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Thursday, January 04, 2024

McClure Slams Vargo-Heffner's Election as NorCo Council President

Tuesday's election of Democrat Lori Vargo Heffner as Northampton County Council President was a rare demonstration of bipartisanship in a country divided along party lines. She received votes from the three Republican Council members, Democrat Ron Heckman and herself. She expressed her appreciation on her government official Facebook page, noting that "[w]e serve every citizen in the county. Looking forward to working productively this year." Whether that will be possible remains to be seen. Instead of building bridges to a Council President selected by five democratically elected members of county council, Executive Lamont McClure is more interested in burning them.

McClure's Director of Fiscal Affairs, Steve Barron, kicked things off with this snide remark: "Which one of these guys nominated you to be Council President?," followed by a picture of Council member John Brown standing next to a cardboard cutout of Donald Trump. 

McClure followed this up with a complaint of his own: "It’s unfortunate you needed to do so [get elected] by being nominated by former Republican County Executive John Brown, notoriously one of the worst Executives in County history, and with the votes of Brown and the other two minority Republican council members."

I have a few problems with this reaction. First, it is petty, beneath the dignity of the office of Executive. Second, it betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of local government in a purple county. There is no Democratic or Republican way to repair a bridge or run a nursing home. Third, McClure's agenda as Executive, which has included a reduction in benefits to career service employees, is actually Republican. So is his his opposition to a fund set aside by Council to help employees pay off student debt. 

Despite these partisan complaints, what really bothers McClure and Barron is that five Council members would rather provide oversight than be rubber stamps.   

Instead of attacking Vargo-Heffner, McClure should meet with her before every Council meeting to review the agenda. This was routine in previous years and could help prevent some of the misunderstandings that arise.  


Anonymous said...

McClure has gone madman ballistic on social media posts all over the place. It is clear his toadies Barron and Kraft are right there with him. He comes off as unhinged. In fact, they all do. I left my Party due to this nonsense, but some democrat friends have kept me informed of his posts on social media sites. Does he realize that more and more people are becoming independents because of behavior like his and other Trump Wanna-Be's. It may help him with the brainwashed party diehards, but it is a turn off for everyone else. So, does he represent me, republicans or just democrats that agree with him?

I have been told by a county official that Kraft was recruiting republican support of his President try before the meeting, isn't that what he and McClure are accusing Hefner of?

I don't see how Mclure accomplishes anything starting the year like a man possessed. I doubt it bothers Hefner or Heckman since I hear they are used to his behavior, but I do feel for the new people who think this is how elected officials should act. Maybe they should say less and listen more. I guess their participation in the backroom deal for Kraft was OK.
McClure owes the county an apology for his behavior.

Anonymous said...

We're learning that Brown is a balanced statesman who took the hits and was the best county executive in recent history. You can see what he was up against. McClure let a holocaust occur. And now he's upset that even his own party is sick of him. What a despicable person in politics and life. Glad he's been neutered. Now it's time for eunuch Barron to take that awful lisp and leave. Disgraceful hacks.

Anonymous said...

2024 and the real personality political traits are revealed.
Anyone who cares about this county already is aware of political pandering and its pitfalls.
Elected leaders should represent their constituents, and do their research on issues, and be able to separate objective thought from self serving platitudes. So, sides are now exposed, and executive water carrying commissioners have openly and verbally shown their preferences. I doubt much will be done at council except posturing and innuendo.
Paid for by taxpayers who elected them.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Ol' Lamont read your measured blog post yesterday, decided you were full of shit and your commenters were having too much fun. Then, he went into Easton to blow it all up. What a statesman! What really pisses him off is his deep dislike by what he likely sees as ungrateful Democrats who don't see McClure's beauty. Barron hasn't changed a bit since his time stealing and flower stomping and job-killing threats. You've said he grew up. You were wrong. LVH and Brown are the adults in the room. Incredible turn of the tables. Neutralizing the McClure administration with dogged council oversight is the best government the county has seen in years. The year is off to a positive start.

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree with this essay. We have a democracy-Vargo Heffner and Heckman got more votes. Good for them, now find a way to work with them on policies which benefit the County. All of this playground bullying is a waste of time and energy.

Ken Kraft hasn't been on Council in years. I don't blame the members who have for not supporting him.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is wow! McClure acts just like Trump when he doesn’t get his way! No leadership ability whatsoever. Growing up we had a word for people like McClure. He’s a punk.

