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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Northampton County Hires Recycling Expert

"We have a choice to either destroy our environment or take pride and help save it for all mankind. Let's all help save our environment together."

Those were Tom Dittmar's words back in 2003, in a letter to the editor stressing the importance of recycling grass clippings instead of sending them to municipal landfills.

He should know.

Dittmar has over fifteen years experience in organizing waste and recycling for Lucent Technologies, earning several awards for innovative programs that reduce waste, including the US Environmental Protection Agency's "Waste Wise Program Champion" award in 2000. Locally, Dittmar helped establish Palmer Township's recycling programs and has served on the Township's Environmental Steering Committee since 1994. "I want to leave the world a better place. Hopefully, I can make a major difference."

Dittmar will now have an opportunity to make a difference in Northampton County. He starts April 7, with a starting salary of $35,861, as the Environmental Conservation Coordinator in the County's Department of Community & Economic Development. He will be responsible for the implementation of solid waste, recycling and environmental risk reduction programs throughout the County. Mr. Dittmar's starting salary is $35,861.

Although all counties are required to adopt and implement plans for municipal waste management systems, Northampton County is the only county in the area that does not yet have a dedicated solid waste and recycling program. "Residents regularly contact us to answer questions and to seek help in disposing of hazardous and electronic waste," according to Community Development Grants Coordinator Lori Sywensky. The Council's authorization of funding and the matching funds provided by the PA Department of Environmental Protection now provide the opportunity to focus on these activities.

The County plans to begin hosting drop-off events later this year. For more information on recycling and solid waste information, Dittmar may be reached at the Northampton County Department of Community and Economic Development at 610-559-3200.


LSTresidentPIA said...

Lower Saucon Township had its panties in a bunch about this issue, so much so that they sent a letter to the county asking them to fill the position and now.

Anonymous said...

More hit and miss policy fromNorthampton County

Anonymous said...

by the number of responses to this blog......2......maybe lower saucon is the only people concerned with the filling of this position?

Anonymous said...

Recently I followed an open trash truch on route 78 on its way, I supposed, to the landfill. It was spewing trash. But the trash along route 78 is not the result of a single truck. It far exceeds anything that any Boy Scout troop or family could remove. I urge citizens who are appalled by the trash along our highways to call Penn Dot, the Governor's office, our senators and representatives and county management offices. One can leave the state in nearly any direction and know that he has left merely by the absence of trash in other states. If we had a few signs which read "$10,000 fine for littering", a hotline, and rewards, we could soon pave our highways with gold. How can a governor and a region which wants to attract tourism ignore the blight on our landscape? I for one am disgusted with RENDELL's RUBBISH.