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Monday, January 22, 2024

Council Candidate Rips Vargo-Heffner and Heckman For Considering Race in Vacancy Appointment

Melanie Christopher, a teacher with Allentown School District, is an Independent seeking an appointment to the County Council vacancy.  She was in the audience when four Council members voted to appoint  flamethrower Kerry Myers to the open slot, despite being rejected on both sides of the ballot. He was arguably the worst of the 20-plus candidates who applied, but came just one vote short of getting the nomination because he'd be a reliable vote to oppose anything the Executive wishes to accomplish. A vote for him was a vote for obstruction, not balance. Christopher had another reason to be upset with the votes for Myers, and she expressed them in an email to County Council President Lori Vargo-Heffner.  

Dear Commissioner Vargo-Heffner, Thank you for the time you took to review my credentials and for the question posed to me during my interview. I was present last night for part of debates, and arguing, that took place in an attempt to choose a candidate to replace former Commission Zrinski. While I appreciate that the Council did not think I was the best candidate, I did find a comment made to be quite offensive and irrelevant to the process: Vargo Heffner noted of Myers: "He is the only person of color in this room." Heckman said Myers is sometimes accused of playing "the race card," but added, "He's lived that race." Unfortunately, this statement reflects a "judging a book by its cover" type statement. While I am not sure what the purpose of pointing out anyone's race was, your statement was 100% incorrect. You see, I too am a person of "color." While I do have blue eyes and a lighter complexion, the assumption that I too, could not be a person of color who has had to deal with, and whose family has had to deal with, race and/or ethnicity issues, prejudice, or anything along those lines, was unfair and inequitable, to say the least. Mr. Myers may have been the only "male" candidate of color, but he was not the only candidate of color. Had I known that race would be a point used in choosing a candidate, I too would have shared my heritage. Unfortunately, I did not read that in the Charter or the posting on the County website for the County Council position. Since you have been elected to represent ALL individuals in Northampton County, I would think race would not be something that would be considered in rulings and hiring practices and, rather, qualifications only would be considered. I also would think that in following EEOC rules and guidelines, such a statement would never be made. For point of reference, specifically, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states: "The law forbids discrimination in every aspect of employment. The laws enforced by EEOC prohibit an employer or other covered entity from using neutral employment policies and practices that have a disproportionately negative effect on applicants or employees of a particular race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), or national origin, or on an individual with a disability or class of individuals with disabilities, if the polices or practices at issue are not job-related and necessary to the operation of the business." Consequently, while I can accept that I may have not been the best candidate and that I may not have given the answers the Council "wanted" based on my beliefs of what Northampton County needs and/or does not need, it is difficult for me to accept that perhaps you overlooked any of my potential qualifications because I was not a candidate who is a "person of color." In the future, I hope that you think twice before making such statements if for other reason than it could be such statements that keep people like me from participating more in County government whether as a volunteer, potential candidate, or otherwise. Sincerely, Melanie Christopher


Anonymous said...

That's funny, I don't remember the outcry on this blog when Joe Biden announced he would nominate ONLY a black woman to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

But now it's an issue when a Democrat considers race for a NORCO council appointment?

I guess what really matters is whether the nominee will toe-the-line for bad democrat policies.

Who would have thought?

Anonymous said...

God Bless Ron Heckman !

Anonymous said...

A great and good man is Ron Heckman !

Anonymous said...

Is she new here? Labels are important and perfectly acceptable in Democratic Party politics. It's the opposite of MLK's message, and the way it's always been.

Anonymous said...

He is blessed with the gifts of sagacity and erudition. His name is Mr. Heckman.

Anonymous said...

There’s never been a better Democrat on County Council than the right Honorable Ron Heckman.

Anonymous said...

No doubt Mr. Heckman thinks highly of himself, and is almost Republican. It shows as he rambles on and attempts to be a relevant part of both sides, while repeatedly saying he respects Mr. McClure and then goes on a tangent about his unending county experience, and then claims how sad the governance is. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

With that shock of magnificent white hair, Heckman rains down lasers of truth bombs.

Anonymous said...

I come here to praise Ron Houghton not bury him.

