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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

What About the Border?

What about the border? That's a question my Republican friends ask me when I'm one of the few Democrats at their parties. Well, let me tell you. A bipartisan group of Senators have produced an immigration bill that deals with many issues, from asylum seekers to unaccompanied minors. But this id DOA in the GOP-led House. 

Why? It could be for political reasons. According to Punchbowl News, House Speaker Mike Johnson told fellow Republicans that the border crisis will just have to wait until Trump or another Republican is elected.  

That's a pretty absurd view for someone who calls this immigration wave an invasion and has Republicans blowin' oil over fears that immigrants will poison our blood.  


Anonymous said...

The immigration crisis does nothing but hurt America's poor and bring down wages for workers. The so called deal only encourages more folks to come.

Anonymous said...

The crisis created by having our southern border wide open for entry has caused a significant FINANCIAL crisis for many of our states. No one, including Trump, is against all immigration. It’s just that most of America believes the ease which it can now happen is well out of our control. The flow of persons from all over the world is so heavy, the people who enter are gushing in without any means of tracking their whereabouts or sorting out such key issues as health, safety, and possibility of them being able to support themselves through employment.

Censorship in American news media has created an ignorance among too many citizens about the actual scope of what goes on down there and how it overwhelms our means to maintain funding all the assistance required from us. Whatever else one wants to admit, it does not include the reality the majority of these arrivals are coming to enter a lifestyle of full government assistance payments.

Anyone who believes our no borders policy does not lead to more gang violence, drugs, and crime coming to each of our neighborhoods is not being honest. It’s happening already. The so-called, bipartisan solution is MUCH too weak as written. Please read all its parts, if you can find that. It will no come to you through your regular daily news channel, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

But the party of angry white men that buy into the fear (immigration) and fantasy (shooting those immigrants), will tell you otherwise in 1, 2, 3…

Anonymous said...

Another immigration bill?, how about just enforcing the present laws. Of course if the new law has a path to citizenship and voting it will be enforced, otherwise it will not stop the invasion of the country. Just another feeble attempt by the dems to distract from their policy's that are destroying the county.

Anonymous said...

Biden is responsible for opening the floodgates !.Get a clue Bernie.

Anonymous said...

No deals. Back of the line and wait your turn. Or don't, and leave.

Anonymous said...

No doubt that Republicans simply want to use the border as a political football. Nogotiating a compromise would give Biden a win in their eyes. The law and order folks just sided with lawllesssness and disorder. Well at least 7 percent of registered republicans voted for the insurrection president. That means 93 percent of Republicans did not vote for trump. We have avoided a recession and inflation is coming down yet the GOP is still bent on a shut down Destin to destroy all gains. A net 5 million jobs were created under biden compared to previous pandemic numbers.

Anonymous said...

Your hate is showing BO. Neither side of the aisle can lead ants to a picnic.

Anonymous said...

why do you parrot the extreme racist challenge to the immigration crisis, like that's the predominant argument? lazy.
maybe focus on the suppression of living wages, the inhumane work these immigrants end up doing with no protection, the tax-funded living quarters Americans end up giving to immigrants while we struggle to house our own veterans.
I like the continuous questioning of those that support immigration so loudly. If you are so pro-immigrant, we'll bring a family to your house to live until they are able to get themselves off the ground. Name one family that has opened their doors to a family of immigrants.
Tell me how many of your staunch democrat, pro-immigrant Americans are willing to do that before vilifying any republicans for the fringe argument of 'poisoning our blood'.

Anonymous said...

Why would Republicans agree to a deal on immigration when Democrats won’t enforce the current immigration laws?

This isn’t rocket science, close the border to anyone crossing illegally. Catch those who enter illegally and send them back to wherever they crossed (Mexico or Canada). No amnesty. You don’t need a new bill for any of that, just a respect for the law.

Then we can have a conversation on how many people we should let enter the country each year.

Anonymous said...

Someone once told me that complaining about a problem without proposing a solution isn't leadership--it's whining.

Today's Republican office holders strike me as frat boys and sorority sisters sitting in a hot tub while criticizing the people who are actively cleaning up a mess.

There are potential solutions to the immigration crisis. The House could enact them if they were actually serious about solving the problem

Anonymous said...

