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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The People Who Knew Trump Best Do Not Support Him

Monday was Columbus Day, aka Indigenous People's Day, so several banks, government offices and the post office were closed. In NorCo, which was open, many people used the holiday to exercise their franchise and cast their "ballot by demand" at the county elections office. As we all know, many of them support Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. I support Harris and consider Trump totally unfit for any office, to say nothing of the Presidency.

I'm a bottom-feeding blogger, the lowest of the low. So what I think should mean little to most of you. But the image above should. The New York Times editorial board has a list of comments from his former staffers, the people who know him best.  

Bill Barr, his former Attorney General, said Trump "will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else … .” Gen. John Kelly, Director of Homeland Security and his Chiefm of Staff, calls him "a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators.” From former VP Mike Pence to former Defense Sec'y James Mattis, the list is long and distinguished.

If you are a member of the Trump cult, this post is worthless. But if you are capable of looking at things a little more objectively. I'd hope you'd realize he is simply a terrible choice to lead this nation.


Anonymous said...

The critical question is . .

“Which of these two candidates is most likely to bring about the kind of changes to our government that will improve our daily lives and make our nation more secure than it is now under the current Administration?”

This one’s easy.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, you are so right on this issue. I hope and pray that this poor excuse for a human being never sees the inside of the White House ever again. When he first became President, I would tell fellow Democrats to allow the man a chance to prove himself. Immediately he was condemned before he ever took the office of President. After his first three years, it was very clear what he was. Now we know and we should never ever again put him in a position of authority. I don't have a Harris sign in my yard for fear of retaliation from these so-called TRUMPERS. My wife and I voted. needless to say, it wasn't for Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

But you thought Biden was worthy and now Harris They are just as bas and maybe worse.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't give a damn for the New York Times editorial board and this Chris Jolly Hale, whoever he his, can shove it where the sun don't shine. And as for Harris, this babbling, cackling dingbat: she's no more qualfied to be president than the gals on the View. If she does get in someone else will have to call the shots and I guess Dems are happy with that; it's been going on for almost four years now.

Anonymous said...

Kim Jong Un, Victor Orban, Vlad Putin, are all alpha males just like #DJT in order to right the ship we NEED a dictator not just on day one but in perpetuity when that dictator was divinely proffered.

The new Trump admin will extend the RINO hunting season from Jan 1 to Dec 31st and the purge will be glorious, better than a scalding hot coffee enema

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing this out and I hope it makes a difference. Unfortunately so many of his supporters continue to trust and believe in him regardless of the profound evidence that he is absolutely unsuitable for the position. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Anonymous said...

Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation also. How many signed?

Anonymous said...

Maybe stop referring to half the electorate as a cult? Or continue the divisiveness your party owns. Either way, get ready for 4 years of DJT.

Anonymous said...

this is a post that looks at one side of a coin; now look at the other side and tell us about all the great things that Kamala has done such as her open border, etc.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, you can relax this morning. No need to poke the MAGA bear.

Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, and Minneapolis, will cede victory to Harris. Those cities and their voters now control American national elections.

Polls have tightened, but the masses belong to Democrats. Abortion remains a massive issue for women who cling to the ability to terminate the lives of their own children. Government dependent lazy, lame, and incompetent masses always turn out to vote for continued handouts.

And lest we forget the Swifties.

Y’all got this one in the bag Bernie. Your people for the win.

Anonymous said...

You are right this post is worthless. These people did not do their jobs Trump told them about it so now they hate him. You democrats do not hold your people accountable as result the government under democrats is screwed up.It looks like Trump is going to win so you people will try anything to stop him. But this time it will not work

Anonymous said...

Obama left Martha’s Vineyard just long enough to tell black men how stupid they are for considering Trump.

And he is the Democrat Messiah.

Anonymous said...

Don’t blame any MAGA cult. Kamala’s lead loss began the moment she started making herself available to the media and public.

Those people who are paying attention to her ideas and delivery are beginning to say no thanks. She often appears confused and clueless, but checked enough boxes to be coronated the nomination.