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment that four commissioners would vote for Myers. Myers broke the law and cheated to get on the ballot. How can anyone justify that?
And why would Ms. Heffner and Mr. Heckman feel the need to even mention race? The woman who wrote this has every right to be offended.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben would have been excellent colored candidates, but they now reside in the dust bin of wokeness.

I plan to revive them as I write them in For President and VP. We are now down to Despicable Don the Con and Dementia Joey the Puppet. It seems the entire country has succumbed to dumbnorcoitis.

Bernie O'Hare said...

That's funny, I don't remember the outcry on this blog when Joe Biden announced he would nominate ONLY a black woman to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court."

That's probably because you have a shitty memory. I wrote about it and stated that choosing a nominee on the basis of color is racist. https://lehighvalleyramblings.blogspot.com/2022/01/how-do-you-feel-about-black-woman-on.html

Anonymous said...

Heckman’s forgotten more about County Guv than Kraft will ever know.

Anonymous said...

Love the way that wily veteran Ron Heckleman schooled whippersnapper Geoff Warren.

Anonymous said...

Without Ron Heckman to guide us through the labyrinth of County gumint, whatever would we do ?

Bernie O'Hare said...

Let me add that though Easton has a larger percentage of black residents than most LV communities, it did go through more than a bit of racial strife. Why do you think Wilson has its own school district? Easton cops absolutely targeted black people and kids back in the 60s. That was when I myself routinely made jokes in grade school about black people, even though I knew no one who was black. I am sure Myers experienced actual racism, and not the subtle kind. He sometimes shared those experiences, and I appreciated and learned from them when he spoke at Council. But his race should never be a qualifying factor if he otherwise demonstrates he is unfit, and he has made that unfitness demonstration in many ways. I appreciate diversity and can even see it as something to consider in a board that is all-white, but the candidate must be fit for office. Myers fails on that count. I'm not sure whether Melanie Christopher complained bc Myers' race was supposedly considered or is upset that she did not get the same leg up. In any event, I think Myers got four votes because he is a reliable vote for obstruction, just as Anthony would be a reliable vote for rubber stamps.

Anonymous said...

Grew up in Easton amid curfews and race fights at the high school. I went to Catholic School. We had black priests and nuns, whose colored hands had been consecrated by God. We were taught that racism was sinful and unpatriotic. It's a shame that fewer and fewer believe in a God. Because racism is sinful to those who do.

Anonymous said...

"back in the 60s....when I myself routinely made jokes in grade school "

In your defense, it WAS the 1860s, and times were different then...

Anonymous said...

Well said Bernie. I heard nothing pushing him for council, rather defending his references to difficulties he faced in life. If this woman feels she was somehow slighted she should ask for a follow-up interview. Sounds more like sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

“I'm not sure whether Melanie Christopher complained bc Myers' race was supposedly considered or is upset that she did not get the same leg up.”

What I was upset about is that anyone elected by the people and for the people would have the audacity to point out someone race, ethnicity, or, in this case, “color” as a qualifying factor for a position. As I indicated, not being the best candidate I can fully understand and happily accept. Not being the right “color” I cannot and nor should any of the other candidates.

“If this woman feels she was somehow slighted she should ask for a follow-up interview. Sounds more like sour grapes.”

My feelings of slightedness do not come from not being the best candidate. I would hope that ONLY the best candidate would be chosen. There were others who were far more qualified than I and whose names weren’t even mentioned. Mr Dewey, for instance, was an amazing candidate, in my opinion. I too, after all, am a tax payer and resident of this County. My “sour grapes” are strictly based on the fact that any employer and/or public entity would look at someone’s physical appearance in order to make a hiring determination. It would be like looking at someone and saying the color of their hair is a reason they are a good candidate for County Council. What was said was inappropriate, period. Not being appointed or chosen literally has nothing to do with why I responded to Vargo-Heffner. Quite frankly, I would think more people would be upset that someone’s physical appearance has a bearing on who gets chosen to manage our county and tax dollars. 🤷‍♀️

Melanie Christopher

Anonymous said...

Thank god for Republican Ron. In the event of a fire….he can suck ALL the air out of the room …
when he speaks.

Anonymous said...

Thank god for Republican Ron. In the event of a fire….he can suck ALL the air out of the room …
when he speaks.

Anonymous said...

