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Thursday, September 28, 2023

As Gov't Shutdown Looms, Senate Adopts a Dress Code

You can't make this stuff up. While the federal government is on the brink of a shutdown, the U.S. Senate  has unanimously adopted a dress code requiring business attire on the Senate floor. Heaven forbid that these elitists would want to like like the populares. John Fetterman should wear a nice business skirt next time he's there. 

Bob Menendez, who is accused of accepting bribes and providing sensitive information to Egypt, is welcome. He wears a suit. 


Anonymous said...

Come on man; Fetterman 's a joke, and you know it.

Anonymous said...

My business attire is sweat pants and a T-shirt

Anonymous said...

Bernie O’Hare said: “You can't make this stuff up. While the federal government is on the brink of a shutdown, the U.S. Senate has unanimously adopted a dress code requiring business attire on the Senate floor.”

Yes, it’s a shame that the Senate’s Democrat leadership is so out of touch that it chose to change the rules to cater to a mentally-deficient whack job instead of enforcing a basic level of dress.

The vote shows just how out of touch Democrat leadership are, even with its own members. I congratulate the Senate on this rare show of bipartisanship and common sense, the latter being something that’s sorely missing from today’s democrat party.

If Fetterman can’t handle wearing a suit, he can do us all a favor and resign. He’s not the “mayor” of Hicktown anymore.

Anonymous said...

You're right, dumbass. Why should we be worried about a dress code when there is a possible shutdown. Asshole dems just need distractions all the time. Now the right can get them back on track. I hope.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

If a child starting walking around the house naked or wearing muddy shoes, it would be acceptable for the parents to tell the child to dress or leave their dirty shoes outside; even if the parents were broke and the house needed a major repair.

"My car needs $3100 in repairs. Therefore, I will not clean the bird crap off the windshield."

It's easy to justify doing small things while big things are still being worked on. Just because it's petty doesn't mean it's not worth doing.

Anonymous said...

menendez/trump - both as crooked as the Sanke River.
fetterman - a national disgrace, but then the other choice was a snake oil salesman.
congress - can't find a one on either side of the aisle working for the people.

Anonymous said...

My grandfather used to say there is an outfit for every occasion. Fetterman, for the little bit of time he will be there, can put on some damn clothes. I don't care. Shut it down.

Anonymous said...

It’s been clearly obvious for a few years now, our Members of Congress are a deceitful, useless, self-serving, and often corrupt group of people. To spend so much energy diverting our attention away from more critical issues bringing down this nation, we are ALL in danger of losing the America we grew up with. Seriously.

We are being driven down to a place where government tells EVERYONE what they must wear, where they can live, and what they can eat. We’ve read of such places, haven’t we? Maybe, we can vote our way out of this mess.

Anonymous said...

Congressional job approval is around 19%. Could be the economy. Could be the foreign war they're fighting while ignoring domestic emergencies. Could be ten thousand border marauders crossing in a single week. Few entities in American life are more despised than government and things heavily regulated by government (health, utilities, air travel). Without exception, our Senators are reprehensible human beings. No amount of costume or dress can cover the putridity that is every single one of them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing this up. First, the government shutdown is a gimmick that will hurt jobs and our economy. All govt employees will get back pay for time off and no productivity. It dies indeed trickle down to all sectors that touch any corner of the federal government.

Three cheers for a basic dress code. Hoodies and shorts are not proper attire. Theybare a mockery of the office. This dem disapproves of gym attire in the Senate chambers.

Anonymous said...

During the second world war the Italian Army had a dress code. It was mini skirts and sneakers. That was so they could shit and run at the same time. Whats good enough for the army should be good enough for the Senate

Anonymous said...

So they quietly change the dress code to cater to our slob of a senator, but if you or I enter the chamber we still have to wear a suit? How typical of a democrat, rules for thee, not for me.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me how/why McCarthy is allowing this to happen?

I get that Geatz and other dip shit radical rights are throwing tantrums and threatening to use their motion to vacate sword against him, but in the end isn't that a hollow threat? Furthermore, is being "Speaker" under these conditions really worth it? How can he really effectively lead?

You have a slim 5 vote majority in the house, in that case NEITHER party should really be getting to make any demands.

Democrats aren't entirely blameless here either. I get the strategy of sitting on the sidelines while the other team sets themselves on fire, but at the end of the day somebody needs to be the adult in the room and Dems should swallow their pride, then put together some concessions on certain things like increased border security that will give moderate Republicans a fig leaf of cover and include a pledge to back McCarthy if/when the motion to vacate is used.

This shouldnt be that complicated. Both parties have fringe elements that seem to dictate everything they're party can say or do. Banish them to the sidelines.

Registered User said...

You talk about elites, but were you aware that prior to this only Senators were allowed to dress like slobs on the Senate floor? Staff and visitors had to dress in business attire.

Anonymous said...

I find it hilarious that pick up truck drivers with plastic testicles dangling from the rear bumper are suddenly concerned about decorum and professional appearances in the Senate.

