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Friday, August 30, 2024

Kamala Harris Looks Presidential in CNN Interview

Last night, Kamala Harris sat down for an interview with CNN's Dana Bush. I think it was a mistake for her to be joined by running mate Tim Walz because it is she, and not he, who is the lead candidate. She's come under criticism for failing to do interviews before this, but in her defense, she's had very little time to orchestrate a national campaign.

My overall conclusion is that she helped herself and may have won over some undecideds. She looked Presidential. Donald Trump, in contrast, looks rather small. ... And weird. 


Anonymous said...

She had an emotional support dummy who continued his 12-year lie about his service rank, saying it was a grammar mistake? Are you kidding? And she looked at her notes for the entire interview, having been provided the questions ahead of time. The interviewer provided questions and answers, aka leading the witness who is clearly witless. You're an admittedly bad lawyer. But come on, man. You're a cultist.

Anonymous said...

One word ===Dishonest She will destroy this country if elected.

Anonymous said...

Her values are the same -- -Colorado under siege Under the same Harris values The school bus and the apartment are just the beginning--Trump will stop this in no time like he did to that gang on long island

Anonymous said...

She is Presidential alright Her policies will kill us.

Anonymous said...

Your credibility has declined rather sharply.

Ray Nemeth Sr said...

Looks can be deceiving, after all this is taped and edited interview, in today's world a worthless piece of propaganda. How about a live unrehearsed or edited interview. Unlikely.

Anonymous said...

"The next President of the United States of America will be a woman. It will either be me or
Kamala Harris." - Nikki Haley in January 2024

Anonymous said...

I think we saw different intervoews. Was Walz there in case she needed a pickle jar opened? Why the constant glancing at notes? Did she get questions in advance. One hour distilled to 20 minutes? She seemed to delay her responses and fiddled with her earpiece? Can she answer live, not set-up questions? She has no regrets about covering for Biden, whom even you have acknowledged is gone, mentally? That interview was ridiculous. Let's get to the debate. She's going to get slaughtered. It's going to be much easier than anyone imagined.

Anonymous said...

She did not fully answer one single question, but she was good at bashing tRUMP. Tampon tim did not truthfully answer the question about his weekend warrior service. The constant flashbacks to the convention and her campaigning was pure fluff by cnn. There were no tough questions. On the other hand, tRUMP is a failed candidate as well. The next 4 years are really going to suck for REAL AMERICANS.

Anonymous said...

We must have somehow been watching different interviews. LOL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No name calling. No falling asleep and fumbling over words. I'll take it!

Anonymous said...

HEADLINE: Bernie O Hare looks intoxicated with TDS in Lehigh Valley Ramblings Kamala Harris Post.....or mayhaps he's secretly back on the sauce again....

Anonymous said...

Biden looked Presidential too --look what he did to America from Afghanistan to Latest in Colorado and everything in between Inflation to crime to jobs. Harris will do worse and that is a guarantee.

Anonymous said...

Scary thought!!! (Now that there's only one option)

Anonymous said...

Cut and paste interview with softball questions. Word salad and flip flops. Oh yes - she’s presidential all right. Wait until everything people have worked for in life is taxed to high heaven just so those who didn’t and are illegals can have it all too. I thought you were smarter than this, Bernie. Apparently you believe in “A Democrat at Any Cost” for President. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

And what exactly will your hero Trump do? Spread lies, conspiracy theories, hate, bigotry, racism and more lies? He is the one who will destroy the country… Trust me! You need to stop watching Faux 'News' and educate yourself genius.

Anonymous said...

Propaganda? You mean the trash that Fox News puts out and Hannity's 'interviews' with orange man?

Anonymous said...

I wonder why there are so many people bashing Harris. Must be a reason?