It’s widely rumored that she’s a heavy day drinker. To me, she seems “tipsy” a lot.

If Dems want to win this election, they should lock her in a closet until Nov 5th.

She is her own worst enemy.

Anonymous said...

Well, the reality is when Trump went to washington he had no real dedicated staff that was interested in the policies he ran on. His first mistake was to retain a list of former generals who he believed were patriots who were concerned about the direction of the country. They were really a bunch of wash9iignto bureaucrats that hoped to shape his policies to continue the direction of the country. their first priority, that they convinced him of, was more military spending. They didn't give a care about the border or any of the other problems the country faced.
I see that Stanley Mc Crystal has endorsed Kamala Harris, it seems most of the upper echelons of the military are more interested in supporting the war state and jobs in that industry.
He did not fire most of these people soon enough.
He actually made much progress considering that he was undermined, leaked and betrayed by most of these people.
If this country is to survive, it needs a real flushing of Washington. Most all of the entrenched leadership needs to be fired.
Be honest what has happened to the country under entrenched Washington bureaucracy?
Show us were Trump has been enriched by his 8 year fight to change the direction of the country?

Anonymous said...

The last 3 weeks you will try anything to make Trump bad but i think it's too late Bernie

Anonymous said...

You should really change the title of this post to:
The People Who Betrayed Trump And Were Fired By Him After Worming
Their Way Through Deceit Into His Administration Continue To Suck Up To
The Deep State And Lame Stream Media.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the polls must be looking really bad. Poor BO, fighting 50% (+?) of his fellow citizens whom he considers cultists. And he even seems fatalistic and depressed about it.

Anonymous said...

Hey OHare, the list may be long, but certainly NOT destinguished...... Bunch of losers who transformed into MSM Talking Heads (good name for a band, huh?)
Oh,wait! It's already taken. Guess I Trumped that up, si"

Anonymous said...

Recall, he was only going to have "the best people." If those he selected cannot support him, their judgment as "the best people" deserves respect and credence.

Anonymous said...

Lies, lies and more lies only what democrats can go because all of their policies failed

Anonymous said...

He is a terrible choice, but so is Harris/Walz and all that they would actually attempt to accomplish. Look at what they have done and said they would do before they ran for nationwide office. Not what the USA needs. There are too many of us without a legit choice this cycle. Ugh.
I look forward to the end of this election cycle. It is your blog so you pick the subjects, but I find your work valuable when it is not focused on promoting your favored candidates, but instead being a public watchdog on local issues. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Trump will reverse the Woke historical annihilation of our brave confederate soldier statues in the south where social justice warriors clutched pearls and clamored for their removal to curry favor with the nappy headed set.

Heritage not hate, General Lee will ride again in Richmond!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, I thought he was only hiring the best and brightest for his administration?!?!? The fact that the guy burned through that many "qualified" individuals who have now turned against him is a bit of a red flag in itself... But, the next question you have to ask yourself is - who would want to work for him (more accurately "why") and how are they remotely qualified to organize and lead entire departments that conduct the business of the United States in a second administration? Trump is a walking talking disaster area.

Anonymous said...

Another desperate attempt by the Dems (that’s you, Bernie) to discredit Donald Trump. Another attempt to try to manipulate the minds of the people of the US as was the case in 2020 when COVID “necessitated “ keeping Joe in the basement. Trump learned who is the swamp and won’t be fooled again in his next cabinet. You’ll be shocked who is who but maybe you won’t be.

Anonymous said...

What the hell happened at Trumps rally outside Philly last night? Was anyone there? Friend on Facebook who is a fan of Trump said it pretty surreal. Apparently the place wasn't air conditioned and super hot, people were literally passing out. It was supposed to be a town hall style Q&A thing, but he stopped talking early, then just stood on stage and just danced and waved for 20 minutes without saying anything.

Anonymous said...

You lost me at New York Times. They fell for a pee pee tape and the Russian collusion delusion. I find it funny you post this but we have a current VP saying we need to turn the page and she is the change candidate. She's currently in office and said she has been lock step with Biden on everything and wouldnt' change a thing. Moron liberals fall for it. Even Dave Portnoy who is no conservative talks about it.


