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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, December 16, 2019

NorCo's CYF Workers Unhappy With Wages

At Northampton County Council's December 12 meeting, several caseworkers with Children, Youth and Families complained about their salaries. I had hoped to bring you this story today,but have had insufficient time to research the matter. I will report to you Tuesday or Wednesday. 


Anonymous said...

All County workers have been unhappy with their salaries for years. They did a study years ago and did nothing with it. The only ones that get raises are HR, Administration, and Council. County stinks!

Anonymous said...

Don't let the door hit you in the behind as you leave. The poor children are the grist that run this mill. "Our goal is family reunification" bah, your goal is job security for you and the state monitors. The children suffer, and some will die, as you come up with grandiose plans for the courts and the state! Instead of complaining about wages find another job that does not perpetuate this sick system.

Anonymous said...

The upper administrator's help the lower staff disband the family institution by design! Low wages for feild workers are are just one of there tools implemented in this farce against the American people. There are many reasons and venue angles by top administrators for there reasoning behind family destruction. Real property being the lowest on there agenda, than there is the highest children's mental health care and the bilking the federal health care billing system that just equals head count warehousing.

One sick system after another sickening the American people!

Anonymous said...

GRACE be with you and heaven help CYF workers souls. The two bearded fat ladies being sentenced to death play in Northampton CYF circus too!

Anonymous said...

Bring back Ron Angle, and make Northampton County great again!