Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana, a Pakistani immigrant, calls the order "significant threat" to first generation immigrants like herself. But Dominican immigrant Juan Martinez, a successful local restaurant owner who is running against Sultana's husband for a seat on NorCo Council, had this to say in reaction to one of the many Sultana Facebook posts in which she plays victim.
As an immigrant, I believe it is our duty to respect and embrace American culture and its primary language: English. I am forever grateful for the opportunities this great nation has given me. America 🇺🇸 is a land of freedom, hard work, and endless possibility, and I refuse to be the kind of person who takes advantage of all that while ignoring the values and traditions that make this country exceptional.
I will never forget where I come from, but I chose to come to America, and with that choice comes responsibility. If I am here to pursue the American dream, then the least I can do is honor the American way of life and that starts with respecting the English language. Assimilation is not about losing your identity, it’s about showing gratitude, contributing to society, and uniting under the values that make this nation strong. That’s how we keep America great.
I think Trump's Exec Order is just a tad divisive, but it makes sense in many ways. For example, I expect drivers to understand traffic signals and to be able to follow them no matter what language they speak. I love hearing people speak in different languages and often try to converse with them. I don't really think there's any need for an Order declaring English as our official language. I do think there should be uniformity in vital communications. On the other hand, I think too few Americans limit themselves by speaking English only. Persons who are bilingual tend to enhance their cognitive abilities. That's why, if I were King of the World, I'd want all schoolchildren taught languages and at the earliest age possible. It opens our minfs.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass Sultana on your way out if you don't like the English Language
“It opens our minfs.”
It’s obviously worked wonders for you.
It’s hard to believe you could be any more stupid, but every day you prove me wrong. :)
Those "Crazy. Chaotic. Criminal." signs should be several languages so everyone understands who the "significant threat" is.
Prior to WW I, school was taught in German in many areas of Pennsylvania
I am now in my golden years and have fond memories of my 6th grade teacher who would teach us Spanish. It wasn't an every day class. He introduced us to this foreign language in small doses. Right before recess he would find ingenious ways to dismiss us by saying something in Spanish and the first student who responded correctly would have their entire row of students dismissed to head to the playground. We weren't able to hold a complete conversation with others in Spanish, but by the end of the year we could greet you and at least understand you enough to have a light but rough conversation. He made it fun and I still remember some of those phrases. Especially the courtesy greetings and phrases. Let it up to the kids to decide if they would like to learn another language. Don't legislate it.
I’m not a Trump supporter and I agree with this. In fact I think it needs an act of Congress, not an executive order. It needed to be stated. In my years of education in Allentown I can say that parents usually wanted their kids taught in the dominant language, to prepare them for a future of speaking English and participating fully in local culture, politics, business, and the workforce. I saw that change over the years with some parents making no effort to speak, or encourage their school age children to speak English. This is isolating and limits a child’s future. However, there’s lots of benefits to being bilingual, or trilingual.
'English" tends to be the world's common language. I watch several world traveler's videos. They seem to come across many people in other countries who are taught 'English' as their second language. It surprises me even in countries we wouldn't think of as highly educated. I don't think it's too big an ask from people who wish to relocate here.
Let us not forget this country before anyone settled here was America Indian culture. They spoke broke English .Then the early settlers all spoke English. I would agree the we should be bilingual English as the main language and the language of your ancestry or multiple languages if you so desire.
Mr. Matinez obviously cares about this nation. sultana and her ilk just take advantage and love to hate.
Congrats to Mr Martinez as I could not have said it any better. Assimilation means first & foremost to learn English.
Non English speaking children hold back others in our school system. No wonder Allentown/Bethlehem schools are at the bottom of the pecking order on test scores.
8:12 AM. Do you suppose there was a reason they changed it?
I loathe Trump, but believe this should have been done years ago. I had a family member by marriage who moved to America and lived extremely well. She never learned English beyond “hello,” “thank you,” and “goodbye.” She received healthcare and Social Security (despite not putting a penny into the system), but never found it necessary to learn the dominant language. She didn’t have to, though, because everyone catered to her by speaking Spanish. I actually found it disrespectful that she made zero effort to communicate with me in *my* language.
Fascist dictator Francisco Franco proclaimed 'Castilian' as the official language of Spain, angering the Catalonian region, the Basques and Galicians. Trump, like Franco, is attempting to suppress linguistic freedom in America. Trump also shares another trait with Franco. Both authoritarians believe they were chosen by the grace of God. Francisco Franco self proclaimed himself as "Caudilio por la gracia de Dios") and Trump claims he stands here today by the grace of Almighty God. Maybe one day, Trump's grandchildren will teach him that America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, (an Italian), and that countless cities, towns, counties and states names are Spanish/French. Maybe his grandkids already told him, and his next move will be to rename Florida. Maybe his next executive order will be to rename Mar-a-lago "Sea to Lake". Doesn't sound as good, does it. And Mr. Martinez, you sound like a Tio Tomas and a sell out.
Without a unifying language in a culture as large as America, we will fall apart. Learning or speaking multiple languages is laudable. But over generations, including my great grandparents said you can speak their native language in the house, but you must learn English and speak it in public. Your posters are right, today too many people refuse to learn the English language and do not encourage their children to learn. Our governments even reward the behavior. We are doomed.
Maybe he will change his mind if he "accidentally" gets swept up in an ICE raid.
Unnecessary Trump base fodder. I have never met an immigrant who did not want to learn to speak English, but it is very very hard for an adult to learn a new language and speak it without embarrassment. None the less they do their best. Their children can pick up new languages very easily. Divisive talk to get people to hate immigrants, under the guise of making America great.
10:59, I have a close friend who has been here since Vietnam fell and she still has a very difficult time speaking English and I have a rough time understanding her. It has been my experience that adults do have a tough time learning a second language. I try to learn phrases from different countries, and I can understand French if it is spoken slowly but am by no means proficient. I think I could be if I were exposed to it more often. Some people do have a knack for foreign languages. My sister was an interpreter and my Dad spoke 7 languages. I know a young VN child who was unable to speak a word of English until he started to attend kindergarten. Now he's in second grade and is completely fluent and has no accent. I also know several Vietnamese who came here as children and who are completely fluent. So I believe you are correct. That is why I think a foreign language should be taught at an early age.
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