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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Voters Crowd NorCo Courthouse to Cast "Vote By Demand"

Northampton County's tiny elections office was packed yesterday with voters exercising their right to "vote by demand" and avoid the crowds on election day. There were so many that they might have done better by simply going to their polling place.  The county responded with an "all hands on deck" call for help from other departments. I saw Chief Public Defender Nuria DeLuzio spend hours assisting voters. 

I was tempted to snap a photo of the crowd, but decided against it as it might make some voters uncomfortable. 

It appears that vote by demand is catching on. County Council members no doubt saw this crowd on their way to their afternoon budget hearing. It is perhaps the most compelling argument that could be made for a new county building with an entire floor devoted to elections. 


Anonymous said...

Lamont McClure failed with most of the media but hooked you, of course. His very convenient crowed voter registration office promotion to hawk his mega government palace project was successful with you. How convenient the "crowds" came when they did. Who doesn't love the theater, even bad theater

Anonymous said...

If it was just elections maybe not. But the Controller’s Office is a disaster and needs to be knocked down. Where do you put all of those people ?

Anonymous said...

Ha ! Lori Heffner doesn’t care about a garage crumbling, why would she care about voters being inconveienced.

Anonymous said...

Some kind of democratic plan to disrupt Trump landslide

Anonymous said...

Are there talks of a new county building? I feel like the Courthouse/Government Center is not that old.

Anonymous said...

New building? Take the judge’s offices, they barely work

Bernie O'Hare said...

Yes, a new building has been proposed. The courthouse has been there since the Civil War, lol, but it is not the age of the building and there is no desire to discontinue its use. A new building has been proposed bc the county is running out of space for its people.

Anonymous said...

Purposely unprepared. After the last few elections, there seems to be a pattern. Lamont is a rabid partisan. He owns this - again.

Anonymous said...

Did you hit your head ?

Anonymous said...

Lori V.H. is the reason we can not have nice things in NORCO. This building/garage should already be under construction, But LVH and the Republican do nothing council (including the plant Cappora) do not know what they are on council for and think it is their own personal place to make a name for themselves. Riddle me this, Bernie, What has LVH accomplished this year on council besides getting a free vacation to Florida, tax pater funded? Crickets

Bernie O'Hare said...

9:42, This is ridiculous. During a Presidential, everyone expects an increased turnout and the county has responded quite well. There are numerous people on hand to make sure those who want to vote can do so. There are extended hours and even weekend hours. It sounds to me that if you want to find a rabid partisan, you should look in a mirror.

Anonymous said...

Your "Daddy" needs to be admitted to an insane asylum now because after the election, his orange ass will be in jail!

Anonymous said...

Happened 4 years ago as well and was handled. Plenty of existing office space available in Easton. No need to spend millions to benefit the execs campaign contributors.

Anonymous said...

I have a tRumper neighbor who requested a mail in ballot, said he didn't receive it and went to the courthouse to vote which he says he did. Now he's chirping that he can't track if he voted and states that he saw his ballot getting stamped. Don't mail in ballots have unique bar codes or something that allows tracking and in person voting does not?

Anonymous said...

When will you drones realize that council members respect Hefner more than slippery McClure. You guys do yourselves more harm than good. What a bunch of Morons. And now you even attack Corpora, wow. what a bunch of losers.

Bernie O'Hare said...

If he voted at the courthouse, all he did was precisely what you do when you receive a MIB. It is not ballot by demand and not technically early voting, although I have called it that. You can cast your ballot but it will not be counted until 7 am on election day. When you send a MIB, you receive an email notification when it is received. If you forgot to sign or date it, you'll get a call. With ballot by demand, you can see them accept it and they check it on the spot. I'm unsure whether elections officials send out emails but my guess is that they do.
There are bar codes for in=person voting. Each ballot has a barcode, but it cannot be traced to a specific person. There is a barcode on the return envelopes of MIB to enable elections officials to track that they are distributed correctly.

Anonymous said...

In our experience, BOH is 50% correct on e-mail notification regarding MIBs. My wife and I voted that way. I received e-mail notifications of MIB being mailed to me and date received back by the county. My wife received no e-mail notices. Had to go on PAVOTE site to confirm receipt of her ballot by county. Go figure?

Anonymous said...

Literally no one respects Lori Vargi Hoffner.