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Monday, August 28, 2017

Do You Remember When Republicans Were Republicans?

Dent discusses business climate
Although it seems like an eternity, Republicans were Republicans until last year, when Authoritarian Donald Trump preyed on the nation's fears and prejudices to divide us like we've never been divided before and win an election. Nowhere is that division more apparent than in the party of Abraham Lincoln our one and only Poet President. It is he who declared, "A house divided against itself cannot stand," during his debates with Stephen Douglas in 1858. Our house is divided against itself, and the chief demolition expert is Donald Trump.

Last week, I stopped at a fundraiser being hosted by US Senator Pat Toomey for Republican John Brown. A gaggle of protesters were across the street from the swanky Blue Grille. I thought it would be Tuesdays with Toomey, a group of Democrats who are after Toomey to hold a town hall. Instead, it was Republicans.

Tom Campione, Chair of the LV Tea Party explains.
We, the Lehigh Valley Tea Party were there to remind Toomey that we expect him to support the agenda that we voted for, Repeal ObamaCare, Cosponsor National Reciprocity, Tax Reform, etc. Toomey waited until 1 hour before the polls closed on election day, to express support for Trump. Then he wonders why no one is countering the daily demonstrations that his friends on the Left are running in front of his office. He wonders, "where is my conservative base?" Well, we wonder, "where is our conservative Senator?"
What bothers him more than anything is that Toomey, a very conservative Senator who actually drafted the Repeal legislation for Obamacare, took his time before deciding to endorse Trump.

Congressman Charlie Dent, who dared to oppose Trump's election and his poorly conceived health insurance bill, is in far worse shape than Toomey. He's persona non grata to the Northampton County GOP, and was even snubbed at their Lincoln Day breakfast.

Except for his nationalism, Trump reverses his own policies about as frequently as the wind changes.This has nothing to do with ideology or issues.

It's instead about loyalty.

If you are loyal to Trump, you could open up an abortion clinic and you'd be fine. But if you oppose Trump on anything, it makes no difference how conservative you are.

Which brings me to Dent, one of the few grown-ups in Congress.

I saw him last week when the Grocery Manufacturing Association stopped at Freshpet for a tour and a discussion of the food and beverage industry.

Dent laid out a blue print of what he'd like to see to improve the business climate.    

Dent said that the 35% American corporate tax rate, one of the highest in the world, should be dropped to around 20%. He said Congress in its tax reform will be trying to bring that rate down while "clearing out some of the regulatory underbrush" that makes it difficult for Billy Cyr's FreshPets to expand.

"It takes forever and a day to build new capacity," said Dent, noting the problem exists with bridge repairs, too.Though Pennsylvania's bridges are among the worst in the nation, any repairs require lengthy ten-step environmental reviews.

"Time is money," he observed..

Finally, Dent stressed a need for high-tech jobs. "If we don't have people with the skill sets here, the jobs might go to where the skill sets are,and that might not be America," he warned.

Dent stated that tax reform and infrastructure are closely related. We have to pay for infrastructure somehow," said Dent, adding that there's "no better way to do it than tax reform."

He was measured and knowledgeable

And very Republican.


Anonymous said...

Your mancrush Dent will be primaried by a real Republican.

Anonymous said...

Environmental regulations are important to protect the landscape and ecosystem from unintended consequences of development. The replacement of spongy prairie grassland with concrete and blacktop is a contributing factor in the flooding in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Were the Republicans that were there to insure Toomey does what he was elected for wearing black hoods ?

Anonymous said...

Dent has become Washington's representative in the 15 th district.

Anonymous said...

Some of us lifelong Rs can't stand Trump or Dent. Trump is a buffoon. Dent's radical abortion views are just too much. Meanwhile, what happened to the Republican Party? Last time I checked, Dent and Trump and the whole party were beating Ds at the polls at almost every turn. What happened to the Republican Party? They just keep beating the shit out of Democrats, who lost 1,000+ state and federal legislative seats and lost the presidential votes in their strongholds of PA, MI, and WI in the last six years. Rs are a big unwieldy tent that just keeps winning. It's what Ds used to be.