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for the only POTUS in our lifetimes beside Jimmy Carter who didn't start any wars. Weird is blue hair, fishing lure-faced freaks who are obsessed with discussing sex with elementary school students. Weird is thinking Rachel Levine and other biologicals males can menstruate and become pregnant. Weird is thinking 10-year old boys require tampons in their restrooms. Weird is school districts with official policies to keep secrets from parents. Weird is supporting wars and Hamas while being upset about pronouns.

Anonymous said...

Tampon Walz said we are all delusional when we look at the gang situation in Colorado, We do not know what we are looking at---THIS PERSON CANNOT AND I REPEAT PUT INTO OFFICE How can anybody vote for this left-wing lunatic.

Anonymous said...

CNN this was not a true interview they cut out all good stuff that Kamala and the fraud told us --Fake news at it's best

Anonymous said...

Deciding who should be the next President of the most influential and powerful nation in the world should not be a beauty contest. That decision should not be made because your favorite television, entertainment, or sports celebrity endorsed that candidate. Most importantly, your choice should not be stupidly made only because your family always votes for that political party.

Choose the candidate most qualified, best experienced, and most likely to identify and FIX policies you think aren’t working as good as you hoped.

Kamala Harris might ‘look’ the part, but she comes-up lacking in every other respect. Yes, she’s not Trump. If that’s your measure well. . . bless your heart.

Anonymous said...

Dana has 'Bush'? Come on Bern you are just as spiteful as the rest of her followers. This was an absolute mess. She lies and has no straight answers and that is still after being VP for close to 4 years.

Anonymous said...

BO said: “She looked Presidential”

Yeah, and you were the one (along with Harris) who was telling us Biden was competent until the world saw the truth. In fact, the last time we heard from Harris - two months ago - she was defending Biden.

Yesterday we got 18 minutes of Harris supposedly answering questions. The interview was taped, so you have to wonder what happened to the other hour that they edited out. That’s not facing the voters, it’s insulting them.

I might not like Trump’s demeanor, but Harris’ policies will kill this country. Only dolts like you and your other cultists would consider voting for her. Beyond weird.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris as president would be the biggest nightmare this country has ever had..

Anonymous said...

Jim Jones would be so proud of you Bernie... you chug a Big Gulp on this one.

JoshLCowen said...

A Presidential interview with a liar at her side and her notes on her desk. That is "Presidential"?

Anonymous said...

Harris is a witless buffoon and you can bet your rear end that Russia, China, North Korea, and every Islamic-terrorist regime on the planet is praying for a Kamala presidency.

Anonymous said...

People up in this comment thread be suffering from KDS bad.

Anonymous said...

She gonna win!

Anonymous said...

This is sad stuff here. Trying to pretend to be on the attack, when in fact Trump is losing AGAIN very badly. Kamala is normal. Trump is abnormal. The question voters need to ask is, do you want a tired old crazy lying draft-dodging grifter con man felon in the White House again, selling beans and pillows and pieces of his suit, dishonoring our veterans endlessly, or do you want someone with dignity and honesty to lead the nation? Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Trump will solve Monkey Pox with bleach treatments. It'll be great!

Anonymous said...

For anyone who thinks Bernie is alone, just watch as the Kamala-Walz signs and stickers sprout up all over town. It's not just Bernie. A blue wave is coming. It's a Kamala-nomenon! (DJT will be washed out to sea...)

Anonymous said...

As a woman ...She did not look presidential and she had no substance except she has values she says. I don't want new home buyers to get 25000$. I don't want kids colleges pain in full. I don't want handouts I. want to see how she's going to pay for it all . As a woman myself I'm so not impressed and can't see her sitting with world leaders and being credible.

Anonymous said...

Clearly an "open book/scripted" interview/test... FLUNKED!!!

Anonymous said...

The polls tell us this close if this is true our country could be in big trouble if we continue with the democrats in charge. --the middle class will no longer exist after Kamala and tampon takes charge.

Anonymous said...

