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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"I'm Not That Kind of Lawyer"

Heavy traffic yesterday afternoon meant that it took gaming board members a bit longer than usual for them to make the meeting. It also have Board Chair Jay Finnigan just the opening he needed to take a shot at booth funeral directors and lawyers.

Hellertown funeral director David Heintzelman, who also is running for Mayor, came in nattily attired with a bowtie and well-tailored suit. Following behind him was Allentown Attorney Graham Simmons, who represents the Board.

"Were you in the same traffic Mr. Heintzelman was?" a Board member asked Simmons.

"He [Heintzelman] picked up business. How about you?" wisecracked Finnigan.

"I'm not that kind of lawyer," replied Simmons.


Anonymous said...

Was it "a shot"? Or does someone have a thin skin? It was a joke, even though it was a tired old joke.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Of courseit was a joke and that is why I published it. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Finnegan has always been a smart ass at others expense. O'Hare thinks he is funny.

Bernie O'Hare said...

It's Finnigan, and I appreciate his sharp humor.