Anonymous said...

5:39 If you were aborted, you couldn't have grown to make your comment.

Anonymous said...

Agree. We can abort our way to a perfect society. Charlie Dent knows this. Why do you think the black population is stuck at 13%? It could be their 800% of whites abortion rate that white social liberals like Charlie are very proud to support. Like Margaret Sanger, they know blacks are a flawed population that can be kept in check by limited breeding. Old time Rockefeller Rs like Dent have long held this view. It's where they find lots of friends across the aisle. Today's R racists didn't just show up in the era of Trump. Like Dent, they've been here all along.

Anonymous said...

Thay aren'the the party of Lincoln anymore....That's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to the nonsense the so-called mainstream media and Democrats are pushing, it is not the conservative Republicans and their agenda that will be ousted, but the RINOs, the progressive Democrats, and their Big Government-Big Business alliance. Only then will the swamp truly be drained.

Anonymous said...

Dent is useless. For seven years he harped about Obama Care and has not forwarded one proposal for change. He brings nothing to the table and obstructs the republican agenda for his own preservation. Too bad the democratic party is in just disarray, he would be easy pickings in the next election. He is a prime example of the Washington establishment and some people misconstrue him as a true patriot. The only thing patriotic about him is he is a true politician who will flow with the wind.

Anonymous said...

another big lib endorses Dent then wonders why Republicans don't like him.

Anonymous said...

Still upset that crooked and corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton lost. Too bad. So sad.

Anonymous said...

7:10 The idea is to get the government OUT of the health insurance marketplace. Not to modify how it is controlled by the government.

Anonymous said...

R's say: If more babies had guns, there would be less abortions! Uzis for babies! Fetuses for the 2nd amendment!

Anonymous said...

Dent is a lifelong professional politician who is probably a little too comfortable with all the lavish benefits of being a member of the Washington Establishment.

Drain The Swamp!

Anonymous said...

Gotta any documentation to support the comment, "R's say : If babies had more guns ..."?

Time to put the crack pipe down and stop cheering on those ANTIFA thugs, Anon 8:34.

Anonymous said...

Dent ran on repeal and replace for six years. Now, when his party has the numbers and votes actually count, he's gone native. That's what career guys in safely Gerrymandered districts do. He's no leader. He's a pliable serpent, just like all the rest. What's Congress' approval rating?

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh at you Bernie. You, a Democrat telling Republicans how to act like the Republicans you like and not acting like the Trump Republicans you hate.

Anonymous said...

Both Rs and Ds suck! Right or Left, the extremes are ruining this country. More real Americans are Independents than ever before. Sanders 2020!

Anonymous said...

But when the repeal and replace sucked, you can't vote to repeal and replace.

Anonymous said...

Poor Charlie , his poll numbers are far worse than Trumps. even if you don't like trump you know who he is.

Anonymous said...

It's now been seven months since inauguration day. We're rapidly coming to the point at which the Republican leadership in Congress is so consistently on the wrong side of their stated principles. It seems more than a few have made common cause with the likes of the odious Sen. Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Democratic left.

This group of Republicans despise President Trump. That is clear to everyone. They intend to continue their sabotage of the president, even if it means they lose their majority, even if it means they contribute to the further takeover of the country by the totalitarian left.

They are apparently just fine with the increasing restriction on free speech and the failure to identify Antifa and BLM as the terrorist groups they are. They seem to be fine as well with the many corruptions, past and ongoing, by the Clintons, the Obama holdovers and the crimes of George Soros since they are not interested in getting to the bottom of their many crimes.

They are not bothered by the Robert Mueller witch hunt being conducted by him and his band of leftist brothers bent on taking Trump and/or anyone in his inner circle, down and out. We all know by now that these traitorous Republicans will cheer if Mueller finds something to tarnish the President.