I partly blame republicans for this because they can’t seem to field electable candidates. Bipartisanship is what people want, not a dictatorship Lamont.

Anonymous said...

I hope all the readers of this blog who constantly bash you for being Lamont’s boy read your post here. You did the right thing here. Happy new year

Anonymous said...

Sadly, McClure makes his buddy wee willie the dictator look good

Anonymous said...

How could anyone be surprised at the behavior of “McClueless”? He was an arrogant, obnoxious blowhard long before he entered county politics and has not changed one bit….other than perhaps to get worse.

Anonymous said...

In a drama-free reorganization, the Lehigh BOC upheld its tradition of selecting a bipartisan leadership team. The Chair, Geoff Brace, from the current majority (D), while Vice Chair Jeff Dutt from the minority (R). This practice, although not mandatory, has been consistently followed for some time. Both nominations were bipartisan, and subsequent votes unanimous.

Last 4 years the entire Lehigh board also maintained positive working relationship with the Executive branch and almost all the row offices, with the notable exception of the Controller. He's had a tough time building collaborative relationships with even members of his own party and struggles to achieve meaningful results beyond grandstanding. Given the practical and non-partisan nature of the areas county governments handle, it is expected that County Government should be the least confrontational and partisan.

Of course genuine disagreements based on ideological lines sometimes occur. Unfortunately, instances of partisanship within County government tend to increase when individuals harbor aspirations beyond county-level roles. A dedicated group focused on their current positions tend to compromise and align efforts in dealing with the substantive matters counties handle. On the contrary, when individuals are eyeballing higher offices, it introduces elements of grandstanding, playacting and activism.

The worse is when aspiring state politicians seek county positions as a stepping stone, taking advantage of the fact that many voters pay little attention to the counties. In both counties the Controllers office seems like a convenient place to secure salary and benefits while bolstering resumes to support future campaigns outside the county. Or in worst possible cases they can literally parlay the office to bolster campaign coffers.

It's no secret in Lehigh Brace might run for Exec. (Armstrong term limited) But that's not parlaying a position into something totally unrelated to county government. It's more of a natural progression for someone whose been a solid board member for a long time without constantly running or eyeballing other things.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"McClure has gone madman ballistic on social media posts all over the place. It is clear his toadies Barron and Kraft are right there with him. He comes off as unhinged."

His comment on LVH's Facebook page was the only one I saw and I am calling attention to it because it is both petty and wrong. But let me say I consider him a very good executive who has done a commendable job. He works hard and knows the issues quite well. People call him stubborn, but the simple fact is that he knows his subject better than most of those who argue with him. His flaw is that, for a politician, he is a very different person. Most people are unwilling to argue with him and then will accuse him of bullying them. He can be petty, as I demonstrated, but I if you confront him and are as informed as he is, he can be quite reasonable and he does have a good heart. He does want what is best for the county. If that is so, he will come around and attempt to reset huis relationship with council. There should be a healthy tension. There should not be gridlock or rubber stamps, but a balance.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"We're learning that Brown is a balanced statesman who took the hits and was the best county executive in recent history."

Brown was actually worse. he actually deceived the public about his plan to relocate the jail to Gracedale's campus. He routinely violated the Administrative Code and HRC and had a poisonous relationship with Council. He refused to even respond to media inquiries. He did eventually recognize his behavior was wrong and apologized to Council at a meeting, but continued many of the same practices anyway.

Anonymous said...

Someone who wants what is best for the county does not throw hissy fits or verbal tantrums. There’s apparently more to this than just a council election of officers, Bernie. Keep digging.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bernie -

You were so close to having a coherent post, and then you blew it in the following two sentences:

"There is no Democratic or way to repair a bridge or run a nursing home. Third, McClure's agenda as Executive, which has included a reduction in benefits to career service employees, is actually Republican."

I'm assuming that the first sentence is missing the word "Republican" and should read "There is no Democratic or Republican way to repair a bridge or run a nursing home." That is a very noble point.

Yet apparently, you do believe there is a Republican way to govern the county since you then mention a McClure policy you disagree with and label it as "Republican".

Your partisanship shows when you label things you disagree with as being "Republican". McClure is the Executive, and he is a Democrat. It's his policy, so it's obviously a Democrat policy that you are referring to.

