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Friday, March 14, 2025

Pintabone: Marijuana Decriminalization Will Be Considered Again on March 26

During a Facebook Live last night, Easton City Council member Frank Pintabone said that his proposal to decriminalize possession of a small amount of marijuana will be placed on City Council's agenda again on March 26. In a strange meeting on Wednesday night, Council member Taiba Sultana and Mayor Sal Panto refused to vote for the ordinance, despite previous promises to do so. Because Pintabone's proposal only had the support of Pintabone and Council members Crystal Rose and Jim Edinger, it failed to get the four votes needed. 

On Wednesday night, Sultana wanted to table the matter. With what she claimed was a "heavy heart," she made that motion because she said a matter had been brought to her attention concerning an unnamed official that needed to be addressed. 

She clarified what she meant on her official Facebook page on Thursday: "One of the council members is allegedly, directly or indirectly, involved in delivering marijuana. I asked to table the bill because I didn't have all the facts. I vote with my full conscious. I would address these allegations transparently and thoroughly before proceeding with any legislative action." She asserted that a sitting Council member was involved in the distribution of marijuana. Although she said the matter needed to be addressed "transparently," she still failed to name this Council member, but she was referring to Pintabone. 

I say this because, in her failed bid for State Representative, she told many constituents that Pintabone is a drug dealer. They in turn promptly told Pintabone what she had said.  

He has thick skin, and let it go. 

When she was circulating her nomination petition for re-election, she once again told constituents that Pintabone is a drug dealer. They in turn promptly notified Pintabone.

He let it go. 

On Monday, she reached out to Easton Police Chief Carl Scalzo, and said she had been informed that while Pintabone was in Washington with the Mayor to seek finding for city programs, two of his employees had been arrested over the weekend with marijuana in Pintabone's work truck. She was told that was untrue, and the only marijuana arrest over the weekend involved four kids in a Honda Civic with Jersey plates. Despite what she had been told, she later told another Council member that Pintabone was involved in marijuana distribution. 

He adamantly denied any involvement with marijuana, at least not since he was a kid. He added that he does not drink, is a nonsmoker and dislikes the smell of marijuana. "You can't hide who you are if you're running for politics in the city of Easton.” He explained that everybody knows everybody. 

He received a text message from Sultana yesterday after he went on her official Facebook page to set the record straight: "I am so sorry what you heard. It is frustrating to me as well which could not be true but I do not have all the facts. I will be happy to meet you to have a conversation and stand beside you as we have more in common than opposite." 

Wisely, Pintabone declined to respond. I'm no psychologist, but it's pretty clear to me that Sultana suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, from an exaggerated sense of self-importance to her envy of others. She resents Pintabone and what he has accomplished in one short year on City Council, so she decided to muddy him up with libel. 

Is she wishes to apologize, she should do so publicly. In the meantime, Pintabone has retained prominent Easton lawyer Gary Asteak. He, like Pintabone, grew up on south side. 

On the merits, I understand and respect those who think decriminalization should be done by the state. But don't try to claim that a city ordinance providing a less draconian alternative means you are violating your oath to uphold laws, as Rogger Ruggles disingenuously argued. 


Anonymous said...

What happened to the days when government "officals" were concerned with issuses such as the conditions of city streets (pothole paradise), water and sewer service, street cleaning, and citizen safety (outside of the circle)? Now we are concerned with Palastinian Rights and Dope Smokers Liberation.

Anonymous said...

If this thing passes; I hope the chief informs council that the police department will NOT inforce it and go by what the state laws says.

Anonymous said...

Damm that is one ugly person! I hope I am using it's pronoun right.

Anonymous said...

6:56am. “ Dope smokers” Thanks for showing your age. One of the biggest issues in Easton is the elderly electeds. Panto has done amazing, but it’s time for him to go. Ruggles and Brown have never done much but ride Panto’s coattail

Anonymous said...

It is clear from Facebook Easton pages that Taiba is done!!!! They are all after her, including her biggest supporters. She knows she messed up big time. She needs a lifeline, but has burned so many bridges no one will give her one. I believe this was the final nail in the coffin, I believe she is truly finished in Easton now. So many have committed to knock doors against her in this upcoming election.

BTW. Take a look at her husbands petitions. They are horrid. Clearly he’s up to his old tricks again.