Do they not realize the contempt the millions of Americans who voted for Trump feel for each and every one of them? If they do and they do not care. They do not honor their oath of office to represent the people who elected them and to uphold the Constitution.

This group of Republicans, really Republicans In Name Only, are the ones liked by Bernie. Because, you see, they don't support our President, whom Bernie clearly detests.

Bernie O'Hare said...

He, like you, is an authoritarian. This is no longer a battle over issues, it is a battle for democracy itself.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of an "Authoritarian" Bernie ?

Anonymous said...

Dear Alt-Right,
Keep supporting your leader with the loud voice, who calls the news media he doesn't like "enemies of the people," oppresses minorities, threatens to imprison opponents, blames immigrants for America's problems, threatens mass deportations, claims he knows more than his generals, has no regard for democracy, and believes only he can fix all the country's problems.
There's nothing wrong in giving him total admiration and loyalty.

sezary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bernie O'Hare said...

I have written several blogs on the topic, and so have others. An authoritarian form of government is one that preys on your fears and prejudices to surrender power to a central figure like Trump at the expense of rights guaranteed by the Constitution, like the First Amendment. The authoritarians will complain about the press and eventually use those complaints to shut it down. They will prey on your fears, whether it is of Jews, Muslims or blacks until you are convinced they must be removed. Examples of authoritarians include Trump, Putin, Chavez, Castro, Duterte, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao etc.

You no longer believe in conservative principles of government. You have replaced that with Trump worship. Republicans with very real principles who oppose the lies and race-baiting in which Trump constantly engages, along with his divisiveness, are excommunicated. It is Hail Trump. He has now identified criticism of him with criticism of the country. We are on a slippery slope.

If Trump loses an election, will he go quietly? He has already planted the seeds of distrust in the minds of his sheep, claiming widespread voter fraud despite its complete absence. We are in a constitutional crisis. We just don't know it.

Anonymous said...

And remember when Democrats used to be Democrats?

“We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty.” JFK

Anonymous said...

Thank you. So getting past the generalizations, lets look at some specifics.

"You no longer believe in conservative principles of government."

I believe our constitutional republic is based on a co-equal balance of power between the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch. Now there are differences in the views between the three branches, and criticism by one of another has been around since 1787. I don't see any effort by Trump to change this balance, although it is clear that as a non-politician, he is clearly frustrated both by those who betray government secrets (leakers) and those who disrupt or delay his Executive Orders within the Executive Branch (who work directly for him). Also he shows frustration with not having bills in the Congress being passed or delayed due to Congressional procedures and a lack of support. Presidents being frustrated with Congress is nothing new either. Franklin Roosevelt was so frustrated with the Supreme Court, he tried to expand the court so he could fill it with his supporters of the New Deal, for example, because the court kept declaring some of it's policies (The NRA price-fixing, for example) unconstitutional.

I don't believe that President Trump has issued any Executive Orders outside of his authority as head of the Executive Branch, or to overrule Supreme Court Decisions or any laws passed by Congress.

"You have replaced that with Trump worship."

I support President Trump, but I don't worship him as Democrats did President Obama. Especially seeing the Obama posters that looked similar to the Che Guvera posters of the 1960s, the images on magazine covers with a halo around Obama's head and other symbols as such. I would show you some, however this media does not allow images to be posted.

"Republicans with very real principles who oppose the lies and race-baiting in which Trump constantly engages, along with his divisiveness, are excommunicated."

For example, you mean "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" ? Or the phrase "My People", when referring to the New Black Panther party members ?

The fact is that Donald Trump as president of the United States has yielded hope for the nearly 64 million Americans who voted for him that America would return to the values that once made America great, including controlled immigration, entry only given to those who share our values, controlled borders, sovereignty, smaller government, less regulations, lower taxation, and American exceptionalism.

Instead, nearly nine months after his inauguration, we find members of both the Republican and Democratic parties in Congress (aka 'the swamp'), as well as many in the media who are an adjunct extension of the Democratic National Committee continuing the battle to overturning the will of the people by seeking his removal from office basically, by any means possible.

