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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, August 26, 2024

NorCo Judges Have Spent $344k in Public Funds For Private Security at Juvenile Justice Center

Since the beginning of this year, and without the blessing of either the Executive or County Council, Northampton County's bench has taken it upon itself to pay $344,286.36 of your money to provide private security at the Juvenile Justice Center.  Instead of using trained youth care workers with at least 60 college credits in social or behavioral sciences, the judges are manning the juvenile justice center with glorified security guards with a Corporate Protective Services, a for-profit company. Moreover, it appears that President Judge Craig Dally never submitted the written contract to the Executive for his signature, which violates the express language of the county's Home Rule Charter (Section 302(4)). 

Private security at a prison (and the juvenile justice center is precisely that), a rarity in Pennsylvania, have come under criticism because they "do not offer the high security required for particular inmates and often fail to follow the rules. Furthermore, there have been incidences of ignoring the inmates' health needs." Companies that offer these services are motivate by profit instead of the well-being of the persons in their care. This is especially disconcerting in a youth setting. 

President Judge Craig Dally complains that the Executive is attempting "to control how the Court spends its budget." He adds that Corporate Protective Services is "invaluable to the Court" and "highly specialized." While I'm sure that this private security firm enables the court to place more children in the facility and accept more out-of-county juveniles, I'm unpersuaded that the security guards on duty have any particular understanding or the necessary training spelled out in detail by the Department of Public Welfare. Judge Dally asserts that they do, but I find it difficult to believe that what his own court administration calls "temporary workers." Finally, he contends that these night watchmen perform "professional services" and are thus exempt from the Home Rule Charter requirement that the exec sign the contract. That argument is invalid for two reasons. First, the Home Rule Charter trumps any legislation to the contrary. Second, it's a real stretch to argue that unlicensed bouncers, who also cover concerts and guard warehouses, are professionals. 

Aside from the plain language of the Home Rule Charter, it's really difficult to justify a no-bid contract to an outfit that could expose a self-insured county to significant liability if one of these glorified security guards begins to abuse the children in his or her care. That's something that could exceed both the budget for the court and the county. 

My final concern is that hiring a private outfit to perform the same duties as a unionized youth care worker is union busting, pure and simple. 

The court is definitely an independent branch of government and is entitled to great deference in its management decisions. But its decision to violate the Home Rule Charter and open the county up to liability for abuse by a temp or for an unfair labor practice seems more likely to compromise that independence than assure it.  

Below you will see letters from the Executive, President Judge and Director of Fiscal Affairs concerning this matter.   

Exec Letter to PJ Re Corporate Protective Service by BernieOHare on Scribd

Letter From PJ to Exec Re Corporate Protective Services by BernieOHare on Scribd

Letter From Fiscal Director to PJ Re Corporate Protective Services by BernieOHare on Scribd


Anonymous said...

You are reporting what McClure wants. Sources in the courthouse can tell you that much of this is the fault of your guy. He and Barron control everything. Purchasing is run by Barron who answers to McClure. Mclure wants the juvenile Center closed. You know that. He has thrown up roadblocks for years. Problems with purchasing have affected the
courts and even county council. This is a man who believes he and only he can interpret the Charter, and he should rule everything. Impossible to work with.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for covering this, Bernie. County Council's whole purpose is to provide oversight. It looks like the courts are attempting to bypass that. Let's hope there's an investigation.

Anonymous said...

We have government by the judiciary now. Not quite the way the Framers intended it.

Anonymous said...

We have a part-time bench being paid full-time salaries. The people of Northampton County are not getting an honest’s days work for an honest days pay.

Anonymous said...

This has Monroe County’s own Jermaine Greene written all over it. Don’t blame Dally. He’s just stupid and weak. Jermaine is the real PJ.

Anonymous said...

"Companies that offer these services are motivate by profit instead of the well-being of the persons in their care."

Gracedale has entered the conversation.

Anonymous said...

Now that Dally is showing such brazen disregard for the law, it’s unlikely he’ll get that Federal judgeship he’s been angling for in the next Trump Administration.

Anonymous said...

This security company is run by the 1 and only disgraced former Washington Twsp. Police Chief Scott Miller

Anonymous said...

So McClure isn’t the only one doing shady stuff behind the curtain, violating the home rule charter…big surprise. Is anyone actually going to hold these people accountable?

Anonymous said...

Good point. How is this any different than Gracedale's ever increasing use of agency nursing?

Bernie O'Hare said...

