Artist Sean Delonas |
Running bamboo spreads to Delonas back yard |
Delonas told Commissioners that running bamboo is recognized by the Pa. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as one of the fastest growing and most invasive plants in the world. His neighbor planted this bamboo along his property line, and the grasses have spread to Delonas' property at Cabernet Place. According to a study by the Institute of Invasive Bamboo Research, running bamboo even survived the Hiroshima bomb. Delonas told Commissioners that running bamboo has already broken through his fence "and will break my underground lines, pipes and my home's foundation in less than two years." He requested an ordinance that would hold a property owner responsible for the spread of this plant onto other properties. He stopped short of seeking an outright ban, but wants those who plant running bamboo held responsible if its destructive path takes aim at another person's property.
Throughout Pennsylvania, 17 communities have adopted bamboo ordinances. Some, like Douglass Township, have imposed a ban on this grass.
A Cumberland County Court has declared running bamboo a "vegetative nuisance" The court reasoned that urban living includes certain responsibilities, including a responsibility to take precautions against invasive plants that encroach upon another person's property.
While Delonas attempted to speak, Hudak repeatedly interrupted him. His first comment is that there is a grove of bamboo trees behind his house, and it has not spread into his yard. Delonas tried to explain that clumping bamboo does not spread and that Hudak may have running bamboo confused with cane, which is native to this area and does not spread. But Hudak kept speaking over him.
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What running bamboo does to a yard |
Hudak kept claiming that Delonas was seeking a ban on bamboo, which Delonas attempted to dispute. Hudak then claimed that bamboo has been growing in the Township for the bast 80 years with no problem.
"You can do what you want," he advised. "Phil will vote for it," he added, taking a shot at another Commissioner. Then, declaring he was "speechless," Hudak said he was "done," and walked out of the meeting.
Phil Barnard's sentiment? "We owe you a review," he told Delonas.
Attempts to contact Delonas' neighbor, who is reportedly out of town, were unsuccessful.
It's one thing to be arrogant, it's another thing to be ignorant ---- and then there are those small minded people that are strutting little pricks.
In Michael Hudak we have the whole package.
Shame on this mans colleagues for not reining him in. He turns the entire proceedings into a sad excuse for governance.
I know bamboo, I have lived with bamboo. This man is no bamboo.
i have experience with running bamboo, and it is indeed the problem described. neighbors who keep their grass cut often may not be aware of it. but it's spreading under their property all the same, in all directions. it's roots underground are so strong that they must be chopped with an axe
Bamboo is a nightmare. The roots never leave. Even chopping it can be futile.
Sounds to me, this running bamboo stuff has much in common with political corruption. Just one more spreading nasty taking over our lives.
It's almost time for Mrs. Hudak to write a creepy response and maybe attack one of the better commissioners for good measure.
She has "collage degrees".
Hudak doesn't like Delonas's political cartoons, which were hilarious and often targeted asshole pols like Hudak. Bamboo is nasty stuff. It'll wreck plumbing and foundations.
Mike Hudak wouldn't be so arrogant to believe
running bamboo need his help to be controlled.
So basically this guy came in with a lot of research and knowledge on the subject, owned Hudak in fromt of 50 people, Hudak responds like an ignorant know-it-all (because let's face it, his wife's knowledge from her multiple degrees transfers to the Sensei through osmosis), and then storms out after being humiliated.
Perhaps bamboo under Hudaks fingers would calm him down. Part of Sensi training, no doubt!
Can this Township survive two more years with Mr. Hudak? He is rude to everyone he disagrees with. I thought the idea of being an elected official is to be open-minded, and make decisions that are based upon factual information, and benefit the community as a whole. I have an idea for Mr. Hudak's next campaign signs....his slogan could be "My Way or The Highway". Resign now, Mr. Hudak, before you cause yourself and the Township more embarrassment.
Sticking up for running bamboo? Are you serious? Sticking up for running bamboo?
Thank you 8:36. Hudak has no idea how to govern. I am sure he was sleeping through high school civics and history class and has no idea how to model his behavior on the great American statesmen that this country has produced.
No doubt he puts Joe McCarthy on a pedestal because God knows the Township is crawling with Commie pinko bastards who want to let bamboo run wild like those slope head gook countries in the far East.
Does the Aryan Brotherhood have a chapter in Miller Heights? Do they meet to talk about the creeping bamboo menace at Mike Hudak'S house?
Hudak is the best commissioner they have. These negative comments are orchestrated by Marty.
9:18 and what time does the Aryan Brotherhood meet? Do you all wear leather chaps and jockstraps to the meeting?
I think he's adoreable. Cuter than a bugs ear and smart as a whip.
A real hunk of burning desire.
He's a mans man, if you get my drift.
Wow, Mr. Hudak sounds like a total dolt that has no business being a supervisor. This resident comes in with a valid issue, and research he has done, and this gorilla jumps all over him, jumps up and down, and leaves. Really? He's pretty full of himself, and something else. Maybe the bamboo owner is a buddy of his?
Best Commissioner EVER!
@9:18 & 10:35 LOL!
She dis wants da big bamboo
Big Bamboo:
Two peas in a pod - Hudak and Zawarski.
Hudak is transpariently pathetic, I find Zawarsk the more duplicitous of the dopy duo.
I understand an election is afoot, and it's time for personal attacks. And I am going to allow a lot of them bc these guys are elected officials and must have a thick skin. But the attempt to identify Zawarski oir anyone else with Huda, excepting possible Paul Weiss, is dead wrong and is actually disinformation. The truth is that Hudak detests Zawarski, Nolan and Barnard. He has written Facebook screeds attacking all three. He is completely out-of-control, and his rude behavior towards a Township resident at that meeting is inexcusable.
