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Thursday, January 31, 2019

DaVinci Science Center Pitched to NorCo Council.

Blogger's Note: I was at a college basketball game last night and hence missed this pitch in person. My report is based on the NorCo Council video. 

DaVinci Science Center's Lin Erickson pitched her latest attempt at a "world  class" science center to a dubious Northampton County Council last night. What was originally a $130 million aquarium is now a $160 million nature dome and a 100' tall Vitruvian Man. But he'll be called a Vitruvian Person. Erickson said this latest plan is even better than an aquarium and on a par with The Franklin Institute and Carnegie Science Center. She also claimed it would draw up to 600,000 visitors a year.  She expects 2/3 of the money will come from the public. This is likely because the private sector is a little more careful in how it spends its money.

Easton Mayor Sal Panto, who also was a big cheerleader for the now defunct High School Hall of Fame, has already pledged $30 million of his city's money for this pipe dream. What's more, he has spent $5 million to buy an old hotel, where the DaVinci Science Center will stand. "We aim for the stars," he said. He should be little more concerned about being mooned when this falls on its face.

Erickson said that DaVinci has outgrown its current facility in Allentown. It plans to keep it for children aged 8 and under, and continue its mission of bringing "science to life and life to science" in Easton.

She's planning on a 130,000 sq ft facility, with 50,000 sq ft of exhibits The two major attractions are the Vitruvian Man Person and a "Nature Dome" in which animals live in eternal darkness.

Although this property is located within the flood plain, she said it will be built so that all interior areas will be above it. She called the outside area an urban wetland. Just like a swamp is actually a vernal pool.

You enter by going under and between the legs of the Vitruvian Man Person. Not sure I'd be so crazy about walking underneath the balls of a 100' tall man, but they won't be there. The poor bastard is a Vitruvian Eunech.

Council member Tara "Down With the Patriarchy" Zrinski questioned how a little girl would feel about seeing something that is supposed to be a celebration of the human body in male form.

"It kinda' sends a message," she remarked.

"I hear you totally," responded Erickson. "I'm a female myself." Zrinski said it should be male, female, and "everything in between."

I'm pretty sure that the Vitruvian Man Person is plastic, too, but that point eluded Zrinski.

Whatever it is, Erickson said there will be ramps so people can walk through different body parts and understand how they work. It's very scientific, you know.

The other main feature of this supposed Science Center is the nature dome. You'll be able to take a simulated walk along the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers watershed. You'll pass by a butterfly and insect garden and an indoor forest at night, with 45' tall trees and nocturnal animals that include bobcat, raccoons and oppossums. Don't know if there will be any vampires.

Council member Matt Dietz wondered who would be idiotic enough to pay $23.50 to see what he can see for free by simply going to Jacobsburg Park or walking along the real Delaware and Lehigh Rivers.

Zrinski wondered about the animals. What impact will this have on them? "To me, that sounds cruel," she said. She wondered why they'd be behind glass at all. Some guy named Joe Moore, who has already been paid quite a bit of money to shill this project, said the issue has been carefully studied and that all the animals would be rescues who could never survive in the wild.

Dietz questioned the visitor projections. How many of the 400,000-600,000 visitors per year are wealthy enough to come, he wondered. That information will be supplied to him.

So far, funding for this project has been a joke. $50.4 million in public funds have been "committed" by Easton and the state. Only $2.6 million in private money has been "committed."

"Your funding plan looks anemic," warned Council member Bob Werner. "Thank you for not asking us for any money."

That's coming, but Erickson was cautioned to lower her expectations by Werner, along with Council President Ron Heckman and Council member Kevin Lott.

This is simply a bad idea. I can't think of any sane person who would throw a dime at it. So I fully expect NorCo Council to give Erickson money.


Anonymous said...


Good Luck BO. Since it is the big deal in Easton, I tried to watch it and only lasted two hours before I went brain dead!

Anonymous said...

Based on your picture one of the ramps takes you through 'its' crotch.

Anonymous said...

The shift from the Vitruvian Man to "Person" is absurd and I am so tired of everyone clutching their pearls "oh no what will girls think when they see a positive image of men?" Sure, lets have an androgynous blob that will inspire no one and look corny. That way everyone can feel equally mediocre.

Anonymous said...

I support everything in between,

Anonymous said...

This is a total waste of time and William McGee should be ashamed of himself for calling a special meeting and wasting everyone’s time on the same old pitch

Nocturnal Emissions said...

I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Gee..what a neat idea. Can't wait for the union workers to bring this nature exposition to life. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The "message" being sent if the spend a single penny of my tax dollars is that county council is stupid, fiscally irresponsible, and completely out of touch with those who pay the bills. This is the same gang that's fixing a church whose stingy and/or stupid members want others to pay their bills. There's a theme here ....

