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Friday, January 05, 2024

Ken Kraft Wants Council Vacancy Filled By a Democrat

At last night's meeting of Northampton County Council, newly elected member Ken Kraft said that only Democrats should be considered when filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Democrat Tara Zrinski. He conceded that the Home Rule Charter contains no such requirement, but argued it is "implied."

Kraft argued that Zrinski was the highest vote getter in the County Council race, and that was a "statement by the public on who they want." He then called on 34,000 Democrats to show up when Council makes its appointment. "I'm asking for them to come here and tell you what they want to replace the position that they voted in." He added that, if a Republican had resigned, he would want that seat filled by a Republican. He finished by announcing that he would advocate strongly against any Republican who dares to apply. 

Council member John Goffredo responded to Kraft. "I don't think it really matters whether you're a Republican or a Democrat. I think the most qualified person should be the one that takes the seat." 

Council President Lori Vargo Heffner also shot back. "As of now, everyone of every party ... - any person - is allowed to apply and all applications will be accepted and everyone will get an interview."

In other business, Council VP Ron Heckman read Council's Code of Civility, noting several times that now Exec Lamont McClure was the original author. You could say that he did this for the new Council members, but I suspect it was a gentle rebuke at the way in which both McClure and Kraft groused on social media after Kraft's nomination as Council President failed. Kraft squirmed in his seat as Heckman spoke about decency and civility. 

Finally, in his remarks to Council, McClure stated that he is seeking a bipartisan coalition to revoke an ordinance granting a tax break to an industrial development in Upper Mount Bethel that very likely will include some warehouses. He said tax breaks for warehouses are "obscene." 


Anonymous said...

How about Peg Ferraro for the vacancy. Here's a very unique thought, ask everyone who ever served on Council if they would be interested in filling the unexpired term. Let them turn it down. Are they even aware a vacancy exists? Wouldn't be nice if Council contacted them?

Anonymous said...

I thought McClure hated bi-partisan integration? I guess when it suits his purposes, he is for it. Got to give credit to old Heckman, they slammed the guy with agist comments and claimed he was braindead. If he planned to read the civility stuff, he must still have a bit of a shrewd mind. Good for him. Also, Kraft sounds like an ass with his Ziirinski speech. She left her elected job for another that pays more. There is no connection with the vacancy.

Anonymous said...

Kraft is calling for a mob. That's not how things run Trump .... I mean Kraft. Take your insurrection threats and shove them in your illegal plotting ass. Someone should show Ken what influence looks like. One on one. Glass jaw punk.

peterjcochran said...

Warehouses don’t bring many kids to school districts. Tax breaks,well- developers are looking for the margin. It’s more important to find a substitute that understands math, economics and has some background in business. We need to put the breaks on development. Next time you try to drive your vehicle at 07:30 or 15:30 in This area pay attention to the numbers of vehicles that wait for light changes. It’s absolutely crazy . We’re over crowding and that leads to social problems- like PHILADELPHIA! Look at the trash along the roads ,who would just throw that stuff out along our travel routes? These are all early warnings (indicators) of many things to come.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Lori Vargo Hatcher and Ron Heckman were elected to leadership positions on Council. Ken Kraft is coming across as reckless, offensive and scary.

Anonymous said...

This will probably be the only time I agree with McClueless. Tax breaks are obscene.

On another note, I heard that Bow-Tie is suing the County. Is that true????

Anonymous said...

Kraft is and always will be an idiot, who is he to dictate the rules when he doesnt follow them himself, the most qualified individual should take the position and thats that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lori Vargas needs to switch her party.

Anonymous said...

Kraft and McClure think they run the show. Vargo Heffner runs the show now lol. You can tell Kraft is used to getting his way. He’s part of the problem, not the solution. The arrogance and sense of entitlement just oozes from both of those clowns.

Anonymous said...

God Bless Ken Kraft !

Anonymous said...

Interesting group of players making demands. Kraft used his McClure loyalty card to gain good paying jail position, as Parsons did given temporary high pay controller job. Then there’s the McClure/Barron push to get Zarinsky planted into the high pay full time controller job, successfully removing her from council was a relief to the entire council. Yes, she was elected, because Cusick did a no show.
Barron’s babysitting will now begin.
So, now newly crowned Republican Heffner and VP Heckman, ooze civility, as they shed their Democratic skin to figure out how to dethrone
king McClure among his many siblings. No one wants to join this band of hypocrites and conniving councilmen.

Anonymous said...

@1218am. I couldn’t disagree with you more. If they chose NOT to run for reelection that would disqualify them for being asked to come back. And if they sought reelection and lost, then it would be against the peoples wishes to ask them back. With that being said, I don’t feel that either party has a right to the vacant seat. May the best person win

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ron was trying to prove he’s not an enfeebled stool pigeon.

Anonymous said...

Amen. A Democrat voted in chose to leave against those who voted her in. So it's free to the most qualified

Anonymous said...

The first qualification for norco council is not the party you are in but whether or not you have had a lobotomy. Second qualification: mean/hateful.

