You are welcome to comment anonymously here. Some of you have good reason to fear retribution if your identities are disclosed. Without anonymity, we'd all be deprived of your inside insights. Others among you may own small businesses, where it is never a good idea to voice strong opinions. A few of you may even wish to remain anonymous simply to protect your children's identity.
Whatever the reason, I am more interested in the message than the messenger. I respect the preference of many genuine commenters for pseudonymity and will protect their privacy. On the other hand, I have and will out people who hide behind the veil of anonymity to launch nasty personal attacks. I'll also out public officials and corporations who attempt to mislead readers.
I'm about to do it again.
These sinners violate the Daily Whackjob's Fourth Commandment: "If you feel like you can’t say something using your real name or your usual screen name, then you probably shouldn’t say it." Violations inevitably lead to the Sixth Commandment: "Don’t be surprised when anonymous commenters/bloggers get outed after making fools of themselves."
A Few Outed Trolls
Over the past two years, I've outed a few such fools. One of them is George Speros Maniatty, Jr, an anonymous troll who constantly tries to ruin meaningful discussion with misinformation and childish taunts. He's an Allentown Democratic committeeman and rabid Sam Bennett supporter. But candidates keep George at arm's length because his sleazy antics can get them in trouble. George's myspace profile tells us he's single and looking. I'm already taken, so he's reduced to friends like "Ivana Fukalot."
I outed Northampton County council member Lamont McClure when he disingenuously tried to pass himself off as a normal "man on the street", who was gathering information about county government on the basis of what he reads in The Express Times. I even outed an astroturf blog being paid by AT&T to manipulate public opinion about net neutrality. In both of those cases, there was a dishonest attempt to manipulate public opinion.
You can be a troll, too!
Local blogger Chris Casey thinks my comments policy is just horrible, repeatedly calls me a blog Nazi (without having the guts to mention me by name) and ridiculously complains my comments policy is the reason no one ever comments on his blog. Waaah. He even goes so far as to recommend you all rush out right away to buy anonymous surfing software so that you can all be trolls, too. I've got news for Casey. Anyone, including him, who thinks anonymity gives him a license to launch vicious personal attacks, is eventually going to be outed.
This brings me to the latest troll, a person who first appeared in January, when I wrote about Allentown Mayor Pawlowski's strong-arm tactics against a 75 year-old woman who dared conduct yard sales outside her Turner Street home. Lagata8484 exploded with a vicious diatribe aimed at Lázaro Fuentes (with an á, damn it!), Michael Molovinsky, Scott Armstrong and yours truly.
The words that never hurt you
Bernie: "is only known to his bellyaching companions and the leaders in business and commerce and government dont take him seriously as he is annoying and very small."
Molovinsky: "was ridiculed and trounced when he took himself seriously and made a run for mayor, the city has spoken loudly that no one knows how his mind works nor cares."
Armstrong: "is ever present at city council meetings bitching about stuff that no one else seems to care about. He is a case study for bad style and has a pit bull mind on a french poodle face and a voice that makes God cringe."
Fuentes: "Lazaro's Hispanic Chamber may be down to 2 members soon, him and his wife , as he is a hispanic version of Scott. The chamber has no presence in the latino community or any where else, it has as much credibility as Lazaro's degree from Columbia University. What a joke the lot of you are."
Intimidation Tactics a Pawlowski Standard
According to Scott Armstrong, these intimidation tactics are standard fare from Pawlowski's horde. He should know. Sycophants have attempted to intimidate Armstrong with love notes like this:
"I heard you on WAEB the other morning. You certainly have a big mouth. Instead of flapping your gums, why don't just keep sucking cocks? We in the neighborhood know exactly what you do, and to whom you do it. We are watching every move you make. We wonder what the members of Allentown City Council, would think of you, if they only knew. The next time you attend a Council Meeting, you are going to be exposed, for what you are. A cock sucker.
Have a great day, From all us"
And this:
"Hey, Blow anyone today? You know who we are!! TaTa, You, neighbor on the corner."
