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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, October 18, 2021

Lynch Wants Military At Every Polling Place

Our national defense is a core function of federal government. Our public health is a core function of state government. The actual conduct of our elections is a core function of county government. So it helps if you have a county executive with at least some basic understanding of how elections are actually conducted. On this count, NorCo GOP Exec hopeful Steve Lynch is a dismal failure. He himself has only voted in three municipal races since he first registered in 2008. To make matters worse, his baleful acts as Exec would violate both state and federal law. That's because, according to his own Facebook page (2/27/2001), "[W]e should have military stationed at every single polling place. We place two military guards one inside and one outside the polling place to ensure that no strong arming and illegal activity is going on and be there for the protection of United States citizens casting their vote." 

Though Lynch likes to call himself a patriot, he knows little about our history. From the Civil War and beyond, law enforcement has shamefully been used by some state governments to target black and brown voters. 

Here's the Pennsylvania law:

"No body of troops in the Army of the United States or of this Commonwealth shall be present, either armed or unarmed, at any place of election within this Commonwealth during the time of any primary or election:  Provided, however, That no officer or soldier shall be prevented from exercising the right of suffrage in the election district in which he resides, if otherwise qualified."

Here's the federal law

"Whoever, being an officer of the Army or Navy, or other person in the civil, military, or naval service of the United States, orders, brings, keeps, or has under his authority or control any troops or armed men at any place where a general or special election is held, unless such force be necessary to repel armed enemies of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; and be disqualified from holding any office of honor, profit, or trust under the United States.

"This section shall not prevent any officer or member of the armed forces of the United States from exercising the right of suffrage in any election district to which he may belong, if otherwise qualified according to the laws of the State in which he offers to vote."

The Lamont McClure campaign sent a flyer rightfully taking Lynch to task for his basic misunderstanding of the county, federal and state law as well as our history. 

After accusing McClure of slander (another concept he fails to understand), Lynch goes on to post the very remark for which he's been taken to the woodshed. He scoffs at the notion that law enforcement and military would be viewed by some U.S. citizens as intimidating. He should ask a few of his black and brown friends, if he has any. 

He is an extremist. I find it noteworthy that he has garnered no endorsements from fellow Republicans who currently hold public office. 


Anonymous said...

So you admit that the federal government should not be making health mandates.

Anonymous said...

He is right--We need more people like him

Anonymous said...

Trump has no knowledge of election laws, why should his fledglings like Lynch?

Anonymous said...

Does lynch know anything at all about the USA and being a citizen?

Bernie O'Hare said...

There are some goofy people out there. I am now refusing to publish about 40% of the comments received. Some of them outright advocate the overthrow of our democratic government. Others make sweeping condemnations of "the left" and "Democrats". Some are just blatantly false. Finally, there are always the off topic remarks.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"So you admit that the federal government should not be making health mandates."

This comment is OT. This post is about Lynch's desire to bring the military to each polling place. But in response to your claim that I "now admit" the feds should be making no health mandates, I have always been leery of vaccine mandates by the feds. I've explained this more than once. For one thing, I believe people are more willing to do something if they are persuaded rather than ordered. For another, I am concerned about the legality if done by county or federal government. I do think vaccine mandates and masking do fall within the province of the police power of state government or localities with health departments and health ordinances. But it is a power that should be exercised with caution.

Anonymous said...

It's a ridiculous idea made by a moron, of course. But it's also curious when and where you choose (or not) to introduce institutional coercion for your view of the public good.

Anonymous said...

Another Day........Another Lynch post....

Did you attend the Nazareth Halloween Parade or take note of the "Patriot Cruise" that took place yesterday? Lynch is being welcomed with open arms. All your Anti Lynch posts are falling on deaf ears Bernie.........you're running out of straws to grasp.

Bernie O'Hare said...

". But it's also curious when and where you choose (or not) to introduce institutional coercion for your view of the public good."

I have addressed this and will do so down the road. But it is OT here.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the right to seek public office. Fortunately for us, we have a choice as to who should lead Northampton County. It is up to we as voters to decipher the nonsense and rhetoric from the real facts and reality. Both candidates have a record and background to judge them. Both candidates have been written up in the newspapers. I think there is a clear choice for the voters and my choice after reviewing the candidates credentials is Mr. McClure.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think a candidate who presents him self as a muscle bond ape is really the best person to manage a 500 million dollar budget and 2,000 county employees?

Anonymous said...

No welcome arms from a single sitting Republican in any elected position are embracing the Steroid Snowflake. That's pretty damn telling.

Anonymous said...

11:58 That's your argument for why he isn't the best person for the job? I see that you prefer your leaders soft and weak.

12:26 Those sitting Republicans do not represent WE THE PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE are going to make our voices heard this election through the voting process. Let Freedom Ring!

Anonymous said...

There is the "Radical Left" with their own baggage and dumb ideas. Quickly passing them at a sprint is the "Retarded Right". That anyone makes an excuse to support these collections of dimwitted losers states a lot about who they are and their own personal failures.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that! The Steroid Snowflake and his Lynchmen don't stand a chance of winning the County Executive's Office.

Anonymous said...

"There is the "Radical Left" with their own baggage and dumb ideas. Quickly passing them at a sprint is the "Retarded Right". That anyone makes an excuse to support these collections of dimwitted losers states a lot about who they are and their own personal failures."

bravo. most of us live in the center, and are horrified that these wingnuts from both extremes seem to be controlling the dialogue

Anonymous said...

@ 12:26 those sitting republicans actually represent WE the retards!

Anonymous said...

The radical on both sides actually are the groups that needs to be snuffed out. The 3 percent on both side need to be taken for what they really are. The dirt bags which are fing up this country. And the pathetic people closer to the center that follow them are even bigger f ups.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if we had a media that didn't support the extremes as truth we would be in a better place right now. But until the media reports change we are in for continuing to hear the extremes with more people feeling left out in the middle. Our politicians aren't helping either following the extreme positions.