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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, July 18, 2016

Morning Call Enables Fed Ed

I wish I could say I was surprised to see The Morning Call publish yet another op-ed by Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski. That paper has been in the tank for him since he was first elected in 2005. Fed Ed's stock is so low on City Council that they unanimously asked him to resign. It's doubtful they will approve any cabinet nominee he selects because he's lost any moral authority. But like the wife of an active alcoholic, The Morning Call is an enabler. The paper allows him to preach on their dime, without holding him accountable for a federal investigation aimed at him, and one that has crippled the city.

Why on earth would the paper publish a word he says when he refuses to address the elephant in the room?


Anonymous said...

Democratic party loyalty. The Morning Call is like Lisa Pawlowski - Married to the Mob

Anonymous said...

FBI should arrest both fed Ed and Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Vote Trump

Anonymous said...

Once again the MC has diminished any standing left! When I saw the article, especially about police/community relations, I had to laugh. Here he is under federal investigation, a crumbling administration at his feet, with no credibility, and refuses to accept reality, in a MC op-ed. This Chicago bottom feeder should resign and return to murderland where his insight might be taken seriously; if anybody would listen!

Anonymous said...

The Morning Call, like the Mayor and the entire rotting city, is a bad joke.

michael molovinsky said...

there is yet another level of exasperation about this Your View editorial. i recently had published a letter to the editor concerning Wehr's Dam. i would have preferred the Your View exposure on that topic, but didn't want to submit to the double standard employed by the paper. allow me to explain; certain submitters, such as Gary Olson, Alan Jennings, etc, get their editorial printed as submitted. on the other hand, other writers more right of center or convention, get raked over the coals. my submissions are always too long, or too short. I was actually told once that i had to substantiate facts, as submitted, it was just my opinion. never mind that it is supposed to be an opinion page.

Anonymous said...

If fact substantiation was a requirement for the Morning Call, most of it's opinion pieces would not exist

Anonymous said...

Exasperating? Yes. But fewer and fewer read the MC anymore. Fed Ed would gain greater exposure for his columns by stuffing them in a bottle and throwing them in the ocean.

Scott Armstrong said...

Good lord Bernie, who even reads the op-eds in that paper? Answer; almost no one. One has to scroll down past sports and entertainment on the on-line site to find it. Who gets the hard copy anymore? The numbers fall daily for a variety of reasons. One contributing factor for this is exactly in line with what you have reported on this morning. At this point, with what has been reported; why publish anything but a confession from Ed Pawlowski. He is beyond a doubt a corrupt public official, unworthy of any platform in a respectable publication. The Morning Call demonstrates again it's own level of corruption and as with the city itself, it is at the top of the organizational flow chart.

Anonymous said...

The Morning Call has one of the worst online web sites I have ever seen. Slow, full of ads and stupidly designed. Who put this together? Sam Bennett maybe?

Anonymous said...

Who reads and/or cares about The Morning Call? That 'newspaper' stopped being relevant at least 10 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Because they probably know you don't talk to the press about an open investigation? He is still the Mayor. I'm wondering if there even is a case at this point.

Anonymous said...

@8:59 Strongly suggest you get adblock plus. Then you don't see all the krap TMC has to sell in ads that slows down your browser.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Because they probably know you don't talk to the press about an open investigation? He is still the Mayor. I'm wondering if there even is a case at this point."

Pawlowski routinely denies access to journalists, especially those who get close to dark truths. Yet the paper allows itself to be used by him to promote his agenda. To me that is not journalism. That is being a whore.

If there is no case at this point, then what is stopping him from talking?

Anonymous said...

"...If there is no case at this point, then what is stopping him from talking? ..."

Never tell outside the family what you're thinking ?

Bernie O'Hare said...

Then he should not be submitting op-eds. You made my point.

Jamie Kelton said...

As I remarked to Mayor Pawlowski in his op-ed piece, the police having good public relations with the community is a good thing.

However, he really needs to let the police crack down on criminal activity in the city so we have a safe place for all citizens to live. He should focus more on that which is part of his job as Mayor. To insure the safety of all citizens of Allentown.

Pawlowski is simply buying into the Obama/Clinton blame the police bullshit which is why cops are being killed by the Black Lives matter and other radical groups.

Jamie Kelton said...

Now as far as him submitting op-ed pieces, even Nixon did foreign policy matters during the Watergate investigation. Hillary Clinton also campaigned while the FBI was investigating her also.

I don't know if he's guilty or innocent, but it's not a good thing for a public official to be under the FBI's microscope. If he wants to write op-ed pieces as part of his official duties as Mayor, he hasn't lost his First Amendment rights. Although anything he says and does while being investigated has to be viewed through a jaundiced eye of skepticism.

Bernie O'Hare said...

The difference is that Hillary at least pretended to cooperate while Fed Ed is defiant, yet won't say a word. So long as he refuses to discuss the criminal investigation, he deserves no venue on ANY issue, even if I agree with his position.

Jamie Kelton said...

I saw you deleted the 12:31 post so delete mine also. It was Off Topic anyway.. sorry I got pissed at him :)

Anonymous said...

Jamie Kelton: If you live in Allentown, will you please run for public office? Your upbeat and intelligent straight talk is so refreshing, I love how you respectfully made things so simple in your MC comment, that the Mayor should focus on keeping the streets safe (such a basic priority but such an important issue!). Enjoy your two cents worth!

Anonymous said...

The morning call has enabled a hole hell of allot more than da eds dealing and continues too?!)$
RE:publican redd no party affiliation in a democratically dysfunctioning town wests of two of the same?!

Anonymous said...

The big difference is Pawlowzki is still the Mayor of Allentown and you are not.

Anonymous said...

Saturday's Morning Call ran an AP story about what Gov. Christie's legal defense cost the 'taxpayers.' He was identified by his party, Republican. Fair enough. However, nowhere in the story did it mention that those legal costs were forced on the taxpayers of New Jersey by the witch-hunting legislature in the Garden State. Left out of the story was the fact that the witch hunt was lead by the DEMOCRAT legislature. But there is no liberal media of course.
By the way. last week I took a usual 2-hour trip to New York City. However, it took
5 1/2 hours due to George Washington Bridge 'issues.' As of today there has been no legislative investigation.

Anonymous said...

My God no

Jamie Kelton said...

Sorry 12:58pm Anyone who isn't a Democrat doesn't stand a snowballs chance in July to get elected to anything in Allentown

Benjamin Long said...

And as you remember Scott, the Morning Call was horrible to Mayor Heydt both when he was mayor and when he ran again in 2005!

Anonymous said...

Some people are doers and others are complainers. We have a lot of complainers on here.