As McClure observes in his letter to the PJ, purchasing does fall under the Director of Fiscal Affairs, who reports to the Exec. McClure does not want to close JJC but would probably like to run it bc the courts appear to be unable to do so.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Could explain why a barber from Monroe County is providing the hair cuts.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Gracedale does use outside agency nurses. Here's the difference between there and JJC. (1) The county's use of agency nurses gets plenty of oversight from County Council while the courts just do what they want with our money with zero transparency (2) The HRC is being followed with respect to outside agency nurses. It is being ignored with respect to private security at JJC. (3) The use of outside agency nursing is in accord with the CBA for nurses at Gracedale, while there is no such agreement with respect to private security at JJC. (4) The outside nurses are all licensed nurses, while there is absolutely no evidence that the glorified security guards at JJC have any real training.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Gee, I hope that is untrue. He is hardly the kind of person who should be allowed there.

Anonymous said...

Nonetheless: "Companies that offer these services are motivate by profit instead of the well-being of the persons in their care." You wrote what you wrote and you were correct about any private entity.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Unfortunately, I have confirmed that this is true.

Anonymous said...

Just so I understand the issue. McClure is responsible for providing security for the Court house. McClure is responsible for security for the Government Center. McClure is responsible for providing security for the Judges, court masters, juvenile hearings at the court house, etc. McClure is responsible for providing security for all the judges. McClure is responsible for providing security for all the courtrooms. McClure is responsible for providing security for the work release center. McClure is responsible for providing security for all the district magistrates when needed. McClure is responsible for all the security at the County prison. McClure is responsible for all of the above but when it comes to security for juveniles he isn't qualified to provide security. All I have to say is WTF?

Anonymous said...

Oh something I forgot to ask. Did the Courts specify that security at the juvenile center in their buddget. in other words, did they budget for that amount of expenditure? If not, it is very clear that they can only transfer10% of their budget for specific items and that would definetly be a violation

Bernie O'Hare said...

I believe they are using the money budgeted for youth care workers and do not think at first blush that this aspect of it violates the HRC because it is intra-agency, not from one agency to another.

Anonymous said...

County Council has the power of the purse. They can ask any question they wish to about the Kiddie Jail. If they don’t get answers, they can withhold money until they do.

Anonymous said...

Nobody batted an eye when Jermaine Greene hired his own son to work at the JJC. Not one question from County Council. Of course, they are going to act outside the law.

Anonymous said...

Once again, your trusted rat Steve Barron feeds you the information they want you to see? Is it any wonder no one trusts this administration with any communication. Of course, you are only fed the info they want you to see and not the things they hide from you and everyone else. These people are shameful and not leaders.

Anonymous said...

It is true, has office in Bangor- what a joke!!

Anonymous said...

How disgraceful!!!

Anonymous said...

How did a security company owned by Scott Miller get this contract?

Anonymous said...

Rat Barron? it is the HOME RULE CHARTER the judge is a fool and violated it thanks to Green who should have been let go YEARS ago

Anonymous said...

awaiting Ron Heckman and his two cents

Anonymous said...

From the courts to the DA’s office, there is nothing but drama and wasted time and money. I am so disgusted that people who are supposed to be bettering the county act like a bunch of bratty middle schoolers. Grow up and do your jobs.

Anonymous said...

7:03 am: Mr. Greene certainly seems to be at the center of a lot of controversy.

Anonymous said...

So where is the County Solicitor on all this, who is supposed to protect the County? Has he/she reviewed this contract and determined it is acceptable and in accordance with the County's rules and regs?

Anonymous said...

6:36 am: I’m glad you posted this because I thought I was alone. I sure see some of the (male) judges holding a golf club, rather than court, during working hours.

Anonymous said...

He's terrible

Anonymous said...

Dally is so weak, always was. Greene is corrupt

Anonymous said...

Sure, it is a violation of the Charter and kudos to you for uncovering that story, but you are missing the bigger story. Why do you think it was deemed necessary to have a security firm there? And do you honestly believe social workers can handle some of what happens in places like that? Do you understand our dysfunctional violent American culture right now? There’s a reason why the exec wants out of the biz. A place like that needs the sheriffs office there. I think you need to interview the caseworkers that work there before spouting off they are equipped and educated to handle all the nonsense that happens at a facility like that. Come on Bernie. You only got 25% there with your story.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t even hire him for the positions that were empty and needed. Instead hired him for a position he created at a salary much higher than most of the probation officers who actually started at JJC as a youth care worker. People have been fired for much less under him. Unfortunately he hasn’t and won’t be let go because all the judges are afraid of a racism lawsuit.