"It is Hail Trump. He has now identified criticism of him with criticism of the country."

I believe it was President Obama who was the thin-skinned type. Trump is a very abrasive New Yorker and is not skilled in "nuancing" as Obama's supporters claimed he was.

We are on a slippery slope.

Into a civil war I fear. One thing we can agree on.

LVCI said...

August 28, 2017 at 8:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Still upset that crooked and corrupt Hillary Rodham Clinton lost. Too bad. So sad.

I can't speak for everybody but I'm not sad Hillary lost... I'm sad because Trump won. There were 10 other Republicans who started out in the race. Yet this dufus won over at least 5 others who were far more qualified then he'll ever be. Out of those 5 there were 3 others I could have accepted even before Hillary. Sanders was my man, but I was willing to accept anyone of those 3 Republicans winning.

Trump is only out for Trump. A insult comic who could care less about anyone other then himself. He never was a Republican or Democrat. The sooner the people who support this phony come to gripes with the fact he's a megalomaniac (without principles) the better off this country will be.

Now Trump is considering throwing Rex Tillerson (his secretary of state) overboard because he ain't kissing his behind. All hail the great Donald Trump or suffer the consequences. If there's any hope it will come if/when Mike Pence takes over and restores some sanity in the oval office.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I'm sick to death of the excuse that Trump is just an abrasive New Yorker unskilled at expressing himself. Wrong! He is preying on white America's fear of everything that is not white, on Christian America's fear of everything that's not Christian. He's been doing this for years. He is as divisive by design. You can pick and choose Obama remarks you consider divisive, but that was never his design. Trump fully intends to throw these grenades.

I agree there was hero worship of Obama, but never heard him brag he could shoot someone and he would still have the same followers. That's what we have with Trump. And when he loses, as he ultimately will, my fear is that he will refuse to accept the results and civil war will ensue.

Anonymous said...

Following limited government ideology "In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, a storm that hit New Jersey and New York in 2012, eight Texas Republicans voted against increasing flood insurance, and 23 voted against emergency funding for victims."

How will these Rs vote on a socialism Bill to help Texas in the wake of Harvey?

Kudos to Gov Wolf for sending PA EMA team. I am sure Charlie Dent will vote good conscience too. Move away from the Radical Right.

Anonymous said...

12:34 Yup, Trump is just the devil incarnate. He's managed to prevail over an economy surging ahead with one million new jobs, billions of dollars in regulatory rollback and a more than 70% decline in Southwest illegal border crossings. This is nothing short of a miracle in light of the obstructionists attempting to hijack him at every turn.

The American people elected a businessman, not a career politician with an astonishing track record of adding to the population of swamp dwellers in a town teeming over with parasitic swamp inhabitants.

Remember, It's the Economy, Stupid

LVCI said...

August 28, 2017 at 12:10 PM Anonymous said...
I believe it was President Obama who was the thin-skinned type.

Setting each and every political difference in issues aside let's talk about temperament. When did Obama scream at the press and people to get the hell out of his rallies? When did he make up demeaning nick names for his opponents and members of congress? Obama didn't fire someone nearly every week of his presidency. I could list many more differences. Point is if Obama said and acted up the way Trump does you'd be right. Instead we're living in some sort of Alice In Wonderland mirror where everything seems to be reflected in the opposite of reality.

Thank goodness guys like Dent and other congressional members (on both sides) and many in government departments still remain. I'm sure they'd prefer Pence or Obama over what they're stuck with now. Obama was reasonable, well spoken and informed. So is Mike Pence. Everything Trump is not.

Anonymous said...


Really, let's talk about temperament. Recall Obama on Jimmy Kimmel with "Mean Tweets" and he read one of Trumps tweets saying that he (Obama) would go down as the worst president in history to which Obama replies "At least I will go down as a President" and drops the phone. A bit snarky and demeaning to say the least, particularly his facial expression. Then too, how about Travon Martin and Obama's comment about "If I had a son he'd look like Travon Martin". Really? I mean, we've all seen photos of Travon with the gun in his hand. Or how about the Somerville, MA, police making a mistake with the African American professor? "They acted stupidly" was the quote.

