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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

I Really Do Like Children

The cover photo in yesterday's story about Human Services workers evoked pious indignation from some of you.

There was this:

"Totally tasteless photo. If you think it is amusing, you are a sick man."

I think it's amusing.

And this:

"The picture is very clearly child abuse, and your thought that it is "funny" is disturbing. Just reposting it perpetuates the abuse, similar to child pornography. Just because you didn't create the photo, doesn't remove your complicity. I agree with many of your viewpoints, and would like to think that your removal of the photo will be coming quickly. If it doesn't your blog must be reported to Blogger, IWF, and NCMEC.
Please remove immediately."

I'm unclear on what the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has to do with this, but report away.

These outraged people lack something known as a sense of humor.

I better stop now to explain that I really do like children . . . if they are properly cooked.


Anonymous said...

Oh aren't you the clever smug one, O'Hairy. I believe that all bloggers should be cooked, starting with your fat ugly ass. But anyone starving enough to eat you would die of food poisoning. Now that's a funny riff worthy of your useless blog.

Anonymous said...

Snowflakes, Bernie, snowflakes. America is full of them.

Anonymous said...

Same humorless scolds don blue and white on game day, defend JoePa and rhythmic slapping, and cheer for Ped State - the biggest child molestation cult in the world.

Anonymous said...

Tell us about the Thousands of student athletes attending OHIO State who were sexually victimized by a doctor on the Ohio State payroll. Better yet, tell us about the Republican wrestling coach who is now a Congressman carrying the baggage for Donald Trump in the "impeachment Hearings" that knew about these youngsters being sexually abused but did nothing about it. Where is the NCAA report on that slimeball?

LVCI said...

I really do like children . . . if they are properly cooked.
Back in the day that line got a lot of laughs for W.C. Fields. These days people would raise hell against him. Ye gads people.. CHILL!

Bernie O'Hare said...

WC is one of my favorite misanthropes.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Tell us about the Thousands of student athletes attending OHIO State who were sexually victimized by a doctor on the Ohio State payroll"

One word for you - valium.

Anonymous said...

"A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick" by Jonathan Swift.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha, the international wrestling federation i love it. Clearly some people cant take a joke and i think my mom would be in jail if held to the same standards parents are now. Its insanity. The schools tell the kids that their parents arent even allowed to raise their voice to them. This was a harmless, and HILARIOUS photo. Good Job Bernie and hopefully you and the International Wrestling Federation and King Allentown make peace!