Anonymous said...

Stop the abuse at Gracedale! Use those funds to hire competent staff to care for the elderly instead of a warehouse till death. Get rid of the useless incompetent staff that see those are not being cared for and do nothing. Spend the money there McClure instead of running your mouth about what a great job your cronies are doing. If you want action move the bar tool from Wind Gap to Nazareth!

Anonymous said...

The steeple grant went down to defeat...but your point is well taken..

Anonymous said...

Assuming there are concessions that's alot of straws.

Anonymous said...

April Fools Day isn’t for another two months.

Anonymous said...

The Androgynous Homo Sapien will lack a penis or mammaries. Will be like Gumby, the Pillsbury Doughboy, or numerous genitaless cartoon characters. It will be available in the gift shop with genital pieces that can be added, like a Mr. Potato Head.

Anonymous said...

How about a Vitruvian County Union Worker? Actually working? It will be EPIC!

Anonymous said...

If this is such a successful project, why dont they sell shares to the public, who will be able to share in the great profits from this. Will there be profits? Will this then require an annual grant to keep it going.? This looks like another great sucking sound project as dollars will be sucked from the taxpayers for decades to come. And god forbid we get a 100 year flood , which is very possible. It may require a complete rebuild, Can it be insured? Or is it insured by the county?

Anonymous said...

10:30's comment is why I'm glad I stay for the comments after coming in for the story. Simply outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this money be put toward finishing the stadium in Williams Township?

Anonymous said...

Zrinski is worried about raccoons and the gender of the sign and not the fact that this is a 100+ million dollar boondoggle.

Really, a walk through of the Lehigh and Delaware river watersheds? How about walking the rail trail and seeing it live and in person.

Anonymous said...

"She's planning on a 130,000 sq ft facility, with 50,000 sq ft of exhibits"

What's the other 80,000 sq ft for?

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would 600,000 people per year (1,643.8 people per day x 365 days) pay some ridiculous admission fee to see what they can see in more realistic conditions and for free in any field on any given night? Who will get stuck for the annual $1,000,000 operational subsidy/grant when the annual 600,000 visitors fail to materialize? The taxpayers, of course. If a large fish tank in a flood zone was a foolish idea, what makes this nature dome/Virtual Gumby in the same flood zone any less insane? (Rhetorical question.) Continued review of this untenable proposal is an unforgivable waste of public resources for which NORCO needs to stop allocating time. Any Council member that approves a dime for this project should not be permitted to serve another term on behalf of the citizens of the county. Lin Erickson is, at best, a dreamer out of touch with the financial struggles of the average county resident or, at worst, simply delusional.

sezary said...

A waste of county time and money. The taxpayer's money.

LVCI said...

Why on earth would 600,000 people per year (1,643.8 people per day x 365 days) pay some ridiculous admission fee..
That's what caught my attention the most. I'd like to see how they came up this number.

Anonymous said...

They drew the number out of a hat. Very scientific.

Anonymous said...

This has great potential as a biology science lesson. The man could have a retractable penis that would retract to form a vagina. Then it could start to extend first as a flaccid penis and then to full erection.
This could be done a few times a day and a teacher could use it as a lesson in human biology. Some may laugh or scoff at this but it is truly a great way to teach human biology.

Anonymous said...

"Just like a swamp is actually a vernal pool." Excellent line, Bernie. Don't quit your day job though.

This sounds like the biggest boondoggle I've heard of in the Lehigh Valley in several years. 1622 visitors on average each day? Um, no that's never ever going to happen. As was pointed out, all you have to do is walk any of the several trails in the area to experience what it is like along the rivers and canals - for free if you can avoid Easton's parking rates. Walking up ramps to walk through Pat's body at a cost of $23? Nope - you won't find me there.

Anonymous said...

We're do all these misconceptions forced down the public's throats come from a think tank in the bowells of hell? I was watching a clipp of Laura Loomer from Sacramento ca and the white box being built in the background looked exactly like the commons of downtown allentown.
Talk about closemindedness heading in the same directions as hell all at once and we all get a good look into the shallow minds of these exemplary pandering pontificated people.

Carl said...

"walking underneath the balls of a 100' tall man".... too funny!! You're a pisser!

Anonymous said...

"What's the other 80,000 sq ft for?"

That's what she said.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, but there will be a hang-gliding simulator too. For an additional fee. I'm sure it will be as thrilling as any ride in Dorney Park. To make it more interesting, they should have you hang glide on a zip line right into the anus of the Vitruvian Person. A home run sponsorship opportunity for Preparation H!