She must be an officer in the same union as Keegan. McClure owns the unions. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

I am a minority residing in my own community. Yes, I am a Pennsylvania Dutchman residing in the Village of Hecktown and the only person with Dutch heritage is Ronnie Heckman. Hecktown is named for the Heckman's because they are honest, upstanding, and they know how to milk a cow with efficiency. Keep up the good work Ron. You got my wote, my wives wote, my other family members wotes and as soon as i find out where my grandfodder is buried you will have his wote.

Anonymous said...

Does this open the County to a discrimination lawsuit, Bernie?

Anonymous said...

Melanie, you can thank main stream media for race baiting the world 24/7 , which is run by the DNC , our countries addiction to affirmative action in schools and jobs, and for the active and relentless push for reparations . All we ever hear about is the color of skin , not the merit that actually counts. Be careful, you may get labeled a racist.Kerry Myers was by far the best qualified candidate who wasn't a yes man and was thrown off the ballot by mcclure thugs.

Anonymous said...

While I appreciate that you interviewed for this position, Ms. Christopher, I am dumbfounded that you don’t think race and/or gender is in play in elections. Philadelphia’s mayor is quite proud to be the city’s first female mayor and Barack Obama certainly used race to not only win an election, but promote himself. Hot sauce Hillary Clinton, and others, court the Black and Hispanic vote, thus making race an issue. You are right about judging a book by its cover, but I don’t think anyone was being malicious. Rather, the council person was just pointing what she saw, which, in this case, was incorrect.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Does this open the County to a discrimination lawsuit, Bernie?"

Anybody can sue anybody for any reason, but I believe a discrimination lawsuit would not get past a motion to dismiss.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Melanie, Thanks for your comment. I wanted to share your POV on this topic. Unfortunately, several Council members wish to politicize your concern by claiming that LVH and Ron Heckman violated the civility code. As for the substance of your complaint, I disagree. Diversity is important in a Council of 6 white males and 2 white females. But the votes for Myers in reality had nothing to do with his skin color. The votes for him were predicated upon his willingness to be an obstructionist.

Finally, you are just as qualified as any of the candidates who applied. You are a citizen who has resided continuously in the county for a year prior to the commencement of the term. You mighty actually be a better Council member than the FBI agent or the union business manager precisely bc you are independent. Unfortunately, the two factions are looking for team players, not those willing to look out for the best interests of the county.

Put your name in for appointment to a board.

Anonymous said...

Since now judge Morganelli had a discrimination lawsuit against him settled by the County when he was DA are black defendants appealing their sentences

Anonymous said...

Well said. You will find a place to use your skills that will be much better than this group. Good luck to you!!

Anonymous said...

It looks as though TM is suspending her County Executive campaign, too. This is her recent update on her Facebook page:

"Morning. I have temporarily off lined my county executive campaign pages. For those of you who may not know, those pages I created were used as an intrusion by Bernie ohare for illicit unwanted contact. Bernie ohare is the person who put my beautiful mother in an early grave with his unchecked, unprosecuted criminal and uncivilized behaviors . If you did not know, he fleeced my mother out of her retirement, in exchange for full expulsion of my name from his disgusting blog, all contact, written and in person. So each and every time he violates that legal agreement that was made in 2016, he's taking a crap on my mother's grave. Back to my campaign, until this is worked out , and he is stopped from this type of extremely destructive conduct, my campaign is suspended."

Bernie O'Hare said...

Tricia Mezzacappa has been found liable for defamation (lying about someone in a way that harms his reputation) and was convicted in criminal court for false reports to the PSP in a failed attempt to frame a black man for something he never did. She is an adjudged liar. Her claim that I engaged in illicit unwanted contact is a lie. So is her claim that I made a legal agreement in 2016 to never discuss her. I would never agree to muzzle myself for anyone.

When she applied for the Council vacancy and then withdrew, i wrote about her as I did for everyone. When she announced for Exec, I wrote about that, too. Since I did so, I have been flooded with thousands of spam comments daily, posted anonymously. It takes me seconds to delete her spam while it takes her hours to submit those spam comments.

It is unfortunate that she fails to put her mind to better and more productive use of the short time we all have on earth.

Anonymous said...

Melanie Christopher sounds like the exact person we need on county council!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like she has the hots for you, Bernie!