Yeah, Obama was just so "perfect" compared to Trump. Wait, he was "reasonable, well-spoken and informed". Thanks for giving me a laugh today. Obama and Trump are both sides of the same coin, one you agree with and the other you don't. But Party loyalty makes one blind to facts. What you and many are missing is the concerted effort to divide this once-great Country with "sports team" mentality politics. So sad that we're fighting amongst ourselves while the elites continue to take more and more.

Unknown said...

Bernie, you say that what bothers me more than anything else is that Toomey … took his time before deciding to endorse Trump. Oh, so now you know what I’m thinking and feeling? Did you take over my body when I wasn't looking? LOL!!!

You say “This has nothing to do with ideology or issues.” You are either unable to see the truth, or you are doing your job as a good-little Dent soldier. It is all about ideology and issues. We voted for an agenda articulated by Donald J. Trump. The establishment Republicans like Dent, Fitzpatrick, Meehan and Costello are doing all they can to stop the agenda, and to delegitimize Trump.

Make no mistake. This is a GOP battle between the political elites who have all the power versus the conservative base that is finally taking them to task. In the past, at election time we were told to give our money and our vote to the GOP establishment candidate. The rest of the year, the GOP has had no use for us.

Charlie Dent declared war against the freedom caucus. Charlie has been an anti-Trumper from the start and he expects to be fully rewarded when Trump is finally taken down.

Through our current project www.SupportTheAgenda.com we are out there fighting for our President, fighting for our agenda, fighting for our Constitution, and fighting for our freedom. All republicans are now on notice that they had better support the agenda or face fierce opposition from conservatives. Support the agenda or we’ll replace you with someone who will.

Anonymous said...

The deep state GOPers have won some battles but they have not won the war. Was it such a good idea for the enemy to attempt to destroy this nation? He who laughs last has the best laugh. I tend to believe Trump knows exactly what he is doing. Remember, Trump's background is in bushiness, not politics. The Washington swamp rats aren't used to getting fired after upsetting the boss, and there is a reason the word "intrigue" gets attached a lot to the word "political"

The Democrats are losing ground with voters at an accelerating pace, along with credibility. The more ground they lose, the louder they scream. Also the GOP RINOs appear to be headed for extinction with voters, and all of these "investigations" are starting into democrat activities across the board. Democrats have stopped talking about Russia, there is more dirt there on their side than they care to discuss.

If Trump isn't allowed to fire deep state employees, he can put them in prison.
CNN is desperately trying to regain some relevance, but their tactic of trying to embarrass conservative voices on air has been a disaster, all that happens is the people get to hear how much Trump is doing. The AntiFa violence isn't playing well for the Democrats, either.

I expect November 2018 to be very revealing.

LVCI said...

August 28, 2017 at 2:06 PM Anonymous said...
Party loyalty makes one blind to facts. What you and many are missing is the concerted effort to divide this once-great Country with "sports team" mentality politics.

Yeah gads you caught me! I was so enamored with the Democratic party completely screwing over Bernie Sanders that I turned my wrath towards Trump and the Republican party. Did you ever think I was (and still am) focused entirely on issues and leadership over party? Did you even read what I said about Trump not being of either party's ideas?

Hillary was a phony who tried echoing Bernie's ideas. Trump... hell I don't know what he believes at this point. Although I find no favor with Pence's stands I would support his sanity in a heartbeat. Therefore "... blind to facts. What you and many are missing..." is about far away as any label you could put on me. If Obama said and did half of what Trump does I'd label him a screwball too.

Face it you're accusing me of dividing the country because I dare disagree. Accusing me of a "concerted effort to divide this once-great Country" kind of makes me inclined to think you're more onboard with the MAGA team then you'd like to admit. Course I could be wrong. However based on your logic anyone who is "blind to the facts"must be a zombie to either party which implies yours is a intelligence far beyond my or others reasoning's. I'm truly humbled by your presence.

