Gee, I thought they were all supposed to do that. Silly me.
In any event, congrats to Paul, who was very well-regarded when he covered Northampton County. I saw him figure things out in five minutes that would take me several days.
Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
Paul, all the best to you, but stay as far away as you can from the Lehigh County District Attorney's Office. Trust me, you don't want to know anything about the 'Perpetrator Protection Mill' for select/connected homicidal drunk drivers that DA Jim Martin is running out of there or how The Morning Call facilitates Martin's case fixings in the clever ways it excludes select information from its coverage of these cases. Ask Glenn Kranzley and Dave Erdman and Debbie Garlicki. DA Jim Martin is strictly off limits and for reasons Glenn and Dave and Debbie may or may not explain to you. In the meantime, I've heard there's a puppy mill operating right out in the open in Lohapcotongswamp Township ...
What’s the excitement? Paul was Allentown’s city reporter these past two years and failed to report on any of the shenanigans that pass for local government here.
Perhaps he will be sent on a mission to pursue Republican graft in some suburban locality while we here in the city watch it crumble around us.
Scott Armstrong
Let's not forget about the garbage that Muschick wrote after a lame poll was conducted regarding Allentown (blog link).
Let's all congratulate Muschick by slapping our heads while repeatedly saying, "doh!"
Good point AJ. I wrote about that bogus poll
It took me less than five minutes to figure out how skewed that poll was.
I remember reading you're excellent blog about the poll shortly after I read the actual article by Muschick.
It's just another reason why we need more local bloggers and less "watchdog" reporters.
To see the total inventory of 'watchdog investigative reporting' by The Morning Call over the past 3 years, click on "Special Reports" under "News" at mcall.com.
As you'll see, it's an embarrassingly short and fluff-laden list of "exposé stories" for a newspaper the size of The Morning Call ...
My journalism professors (and mentors) use to tell me constantly that "all journalism is investigative reporting." Until TMC realizes this, don't expect anything too professional.
Bernie -
Whether Paul is a good reporter (or not) is not in question.
The real question is what the Call will print and/or let him cover. I think many of his Allentown stories were heavily edited in the past.
A city government like Allentown's has enough going on to win a Pulitzer Prize for a newspaper that is willing to pursue the truth.
"Bill ... "all journalism is investigative reporting."
I agree, a.j.c.
"A city government like Allentown's has enough going on to win a Pulitzer Prize for a newspaper that is willing to pursue the truth."
... there's also a Pulitzer to be had for that news organization (Express-Times? Philadelphia Inquirer?) willing to investigate and expose The Morning Call.
Crony corrupt politicians are a dime a dozen, although still a swell story when they're toppled.
But a NEWSPAPER that betrays the public trust by looking the other way and enabling crony corruption ... while steadfastly refusing to meet with watchdog citizens who have compiled damning evidence against an 'elected' official who is engaging in it with impunity ...
now there's a story.
All of you are pathetic. The Morning Call doesn't care what any of you think.
I enjoy the comments from others. If the MC does not care what its readers think, that itself is an indictment.
Bill Villa...
If you could, e-mail me when you read this.
There's no money in news.
Want news, buy your own newspaper.
It's the Republican way!
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