Verbal intimidation is one thing, but it extends to physical threats, too. Armstrong tells me "my car was vandalized with an M-80, and it was keyed countless times. The phone would ring when I entered the house and when I picked it up the caller would hang up; this happened routinely and was meant to send a message. My back door bell was rung in the middle of the night. My phone would ring at all hours with no one on the other end."
Armstrong is by no means alone. I've noticed myself that the standard response to any criticism of Mayor Pawlowski is an anonymous personal attack. But I had decided to ignore Lagata8484.
Until last week. That's when he posted a comment that snarked Lázaro's wife, calling her a "rice and beans" eater. I tried ignoring that, but can't.
Pawlowski Troll is Edward DeGrace
Lagata8484 is actually Edward DeGrace, described by Scott Armstrong as a Pawlowski apologist. "He's part of the city machine and will do what he has to do to make sure the machine succeeds." DeGrace, who actually hails from Cape Verde, is a Democratic activist who worked for Pawlowski's 2005 mayoral campaign. I tried calling him at his home last night, but this Air Products-employed intimidator was too scared to get on the phone. Morning Call archives paint him as a "community activist" who has even had a few op-eds published. He's also a Pawlowski bully who lacks the courage to be accountable for what he writes.
It matters very little to me if someone wants to attack me or talk about my alcoholism or legal suspension or weight or adult film career. And I appreciate people who disagree with me. I already know what I think and think we all benefit from different points of view. But when someone uses anonymity to attack other people, they're already doing something stupid. After that, it's only a matter of time.
I was unaware of the career in Adult films, but I am sure your detractors will illuminate us.
You know Bernie, if it was just you who said these things about how this Administration works, I would have my doubts and figure you have some kind of ax to grind, but I have heard from MANY people who have personally experienced such attacks, and they all say about the same thing.
In a democracy, we are supposed to be made stronger through civil discourse, but that model of democracy envisioned by our founders has been replaced by the politics of division, spin and personal attack.
So, boonie, when do you plan to out yourself?
- your friendly neighborhood troll in training
Excellent post, Bernie.
I'm not a big fan of anonymous bloggers, but I understand why they choose to hide themselves.
Some anonymous folks do contribute excellent thoughts and help provide great discussions, but many are pure hateful with no educated opinion whatsoever. Then, you get the idiots from "Team Casey," like that of Anon 6:30 AM, and it's just lame.
I hope that DeGrace and the other hate mongers begin to back off now. There are better things to do in life.
Signed, your "sock puppet."
Thanks, AJ. Team Casey is marginalized, thanks in large part to their own behavior. When you publicly advocate going after me, as Addicted did recently in a comment to his fearful leader ("I'm not mad at you, but I think we should all go after him."), you pretty much just damage yourself.
Bernie, I've never known you to post something without proof, but unless Im mistaken, you don't mention any about how you know that blogger is Ed DeGrace. What is your proof?
DeGrace was confronted by Fuentes and admitted it, in writing.
I should have noted that in the body of my post, and thank you for challenging me on this point.
I've also been told that DeGrace may not be employed by Air Prodicts.
Its your blog. You can do what you want. I freely recognize that. No criticsim there. Yet "outing" might be a new form comment moderation, I take a more skeptical view on moderation than you. Isn't the immunity normally ascribed to publishers based largely on free dialouge, which in turn might explain the mcall's lack of comment moderation.
Anyone who uses the privilege of anonymity or a pseudonym to slam someone, deserves no protection. That is a form of intimidation, and is designed to scare people away. It does not encourage debate. So I will out trolls from time to time.
The MC does moderate and removes all kinds of blue comments immediately. Where have you been? It even has filters to prevent certain words from being posted. It only allows the hate.
Fleck post seem to draw tons of trolls and spamers.
Heard Fleck even calls people up, and tells them what to post here to save his good name.
If thats possible. LMAO!!!
When you start a blog, you have to expect this. Also Mr O'Hare, Many times you use foul language talking about other people,so perhaps you shouldn't be surprized when the same thing comes back to you. Thank you, Henry
The blog owner, Chis Casey, is also damaged since he approved the comment for publication.
