Trent Sear is a former
LANTA board member who posts occasionally at
The Allentown Commentator. He writes that
The Morning Call is Allentown's biggest litterbug, reporting recently that
"hundreds" of their weekly ads, rolled up in plastic bags, are
"now lying all over the West End." Trent asks,
"Does the First Amendment give me the right to throw a plastic bag of trash on private property?" I don't believe, not even for a minute, that
The Morning Call is Allentown's biggest litterbug. It's the Lehigh Valley's biggest litterbug. Every week, I get
three plastic bags thrown at my estate. Every attempt to stop this has failed. I gave up several years ago.
How about you?
I can't get them to stop delivering that crap every week, but it seems the daily paper is always a mess.
I live in an apartment building in Easton. Every week, we get nailed with these unwanted ads.
Bernie -- Quite simply, why do the local municipal police forces or zoning people CITE the Morning Call for littering. Each dropping of the material is an offense by itself. What if everyone started dumping packages of useless advertisements on every property? Answer, the area would begin to resemble Williams Township. Oops. Did I say that!
I agree. The ET has a weekly paper w/ ads in the Nazareth area, and they mail each copy. I'm sure it is more expensive, but also is far more respectful.
Bernie, - I have had this problem as well. After repeatedly calling the paper to stop the littering, with no luck, I e-mailed Michael Foux, VP of Circulation and Marketing. He responded quickly and professionally and I have not received the junk since. Hope this helps others out there.
PS - Bernie, I love reading your blog, even when I don't necessarily agree with you.
It's comments like yours that make it work. I appreciate your comment.
the problem is that the courts are intepretig the Constitution erroneously. Sure they are protected by the first amendent to print anything they want to print but where in the constitution does it give them the right to place all of their ugly boxes and the litter that goes with them on every corner in the Valley. And where one is placed you can bet there will be at least three more.
The Morning Call?
They still around?
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