That said, Fetterman can suck it up for a few hours a day and put on a suit. You should have know this was a job requirement when you announced you were running for the seat.

Anonymous said...

These republicans are shameless fools and that goes for anyone who votes with them. The party is killing America and the American people and economy. WTFU!

Anonymous said...

The best thing the federal government could do is shut itself down.

Anonymous said...

Democrat, I find this reasonable. There are norms and the Senate decorum and seriousness is one of them. I expect that sort thing like expect the peaceful transfer of power . I guess I'm just old fashioned.

Anonymous said...

Yes, schools have dress codes and sadly in the past elected people had respect for the office they held without dress codes. today many congressmen do not have respect for the office, nor do they deserve respect from their constituents.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Fetterman and still support him. I'm also not an overly-formal dresser. But having said that, I think he should spiff his dress up a bit. Show some respect for the Senate.

Anonymous said...

If Kevin McCarthy won't get rid of George Santos, then why should the Democrats get rid of
Bob Menendez? Don't two dirt balls cancel each other out?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, it’s the Republican’s fault!

But last I checked, it was the democrats who were over-regulating us, driving up the cost of basic items like food and gas, and stealing from our children with the wild spending that our kids will have to pay for.

So by all means, WTFU.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans are holding up hundreds of military promotions causing worry for military families and next they are going to stop paying them thru a government shutdown. Next time I see a Republican politician I’m going to spit on him. What scum of the earth.

Anonymous said...

At this point, I can give two shits how anyone dresses in congress. With the threat of Trumpism and the threat of a totalitarian dictatorship, I can give care less about a dress code Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Menendez and his party weakened our economic system so much he’ll only accept bribes in gold bars lol.

Bernie O'Hare said...

12:14, Democrats have pretty much called on Menendez to step down. No one is above the law. Rs believe he should stay.

Anonymous said...

919, I cannot disagree.

I can deal with Fettermans stuttering and slow recovery but disapprove of his disrespect for the institution. Dress appropriately or go Home. Fetterman's antics will lose the seat. Give us Conner Lamb.

Anonymous said...

A mental deficient, that trump all...day....long

Anonymous said...

Yet to see one repo that wants him to stay in office.

Anonymous said...

Well of course Rs think he should stay BOH they feel that could put that seat into play. Also, for the record democrat leadership have not called for him to step down, but 19 Dems have. Schumer has not. He’s the leader.

Anonymous said...

You write about Menendez and the Dems asking him to resign. Why wouldn't they ask the President to resign, using your logic?

Anonymous said...

Rs are suspicious of the FBI and DOJ. It's easy to maintain that consistency for a Democrat; especially when that Democrat is an ongoing embarrassment. It would be a slam dunk case in public opinion, if it wasn't being pursued by such tawdry organizations of low repute (i.e. FBI and DOJ). He's innocent until proven guilty. He may well be getting railroaded, because prosecutions are political endeavors these days.

Anonymous said...

"at the end of the day somebody needs to be the adult in the room and Dems should swallow their pride, then put together some concessions on certain things like increased border security that will give moderate Republicans a fig leaf of cover and include a pledge to back McCarthy if/when the motion to vacate is used."
Two reasons to let McCarthy swing in the wind.
First if the Dems agree to make a concession then the lunatic group of reps will demand something extra.
Second McCarthy had no problem crapping on Dem's whenever he could--why support such a person.
McCarthy can swallow his pride and make a deal with the Dems.
Failing that he can just get kicked to the curb

Anonymous said...

Our present government is NOT serving its citizens. Government operatives first serve whatever special interest group (here and abroad) provide the most funding for re-election campaigns and favors to the candidate and their family. There is very little difference between Democrats and Republicans. Both are career minded, not ‘You and I’ minded.

We need different people in office! Focus on REPLACEMENTS next election. No change without that.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, a perfect metaphor for the moral decay of our country over the last 30 years. Quietly change the dress code for one idiot, but don't include the general public you're supposed to be serving. We are the peasants folks, and this is why we desperately need term limits to break up their exclusive senate club.

Gomez Addams said...

Even Lurch wore a suit. I'd never hire some slovenly loser like Fetterman.

Anonymous said...

Could be they no longer listen to the people they represent

Anonymous said...

Franklin said “A republic if you can keep it”. He’d be floored by what the Dems are trying to do here but this too will pass. The truth will soon be told and our country will rise again. Read into this what you will, Bernie. The Democrat party is no longer worthy of your support. Wake up.

Anonymous said...

Yet maga cultists are prancing around in variations of the US flag and clearly breaking the law but let's talk about senator fetterman attire?

Anonymous said...

This country has no future with politicians as our leaders. Tjhat is a fact.

Anonymous said...

I've seen bums dress nicer than this guy. He looks like a fuckin dufus. Oversized Carhartt sweatshirts and basketball shorts. This country should be ashamed of itself! Might seem petty this type of behavior just makes the country worse.