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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, March 17, 2025

We Need to Remember The Atlantic Charter

In the late summer of 1941, America was a bastion of isolationism. It had been that way for most of its history. After all, it was protected on the east and west by large oceans and had friendly neighbors to the north and south. In the face of Nazi aggression and Japanese imperialism, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew that could never last, but he also knew that Americans had to be persuaded first. That's the way a republican democracy works. At that time, he barely had the votes to extend the peacetime draft, which passed by only one vote in the House. So when he decided to meet Prime Minister Winston Churchill, he employed a bit of subterfuge. He went on the Presidential yacht for a fishing trip along the Potomac and then skirted away on an American warship to meet Churchill in Plancentia Bay, off the coast of Newfoundland. Churchill had a longer and more dangerous voyage past German wolfpacks in the Prince of Wales, which would be sunk a few short months later by the Japanese. 

Churchill thought that the US was finally ready to enter the war. Roosevelt had no such intention. He instead insisted that the US and UK agree on a set of principles by which these two great nations would treat other sovereigns after the war was over. It was a big ask of Churchill because it would mean the eventual elimination of its colonies. But Churchill agreed to what became known as The Atlantic Charter

This document was far from an America First screed. It was instead an enunciation of the principles that have made western democracy, and America in particular, shine out as a beacon of hope. In short, it makes us the good guys. The ones in the white hats. It promises no territorial aggrandizement; no territorial changes against the wishes of the people; restoration of self-government; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to enhance economies and social conditions for all; freedom from fear and want; freedom of the seas; abandonment of force; and disarmament of aggressor nations. 

Now we have a President who openly taunts Canada as the 51st state and who amazingly claimed in a State of the Union address that we're going to get Greenland "one way or the other."

Perhaps he and his VP should read it. 


Anonymous said...

More whing hate from BO who going to drive himself nuts over the next four years.

Anonymous said...

Typical dem over reaction. Throw away the sour grapes and take a chill pill. It's been 2 months.

Anonymous said...

Guys like you amuse me. You actually pontificate on how the Grear Orange Menace is plotting to seize the soverign nations of Canada, Greenland, and Panama by authoritiarian methods, Two things are actually true:
1. President Trump is the greatest troll ever since Al Gore invented the
2. You and the rest of the media repeating these talking points are gullible

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan. Trump is full of bluster, empowered by the failure of D lawfare and assassination attempts. But he doesn't start endless wars. Canada has a 250% tariff on US eggs. Their list of tariffs is breathtaking. In what world is that fair? Are they living up to their Atlantic Charter promises? Why is their largest military base a US base.? I'm puzzled by your constantly spoiling for war and death. Yours is a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You read one article in a lefty publication and/or listen to the usual suspects on NPR, and off you go again. You're simplistic and ridiculous. Your dotage is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I’m still a believer in AMERICA FIRST. We seem to be moving back to that.

Anonymous said...

I like that we have a cogent foreign policy for the first time in four years. The world is safer. Europe and Canada are hamstrung by weak leadership. That's dangerous. They should concentrate on keeping their obligations.

Anonymous said...

The facts are we are getting taken advantage of on trade. What I don’t like is the way Trump does things, especially concerning Canada. Stop the taunting and do business without constant media and tweets.

Anonymous said...

This is struggle between the theory of Globalism and Nationalism. Globalism is a situation that wants to eliminate individual, sovereign nations. Trump’s actions suggest “Sorry, Globalists, American bones have almost been picked bare. No more !” I heartily agree. Other nations can govern their countries however they choose, but . . . . on their OWN dime.

Anonymous said...

What? No conspiracy theory about the dixie cup fire?

Anonymous said...

More false information. That tariff has never been applied and with egg shortages in the U.S., it’s not going to be applied.
BTW your MAGA God signed that trade treaty.

Anonymous said...

So much mind-numbing stupidity from LV MAGA trolls makes my head hurt.

Anonymous said...

Cogent, nothing is further from the truth.

Anonymous said...

Trump negotiated that in his first term. And the TDS, christ you people have been flying , now mostly tattered , trump flags and banners since 2015. Get off 33 at Stockertown turn left on Sullivan . THATS TDS. You can't walk up the sidewalk due to the shingles falling off the roof. The places are in total disrepair. But we got our trump junk. That's devotion. That's a cult.

Anonymous said...

No doubt about the TDS. Every time I see the draft dodging Trump shown as Rambo, when I hear MAGA telling me how Jan. 6th was just a friendly tour group (inspired by Trump), how its fine that our president envies two straight up evil dictatorial despots, when some actually show the blasphemes image of Trump on the Cross... No doubt about it...There is definitely some Derangement going on.