Angle called me as the fight was raging and told me was going to go tonight and even had a ticket, but changed his mind when he saw all the fighting on last night's TV debate. "I'm all about civility," he said. He really hates arguments, you know.
This was one of those debates where neither candidate did anything stupid, so they'll both claim victory.
You know how I feel about this race, so I'll keep this brief. First, the best analysis is done by LVWL, who actually used his time machine and had a transcript posted before the debate had even started. Second, Amy Burkett as moderator? I felt like I was watching Ozzie & Harriet, even with her new 'do. Third, as candidates spoke, John Micek was for some reason regurgitating them on Tweeter. He stopped when some derelict, who must have thought it was a chat room, asked John, "Are you wearing any underwear?" This predator's name was "Lonely Amy."
Finally, livestreaming a debate doesn't really work when only one of every three words is actually broadcast. And the audio for Scott Kraus' questions was missing completely. If it's any consolation, Scott, you did look like you just stepped out of GQ. I hope you were wearing underwear.
in times past, i often wished krause's audio was missing.
Attended the event. Looking forward to reading comments. Amy Burkett took command. She was an excellent moderator. Couldn't help but wonder, if only she was in Washington. The college opened its doors to the debate, but the sponsors we suspect underwrote expenses. The
theatre's ushers left a lot to be desired. They ordered guests around like they were cattle. Many attendees who came in a rain storm to arrive on time were quite upset and comments could be overheard. Very poor public relations as these same guests also are possible future theatre patrons. After last night's usher performances, doubt that will happen.
Bernie wrote: "Amy Burkett as moderator? I felt like I was watching Ozzie & Harriet, even with her new 'do."
Someone else thought she did a good job. Just goes to show.
"the best analysis is done by LVWL, who actually used his time machine and had a transcript posted before the debate had even started."
How did he do this?
Bernie -
Think John Stoffa was in the audience.
It was a much more civil debate, both candidates made good points. I would give a slight nod to callahan because he actually called out specific votes that Mr Dent voted for and states he didn't. But Dent scored with his policy knowledge on the questio from the young Republican, but I'm quite sure he knew what was coming and the question wasright in his wheelhouse.
Amy did a great job, she did not get pushed around like Rob did the other night.
Bernie -
Read your comment about Amy's hair. Wonder if you ever would write a similar comment about some guy's hair? Have you?
Every one of Dent's answers revolved around preferential treatment for corporate America. It was quite shocking, actually.
"Every one of Dent's answers revolved around preferential treatment for corporate America."
Everyone of Callahan's answers involved higher taxes. Now which do you think is more likely to create jobs...
Certainly not going back to Bush policy. We already know that was a complete disaster taking us budget surplus to trillions in debt.
I was there, and John Stoffa was not.
Amy B. did a fantastic job maintaining control as JC routinely tried to talk when it was not his turn.
As stated, it was close - but I think CD won by a slight margin. JC kept having to refer to his notes while CD had most of his facts in his head, and several times JC actually was flipping pages while there was "dead air." Poor behavior for a debate being broadcast live.
As for the ushers, what did you expect? They were college kids who were forced to work an event they cared very little about, during a rain storm. I am sure when it is an actual college function they are better.
"Amy Burkett took command. She was an excellent moderator. Couldn't help but wonder, if only she was in Washington."
I think I'm going to be sick. Don't care for her or her plastic smile.
"Read your comment about Amy's hair. Wonder if you ever would write a similar comment about some guy's hair?"
If it were some strange goofy do like she had an te,pr for years, you can be damn sure I'd mention it, just as I sometimes make fun of guys with baldies.
I get your point. You think I'm picking on her because she's a woman. Actually, I'm picking on her bc she's a phony. Back when I did watch TV, I remember her asking her audience, in one of her quizzes, how many women died of cervical cancer. When she came back with the answer, she had that same plastic smile on her face.
So I don't care for her as a TV host or as a moderator. I think she tends to beunfair and cut candidates off at inappropriate times.
But you're more than welcome to defend her and tell me why she's good.
"Think John Stoffa was in the audience."
It's certainly possible. He goes to many debates. He was at Dent-Calahan I.
Anon 7:37, Read his blog. You'll laugh. I think.
You can stick a fork in Callahan....you will read tomorrow morning that he is down by 17 points in the latest polling
2:13 = Callahan Camp massaging expectations.
If poll shows he's only down by 15, he'll tout momentum and predict certain victory.
I'm writing in "Rakes" Bennett.
"Certainly not going back to Bush policy. We already know that was a complete disaster taking us budget surplus to trillions in debt".
Enough with Bush already. He spent too much. We know that. The facts are, however, the purse strings have been controlled by liberals in Congress for the past 4 years. Add the interloper in chief's spending and Bush looks like a miser. If you don't have the money don't spend it, period.
Callahan is either ignorant or a liar. No one is going to be able to keep their current health plan if they are happy with it. That fallacy has been debunked already. He is clueless, unqualified, and a walking, talking, parrot for the DNC.
Callhan being served up to the Democratic Candidate Death Panel Review and they are pulling the money out....down 17 points with 18 days to go....adios
Is that Barbara Billingsly in that photo ... She died October 15 or 16
Or is that Harriet Nelson ... You can't tell the 1950'TV house wives apart.
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