Bernie. I have, maybe had, more respect for you. I like to thing you are more intelligent than you let us know.
Stop watching CNN and Joy Reid and Brian Setler and Dom Lemon and Tapper and.....
All those Dem mayors in their sanctuary cities aren't exactly complaining about the Republicans. (Hint. It's Biden they are complaining to. Well. Obama, But Biden is the figure Head.)

Anonymous said...

"The Border" is a cultural dog whistle wedge issue the GOP has be blowing for years and have had plenty of opportunities to address in the past. They won't fix it because it keeps their flock distracted.

Anytime "The Border" comes up in political conversations, I ask the complainer what is most concerning to them? "Crime" is usually the first concern, but statistics don't show that immigrants (legal or illegal) represent a higher percentage versus regular old Americans...

The next concern is "They're coming to take our jobs". My first response is that the jobs are typically ones that nobody else wants, but I will concede to a lot of my friends in construction and repair trades that competing against companies using low cost labor is difficult. My first response is that American Capitalism is based on competition, doing it better at a lower cost usually wins the marketplace. They will come back with, but the illegals are getting paid under the table and don't have to pay taxes. Then I ask why do they think abolishing the IRS is such a great idea?

At the end of the day, nobody likes Canada and those dirty, disgusting, poutine eating, bilingual, metric system using hockey brains coming into our great country!

Anonymous said...

You lost me at Punchbowl news. They are founded by two people that worked at Politico and Anna Palmer even worked for Democrat senators. The other founder Jake Sherman is a contributor for MSNBC. Politico and MSNBC fell for the pee pee hoax and Russian collusion so this has no merit. BTW this took a 2 minute google search.

Anonymous said...

And then they go on to: What about Hunter Biden? What about Jared & Ivanka? But Biden is a dictator and the economy stinks (corporate greed), blah blah blah!
Republicans (Trumpers) are like toddlers, whining brats who can't govern as shown and need to be put in their place.

Anonymous said...

Weak try. Democrats own this and their ridiculous bill is a Democrat voter registration drive in lieu of an actual plan. It's not close to a serious bill. And why would anyone expect a serious immigration bill from Democrats? Look what they've done. Everyone's had enough and polls indicate they know exactly who's responsible for opening the door to 8 million unvetted invaders. Ds are having to live with the consequences of their yard signs. They should be forced to wear the issue like a flaming tire necklace until election day. Meanwhile, you keep spoiling for more war spending. Yada yada yada. It's the other guy's fault. Yada yada yada.

Anonymous said...

More democrat bullshit, they have no serious intention of controlling the border, just hope to bullshit the voters until after the election.

Anonymous said...

Now that my earlier post was censored, I’ll just say the financial stress put upon American taxpayers by this administration’s open borders policy will negatively affect each of us for many years to come. The current proposal is a very weak attempt at a solution.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

When these people cross the border, they should be given a tent and directions to the grounds of mayoral residences of NYC, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, San Francisco, et al, and pitch their tent and camp. I'm sure the campuses of Berkeley, Harvard, Columbia, Penn, et al, also have plenty of green space for tents, too. Wal-Mart has two-person tents for $23. So if 100,000 people cross a month, 50,000 two-person tents will only be $1.15M. Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I read this blog each day. But I'm especially enjoying the well deserved dragging for attempting to hang this on Rs. Hat tip for standing in there and taking the dunks. You deserved them. Your funniest post of the new year.

Anonymous said...

I realize that as a blogger it is part of your job to stir up controversy to illicit responses from your readers but holy crap, Bernie, there was no border crisis like this in the previous administration. This open border appears to have been created specifically for a reason; namely, to get the illegal immigrants legal enough to vote to keep the present administration in power, thus ruining this country. I can’t believe even you would want that but then I never thought I would read that you think the problem with the border is related to the Republicans. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so frightening to think that there are others who think exactly as you do.

Anonymous said...

Congress can pass a million laws fixing immigration. Who cares? Until the executive decides to enforce a border, no immigration deal is going to limit the influx of illegals into this country, It takes physical force to stop border crossings, It’s ugly and unwanted. But, you lock your front door and you are prepared to do whatever to protect your family against a home invasion. It’s been that way since man lived in caves.

Anonymous said...


Simply, please let us know what Trump accomplished in his 4 years and then compare them to Biden accomplishments.


Anonymous said...