Walz looks like the guy in the neighborhood who parents don’t allow their children near for trick or treat.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

It was a 20 minute infomercial. I was waiting for them to whip out some Oxi-Clean or a George Forman Grill.

Anonymous said...

That slouch was notable and annoying. She appeared drunk or stoned, again. Bernie, as a seasoned alky - like I am, don't you think so? She looked shit-plowed. Her words were garbled and she couldn't focus, even on friendly questions.

Anonymous said...

Take off the KDS goggles.

Anonymous said...

How long did Trump serve?

Anonymous said...

"Dishonest"? How about ""What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes..."

Anonymous said...

How many people did/will Operation Warp Speed kill? #diedsuddenly

Anonymous said...

We've seen what men can do, right?

Anonymous said...

J6 insurrectionists are the true TDS victims. (Trump DEVOTION Syndrome)

Anonymous said...

Move to another country, tool bag. Next POTUS is Kamala, and she got a sleeveless dress picked out already

Anonymous said...

You are aware of Trump's quotes about Putin, right?

Anonymous said...

Working on a cure for windmill cancer too!

Anonymous said...

Trump looks like a spray-tanned casino tycoon who lusts his own daughter. But... ok.

Anonymous said...

She has an interview that is prerecorded and edited, the answers are basically multiple choice, CNN won't release the entire interview, nor the transcript. It's her first interview and all you can say about it is, she looked presidential. LOL Guess that tells you how good the substance of it was. Trump can look "weird" all he wants, but he means business and gets the job done! Foreign leaders don't mess with him. Even Trevor Noah said it! It's absolutely comical to me that out of all the words in the English language, the most intelligent one the left could come up with to basically make their slogan is "weird". LOL Guess that's the intelligence level they're on.

Anonymous said...

It's funny to think the Grand 'Ol Party could have nominated Haley... and they're stuck with Trump. A draft-dodging, gold sneaker and trading card salesman.

Anonymous said...

You oughtta go into standup comedy. Either that or work on a farm because you sure know how to spread it.

Anonymous said...

If you look up the word “creepy” in the dictionary, I feel like there will be a picture of Tim Walz next to it.

Anonymous said...

The lies have been directed at him for over a decade

Anonymous said...

illegal immigrants are out of control-Colorado is just one Example more will come all across our country the women of our country have to see this going on. Trump will start Exporting these criminals on day 1. Trump did that gang in that was taking over Long Island, he will get rid of these criminals too.

Anonymous said...

We can't believe she's the candidate that's why!!!

Anonymous said...

Pelosi said about a bill in house we have to pass it first to find out what is in the bill. Now the democrats want us to elect Harris to find out how she is going to run the country Please vote for Harris and the war hero.

Anonymous said...

This entire interview was likely AI and never happened. She's yet to face live questions.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It appears Bernie will support and vote for all Democrats at any cost (even to himself). Sad.

Anonymous said...

You're living in an alternate reality. Come back to us!

Anonymous said...

California is a complete disaster, and the democrats want to elect a leader from California who was part of the reason why California is what it is.

Anonymous said...

I am a registered Democrat and have already requested my Mail-in-Ballot. As soon as it arrives I will be voting Trump. It’s not even a difficult decision.

Anonymous said...

Presidential. Lol. She flipped on every major issue and dodged explaining why. The best was that running mate of hers saying he wasn’t good at grammar to explain his stolen valor. I thought he was a school teacher? WTF.

Anonymous said...

Well at least he doesn’t steal valor like democrats. Blumenthal, Walz, and now the rising star of Maryland Wes Moore. How do you “misremember “ getting a Bronze Star or not. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Stay focused. It's about Democrats starting wars and demanding fake vaccines to fix the economy they destroyed, and to repay their donors. Remember: if you see mask wearers, ridicule them until they cry. Then, ridicule their crying.

Anonymous said...

Thank God there is at least one Democrat willing to see the difference here

Anonymous said...

