that Palmer 911 call situation from the summer have heard nothing about that!! And look into the firings of a Lt. And Sgt. From SBRP for stalking, harrassment and computer hacking a female co worker!!
Cannot wait to see Bubbles Gwozdz in his new shirt. Maybe he will wear it to the trial. So exciting for the Don Ho couple of the Slate Belt.
Does anyone know if there will be a bus from Bangor to go to the abuser's trial? Asking for a friend-
Leave the poor girl out of it.
Where is she a police officer at?
Bethlehem township
Which one?
Wow you make it so personal hummm
Wife number 5. Gwozdz is grooming the 5th one.
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