BTW: My last comment. Carry on :-)

Anonymous said...

"Robert Mueller witch hunt being conducted by him and his band of leftist brothers"

Oh my, I am sure this is news to Robert Mueller.

Anonymous said...

'Or how about the Somerville, MA, police making a mistake with the African American professor? "They acted stupidly" was the quote.'

I Would say he stated A fact. the police did in fact act stupidly in that case. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Lets try to use some reason. HRC was unpalatable to many Democrats. Many democrats in the swing states that voted for Trump stated they would have voted for a different Democrat but did not trust HRC.As an old Dem. I was disappointed at the HRC worship police, particularly militant DFem women, who would screech their anger if you tried to point out HRC's weaknesses as a candidate. They forgot that people don't vote with their brain or pocketbook, they vote with their guts. Voting is a visceral reaction to one of the two candidates. Trump was the devil I don't know versus the devil I do know. In this case the Trump devil won.

Let us make no more of this than what it was. Too those proclaiming a civil war, please read some history. The bloodiest war in American history. Who would win such a war, no one, we would all lose, America would be destroyed and that would be it. Grow the Hell up and stop talking so stupid!!

Anonymous said...

Really! Dent is a democrat and we all know it.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Unerfuhrer Campione,I know what bothered you about. Toomey bc that's what you said bothered you. And you are lying to yourself if you think Trump has any core political beliefs. You know this but do not subject him to the same litmus test you use on others bc he is a fellow authoritarian. That's your agenda.

Bernie O'Hare said...

4:01, it is quite clear to me that the stage is being set for a complete authoritarian takeover. All the signs are there. The press is anti-America. KKK and neoNazis in Charlottesville get a wink and a nod. Trumpghreatening to shit down the government. This is entirely plausible. There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the middle of a constitutional crisis fomented by a demagogue elected by a minority. Nothing would surprise me.

Anonymous said...

I also remember when Democrats were like John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Not Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Shumer. What a difference for today's Democratic Party.

Not long ago, there were Texas Democrats like Senator Lloyd Bentsen, a conservative Democrat. He defeated then-businessman George H.W. Bush for the U.S. Senate in 1970. Democrats all sound alike today. There is no ideological diversity as you saw in the party that produced a man like Lyndon Johnson or Scoop Jackson and others.

There are no conservative Democrats – just very liberal Democrats who subscribe to the same message of income redistribution and identity politics. They are Obama Democrats rather than Democrats like Hubert Humphrey.

Anonymous said...

"I also remember when Democrats were like John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson"

So you are a supporter of Medicaid, Medicare and healthcare reform. Something the two if them advocated strongly. Also the Great Society dedicated to ending poverty and institutional racism.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bernie you have really stated it there, "You are sure we are in the midst of a government take over". Of course it is Trump who plays on fears and sows division.

It appears the government has been taken over for years, by unnamed bureaucrat's and behind the scenes players.

So you believe the attempt to remove Trump is in the interest of the country.

That trump is a threat to the country, but BLM and Antifa , marxist revolutionaries, are the good guys, and no threat to the country.

Trump really hasn't done anything but enforce existing laws.

If all those Anti-Trumpers and Dems do not like our immigration laws, why don't they put forth legislation, opening the borders and giving amnesty to all. According to the media, they should even be able to override a veto.

Ask Charlie to put forth the bill, if they believe in this stuff, where is the action. We all know why they don't do it, because they are a bunch of fakers, who campaign on lots of things, then when the time comes they are afraid they will upset someone. No principle, just fakers.

Anonymous said...

One thing seems to be for sure. the left is living by their policy of drug use liberalization. They should slow down their use of mind altering drugs. Stop the delusion. get back to reality. I guess a Trump presidency is just too much to take without a little help from their friends.

Anonymous said...

Hubert Humphrey?