When comments are moderated, the owner of the blog is held accountable for what is published. This obviously means nothing to them and they could obviously care less about credibility, hence one of the reasons why nobody comments there. I guess they'll risk anything just to make sure you aren't able to challenge them in their own forum.
Bernie, I definitely must give you kudos on your "investigative reporting". At first I thought that "outing" someone was wrong but if they do everything short of libel and physical harm to someone who has an opposite view or opinion, then I DEFINITELY think what you are doing is GREAT ! I actually expected to receive some of those negative words and actions to be tossed at me in the near future due to some of my stances, but it's still early in the game and I'm not as prominent as you, MM, Scott A. and Laz. I really hope to be accepted into your "League Of Justice" one day. (smile)
You are in a league of your own, and I mean that as a compliment. I am very impressed by your dedication to Allentown as a true community activist who cares more about the people and a little less about the players. I am not worthy to be grouped with a person like you. Few of us are.
Scott Armstrong and MM, whose political philosophies are nmuch different than yours (or mine), also belong in the catgory of people who care and do something about it.
But I appreciate your very nice words.
Who is AJC?
I went over and read that other blog, you took that quote and put it in a way to change the meaning.
You guys are no better than the people you are bitching about. There's no honesty here, or on any of these webblogs.
Excellent Post? All I read is a couple of guys telling each other how wonderful they are. You should start your own political party. That's what they do Everybody should be anonymous.
So what is the mysterious line one must not cross for fear of being outed?
Where have you been?
I don't read the mcall comments or comment there. So yes, out of that loop I guess.
Those who engage in anonymous or pseudonymous attacks, directed at third persons, are in danger. By third persons, I generally mean people like Fuentes' better half, not elected officials. If I had to out everyone who calls Angle a name, I'd be doing nothing else.
An elected official who anonymously masquerades as a "man on the street" or a corporation pretending to be a grass roots group, is also in danger.
People are free to tell me off as much as they want. They are also free to express opinions, but personal and derogatory comments actually detract from a meaningful conversation.
Anon 1:50,
I took nothing out of context. It was done honestly. Addicted suggested to Casey the "we should all go after him," and it is very obvious that I am the intended target. If that's not clear enough, Addicted on his own blog declares that I am "self anointed Nattering Nabob of Negativism from Nazareth" (withour naming me) and claims the "forces of good are making a comeback against the hypocrisy of veiled hate. ... Long Live the Ancient Order of Hibernian Thunder Bloggers!"
I feel like a character in a Tolken novel.
I may be wrong, but don't think people would care to read or comment on any blog that moderates AND tells its readers, "Sure you can comment, doesn't mean I'll read it, or even publish it.." That evinces Addicted's rather condescending attitude.
Casey, by contrast, wants everyone to email him privately, instead of posting comments, which he moderates, on his blog. In his paranoia about what his readers might say, he destroys interactivity, the best feature of a blog. "Email comments you don't want the Blog Nazi to read to:"
So does another Team Casey member, who disingenuously portrays himself as a 29 year old dude "looking for a decent, mature young woman to make my life interesting". He also moderates his comments and tells his readers he has to do this because "I'm guilty of association with a guy Bernie O'somebody doesn't like." This person is most likely Casey himself or his crony, Mad as Bats, aka Dr. Blogger, aka Warren Kirkner, aka Kirk Warren and so on.
see what I mean? you bloggers all hate each other, then you complain when some private citizen disagrees with you. Thanks Henry
Henry, As you know, you are one of the anonymous trolls I've had to out from time to time. You can't claim we all hate each other while simultaneously condemning me for complimenting others.
The problem is not anonymity. The problem is using personal attacks to deflect debate from the real issue.
Manniatty was at a meeting where opponents of the EMS tax were allowed the opportunity to present their opinion. Mr. Manniatty yelled, argued, dominated the Q & A session, told other people who wanted to ask questions to be quiet because he wasn't done yet, and then launched into general anti GOP comments relaying national issues and history, etc.