Anonymous said...

Where is Ray L? It’s time to put this nut job away for good

Anonymous said...

I have never been a weed user and have never even tried it. But I favor legalization or decriminalization whichever stops the silly arrests for an intoxicating plant. Perhaps if Taiba hit the cheeba once in awhile she wouldn't be so volatile. She is wound super tight. She's already a dullard, being stoned would make her a mellow dullard. Although I must admit I love both the photo of her flying the bird and the photo of her handcuffed and being placed into the patrol unit. Both could be combined into a "Hello from Easton" postcard.

Anonymous said...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder now I know what Trump also suffers from

Anonymous said...

Pintabone for Mayor ( he thinks) What a joke

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

The city should take the lead statewide and push for legalized prostitution instead. There's less embarrassment in saying "I need a toke but ain't got any" than there is in confessing "I need some action but, man, I can't couldn't laid even if I were a pipeline". Think of the marketing and tourism angle, maybe in late November when they light the candle. "Come visit for the Peace....and come get a Piece."

Bernie O'Hare said...

Your comment is a bit of failed humor. Don't quit your day job.

Bernie O'Hare said...

6:56, " city streets (pothole paradise), water and sewer service, street cleaning, and citizen safety" should have priority over everything else, I agree, and I believe Pintabone and Rose have been pretty good about those priorities. If you look at either of their Facebook pages, you'll see they are both very involved. Interestingly, a study shows that after marijuana was decriminalized in Atlanta, violent crime decreased. Police were able to allocate more resources to violent crime prevention. So decriminalization is very much a city issue. Sal Panto has been a good Mayor by making "clean and safe" his mantra. This proposal could very well make Easton safer.


Anonymous said...

@7:44AM The petitions are a complete mess and filled with the same issues that he signed off on last year (minus Lisa Boscola's signature). In several places the "same" person signed on multiple pages, with different signatures. There are people that don't exist, and entire pages written in the same handwriting.
Unfortunately, just like last year, there are not enough demonstrably bad signatures to get him off the ballot, and apparently that's the only way there are negative consequences for fraud.

Anonymous said...

It’s a quality of life issue. I shouldn’t have my clothes stink like weed because I want to walk downtown.

Anonymous said...

@7:33. I absolutely agree! It’s time Brown and Ruggles get shown the door. How much are those 2 making after all of these years ? Healthcare? Pension?

Anonymous said...

"Both could be combined into a "Hello from Easton" postcard. "

Dear God, that's a campaign mailer....

I will be deeply disappointed if this doesn't happen

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Humor? This is a serious business and tourism proposal! A brothel named "The Piece Candle" would be a great revenue stream. If you're going to turn Easton into a slum and encourage open marijuana use (the code word for that is "decriminalize") then you might as well as go all in. Council members who support open use, er, "decriminalizing", should take some time and visit the elementary schools and explain to children their rationale for this measure. Explain how this helps their neighborhoods and the city. Tell them that drugs aren't bad if in small amounts.

Anonymous said...

Legalize it. Decriminalize it. Whatever.

But make it a $500 fine and 48 hours of community service to smoke it in public. I don’t think that people dining, visiting the State Theater, or visiting Crayola with their children should have to walk through clouds of acrid weed smoke while trying to navigate Eastons attractions.

Anonymous said...

Time to replace the old fossils in Easton City Government.

Anonymous said...

Can't the State withhold state funding to municipalities who don't adhere to state law?

Anonymous said...

Still just can't understand how smoking pot or drinking alcohol is a recreational activity. Nor this intense need "to relax."

Anonymous said...

The Piece candle lol.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. 48 hours in jail not community service. Zero tolerance for public use.

Anonymous said...

I would argue there should be three standards by which any municipal ordinance or program should be judged:

1). Does it improve the quality of life in the city?

2). Does it raise the standards in the city?

3). Can we afford it?

In order to be approved, an ordinance should have to meet ALL three standards. If these standards are met, your city is improving in quality of life, moving upward, and not harming itself fiscally.

The proposed ordinance fails on the first two standards, and the third isn’t applicable in this case. Therefore it should be rejected.

It really is that simple, or it should be.

Anonymous said...

Easton marketing campaign? “Visit us for a toke and a poke.”