"As a result of information first noted on Lisa Pawlowski's Facebook page, it became clear that as long ago as last December, Mayor Edwin Pawlowski was undertaking major renovations to his home. She even posted photographs of some of the work in progress. Earlier this summer, she again began to discuss a 'mancave' and new basement for her husband. This was another major project, as she noted, required at least three trips by contractors.
"Mayor Pawlowski failed to obtain permits for any of this work. Moreover, the work in question was done by a local construction firm that benefits from city contracts and contributes significant amounts of money to Pawlowski's campaign fund.
"When one of these renovations was reported in local blog, 'Lehigh Valley Ramblings', Mayor Pawlowski immediately secured a permit that very day. A few days later, Lehigh Valley Ramblings reported more work being done by Pawlowski, who then secured a permit that same day.
"Today, I am asking Allentown's Ethics Board to conduct an investigation into Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's failure to obtain permits for work he's had done at his home and for which permits are required. Also, because the permits that were obtained are based on questionable low estimates (such as $500) I am asking the Ethics Board to inquire into the actual cost of these renovations and what was actually paid.
"This information was made known to Allentown City Council. Unfortunately, they have refused to take any steps to look into this matter. They should investigate further, if for no other reason than to have Mayor Pawlowski clear the air.
"These questions have instead lingered, seemingly as an unfortunate by-product of one-party rule in Allentown. While the Mayor seems to think otherwise, he should be held to the same standard as the people he serves. The Mayor is not above the law."
King Edwin told The Morning Call's Jarrett Renshaw that Romancheck's complaint is "political nonsense." There goes Dr. Bob's invitation to the "mancave."
Here's the Permitgate trail, with Lisa Pawlowski starring (inadverdently) as Deep Throat:
7/23: Pawlowski Builds "Mancave" With No Permit
7/26: Embarrassed Pawlowski Gets Permit For Mancave
7/30: Pawlowski & Permits: It's Good to Be King
8/2: Allentown Stonewalls Request to See Pawlowski Permits
8/4: Permitgate: Pawlowski Gets Two More Permits
Holy Christ, are those three guys Larry Kings older brothers? Or are they the three faces of Death.
That trio makes the Pope look like a teenager.
obviously Bethlum does not have an Ethic Board. But then johnny would fill it with his relatives
two snarky comments... crusty old men make poor messengers. they just come off as ... old. the city gop just turned this into a partisan thing. in a city where democrats rule at the polls, it would have been better to find a D or an I to pursue this matter. Now the mayor can deflect it as a bunch of old partisans playing politics while he is trying to save the city. And considering the pic and the people, it will sell with city voters.
as far as the complaint, it has some merits and should be pursued.
nonymous said...
obviously Bethlum does not have an Ethic Board. But then johnny would fill it with his relatives
6:33 AM
And what makes you think Pawlowski didn't?
There aren't any "Ds" willing to break ranks.
Horrible picture
Anonymous said...
"Holy Christ, are those three guys Larry Kings older brothers? Or are they the three faces of Death.
That trio makes the Pope look like a teenager."
When you can't argue the facts, smear the messenger.
If you want to talk about old, it's that page in the Democrat playbook.
Anon 2:21 = 3 AM troll.
Anon 7:01, Privately, Dems are condemning this, but they are afraid of Pawlowski. I'm sure each member of the ethics board is a D, too, so I don't know how this can really be partisan. The simple reality is that it is hard to find people with courage, especially among A-town Democrats.
Wow, Allentown has a Republican party! Who knew?
The worse part is that some city employee called Pawlowski and gave him a heads-up about the violation. Who calls us?
Get off my lawn!
I am guessing the contractor is "allegedly" Cityline Construction. They rebuilt our entire home on Lehigh Parkway in Salisbury Township after a fire in 2007 without proper permits or inspections. We had a now ex-Salisbury Township official "allegedly" forging engineering seals on building plans and being "allegedly" paid by said contractor. The corruption is deep and wide and these "contractors" are making millions off of insurance claims and contracts in a Keystone Opportunity Zone, where they have no business operating.
I read the newspaper article and see that it is Stellar Construction being listed as the contractor. My bad on the contractor in this instance, but the story sounds painfully familiar.
Why don't you mind your own business? This kind of stuff will never feed a hungry child.
Allentown Democrat Voter
Since you're on a hunt for evidence, we'd like to see the official campaign purchased $200 Kohl's tax deductible tablecloth receipt.
Stephanie Bassham said...
I am guessing the contractor is "allegedly" Cityline Construction. They rebuilt our entire home on Lehigh Parkway in Salisbury Township after a fire in 2007 without proper permits or inspections. We had a now ex-Salisbury Township official "allegedly" forging engineering seals on building plans and being "allegedly" paid by said contractor. The corruption is deep and wide and these "contractors" are making millions off of insurance claims and contracts in a Keystone Opportunity Zone, where they have no business operating.
2:54 PM
Didn't Cityline receive city grants for their Hamilton St.
offices that pledged to hire
2:21 - Thanks for the chuckle. Same old, same old and nothing changes. If this is all the Republicans can do they are worthless.
In a changing world these old dogs seem incapable of changing their strategy.
It would be interesting to see the insurance claim turned in by the Mayor via the construction company for their restoration work. In our case the permit that was applied for stated the repair work to be $30,000 and the claim handed in to our insurance company (which was paid) was $232,896. That, my friend, would feed a lot of hungry children!
Anon 2:21,
Your response is the “same old same old” of too many of Allentown’s Democrats. That is a big part of the city’s problem. This kind of thinking has put the city where it is today.
Scott Armstrong
I am content to lose election after election. My integrity is more important than success.
Allentown Republican voter
Anonymous 2:49,
You concur that Democrats in Allentown have placed more importance on power than integrity. Thanks.
Scott Armstrong
Are those three guys Zombies? Or is just their makeup
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