I left you last week with a question. Where did $5 million in retention bonuses for Gracedale workers go? More importantly County Council left us with that question and wants Controller Tara Zrinski to find out. I have a partial answer.
The $5 million in retention bonuses are part of a $15.5 million spending plan at Gracedale, approved in 2022 by County Council. It was at the specific request of Executive Lamont McClure. The only Council member to vote against them was John Brown.
McClure had told Council that the administration would pay all employees at Gracedale an annual $2,500 bonus over a period of four years. He also said that hiring and retention bonuses would bring in 54-60 additional nursing staff and enable the nursing home to provide the required nursing care needed at the facility.
This was his plan, a bonus plan that should have continued through 2026.
So what happened? I can give you a partial answer.
Gracedale has both union and nonunion (career service) employees. The CNAs and LPNs are represented by AFSCME. Last year, the administration and AFSCME negotiated a memorandum of understanding (MOU) under which steps and salaries were adjusted upward. The starting rate for a new CNA grew from $14.28 to $16.61 an hour. For LPNs, it increased from $21.35 to $23.69 an hour. This agreement would also enable the county to pay more to nurses with prior experience. At the time of this written understanding, retention bonuses for LPNs and CNAs may have been eliminated, although the contract itself is silent on this point. Executive Lamont McClure explained these changes to Council at a Human Services Committe on June 6, 2024.
Council member Tom Giovanni asked about the retention bonuses.
Giovanni: "The retention bonuses, those still ...."
McClure: "They're done. They're finished."
I doubt whether this exchange told Council much of anything. My interpretation at the time was that they had expired and had only lasted two years. I had forgotten that the resolution proposed by McClure and adopted by Council provided that they last four years.
I suspect many Council members thought the bonuses had expired as well and that McClure was trying something new as their own performance review suggested.
Later that day, at a meeting of the full Council, the MOU was approved by all nine members without discussion. In the words of a reader who sounds exactly like Council member Ken Kraft, "Those dopes voted for canceling the bonuses and the contract!"
But did they?
Notwithstanding McClure's representation to Giovanni, nothing in the MOU even addresses the retention bonuses or their elimination. But the MOU does declare, "The provisions of this Agreement set forth the entire agreement among the Parties. The Parties acknowledge that they have not relied upon any representation or statement, written or oral, not set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended only by a subsequent written agreement signed by all Parties."
McClure no doubt intended to tell Council that he had rescinded the bonuses. I think he failed to make that clear. Even worse, his MOU also fails to accomplish that feat because it is never addressed in a contract that claims to represent the entire agreement.
Labor lawyers screwed that one up. They should have addressed the retention bonuses
Arguably, AFSCME can now file a grievance claiming its workers are entitled to those bonuses, especially since County Council was never asked to end them.
So who's the dope, Ken?
I've told you about the CNAs and LPNs. But what about the RNs? So far as I know, there is no similar MOU between the Steelworkers' Union, which represents RNs, and the county. Hopefully, the audit will reveal that they are still receiving their bonuses. If they are not, that is a big problem.
What about the career service workers?
They were informed by a county administrator, in an email dated January 16, that they'd be getting no bonuses. They were informed that these were "temporary", and that the money would instead be used to care for residents.
This action was taken without expressly informing Council, although they did approve a budget that in effect authorizes the changes. Council was never asked to modify the 2022 retention bonus resolution.
Though McClure prides himself on transparency, and generally is, the way he handled the elimination of retention bonuses is certainly less than forthcoming with a Council that already is wary of him. It is also extremely unfair to career service workers who no doubt were counting on this money. Instead of retaining people, a stunt like this drives them away. It's true that some of them were abusing overtime, but that only happens if their employer allows it.
Although County Council is seeking an audit from the Controller, it also has the right to seek periodic reports from The Executive. Since Council would like to know what has happened, it can request that the Executive provide an answer as well and should probably do so unless McClure provides a report on his own, detailing what has happened. Council deserves this, but the people who work at Gracedale deserve it even more.
Harry Truman once stated that we all are entitled to a "fair deal" from our government. Promising an annual $2,500 bonus over four years and then taking it away is hardly a fair deal.
It's amazing that anyone still works at this place. I believe you were right the first time - sell the old white elephant and return the property to the tax rolls.
So he told them in June of 2024 ? Did Council ask any follow up questions from June 2024 until now about retention bonuses at Gracedale ?
Is there any video of this or did the lousy Council Chamber system not record it ?
The entire $15.5 million needs a detailed accounting. Why hasn't the daycare opened? How much went to agency nursing? Was the money spent to cover large operating deficits? Certainly the career service employees have standing if an appeal is filed.
McClure tells them in June of 2024. That Fall there were like 400 hours of budget hearings. Did Council raise the bonuses then ? Doesn’t Graceland have its own budget meeting day ? Surely after what McClure told them in June they would have questioned it.
The daycare is ready to open inexplicably Upper Nazareth is dragging its feet.
Trying to keep Gracedale together with baling wire and duct tape is poor management, and not a long term solution.
6:13, Yes, there is video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJa6kYJQeAM&t=1271s
There is no doubt in my mind that McClure intended to tell Council that the retention bonuses were being eliminated, but the way he said it, I thought that they had simply run their course and were over. I may be wrong but think Council members thought so as well.
The MOU is completely silent on the point as well. I'm thinking it probably was covered in the union contact negotiated at the end of the year.