Anonymous said...

Lori is a chameleon. As President of the Galactic Federation of Democratic Women, she poses with all the big time Demos. As a Northampton Councilwoman, she makes deals with John Brownpants to be in his next cabinet.

peterjcochran said...

Jobs report- Warehouse and Transportation jobs down over 22,600 - Government jobs up Over 52,000. Pay attention .

Anonymous said...

Ron Heckman is under the Svengali like influence of Lori Heffner. He’s no longer independent. He does even realize he’s been manipulated. Could it be a form of elder abuse ?

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

The people also voted for a white woman in her 40s who has three children and a degree in theology. That's whom the people voted for so that's who needs to be appointed.

Kraft,[Bugs Bunny voice] what a maroon.

Anonymous said...

BERNARD, it has been three long days since Baratta has began his tenure. Where in God's name is the scathing hit piece you have been prepping for months??!! Surely things have already gone to hell in this short period of time. Are you getting lazy in your old age man?! Stop with the county council BS we all know the only thing you are focused on. I am disappointed. Maybe you can give us an update on the angel of heaven Terry Houck at the very least. Thank you.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Lehigh and Northampton Counties adopted their HRCs around the same time. Lehigh County's HRC requires that the person who fills a vacancy must be a member of the same party as the person who resigned. Northampton County's HRC does not contain that requirement. I believe this omission was deliberate. I do see Kraft's argument and actually agree that appointing someone who belongs to the same party as the person who left it most closely follows the wishes of the people, but the charter fails to make this a requirement. Excluding people from consideration on the basis of party would actually violate the charter. Let me add that Kraft is used to having his way and has all the diplomatic skills of a butcher. He uses dysphemism to make his points instead of even trying to be persuasive. Let's see how many of 34,000 Democrats show up to bully Council on the basis of his clarion call.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"BERNARD, it has been three long days since Baratta has began his tenure. Where in God's name is the scathing hit piece you have been prepping for months?"

It is my sincere hope that Baratta succeeds as DA bc then the county succeeds. I am fair in my writing about him. He ran an ugly campaign and I called him out, but is highly capable and I expect to see him do well. I believe his termination of two county detectives is unlawful. It sends the wrong message to the staff who stayed and undermines morale. I believe he made some excellent appointments and one bad one unless Lenny is working part-time. I have no quarrel with Zito's immense abilities, but believe it is too much for him at his age.

Anonymous said...

To Vladimir ill itch
I may be a lot of things but at least I know how to spell MORON.
lease tell me, what is a Maroon?

Anonymous said...

Filling an unexpired term is a lot different than running for the position. An unexpired term could be a very short period of time i.e. one month or three months. A full term is four years. Don't confuse the two.

Anonymous said...

Why is it always about the party or individual and not about how the HRC works? Half or more of these council people don’t know the first thing about Roberts Rules of Order, the HRC, how to advance a resolution or amendment, history of Gracedale, Budget concerns, or How to turn on their microphones. They lack the skill of civil discussion claiming they are reaching across the aisle, while undermining the process and sniping each other.
Ask them about county government 101 and you will surely be disappointed, as they decide who or what they want to do without council solicitor input.

Anonymous said...

"I may be a lot of things but at least I know how to spell MORON.
lease tell me, what is a Maroon?"

You are both, sir.

Anonymous said...

I nominate Charles! Dertinger. It's a rare opportunity to tap a humble servant who spells his name with an exclamation point. Amirite?

Anonymous said...

@8:47 Yes Peter, once you start digging through that jobs report it’s not so great as the headline number. Government, health care, and burger flippers that’s it. Workforce participation rate actually went down. Revisions also were minus 70k jobs. As far as Ken Kraft, he’s an arrogant blowhard who’s used to getting his way.

Anonymous said...

Damn 7:31 that’s a pretty good analogy lol.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I’d like to see an independent (or more accurately someone who is neither a Republican or Democrat) chosen to fill the vacancy.

I realize that independents vary wildly in terms of political leanings, but both parties pander to them each election claiming that they will represent their interests. It would be nice to see the republicans and democrats on council actually come through in that regard.

I definitely don’t need to see another party hack like Ken Kraft filling the position.

Anonymous said...

As far as the property tax breaks, why not revoke all of them? All they amount to are favors to the politically connected.

How many people in Northampton County have lived and operated their business here for decades without any such freebie? And now their competitors are having their fair share of property taxes subsidized?

Why should government be picking winners and losers? It shouldn’t be. Let everyone pay their fair share and operate on a level playing field.

Anonymous said...

Oh and you are a polite MAROON at that.
Hey hey hey

Anonymous said...

I also heard rumor of law suit coming from the bow tie guy….any further clues or is it already under carpet?

Anonymous said...

To the poor contributor who doesn't know how to spell MORON please go to another Blog and make a dunce out of yourself on that Blog. Don't deny all the other Bloggers a good laugh at your expense.
Ho ho, ha ha, hee hee

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Anonymous 11:03:

Did you just admit to being Ken Kraft?