Anonymous said...

This project makes perfect sense. We need a $160,000,000 shelter for the rescued butterflies, bobcats, raccoons and opossums of the Lehigh Valley that cannot survive on their own. Let's figure on an initial 10,000 critters (500 bobcats, raccoons, opossums plus 9,500 butterflies and insects). So that's roughly $16,000 per butterfly and critter to initially house them. This is then followed by an annual operating budget of $14,100,000 or $1,410 annually for each rescued butterfly, bobcat, raccoon and opossum (600,000 visitors per year x $23.50 admission) assuming the facility can draw these many visitors and is financially self-sustaining. So, for just the first year, it's $17,410 per homeless butterfly, insect, bobcat, raccoon and opossum. Since the average lifespan of a monarch butterfly is 4 weeks and an opossum is 4 years, this appears to be a very sound investment for the citizens of Northampton County as long as we can find enough homeless critters. Yup, Lin, makes perfect sense to me. You have my vote.

Anonymous said...

Shot me a raccoon last week behind the shed. It had been tearing through trash cans and acting suspicious. Now, I can't live with myself knowing I could have rescued the little vandal for a measly $160 million - and he'd get to gnaw on the big Romulan guy's kickstand.

Anonymous said...

They should move the Pez Museum in there as well. They could commission an exclusive Vitruvian Eunuch Pez dispenser that shoots candy from the crotch. Like an erection. Just offering ideas to leverage resources.

Anonymous said...

Since NorCO has a virtue itch screaming to be soothed with taxpayer money and make themselves feel good; I would like to tender a more worthy enterprise.

The county owned bridge spanning the canal entrance to Hugh Moore Park has been closed for some time. The bridge has installed on both ends approximately 10’ high cyclone fencing, including the pedestrian portion; preventing access to the park from this direction. Ironically, by installing these impediments, government officials have silently established, fencing, walls, barriers, etc. do work.

I trust the explanation for restricting use of the bridge is the need of unbudgeted repairs, and it is too dangerous for vehicle or pedestrian use. If that is the official justification for its closing, the bridge should be demolished immediately. If not; it may collapse one day on one of the multitude of trains that travel the tracks daily underneath, and additionally create a gas explosion from the natural gas line that courses across the bridge.

Hugh Moore Park is a success; the Canal Boat, Museum, the dog parks, etc. Moral story of this post: consider scratching the virtue itch by spending money on established successful projects, and not speculation.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. Who the hell besides the clowns voting for this, think its a good idea?????
Tax dollars!!!!!!!
I haven't been to Trexlertown in 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Actually, a swamp is no more a vernal pool than BO is a fit marathoner when he's walking his fat ass around Nazareth. Somewhat similar basic concepts, but scientifically very different.

Peter J.Cochran said...

The habits of intellect and temperament should be observed in a project of this magnitude. I’m a hard R. I do not like unobstructed money flow any more than green. eggs and ham. Reckless as it’s excess.

Anonymous said...

Sal Panto pledge 30 million dollars to this project with 5 million dollars to purchase an old hotel. As opposed to working towards this project, maybe he should use this money to refurbish the hotel for homes for the cities homeless and provide them jobs to clean up all the single use straws and bags floating around the city as their pay for the housing.

Anonymous said...

If it is such a bad idea why is Sal Panto pushing it? If it is a bust Easton is on the hook.

Also who the hell wants to walk under some statue's balls to enter a building?

Chris Casey said...

Maybe they should build it near the former C R Fannies. Then the Dads would have something to do while the kids are getting edumacated!

Anonymous said...

Is Zirinski putting people on or is she truly that crazy? Seriously, she does realize it is based on DaVinci's "man". Famous drawing and all that. She is part of the new wave of history changers that work off of feelings. Wonder if she ever got her kids vaccinated. I think she may need that man more than Easton.

Anonymous said...

His dong can be a pendulum for a solar clock?

Anonymous said...

If it is such a great idea, do it without tax dollars!

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is their numbers are bullshit. It does not add up. It is a shame no one is willing to call bullshit on this project. McClure is pressuring to give money to DaVinci. Council needs to be independent and look at the numbers.

Anonymous said...

Larry the Otter should be on exhibit with his other furry friends.

Peter J.Cochran said...

Bernie,saw your pic at gum ,you look great! Keep up good work . This type ofthng improves your quality of life . Obisitty is ramping up problems for school children. Their parents are also fat because of there lake of knowledge in general. Heavy people earn less and die earlier. That’s why I think there is no restrictions on UPC codes in buying selection at grocery stores if your on the “Card” They want you dead early.