Some Republicans might agree with that policy, others might not. Stop trying to label people and divide them into groups.

Anonymous said...

Brown was better. His temperament amid relentless and often unfair political attacks was steady and mature. Now, we have this. Your words require us to suspend disbelief in the thug you endorsed and have long carried water for. Lamont is the worst executive in county history. His own party hates his guts. His workforce hates his guts. Pesky facts about an awful executive.

Anonymous said...

Echo Anon 10:01am, glad I live in Lehigh County.

The Banker

Anonymous said...

Brown was not good, but McClure used a rumor and followers to exploit and ignite rumor during his campaign about the jail at Gracedale, There was never any evidence to prove it…it may have been discussed but there were never plans.
Boy Barron helped him spread the rumor through a Nazareth community, which sparked negative interest against McClure’s opponent……good strategy, but not true.

Bernie O'Hare said...

12:05, Thank you for noting my failure to use the words "or Republican" in my post. I have corrected this error. And I see your point that I contradicted myself. There are aspects of county government in which Dems and Rs will differ. The RCO is an example. Democrats tend to support it, while Rs do not. When it comes to employee pay and benefits, that is another area where Dems and Rs have historically differed. Rs tend to support lower wages and benefits, oppose minimum wages, etc. In NorCo, McClure'c views toward employee compensation tend to be Republican, while Heckman, Heffner and the Council Rs have taken an approach I'd call a Democratic approach. I am not betraying any partisanship here, I am just stating accurately what is going on. But I am a centrist Democrat.

Anonymous said...

BOH at 10:17, McClure may have a good heart for a lawyer, but he is a terrible elected official. He resents the legislature. Someone in a higher office said he would have made a better Director of Administration than county executive, and I agree. he does not have great facts he just browbeats. When people debate him, he bullshits or yells they are wrong, and he is right. Since we have no real press to fact check him, there is no way to know. No one believes a word out of Barrons mouth. You have a soft spot for him probably because he is a well-informed lawyer. However, he does not behave like an elevated official for all the people, he rules like a thug and treats people who do not agree with him completely like dirt. His impassioned rehearsed speeches cannot hide his true personality.

Anonymous said...

BernieOHare to 3:02, Broen absolutely intended to relocate the jail to Gracedale and had a private meeting with UNT Supervisors to pitch it. I actually obtained a copy of the plans and wrote extensively about it both before and after the election. He was very deceptive and got caught.

Anonymous said...

Bernie @ 3:03:

So if a Republican Executive pushes a policy you don’t like, it’s because it’s a Republican policy.

And if a Democrat Executive pushes a policy you don’t like, it’s because it’s a Republican policy.

It sounds like (in your view) Republicans are to blame no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Barron and McClure stepped out on the playground for some bush league shit. Facebook can be a window to the soul. Keep it classy, kids.

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:25, Not at all. There are Republican matters I'd support. For example, I'd support an ordinance that increases the threshold for an RCO to at least $500,000. You are missing the context here. The context is that Barron and McClure are pouting because Vargho Heffner was elected Council President with R support. My response is that party preference has very little to do with county government. In those rare instances where it does, Democrats will sometimes support Republican ideas and vice versa. McClure's stance against adequate compensation is very Republican yet he portrays himself as a Dem. He of all people should know that nobody should feel shackled by his party preference, and it is absurd to insist that a Council President must belong to either party.

Anonymous said...

I still say those of us on the western side of the county ought to petition to secede and join Lehigh County. Then we too can be part of a great county. There must be something in the water over there in the eastern half, from Portland down to Williams. Crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

No other past CE would throw a predecessor under the bus as McClueless did to Brown. Totally unbecoming an executive. And Barron von Footimouth does it again! That fool has to at least make an effort to be non-political. He is Fiscal Director. He was a sorry sack of political partisanship as county Controller and has failed to mature as a professional since then.

Anonymous said...

Two politicians who use social media to attack those they disagree with

Trump and McClure, birds of a feather!

And their camp followers eat it up!

Anonymous said...

An asbestos lawyer does not make a good public servant. McClueless is an arrogant fool who appoints senior staff that are a mirror of him. Dirtinger is a political hack who was despised by county workers. Barron is a self-seving toadie. Norco voters- you reap what you sow!