Clearly, you've never seen Bugs Bunny. It's one of his most famous insults; intentionally mispronounced for comedic effect. I think he called the guy an "ignorameus" too.

Anonymous said...

11:54 Are you kidding Charlie Tuna the Clown Dertinger. One of the most hated in Northampton Cointy Court House.He was so rude,and always thinking he was better and smarter than other County Employees. Good ridence on him being gone! County and Employees is much better without him!

peterjcochran said...

Anon12:40 Good , I’d be perfect- I’m now an Independent, some might say I’m an arrogant ,mean self center moron with a lobotomy. I should fit in just fine ,EXCEPT I’m not a expert in anything, I can’t cite Robert’s , I’m late on my taxes, and I’m not nearly as educated as the others. The best thing the citizenry can do, is check people that think they know everything. Wait , school boards are going to come after property taxes instead of correcting the over kill of administrators and waist from bad management. That can happen here at county level too. Citizens need to “check” elected officials sometimes with a vengeance. We’re presently fortunate here in Northampton County even though a couple of departures occur from overall good governance. Too bad we can’t get a Harry S Truman type to show up. Don’t slip on the ice.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't repealing the LERTA reduce the value of the property and constitute a taking? This appears to be a political stunt by McClure because 5 of the members who voted for it are still on Council.

Anonymous said...

If a candidate has been chosen, before vetting and proper protocol, then the system has failed
and the public has been duped.

Anonymous said...

After watching a fire rage in Elizabeth NJ yesterday morning and still burning as I type, is the UMBT emergency services able to handle something like this scale?: McDuff is correct in reversing the corporate welfare handout.
Firefighters doggedly battled a four-alarm fire that engulfed a New Jersey industrial park early Friday.

The fire at Trumbull Street in Elizabeth, just southeast of Newark Liberty International Airport, broke out around 5:30 a.m. It was still raging hours later.

The city's mayor said at least three, maybe four, warehouses in the complex had caught fire; they had already seen two roofs collapse by 9 a.m. At least 100 firefighters were estimated to be on hand.

Mel B. said...

You're a maroon, too.

Anonymous said...

Just a friendly reminder that taxation is theft, and tax breaks are corporate welfare used as political favors. Lamont is so economically retarded, he doesn't even know why he's right on this disgusting Pektor family welfare slopping. He's just nasty as cat shit and wants to be contrary. By whatever means he arrived at the correct position, it's good for the county. I'll support a grant to send Pektor and his insipid threatening daughter, and two succeeding generations of the wicked seed, on a one-way trip to GTFO of the Lehigh Valley. I hear they can use the money.

Anonymous said...

This is the same McClure that gave them the LERTA five years ago. What no warehouses five years ago? What a phony.

Thug fake politics in action!

Anonymous said...

Cut Vladimir some slack; I’ve heard many people say, “What a maroon” as a silly play on words about a moron. And just think….probably no grounds for a defamation lawsuit!

Bernie O'Hare said...

I decline to publish some comments that are just bitter attacks on Democrats. That misses the point.

As for LERTAs. I generally dislike them because they usually benefit developers (connected campaign contributors). There are times when they are ok, like when used to rebuild an dilapidated industrial site like south Bethlehem. A LERTA for an industrial development that includes warehouses might be ok if located right by a major interchange like the one in south Bethlehem. I support LERTAs for ordinary homeowners who wants to make improvements to their residences.

When the LERTA was first approved five years ago in UMBT there was no fuss or muss bc the thought was that this was for the redevelopment of a brownfield and the warehouse explosion was just getting underway. When they wanted it renewed, the facts were more clear.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Wouldn't repealing the LERTA reduce the value of the property and constitute a taking? This appears to be a political stunt by McClure because 5 of the members who voted for it are still on Council."

Good luck with that legal argument that you should be entitled to lower taxes than everyone else. It does not reduce the value. In fact, a LERTA is based on an increase in value.

Anonymous said...

If you are really truly interested in bringing on Council a good independent thinker look no farther than the Polish Prince of the Democratic Party, Mr. Greg Zebrowski. Ask him. Don't just assume he will say no.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is the tax breaks are given because of the immense investment the business is making. I am also under the impression that there are manufacturing jobs planned for the site which will increase local wage tax that you would not see with a warehouse. Not to mention the boon in the local economy for goods and services. Mt. Bethel and Portland need tax revenue to continue to provide services. Let's stop the demonizing and scare tactics and talk facts

Bernie O'Hare said...

Here are some facts:
1) The LERTA was granted by NorCo Council bc it was hoped it would create jobs in an economically depressed area.
2) AFTER the LERTA was granted, LVPC included plans for several developments, including buildings in excess of 500,000 sq ft. Those are by definition considered warehouses.
3) McClure stated he would support a LERTA that included manufacturing jobs, and several building plans would qualify. He is also willing to support tax breaks for the power plant.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kraft is gonna have his kid with his antifa friends show up....

Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with Anti Facisict
You like nazis? Oh your a tRumper