He advocated universal healthcare, with which I believe but please don't pretend you would not demonize him as well as Kennedy and Johnson if they were alive today. The pillars of the Republican Party were the folks that had the Dallas newspapers run ads of Kennedy in the sights of a rifle, with the caption,'wanted for treason'.. As Kennedy himself stated the morning of his death, "We are headed into nut country today.". Little did he know how far "nut country" would spread nationwide. If you are going to continuously hijack a few of JFK's quotes you should in all honesty accept all of his quotes.

Come on Bernie, some of this nonsense is just to much, man. What is rump doing to this nation???

Bernie O'Hare said...

5:31, What I don't like about arguing with authoritarians is they will twist what i have said.I have NOT said we are in the midst of a government takeover. I have said the stage is being set for one and that we are in constitutional crisis. When I see jack-booted thugs marching on a Friday night chanting anti-Jewish rants,and authoritarian Donald Trump claims some of them are "very fine people," I think a takeover is plausible, especially when Trump realizes he is going to lose the next presidential.

Anonymous said...

President Trump is trying to save this great nation! He represents the people.

Anonymous said...

"Unterfuehrer". Schreibt richtig, bitte. Danke.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"President Trump is trying to save this great nation! He represents the people."

All Trump cares about is himself. He has made very clear he does not represent the people. He only represents those who pledge their loyalty. And if this is a great nation, why do you chant Make America Great Again?

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between the KKK and BLM?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor because Establishment, swamp-dwelling RINOs like Charlie Dent will see to it.

Bernie O'Hare said...

6:22, , there is a big difference between a group that burns crosses and has lynched peop,e, and another group that is nonviolent and espouses the inherent dignity of black lives. Any attempt to equate these is pure racism.

Anonymous said...

"If you are going to continuously hijack a few of JFK's quotes you should in all honesty accept all of his quotes."

Wow, I'll try to remember that the next time "progressives" try to hijack Alexander Hamilton or Teddy Roosevelt.

I guess if I disagree with Kennedy's decisions on the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam, I'm not entitled use his quote on free speech, since intellectual giants seem to be of the opinion that it needs to be all or nothing.

Bernie O'Hare said...

A few of the more recent comments from authoritarian Rolf Oeler have been deleted. He is banned on this blog bc four years ago, he threatened to kill the President. I am temporarily requiring readers to sign in if they want to comment. I get tired of responding to the same two or three people who won't say who they are, but try to take over this blog. This will give them time to go out and buy some of the Brown shirts on sale at Walmart.

Patriot2 said...

I wear brown shirts as a Lehigh grad so don't criticize us brown shirt guys with Villanova game coming up Saturday. Dent & McCain have sabotaged the Republican agenda over their disdain for Trump. Tax cut will likely be the next area they will undercut. Border tax coupled with corporate tax cut was brilliant & guys like Dent & McCain fail to get the importance of tying these together for real tax reform.

Anonymous said...

LUV ole Senator Ted 'bacon' Cruz. he Argued against aid for Hurricane Sandy relief but is begging for it for Hurricane Harvey that hit his state of Texas. Not a typical hypocrite much! You only want that government aid when it aids you. These anti-government yellers are the worst!

Bernie O'Hare said...

Authoritarians like you devolve. Lincoln, on the other hand, had the rare capacity to evolve in his thinking. This is a subject I have studied in great detail. Lincoln originally believed the black race to be inferior. He also believed that African American may be the same, but will never have a chance here and we should set them up in Liberia. But his thinking was without the benefit of really knowing any black people. All that changed when he became President and began meeting with Frederick Douglas. Though they did no see eye-to-eye, Lincoln is the person who Douglas eventually supported. Lincoln understood, as few do, that a leader does not rule by making a sweeping change to an institution like slavery or in black-white relations. His Emancipation Proclamation, for example, does not set slaves everywhere free.But it had a moral authority that went far beyond the words on that page. Had he remained alive, his approach to reconstruction in the south would have been far more gradual than it occurred under his incapable successor, Andrew Johnson. When he visited Richmond in the closing days of the war, former slaves got word of his presence, which was with next to no military escort and in territory that only hours before had been occupied by the Confederate Army. He was soon surrounded by former slaves who were very grateful at having been set free. Lincoln hugged them and there is no doubt in my mind that, by the end of his presidency, he viewed both races as more or less equal and was trying to nudge the white race in that direction.