Liberal policies in Colorado along with liberal border policies by Biden and Harris leads to the school bus situation and the apartment takeover by immigrant gangs ther will be much more if you democrats vote for Harris and tampon

Anonymous said...

she ran out of dollar bills all she does is pass the buck and pat herself on her back NO POLICY KAMALA SMILEN JACK--- PLEASE GO BACK

Anonymous said...

Presidential... pfttt
She's just another puppet of the Democrat party machine. She isn't bright enough to be her own person, just like Biden. There's not an original thought in that empty head.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a draft dodger and a coward who refers to out military wounded and dead as "suckers and losers". But I bet those folks over at the Chamber of Commerce both local and national are standing right with him and not to mention those idiots over at the NRA.

Anonymous said...

One reason Trump must be elected Trump said today in his Pa. rally That everything Harris touches turns to shit--Not very presidential But 100% TRUE

Anonymous said...

It was a 27 minute tea party with Dana Bash that featured a chaperone in Walz.

CNN and Bash should be embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Interview? That was a taped infomercial let’s be honest. Vague non answers and no follow ups.

Anonymous said...

but a good president

Anonymous said...

She appeared stoned or brain dead. It was AI. Nobody is that wasted on national TV.

Anonymous said...

Your Orange Julius promises to have you pay for IVF pregnancy attempts, though. About $15K per try. You cool with that?

Anonymous said...

Don't lie! Haha. MAGAts always lie, like Trump!

Anonymous said...

Look in the mirror. ;)

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe that anyone listens to her unclear answers, rarely getting to a point, and walks away thinking she’d be able to stand up to a leader on the world stage. Completely unqualified. Just no other possible conclusion. Sad that she’ll probably get 50M+ votes on the sole fact she’s not DJT.

Anonymous said...

The constant nodding of her head up and down like she’s trying to convince herself of her own bullsh#t.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're daft.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, any truth to the feeling that many of these comments are written and sent by the same person giving the elusion of many Harris haters

Anonymous said...

95+% of private sector union members never voted to join their union (per the Institute for the American Worker). Similarly 100% of American Democrats never voted to nominate Kamala Harris. Sheep and coercion. There's a pattern.

Anonymous said...

Because we feel she doesn't have policies we agree with or she can't handle the top job does not mean we are "haters".

Anonymous said...

Man she needed a chaperone gtfo

Nate said...

She needed a chaperone

Anonymous said...

As weak a candidate as Harris is, the winner of this contest could be determined by a topic of discussion frowned upon here.

Anonymous said...

What Harris did to California and this country there are a lot of us out there, but we are not haters we are just stating the facts.

Anonymous said...

This is really a simple choice election. Harris/Walz are the communist party ticket to finally bury capitalism in America as Nikita Kruzchev said would happen. Is this what you want for America and don’t try to sugar coat what they stand for.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of us who do not want Harris as a Pre4sident not because we hate her, but we hate her policies because they will destroy this country she had a lot to do with California which is a mess and America which she helped Biden hurt this country in many many ways.

Anonymous said...

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gold-star-families-slam-kamala-harris-playing-politics-trumps-visit-arlington-national-cemetery Yep. Presidential.

Anonymous said...

Just remember they were all in on Biden too, they and the media even bashed how bad of a candidate Harris is, they were all in on him until Trump came along in that debate and put him to sleep! Now they want you to believe that Harris is the best, their savior, she can change everything that her horrible administration has created. She is lying in every turn, will say anything to get a vote, even stealing Trumps ideas...she can do all of these great things now...close the border would be a start..you know the one job she was in charge of? When Trump exposes her like Biden in the debate the dems will realize they picked a woman with ZERO votes. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

You have a serious illness.

Anonymous said...

I will vote for the candidate with at least 7 years post high school education and a lifetime of public service as opposed to a former game show host and casino operator with bone spurs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she looked so normal and presidential. She clearly has Trump rattled. Trump's only skill is in causing his supporters to lose their minds, as clearly illustrated by many comments here. Here is what the Philadelphia Inquirer editors think:

"Something is seriously wrong with Donald Trump.