Anonymous said...

War war war war war. They're all warmongers and beholden to defense contractors. What does our country do with presidents who refuse to start new wars? We throw them out after one term. There have only been two in our lifetimes: Carter and Trump. I disliked Carter and still dislike Trump. But I now understand why the war guys and girls never mention Carter's legacy, and viscerally hate Trump. When you agree with the Cheneys and the generals, it speaks more about you, than about them. I'll hold my nose and vote for peace. You're spoiling for WWIII - or are so blinded by hatred that you can't see what's at stake. Think about that. Everyone should think about that.

Bernie O'Hare said...

6:33, There are Trump supporters who are not cultists but who are instead leery of Harris. This post is aimed at them. If the choice were between Biden and Trump, I would not vote. I am suggesting that, if you are unsure about Harris, just don't vote.

Anonymous said...

Old story. The war crowd commercial has been running for a month. No impact and you're late to the party on this. RCP betting odds have flipped while these ads have run. They monitor seven sites. All have Trump by 8 to 10 points now. The late break is eerily similar to 2016 when Hillary broke out early and the odds significantly flipped in October. Those who put actual money on such things are heavily favoring Trump. The Senate is still close. The House stays R.


Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Trump is the better choice if you want a person who will be kept in check by congress, the courts, and the press. Harris will get carte blanche and not be questioned by the press and given a pass to do as she wishes with no checks and balances from the other two branches. She's the dictator threat, not Trump. Ask yourself this: Which person is more likely to be given an "Enabling Act"?

People who do not question Harris, cover for her (like the NY Times which criticized conservatives for discovering some possible plagiarism on her part), and prop her up as being of cogent mind and divine leader-to-be are also cultists.

I encourage people to go third party. Liberals for Stein, Conservatives for Oliver.

Anonymous said...

While National Review is certainly conservative, it couldn't bring itself to endorse Trump in '16 or '20. Here's a recent column on Harris from a decidedly never-Trumper (most at NR are) who thinks Trump is a lunatic. It's a pretty good read on her and shows how lost we all are. If you choose not to approve this, I understand. But you really should give it a quick read in either event.


Anonymous said...

For the record I don't have a trump sign for fear of Harris supporters.

Anonymous said...

You are obviously a Fox News partisan Republican. History will show the true facts of the past four years and President Biden will go down as one of the more accomplished Presidents. Presidential historians already rank Trump near the bottom of Presidents. He was unfit in 2016 and more unfit today. Hopefully he will go down in defeat and the Republican Party can be restored as a legitimate intellectual body

Anonymous said...

When those who know Trump and his abilities and short comings best are telling you Trump is profoundly unsuitable to be president you should heed the warning. Allow him to fade into the background and hawk his silly paraphernalia and move on.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily, 7:19AM. The biggest determinant here will not be Democrats or Republicans. Both are now a smaller in number voting block than those registered Independent (and similar). My registration card reads “No Party.”

Indications are Trump is doing much better among these Independents than Harris is doing.

Anonymous said...

Voting for Harris will only give us MORE of the same. Voting for Trump will give us DIFFERENT, a restart. I’m ready for a restart.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:34

Your advice is exactly what Americans followed in 2020.

We got 15 million illegal immigrants and rampant inflation as a result.

No thanks this time.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when a person not driven by the political structure comes in to lead there are major issues seen by this person because they have a different frame of . reference. The status quo hates this but it's good as it reveals things we've always done that aren't smart or that doesn't provide the purpose or outcome hoped for. Personal agendas are riped apart and true progress made . And people come and go and that's never a bad thing....except if you are the established high ranking elite that thinks they know it all. Trump came in and turned things upside down to improve them. Just what our country needs again

Anonymous said...

voting for Harris is like crapping your pants and you only change your shirt

Anonymous said...

The more Kamala Harris speaks, the more the political polls change.

I would remind people, that although she was popular in California, she’s never been popular within the Democrat party.

Anonymous said...