He was the poet president and may very well have been one of the greatest people to have lived. Without question, he and Washington are our two greatest presidents.

You can hate him if you like.

Most bigots do.

Ted Baxter said...

I remember when Democrats were SANE.

Canary_In_Coalmine said...

Bernie's right - there is no comparison between BLM and the KKK.

Moreover, Obama criticized BLM for refusing to come to the table with solutions, and the group itself condemned violence.

The left and the right both like to play the game of picking an extremist on the other side and proclaiming that individual a representative of the opposition. The guy who shot five cops in Dallas becomes representative of BLM, and the guy who committed car murder becomes representative of Republicans. This strategy is good at generating outrage and ratings, but will never lead to meaningful policy improvements.

Any counterargument that's a variant of "But what about..." is not a meaningful counterargument, except maybe in kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are now criticizing Mrs Trump's shoes

How catty and pitiful. I suppose they've got nothing else to attack the President about but the shoes his wife wears.

Anonymous said...

so all Democrats are upset about her footwear?
how do you know that the complainers are Democrats?
horns on their heads perhaps?
"catty and pitiful"---yep their are mean folks on social media.
Flotus took their advice as she was wearing sneakers getting off the plane.
i doubt Melina is as thin skinned about criticism as the trump worshipers are.

As far as donnie "two scoops" is concerned there are many more larger issues that he has to answer for

Anonymous said...

Her shoes??
The tea party faithful called Mrs. Obama a mannish ape, so I doubt a shoe comment is all that bad a thing.

Anonymous said...

Who needs an "bleep" wall when you have no home? Will GOP bitter tea drinkers oppose reconstruction aid like they did for the Northeast after Sandy? Let's see if Mike Pence view has changed.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, with all the assklowns comments I am starting to read like the chinese last first and first last. This is because the comments seem to come from the same cisternious holes.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"so all Democrats are upset about her footwear?"

She is a beautiful woman and the last thing I would be looking at is her footwear.

Anonymous said...

quite true
donnie is lucky to have her as his third wife.

Anonymous said...

They are freeks bernie, haven't you been to the great allentown hospital carnival in your childhood either and were deprived of the exibitions of the back midway? I personally never made it to the farm animal exibitions because of the hillariousness of the back midway.

Anonymous said...

Well, now u can start attacking Justin Simmons because he is daring to challenge Dent. You better take your blood pressure meds.

Anonymous said...

Melania Trump has more class in her little finger than all of these so-called "fashion critics" put together.

Anonymous said...

The unpresident should hold off on predicting epic congratulations to himself on handling the Harvey storm until all is said and done. His latest speeches sounded more like a reality show audition than an important speech.

Peter j. Cochran said...

See, this is why Hemstreet did not jump into any early conclusions over a 911 building - it was locatated in an area that a truck could take it out off of 248 - he held off . No body payed attention . No bridges ,no buildings , nothing ,but his image by the door . That's the way he wanted it . After being on both fronts in WWII and the bomb test , being held over ,still the man remains relatively nameless after all that . Issue is he is rolling over in his grave after this 'catastrophe ' mis management of a government center . This whole thing is just hard to believe. We need to STOP hiring people based on political affiliations, and allow the qualified people 'access ' to public sector occupations. The EASD is also guilty . This causes inbread incompetence that becomes self perpetuating . We tax payed pay the freight !

Anonymous said...
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Bernie O'Hare said...

Anonymous coward, In the future, you will be deleted unless your comments to Peter identify you and in a way I can verify. Cyber bully someone else and somewhere else.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"She is a beautiful woman and the last thing I would be looking at is her footwear."

Most sensible comment you've made in months. She'd be hot in nun boots.