"Over the course of 24 hours, he shared more than a dozen posts on his social media network that included a vulgar false claim that Vice President Kamala Harris’ political career advanced through sexual favors. He promoted QAnon conspiracy theories; called for jailing House lawmakers who investigated the attack on the U.S. Capitol; suggested a military tribunal for former President Barack Obama, depicted Harris, President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other leaders in orange prison jumpsuits; and called for prosecuting special counsel Jack Smith, who is leading two federal investigations that have resulted in Trump’s criminal indictment."

Anonymous said...

It is not Trump it is you people who are deranged a form of mental illness-all you democrats do is lie and make up stories . Even the people who had family members killed in Afghanistan had to correct you people after you lied about Trump at Arlington.

Anonymous said...

6;03 First of all,all you democrats do is lie about President Trump The fake news media is a branch of the democratic party and most of those people are left-wing lunatics. Fake Impeachments, Fake Russian lies, Fake court cases, and many more lies too numerous to mention all of them. Best part is they all fail-you left-wing lunatics fail at everything you do.

Anonymous said...

You are an asshole if you think Harris has Trump Rattled-Then come to think of it if you take the Philadelphia Inquire editors seriously you are an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Special counsel. Hmm? How so???

Anonymous said...

7:53- Fake impeachment? Every witness was a Republican testifying against Trump.

Fake Russian lies? The Steele Dossier was commissioned by the RNC during the 2016 Republican primary. "After" Trump and Clinton won their respective primaries, the Clinton campaign asked the RNC to buy the Dossier from them.

Fake Court cases? Many jurors who convicted Trump admitted to Trump supporters and voters.

Left wing lunatics fail at everything? We have the White House and Congress. Republicans have lost most races since 2016.

You are fake news

Anonymous said...

In an interview on Fox news yesterday, Trump admitted his guilt:

"Who ever heard, you get indicted for interfering in a presidential election where you have every right to do it, you get indicted and your poll numbers go up? "

Interfering in an election is against the law, period. Every right to do it? No, he simply didn't like the result. He envies Putin's ability to get away with this very thing in Russia.

Anonymous said...

Yes, by all means show yourself to be an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Hey dummy more people died under Biden/Harris than Trump. Let me know what hashtag we should use for that. Receipts below


Anonymous said...

How many people have been charged with insurrection? I'll wait

A concerned citizen of the Valley said...

Frankly, both parties are rather light on specifics. Trump doesn't want the country to know what he plans to do on abortion and civil society, and Harris doesn't want the country to know what she'd likely do on taxes and immigration. It's too much to expect them to treat voters like adults I guess.

Anonymous said...

very sad!

Anonymous said...

Presidential? Bernie, you've lost it- that was an embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

Actually I want a president who will put money in my pocket, lower inflation, cost of food, cost of gas, ect. It’s evident that Kamala isn’t that person, since she know what’s to tax gains on retirement fund increases, give aways to all illegals that she has allowed to cross in our country, including free food, free health care ect. I’m not a fan of Trump but this woman isn’t the answer. In one of her ads she is going to take of inflation!!! lol 😂 why hasn’t this administration done anything about before an election. Bidenomics isn’t working

Anonymous said...

So after 1 16 minute, edited interview with a chaperone, you concluded that she looked presidential? That interview was embarrassing! China, Iran, & Russia salivating at the thought of her as President. Your blog used to be interesting, it's now an arm of the DNC

Toni Trigiani said...

Hey Bernie! Explain why she's becoming a Republican? A Trump Republican at that? She's picking up all his policies - border control, fracking, taxing.... Now if we could only trust her....

Anonymous said...

July and August fundraising numbers are in:

Harris/Walz: $540 million
Trump/Vance: $270 million