I will remind everyone that, unlike the other Commissioners, Hudak is a Democrat. He acts worse than any reactionary I know, but he is a Democrat. So one could easily claim that the two Democrats running in this election are allied with Hudak.
That would be nonsense, too.
If you spread disinformation like the kind you are spreading, I believe it will backfire. Stick with the truth.
Hudak belongs in his own category, and if anyone is to be blamed for him, it should be the voters who elected him, not his fellow Commissioners.
"Do you all wear leather chaps and jockstraps to the meeting?"
What a coincidence. When the Mediterranean manslab returns to the LV, that will be the official uniform at the party. We intend to have a blast. Also bring all the running bamboo you can find.
Free Greggy!
Mr. Hudak's behavior has deteriorated since the last election. Two years ago, he was tolerable, and a better choice than the carpetbagger, Mickey Thompson. Since, he's gotten out of hand, and has embarrassed himself terribly. His political days are numbered.
He had told Zawarski he was going to resign. Maybe he would be happier if he did.
The Township might salvage a modicum of respectability if this loose cannon resigns.
To all you douce bags including the biggest one of all, Bernie, i happen to know hudak got a text regarding a family medical emergency and that is why he left the meeting. so that makes you and all your minons assholes.
The simple minds can't help but look for the worst that supports their cause. Also, Zawarski tells us that you always comment on your own blog as anonymous just to stir up trouble. THATS pathetic. I speak with Hudak often and share some of the comments in this blog. He stops me, "I don't care to hear it, if they don't have the balls to speak face to face their not worth my time, and Bernie is just a blogger and Liar not a journalist". He refuses to read it prefering truth over nonsense and I can see why. So next time you want to kick a man when he's down remember, it could be you.
Mike Hudak, You made the usual "I'm speechless" remark after trying to monopolize every discussion, then said you're "done," and walked out. That's what happened. You did not excuse yourself. You did not say, "I have a family emergency and must leave," though you dominated the rest of the meeting. Also, I NEVER comment anonymously, as you are doing to make a personal attack. That kind of behavior is dishonest and cowardly. You are demonstrating both of those qualities with your comment. Hard as it may be for someone with your ego to accept, people are fed up with your nonsense. You owe the resident that you rudely interrupted and badgered a public apology. You owe Kathy Glagola a public apology or screaming at her following a meeting, and trying to intimidate her. That's not the behavior of a man, but a coward. You owe the Commissioners you publicly castigated a public apology. You owe Comm's Barnard a public apology for your insulting remark on Monday night. And then you should resign.
As for the truth, you wouldn't know it if it hit you in the face with a 2 x 4.
By the way, you didn't have the balls to speak face--to-face with Nolan, Zawarski or Barnard with your Facebook vitriol. And i have no obligation to speak to you before accurately reporting your disgraceful behavior. You are nothing more than a bully. Most people see that now at meetings. Step down.
I was in attendance at the meeting. At no time while Hudak was angerly shouting at the resident did he consult his cell phone or ipad. I doubt he would have had time to do so because he was so involved visciously attacking the resident. The more the resident tried to defend his position in a very polite and calm way the more Hudak attacked him speaking over him and trying to drown him out. Hudak announced "I am DONE" slammed all of his things together and abruptly left the meeting. And honestly if I hear Hudak say one more time "my wife has a degree in landscape architecture I think I will vomit in my mouth. If Hudak has that degree then let him offer his white paper on the subject. Otherwise everything else he says is hearsay and out of context.
When you are an elected official you are supposed to have an open mind and be able to consider all angles of the problem and come up with solutions that work for the greater good. He does not have the CAPABILITY to do this. Anger gets the best of him EVERYTIME. His behavior is offensive and makes the township look BAD.
It's time to go Hudak. Resign NOW.
I actually feel some compassion for the little thug. He's obviously guy was some deep-seated problems.
Michael Hudak does take time to prepare and is very tight-fisted with a buck, but he has alienated everyone. There is no excuse for the way he berates residents. He really is a bully, and every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it. It really would be in the Township's best interests for him to resign.
Hudak has often demonstrated that he is capable of doing severe damage to any rational idea or cause that sane people have given full and well reasoned consideration to over time.He is a person who is desperate for attention and will do or say whatever irrational nonsense that escapes from his disordered and distorted mind. It would not surprise me in the least if he is has to be institutionalized for future dastardly actions , which unfortunately he will not be held responsible for, because he teeters on the brink of madness on a daily basis.
I think @ 9:07 AM is trying to say is one day this guy could lose it and hall off and hit somebody.
He's scary and doesn't appear to have much impulse control,
Hudak acts no differently than Ron Angle has when in elected office,. On county council he would berate and interrupt numerous citizens. If he disagreed he would make snide comments, interrupt, call them names and just be straight up rude and obnoxious.
O'Hare called that good government. How is Hudak different??
Angle was a bully too, if a much brighter one than Hudak.
Having watched both, I would say there were times when Ron could bully others, but not like Hudak. Rn has a sense of humor about it and his biggest target is usually himself, buy yes, he goes too far at times. But it is nothing like Hudak, who really takes himself far too seriously.
Hudak could lose control. He's unhinged.
A few years ago Delonas lead a charge and made complaints to the Township against his home builder and developer about poor customer service and unresolved drainage problems in his neighborhood. Dont recall if those were ever resolved?
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