No matter what Bernie and his democrats say Harris and the perople behind her will destroy what this country is after Biden gets done. A vote for Harris is a vote for destruction.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to vote for Trump. Having said that, the more I see of Kamala Harris, the more I realize I can't vote for her. She's the worst presidential candidate in history, and Trump is the second worst. This is a disaster for this country.

Anonymous said...

Bill Barr now supports Trump. So a correction is in order there. Like most of America I'm sure he's not happy with the choices.


Anonymous said...

These last three weeks you are going to see shit from the media like never before. They are terrified Trump is going to win. It looks like a 50-50 toss up but I still give the edge to Harris.

Anonymous said...

Name-calling all you got? So boring. By the way FOX news turned more liberal than ever now that ownership changed. Millions of Conservatives have stopped tuning there. I am not registered Republican or Democrat, but will be voting for Trump

Anonymous said...

Trump the only man to clean out the left-wing radical lunatics ho[pefully Raegan like landslide

Anonymous said...

When do we get posts listing Kamala Harris’ accomplishments? Comments detailing WHY Kamala Harris is the better candidate, a more experienced leader with the best likelihood of solving our nation’s many challenges?

Anonymous said...

The last line says it all. Look what he has been through

Anonymous said...

you trump people will stay deranged for the 4 years Then it will be JD time for 8

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:48... you are a living emblem of the problem with Trump and MAGA in general. You are more worried about stupid culture wars than actually solving our nation's problems. Trump incessantly lies about everything (and what was he doing yesterday, playing music and dancing around at a townhall?) which distracts us from doing the work the nation needs.

Anonymous said...

10:51 --> Trump is a "restart"? Hahaaaa. Incorrect. Dude is personality-disordered. He's 78 years old, a relic of the past. I can't believe the GOP put this fat, tired farter up again, and silly people are still gobbling up all the stupid things he says. Purely insane. Like taking horse dewormer to stop COVID. We need someone who talks less and does more. Someone who isn't selling shoes and watches and bitcoin... haha. What a country.

Anonymous said...

Vlad... This is utterly terrible advice, and your arguments are beside the point. Either you're for women's healthcare rights, equal voting rights, addressing climate change, gun control, and middle class affordability, or you're for tax cuts for billionaires and turning our government agencies over to inexperienced political hacks. It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

Harris will be the most left wing president in our history God help us if she is elected.

Anonymous said...

It's not just the people who work with him. The majority of the country views him negatively. He is broadly loathed. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/

Anonymous said...

Sal Panto is on the Fox News website lol.

Anonymous said...

3:56 What do you expect when the Fake news media does nothing but run negative stories? Yahoo receipt below


Anonymous said...


All day long, liberal media networks who spent 4 years ignoring Biden’s mental acuity decline, are now trying to make a case that Trump is in decline.

You can’t make it up, and shows the absolute corruption in our media.

The media is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Kamala can’t lose. It’s in the bag. She has raised over a billion dollars and is outspending Trump 3 to 1. She has the media in her pocket, as seen by 60 minutes editing her interview. She has Hollywood. She has Taylor Swift. Yet here we are tied. Why? Because she’s a terrible candidate.

Anonymous said...

It's not that simple. You missed a ton of important things

Anonymous said...

And we feel the same disbelief in harris

Anonymous said...

Kamala is struggling with black men. She proposes a “forgivable” $25k loan for black entrepreneurs. Isn’t she a lawyer? That’s not constitutional! Also, who pays for this forgivable loan? Me that’s who! So she proposes free money and free weed. What an insult!

Anonymous said...

11:00am -- inflation was caused by Trump handing out checks because his mishandling of COVID sunk the economy. Remember what Obama inherited from GWB? Same sort of mismanagement. The GOP are utterly inept at economic matters. With Bidenomics, the US economy is roaring, the stock market is soaring. The envy of the whole world. Now we have to work on inequality. The rich don't need any more friggin' tax cuts at the expense of the middle class. Tax cuts for the rich... tax cuts for the rich... hm... who is pushing those again? You betcha... Don the Con.