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Friday, October 18, 2024

Dent Voted For Harris: "Turn the Page on Dark Politics"

Back in 2010, I was a member of Northampton County's Democratic Committee. I was tied with several others who voted for themselves and ended up the winner in a casting of the lots. This drove the party apparatchiks nuts because I was highly critical of them and I openly supported Republican Congressman Charlie Dent. They even convened a special meeting in an effort to get rid of me. My recollection is that their attempt to remove me failed in a tie vote. And I continued to support Charlie Dent. I still do and consider him the best elected official the Lehigh Valley ever produced in my lifetime. He's a centrist who leans a little to the right. I am a centrist who leans a little to the left. I was very sorry to see him leave public office at a time when people like him are precisely what we need. But I understand why he left. The Trump cult is hard to take, especially when they claim to belong to your party. But Dent continues to impress me. According to Axios, Dent has voted for Kamala Harris.

"[Harris] and I will not agree on every issue, but in her, we have a capable leader who will always put the interests of our country before her own, unlike her opponent who will always put his personal interests ahead of those of the United States," he told Axios. "We have the opportunity – and solemn responsibility – to finally turn the page on the dark politics Trump has ushered in and elect a decent, honorable leader for President," he added.

Isn't it time to reject the fearmongering and hate?

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