He was quite intellectual. We were there to talk about a local tax.
Personal attacks are the refuge of the ignorant. Anonymity is not the problem, personal attacks in lieu or reasoned debate is the problem.
All such personal attacks should be deleted, whether anonymous or not.
I forgot. Personal attacks are OK if they're directed at Rs. Seriously, you're quite eloquent this evening and I thank you for your comment.
Just as I believe there is no right to privacy in the US Constitution (I've read it and read it and read it and can't find it), neither do I believe there is a right to privacy in Blogoslobovia. Americans are guaranteed as much privacy as they can protect for themselves. If this lowlife admitted his sins, he should be thusly hoisted by his own petard. How does Pawlowski countenance the hateful remarks? How does Air-Products feel about having a documented degenerate in their employ?
I enjoy this blog, though I'm one of its loyal political opposition on most issues. I'm a political junkie who posts anonymously so as not to betray political opinions that have nothing to do with the very public way I must feed my family. No, I'm not an exotic dancer. I appreciate the quality of the posts, the ensuing debate, and the respect I've received as a disagreeing, but not disagreeable, commenter. Nice work, Bernie.
Thank you for your nice words. We are all in this mess together and will sink and swim together. We need to listen to each other instead of trying to destroy each other.
Boonie, Ed DeGrace will have you for lunch. Team Casey?
I am always eloquent! Though you may disagree with me.
It is funny how I am talking to more and more liberals, locally and across the state in various venues, and we all agree.
Government is failing us. It is closed and insular. Public scrutiny is discouraged and frowned upon.
One liberal friend from Harrisburg summed it up: "We disagree about a lot of fundamental issues. We disagree about priorities of spending. But local and state government is so bad, we have to focus on fundamental reforms to get to the truth. Then we can debate those other issues."
The point is, when libs and conservatives are uniting on many issues, there is a BIG problem with government.
Bernie, you and I would disagree about many of the big issues. The problem is we have some many fundamental problems of governance and BOTH PARTIES that have to be solved, these will take a lot of our time and produce some really weird alliances. That just demonstrates the magnitude of the problems we face.
Open, accountable government with public awareness of the FACTS comes first. Then we can debate issues, priorities, etc.
I have never personally attacked a Dem in a public forum. I disagree with their policies. Sadly, too many politicians, of both parties, cannot make that distinction.
But thank you for your tongue in cheek comment!
Joe Hilliard, are you better off today then you were eight years ago? Don't knock Dems privately either, as you don't know what you are talking about.
Anon -
Yes I am better off today than eight years ago. In fact, the country is far wealthier (all groups) than they were eight years ago. In fact, this has been the trend for the last 40 years.
My private discussions are exactly that - private. However, I rarely resort to personal crap. It is just kind of juvenile.
Like the Mayor calling me "greedy", "insignificant" and "partisan" in our local paper.
I laughed it off. Nor did I respond with similar childishness.
Hi Bernie you incurable whackjob,it's me Ed De Grace,sorry I havent been reading your lunatic diatribes lately. I have a life. Bernie at least three quarters of your facts about me( Ed Pawlowski's mundless operative) were and are dead wrong. Go look at my very first post, I identified myself as Ed. I also,to paraphrase,called you an insignificant malcontent,Scott an unsightly deranged, annoying blabbermouth, Molovinsky a certified non starter and Lazaro a demagogic megalomaniac. I WAS RIGHT ON ALL COUNTS. My name is Ed so where is the anonymity? What is your major malfunction? So you outed me as a troll. Gosh Bernie with a law degree( albeit suspended indefinitely) cant you come up with a better insult than that after I bitchslapped you for months? Remember your popularity was going to lead throngs to my door with pitchforks and lanterns. Noone showed up, maybe you are an INSIGNIFICANT MALCONTENT as I have stated and proven countless times. I disagree with you on your assesment of Pawlowski,Allentown,Crime Problem,Laz,MM.Scott,and you and your popularity. Now you can try to squash my accurate and proven assessments like you claim Pawlowski and I do,but you havent done a damn thing right since you ended your law career for $60 and this blog isnt worth caca. BTW ,I never said anything about Mrs.Fuentes, I declared myself a proud member of the rice and beans brigade refering to Lazaro's derogatory opinion of latinos who disavow his POWER and disagree with him overall. You and that laughable cadre I refered to are impotent and comical, if that makes me a troll then so be it. Bernie you are WRONG,WRONG,WRONG on your views your information is rarely accurate, you are an insignificant malcontent and, you are are certifiably "Unfit". Sorry dude thems the facts too bad you dont get it. Peace out,my whacky adversary.
