On Friday, I told you he's actually going to host a "meet and greet" with Gubernatorial Hopeful Dan Onorato late March in Hellertown. Long and Onorato are likely to be the only ones there.
This is a slap across the face of the Lehigh valley's favorite son, Lehigh County Exec Don Cunningham, who is seriously considering a run. He's made a difficult job look easy. Onorato, on the other hand, has to run to the eastern part of the state to find someone who won't boo him. Check out this little ditty from The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
"Steelers fans left no doubt as to how they felt about Mr. Onorato and the new 10 percent alcohol tax he helped put into effect last month. They booed him lustily before he even had a chance to speak, and Mr. Onorato quickly turned over the microphone to B94 radio disc jockey Bubba.
"Mr. Onorato has been taking it on the chin from bar owners and drinkers over the tax, which he implemented along with a $2-a-day car rental tax to generate the county's $30 million subsidy to the Port Authority for mass transit. "
Just when I thought Joe Long had already reached the height of idiocy with his disastrous Northampton County Council races, he surpasses himself yet again.
Wow, Joe, what's your next trick? Can you disappear?
If you were money, you would disappear.
The last guy with this kind of insatiable appetite for increasing taxes and fees on constituents was nominated by his party to run for governor, and elected twice.
Onorato is a perfect fit.
The food nazis tell us alcohol isn't good for you anyway, and everybody should support higher rental car fees to discourage the use of the internal combustion engine.
It's not like he's proposed some outrageous scheme like placing tolls on the entirety of I-80, thus sending the increased traffic and pollution of toll refugees into the LV.
Don should sell fiscal profligacy and Santa Claus campaigning (complete with big cardboard checks) over being the local guy who works well with both parties. Its a proven strategy. Just ask Ed Rendell - and Joe Long who effectively delivered for Ed in NorCo.
What Ed Rendell said - and he said it on Business Matters - is that Don Cunningham would make a "fine governor." Don, unlike Onorato, is very pupular in the LV and I'd expect his name to resonate pretty well in Philly and Scranton. I was concerned about the western part of the state, but it look like Onorato must already be laying the groundwork for Don.
Please do not post entire articles from another publication on this blog. Feel free to quote from or link to the account, but the reposting of entire accounts is unfair to the publication and its writer.
You have to remember that Pennsylvanians have a different attitude than other states although it is much more obvious in Philly than other parts of the state.
Bob Uecker once said about Philly fans that if the game is rained out, they go down to the airport and boo bad landings.
I like Don and you will not hear me say a bad word about him. However, you show extreme ignorance in your understanding of statewide politics. Onorato sits on forty percent of the primary vote - which he will win decisively. The real issue which your vanity will never permit a sober analysis of is, how does Don come to an accomodation with Joe, so that his own backyard is completely intact heading into a tough election.
you show extreme ignorance in your understanding of statewide politics.
That's nothing. You should see me on cars.
But let me get this right. If Onorato decisively wins 40% of the votes cast, then that means Don C gets the other 60% in a two way. So it looks like you show "extreme ignorance in your understanding" of simple arithmetic.
Joe, next time you try to make a point, try using a flunky who actually has a brain.
Bernie, One can't expect to snub and not get snub. You cannot divde and expect to conquer. Inner circles don't win elections....they just expect favors. Proven time and time again. If one does not have overwhelming support in their home turf, how can one carry a State. I hope it is not too late.
Where is that 'Larry' is my opinion, thoughts / writings?
Missing as of late?
On the campaign trail w/Hillary?
He's angry at me for yelling at him.
bless you. if i yell at him, will i get off his mass em-mail list?
"Onorato sits on forty percent of the primary vote - which he will win decisively. The real issue which your vanity will never permit a sober analysis of is, how does Don come to an accomodation with Joe, so that his own backyard is completely intact heading into a tough election"
try closer to 35%. and Joe long couldn't deliver a pizza.
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