Instead of slicing at least one of my tires, Woodman invited me to lunch. He even agreed to act as food taster. He must have slipped me something. He is, after all from California, an Auslander. Anyway, in complete violation of the unfairness vow I've taken as a bottom-feeding blogger, I'll tell you his side of the story.
Woodman tells me local party machines were originally a way to reward committeemen with jobs and other favors under a spoils system of government first made famous by Andrew Jackson. But as cronyism has faded and candidates have learned they can raise their own funds, local parties have become somewhat anachronistic. They've also become closed clubs where the "game is rigged" in favor of party boss favorites.
Like he's done with failed businesses in the private sector, Woodman wants to reinvent the Lehigh County GOP. He calls it "free market politics," under which local party machinery shies away from endorsements and in favor of making races more exciting by attracting numerous candidates. He proudly points to a full slate of candidates in the Bethlehem City Council race, and tells me there will be a full slate in Allentown, too. He's delighted to see twelve Democrats and Republicans duke it out for four seats on the Lehigh County Board of Commissioners.
One of those candidates happens to be his wife. While he will obviously support his wife privately, he has no plans to inject himself into the primary battle, except to ensure there are numerous candidates giving voters a choice.
And that's the answer to my question, he claims. Pat Browne and Charlie Dent, will no longer be "conservative enough" when the voters say so. He also questioned just what litmus test should be applied. He calls himself a libertarian who wants government to just leave him alone. But that might be too liberal for fiscal hawks who want governments to eliminate core services. Libertarians and fiscal conservatives might be too liberal for social conservatives, who want to regulate personal behavior. It's best to let the voters, and not party bosses, decide.
"My ambition is to make voters the party bosses, to bring transparency to this organization," he claims. His hope is to generate enough interest in local races and issues to attract many independents back to the GOP banner.
"That will moderate the base," Woodman claims, pointing out that local committees in both parties tend to be full of extremists who do not reflect the views of rank and file members.
What about the rift with Dean Browning? Woodman told me that, no matter the candidate, he will take a hands off approach in primaries, and will do his best to support the people's choice after the primary.
Woodman also denies that he has any personal political ambition, claiming he can do more good by improving the process. He acknowledges that, as a relative newcomer form California, he needs to build trust. "That should only take me about thirty years," he deadpanned.
Well, I'm sure this will put everything to rest.
Thanks for taking the time to talk to Wayne, knowing how much you like Browning.
I've heard the term "free market politics" before. It's been used by the Koch Brothers and others to describe the process of injecting tons of cash into the pockets of radical conservative candidates, buying off elected moderates and spending corporate money to destroy our democracy. Well, Woodman can keep his cronyism and cash. Some of us want gov't that works FOR us, not for the people who tried to buy it FROM us.
So now we know the whole story....
Hah, Woody needs a shot of sodium penathol prior to talking to you. Party boss he does not want to be, that is a joke. You have two choices to make with Woody. Either agree with him or disagree with him and be removed.
Anonymous, 9:34, tells it like it is. I hope you were not swayed by him Bernie.
Wayne Woodman is a fake and a liar.
Did he tell you some in the party are after Pat Browne? Why would our party choose a person who knows nothing about PA or its politics?
Anon 11:06
Could it be that he got more votes than his opponent?
anon 9:34 Haha, that's a good one. Have you followed the union money trails and tactics? Thought not....
Anon 9:34 AM:
See a doctor, please.
Thank you 9:34. These right wing wackos have tunnel vision when it comes to the world. Thank god their grandfathers and fathers had union jobs so they could send these young American fascists to college so they could spout this corporate fed drivel.
For Truth and Justice
Anon 11:58
Plase go get Anon 9:54 and see a doctor.
You need help.
It seems to me that election winners for the most part take care of and work for their base supporters, not us. Is it not true for both parties? Another thing,Who is us? Is us interchangeable with me?
I think it is extremely inappropriate for the chair of the Republican Party to not only call himself a libertarian, but LIKES the facebook page for Libertarian Party. He should be ousted for that. Isn't that the same as a committeeperson putting up a yard sign for the opposition party in their yard.
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