Mr. DeGrace,
After all the vicious attacks you've made about different people, I think it's safe to say you're finished - whether it's as a respected member of the Hispanic community or anything else.
How sad, how very sad. Mr. O'Hare do you truly imagine that you've done some kind of cosmic good in this world by "outing" Ed DeGrace? Did you really "out" him in the first place? Do your readers really believe you've done some kind of good thing that will be rewarded in heaven, or by some benevolent powers? If so, all I can say is poor you, poor them.
Here are the facts for everyone to read...
1) Ed DeGrace's post was NEVER anonymous. First, he used MY AIM ID because he simply didn't have one of his own, and it was convenient. Quite honestly, I was going to sign him up and create one for him, but he was too eager to engage you.
2) He signed his blog. Now, he did not sign his last name, however, he didn't use a fictitious one, either. He used a very public ID and used his name. His blog comment, unlike MANY others out there, did NOT say "anonymous."
3) When Mr. Fuentes emailed ME, I simply deleted the email. I didn't care to respond; Mr. Fuentes never responded to me when I blogged under my ID Trivia Plenum. He only ever played silly word games to make himself appear erudite and lofty; I prefer a civilized debate. But, I digress.
4) I believe as some other point, Mr. Fuentes then contacted Ed at his email address, letting him know that he knew who he was. I don't recall what Ed did or did not do at that point.
5) When we ran into Mr. Fuentes and his wife at an Obama rally, Mr. Fuentes asked Ed if he were the one who'd been blogging, and Ed told him yes, plainly and simply. No hemming, no hawing, no need. Why was there no need? Why, because AT NO POINT DID ED EVER BLOG ANONYMOUSLY.
You see, Mr. O'Hare, there is a big difference between a post being anonymous, and you simply not knowing who Ed, using the AIM ID LaGata8484, is.
I hope that your readers are savvy enough to understand all this, otherwise, as I said above, I pity you and them.
Kate (just in case you were wondering)
P.S. - Personally, I think ALL of you should knock off the name calling and personal attacks, but Mr. O'Hare, quite frankly, in almost every case, YOU have been the one to start drinkin' the Hater-ade (to use the vernacular).
Oh, one more aside. As I type this, I'm reading your blurb, "Commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete anonymous personal attacks."
Why didn't you just do that, or do just that, as the case may be? I have my own opinion as to why. I wonder if your readers do...
Probably not...
Katie, Katie, Savvy Lady
Anonymous said...
So, boonie, when do you plan to out yourself?
- your friendly neighborhood troll in training
Huzzah, my anonymous friend. As I'm very fond of saying, goose juice is gander juice!
The best way to promote civilized discourse in the first place, Mr. O'Hare, is to HAVE civilized discourse!
Silly rabbit...
DeGrace, who did try to hide his identity and who maliciously and needlessly attacked a number of individuals, has been outed as the troll he is. Should he ever seek any position of authority anywhere, I will be certain to make sure that those involved know all the details.
I wrote a post about yard sales, and that is what prompted your ridiculous and senseless attacks. You both own your words.
As for you, I feel sorry for you.
Anonymous said...
When you start a blog, you have to expect this. Also Mr O'Hare, Many times you use foul language talking about other people,so perhaps you shouldn't be surprized when the same thing comes back to you. Thank you, Henry
Kudos to you, Henry the Anonymous! Yes, there is hope; there is intelligent life out there!