And this fails to address the RNs, who have a separate contract with a different union. It fails to answer career service.
In short, I have provided only a partial answer.
6:59. Has the licensing been obtained from the state? Those are usually the biggest hurdles to operating a daycare.
Watch your County Council in action from 12:17 to 16:48.
This is a link to the budget hearing for Gracedale. No questions were asked concerning retention bonuses, nor was any information provided. Questions were asked about agency nursing, short-term rehab and the daycare.
McClure knows that fed dollars are not endless. It's why he's worked so hard to incrementally privatize Gracedale. He'll never admit that Stoffa and Angle were 100% correct. But his actions show that he knows Stoffa and Angle were 100% correct.
The taxpayers of Northampton county were saved from forking up tax money to support the approximate 2 million a year price tag needed to keep Gracedale afloat by an IGT fund that was established years ago by both Repub and Dem council. Should the IGT funding go away, it will be up to taxpayers and/or creative fiscal maneuvering to cover operational needs. . It needs to be noted that past council NEVER established a 501C3 financial vehicle to directly accept tax free contributions/funding to help Gracedale, it was simply tabled.
This is just Lamont and Steve trying to cover their track. They are playing games with employees pay like they always do so they don't raise taxes. Screw over county employees so they can look financially secure with what they do.
If the bonuses would have been brought up that MOU would have never been agreed to. Your telling me that Mike Miller would just forget to put that in the MOU. To legally end the bonuses. They never said a word about it then hoped this would have gone away.
But nope
And you would think AFSCME would be up in arms right now. Fighting and screaming. We're are the information lines. Get that big rat out... probably because Lamont boy Tommy knew this was coming. Tommy is getting out of dodge too.
I hope now that this transparent lier is running for a seat that will get some more attention these truths will come out.
Sad part is the county employees have no one to support in the next election.
Tara is just a Lamont puppet, Giovanni is a brown puppet.
I'm a county employee and going with Amy. At lAmy. She talked about employees retiring not at the top of the pay scales. About not getting people in because of the starting salaries. Lamont left a big bag of shit for the next true leader of this county. Tara will just keep filling the bag.
Oh by the way I'm a registered republican might have to change my party for the primary to vote for amy.
Why is it that when other county employees who are in unions bring stuff to the attention of council, they are always told “you are in a bargaining unit, you have to bring it up with them, we can’t engage in conversations about it” yet Gracedale employees who are complaining of bonuses, who I think are in bargaining units, are getting the works and special treatment of things being looked into through resolutions and now audits by council. Let their own union request this stuff!
What MOU??????????I thought all union agreements with the Administration had to be approved by County Council. These are Wages. These are wages. These are wages. What part of these are wages are exempt from Council approval? Doesn't the Home Rule Charter address wages and wage scales? Who has final say on wages? Is it the Administrators or the Legislators? You increase wages for Career Service and you decrease wages for Career Service without Council approval in violation of the Charter? What am I missing?
Simply go back to the original "ordinance" and see if it was enforced. I know there is an ordinance somewhere. Our Legislators and Administrators wouldn't violate the Home Rule Charter Article VI LEGISLATION Section 602. titled ORDINANCES Sub Para (a) Acts Required subpara (13) "The County Council shall adopt an ordinance for any act which establishes salaries and any remunerations". Websters Dictionary defines RENUMERATE as "to pay (a person) a suitable equivalent in return for goods provided, services rendered, or losses incurred, recompense." Again, check the original ordinance.
11:50, The 6/6/24 MOU increasing wages was approved by County Council, but it does not mention the bonuses. The argument will be that by approving the 2025 budget, all changes in salary were approved.
12:31, The retention bonuses were adopted by resolution, not ordinance. Typically, Council acts by resolution when it sets salaries between budgets and then it is covered in the budget ordinance.
The issue was brought to the attention of Council by a career service employee, not a member of a bargaining unit. The proper forum ultimately is the Personnel Appeals Board, but there should be an accounting of where the $15 million went.
and Resolutions are non-binding ? Just asking for a friend.
You must have a bad back from bending over backwards defending McClure for years. He meant. he would never, etc. The guy is a wordsmith and if he wanted council to know, he would have said so. You say he is transparent
because you love the guy, those who deal with him say otherwise. He hates council oversight, why do you think he put three rubberstamps on council. Even his hitman Kraft. He and Barron again and over and over again, hide and deceive county council. He even recruited Zirinski to be the puppet county executive. Employees have a right to be upset since their afsme union bosses sold out to McClure years ago.
12:31PM is correct. I have a copy of the Charter and i don't like the way it is written but one thing is clear, The Commissioners and McClure violated the Charter, but then, so did the Unions. The people who aren't protected by a Union got screwed too.
7:26, I have to laugh when people like you say I protect him when the truth is that I'm the person who has posted just about every negative story about him. Did you read about his elimination of retention bonuses in any of the dailies? The simple reality is that I call things as I see them, and in case you haven't noticed, my stories about the retention bonuses are critical. But yes, I do think he has been a good county exec despite some of his flaws. When he is gone, people will suddenly like him
They were told about bonuses in July of ‘24. If they cared at all, they should have followed up. Even if the “forgot”, they have the meetings saved on Hulu and they have a Clark who makes a million bucks a year.
Is the Big Rat Dennis? He likes to sell out his Union brothers for Golf Trips. Way to go Prez…
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