@9:30 - Outside of inflation, what financial burden has increased from Trump to Biden as it relates to the border? I'm actually curious to know the actual dollar and cents of it.

Anonymous said...

Under current immigration law anyone crossing the border can claim asylum. If granted, that gets them two hearings before a judge. Since the courts are backed up, that means they can stay here legally for years. Recent court cases have solidified the rights for migrants to claim asylum. It's clear Congress needs to change the law but they're too busy impeaching people

Anonymous said...

Good thing that our ancestors who came to America in the early 1900's weren't as racist as our neighbors are today. It's totally not about immigrants coming here to vote. they are coming here to work and pay taxes like the rest of us!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There was a border crisis during the Trump Admin that he did not solve. He may tell you, "I alone can fix it," but he needed bipartisan support to do a lot of what he wanted to do. He constantly lied and belittled everyone around him, inflamed everything and made things worse. What I mean is, how he acted mattered and he failed.

Trump speaks on "Border Crisis" (2018)
"At this very moment, large, well-organized caravans of migrants are marching towards our southern border. Some people call it an “invasion.”"

Trump Admin pursues family separations (2018)

The Wall was not completed and not effective

Obama (in each term) deported more migrants than Trump

Anonymous said...

This isn’t an issue that has become a problem in the last few years, rather it has been an issue for many, many years. The difference, though, is that things have been made politically correct. Illegal was changed to undocumented, while alien was changed to immigrant. I’m a democrat, but I can acknowledge that there is a problem with our current policy. Schools are overwhelmed and must service non-English speaking children who, many times, require special education services, too. Most border towns would love to see some sort of resolution to this issue.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Massachusetts is looking for volunteers to take in new illegal immigrants. Bernie, can we send a few over to your place? I bet you would be kind hearted and take some in.

peterjcochran said...

The migration accounts for about 3.3 percent of increased population I.Ah, we are all descent of migration. Nobody alive is here that reads this post is first generation. They care for and love their offspring as we would . But they didn’t show like th people we have in court house quarterly . Ah, to me - this is different. They wanted to escape .,not just move. I don’t know .

Anonymous said...

12:49 pm: Nice try, but immigrants have always faced discrimination. Names were changed to be easily pronounced, the Irish were told they need not apply for jobs, and many ethnic groups settled near one another due to safety concerns. Being sanctimonious won’t solve the problem (which is much bigger than the 1900s) that exists today.

Anonymous said...

Nailed it

Anonymous said...

Trump knows a lot about immigrants, he’s married two. I’m still waiting to see his healthcare plan. He’s had 8 years to develop one.

Anonymous said...

I’m still waiting for a gallon of gas to dip below $2.50 again.

Anonymous said...

Which wife(s) was illegal?

Anonymous said...

About $2.50 gas... then you should love Biden, because he's trying. Under Biden we're setting records for oil production. More oil output than any nation in human history. Makes progressives cringe.


Anonymous said...

511, the squad inn Congress is destined to send us into recession and then you can have your $2.50 gas and double digit unemployment. You can also celebrate more US producers going bankrupt because the lose money at $2.50 gallon. That was Putins and Opecs effort to eliminate US competition.

Remember, it was Trump that negotiated a 15% cut in oilproduction to stabilize the US market. In 2020, over 200 US producers went bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Biden is absolutely "meh", and does nothing for me, but honestly, I think Trump has legitimately lost his mind...

"But we’re also going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to de-bank you from your— you know, your political beliefs, what they do. They wanna de-bank you and we’re going to de-bank. They wanna take away your rights, They wanna take away your country. The things they’re doing. All electric cars. Give me a break. If you want an electric car, great. But they don’t go far. They’re very expensive. They gotta be made in China. That’s why I think I’m gonna get the autoworkers to vote for Trump. You know, we’re having great, great talks. But think of what they wanna do. They wanna take away your rights.”

Anonymous said...

Manufactures and consumer demand with determine the future of the automobile. Government is helping establish e-vehicle charging infrastructure but Manufactures are deciding what cars to build and what will sell. Remember, "the sky was falling " too when fuel economy and air emmission standard were increased. I am thankful 15 mpg and black exhaust is no longer the norm as it was in the 1970s.

Anonymous said...

Wow, get a life! Open your eyes pal! We didn’t have this problem under Trump