Waitin' Kate
1) You are no different than the hate-mongers who congregate at the MC readers' forum, spewing their filth at other people. Shame on you and DeGrace.
2) I will delete anonymous attacks, mostly against third parties. I instituted that policy after and because of the slime that came from you and DeGrace.
3) Right after claiming that you will stop the name-calling, you embrace two other trolls who have engaged in malicious, personal attacks.
4) Outing DeGrace will presumably make people seeking public office reluctant to associate with him and his tactics. Rest assured I'll be there to point out any association.
Bernie when the heck did I suggest that I was a public figure? Why do you think you have the power to deter me from doing anything? Your disdain is my validation! Remember the throngs that were going to follow your lead? WHERE ARE THEY? Bernie you are a deranged,deluded, discredited,insignificant malcontent. Noone gives a flying crap what you've got to say. Dont you get it? Bernie I have asked you before and I will plead with you again,please refer to me as an Ahole, Jackoff, Cksker,Dikhead or something like that. I am really miffed at being called a troll. It's way too cute and it elevates me in your reader's( All 3 of them) eyes. Further it makes you look and sound like a Nancy Boy and causes us to wonder about your alleged porno career. You dont visit West Park late at night do you? Get off my jock you dont rate, WHACKO! Peace out,my ever whacky adversary.
Further it makes you look and sound like a Nancy Boy and causes us to wonder about your alleged porno career. You dont visit West Park late at night do you?
Homphobia, too? Mayor Pawlowski will be delighted to learn he has such enlightened supporters.
Mr. O'Hare,
1) Perhaps you could tell your esteemed readers exactly what filth I've spewed and explain which hate I've mongered. You can try to play games by saying that what Ed says is the same as what I say, but that's simply you avoiding the fact that I have never engaged in name-calling or personal attack. I challenge you to show where I did either thing.
2) Your policy was not implemented after your encounter with Ed and me; it was in place long before then, and you know it was. If you were Pinocchio... Furthermore, even if you HAD put it in place just for Ed and me (my, that makes me feel special), you still have not explained why you failed to implement it. You do realize that makes it appear that you ENJOY and thrive on conflict.
3) At no time did I say I would stop the name calling; I never engaged in it, therefore I don't need to say I'll stop it.
If by troll you mean the person who questioned you regarding your intent to out yourself, perhaps s/he is a troll, but that doesn't make the question invalid. The implication there is, as I said, goose juice, gander juice, and pot/kettle - pick one, both black.
On the other hand if by troll you meant Henry, who called you out for a glaring Golden Rule violation, all I can say is, if you believe Henry's a troll, I suppose you think Christ is, too. Ahem...
4) Outing Ed will presumably make people seeking public office reluctant to associate with him and his tactics? What in the wide, wide blogosphere are you even talking about? What politicians do you imagine you reach with this forum, Mr. O'Hare? Don't you realize that the only folk that regularly follow you are people who are like-minded; such is the nature of blogging.
Do you really believe that people running for public office go running to their Dells and Macs to divine the political climate per the LV Ramblings? If so, sir, methinks thou dost presume too much.
And if you plan to be at any future political venues, Mr. O'Hare, believe it or not, I look forward to meeting you face-to-face, and sharing a cuppa joe; I find you oddly intriguing.
Ciao, bello.
conoscenza sapienza tolleranza
('cause that's REALLY what matters)
Mr. O'Hare, I OUT THEE!
I see that I'm not the only person who sees your words and actions as contradictory.
Please tell us all again, for our edification, what is your solution for "anonymous personal attacks"? Is it to delete, as you state on your "Leave your comment" page, or is it to out the poster as a so-called troll?
Please explain again, do you identify and police comments such as mine, or do you simply point out to everyone how vile and vulgar I am?
Even if you can't see how dichotomized and contradictory your actions are, I pray that your readers are discerning.
If I weren't so discerning, I might be hurt that you called me a hate monger, and accused me of spewing filth. However, I know I am not, and never did. Furthermore, I know that your actions are thoroughly disingenuous; you do NOT remove posts, even the most foul and vulgar of posts.
I enjoy a certain measure of peace to know I'm not the only one who notices your hypocritical actions. It gives me an even greater feeling of ease to know that you have been called on the carpet for those actions. Then, as now, you refuse accountability - that, Mr. O'Hare, is not very adult of you.
So now, without further ado, I present to your readers evidence of your extremely hypocritical actions:
The facts are in, the evidence is glaring: you do indeed allow anonymous, VILE, FOUL, third-person attacks. You do NOT delete them.
I never, ever said anything on your blog that rises to the level of "anonymous," as evidenced in Bill White's blog. Even Ed never said anything as NASTY as that anonymous blogger did.
Furthermore, you accused him for making an anonymous, third-party attack on Mrs. Fuentes, which is NOT TRUE; you MISREAD his statements. Did you ever "man up" and admit your mistake? No, you did not. By your actions, it seems you only acquiesce when it will not damage your so-called "argument."
Although I am not able to divine the future, I'm going to go out on a limb, anyway, and say that you will STILL refuse to take responsibility for your actions. You're going to continue to call me names, in spite of the fact, I remind you, that I've never called YOU (or anyone else) one. You're going to continue to try and draw a nonexistent line between me and others, and say I'm a hate monger, another untruth.
You're going to continue to try and make people think that Ed is some kind of "Pawlowski minion," or thug, or a troll, when the fact of the matter is that he is holding you responsible for the nonsensical statements you publish.
Mr. O'Hare, I'm just not going to engage you, Mr. Fuentes, or anyone else anymore. I'm going to continue to walk out my door EVERY DAY, with my heart intent on interacting with my neighbors, my fellow man and woman, making the world a better place, one person at a time.
I suggest that you spend less time blogging, and getting out there and helping, so that Zee Weikel, and all the others you PROFESS to care about, don't suffer at the hands of the politicians you decry. In other words, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.
I'll pray for you, and any of the readers you've mislead!
conoscenza sapienza tolleranza
My thinking about anonymous commentary and the personal attacks from people like you and Ed DeGrace has evolved over time. I will change my opinion.
When I first began blogging, my theory was to let it all in and simply confront haters like you. For example, when BTNP went on his rampage againt Bennett, Dent and female bloggers, I took him to task, but allowed the comments to stand.
I have since learned, from experience, that some speech is so vile and disturbing it has no place. Anti-Semitic posts and racial hate began to appear from time to time. Sexual slams against people take place. So I now do reserve the right to delete anonymous personal attacks. I do not generally delete personal attacks against me, but have deleted attacks at third parties.
My policy changed sometime after this post originally published and your comments were made. But even with my new policy, I would not delete your comments. Your comments reflect a typical pattern among Pawlowski sychopants - instead of attacking the message, you attack the messenger. I see that nearly every day.
So, as I made clear on this blog, my intent was to expose you and DeGrace as the trolls that you are. You can hardly feign surprise at what I've done - I made a promise to you and kept that promise. This should come as no shock.
Next time DeGrace seeks the warm embrace of Allentown's Hispanic commmunity, Lazarro and I will be there be there to point to your slime tactics and nasty personal attacks against people like Fuentes, Fuentas' wife (just a rice and beans eater), Armstrong, Molovinsky, etc. Should DeGrace attach himself to a political campaign, I will publicly cast light on his sleazy personal attacks and ask the candidate to disavow them and him. Does a candidate want to associate himself or herself with a person who disparagingly refers to a Hispanic woman as a rice and beans eater? I think not.
Sam Bennett, for example, claims to want to run a clean campaign. She can't do that if Ed DeGrace is one of her volunteers. The same is true for Pawlowski. The next time DeGrace submits an op-ed for consideration by the MC, I will make sure editors know the vile things he has said about other local activists. The Morning Call has a policy of tolerance and will likely not be interested in anything you or DeGrace have to say.
And you are a hate monger. Although you personally did not call Mrs. Fuentes a rice and beans eater, you virulently defended the person who did, and continue to do so now, even after he starts making homophobnic remarks.
Frankly, I think you're both nutz.
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