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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, October 07, 2024

Pa. 137 House : Anna Thomas Hitting 15 Yr Incumbent Emrick Hard on His Anti-Choice Stances

Last week, I told you that Anna Thomas, Democratic nominee in the race for state representative in Pa. House 137 (Nazareth area and Bethlehem Tp) is running an incredibly hard race against incumbent Republican Joe Emrick. Most candidate wait to spend money on ads and mailers until the closing days the campaign. But Thomas started early. I live in that district, and my mailbox has been flooded with mailers, including two on Saturday. She's also using sources like YouTube. It makes sense to start early because mail-in ballots are on their way to voters now.  Many will know who she is when they receive their ballots. They'll also know that Joe Emrick, who has a reputation for a miserable disposition even within his own party, is fervently anti-choice.

In 2022, Emrick voted for a constitutional amendment that would ban the right to an abortion. It was vetoed by then Governor Tom Wolf. Currently, there is legislation pending providing for personal reproductive liberty, but Emrick has refused to sign on to the bill. 

In Pennsylvania, pregnancies may be terminated during the first 24 weeks, although counseling is required 24 hours before the procedure. Minors need parental consent or a judicial order. After those first 24 weeks, a pregnancy can be ended only if the mother's life or health is in danger. 


Anonymous said...

Spend and more spending on the wrong stuff then no moony left that is what the democrats do.

Anonymous said...

Another baby-killer.

Jeff Andru said...

Maga Joe has gotta go!

Anonymous said...

Yet I see emrick ad's on your blog???

Anonymous said...

This is confusing. Shapiro was elected in 2022, he was AG then. Wolf was Governor. Don't constitutional amendments go to the voters for referendum rather than the governor?

Anonymous said...

Abortion is not any government's business.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure about this one Bernie. It will be very close. Even some unions aren’t supporting Thomas.

Anonymous said...

Anna Thomas 2024! Emrick is a douche! He is anti public education, anti women and anti receptive to constituents.

Anonymous said...

Well Bernie….you made abortion the issue here. So here goes.

30% of American women have intentionally terminated the life of their developing child via abortion. And that is a correct way to describe abortion. Of that 30%, approximately 50% have had more than one.

Despite the rape and incest babble, the three reasons most often given for the intentional mass terminations every year are social status, appearance, and careers.

Of those cases of abortions performed as a result of rape or incest, very few result in arrest or conviction.

In this country, between 850,000 and 1,000,000 abortions are performed every year. That’s almost 50,000,000 aborted children just since 1973 (Roe vs Wade). This represents inhumanity and depravity.

Pro abortion radicals see the argument as attempting to control women’s bodies; as if anyone gives a sh#t about body piercings, breast augmentation, tattoos, etc.

We live in a world where central and South American women are willing to walk 1,000 miles to the southern border to give their children a better life. We also live in a world where American women complain about having to take a 100 mile bus trip to a nerving state to abort theirs.

But, believe it or not, I’m pro choice. American women are currently demonstrating themselves to be such horrible human beings, who’d want them raising children. And if rape and incest becomes the only route to facilitate an abortion, a million men per year are going to suffer the prospect of a false rape or incest accusation.

So ladies, get out and vote. This country needs more people like you.

Vote Anna Thomas!

And let the Angels sing.

Bernie, I know you won’t publish this, but thanks for listening.

Bernie O'Hare said...

My apologies. I meant to say "then Governor Tom Wolf" and have corrected my post.

Anonymous said...

"Abortion is not any government's business."

Oh stop it. My body, my choice, right? Except when you force people to take an experimental shot, or lose their livelihoods, right? Except when you draft males to sacrifice their bodies in the military, right? Look up WWI, WWII, and Viet Nam. Get the government out of those things, first. Otherwise, it's certainly the government's business. Everything is the government's business.

Anonymous said...

He was a teacher lol.

Anonymous said...

Abortion isn't the only issue I have with Emrick- he's just an arrogant, ignorant back bencher like most of our local politicians. He's 1 of the reasons why I firmly believe in term limits- 8 years max, just like the Governor!

Anonymous said...

She must be getting Soros money. I actually saw TV ads attacking Emrick. Where is her money coming from?

Anonymous said...

Loving the over-the-top mansplaining in this post, along with the anti-woman rhetoric. Me smart! Me own guns. Me tough. Man good! Woman very very bad!

"American women are currently demonstrating themselves to be such horrible human beings, who’d want them raising children."

Dude sounds like an incel, hiding in the basement with the blinds drawn watching porn and taking short breaks to remote into first-person-shooter games with his sad bored incel friends.

Anonymous said...

I am pro-choice and will be voting for Trump. The Feds should not interfere with womens choices. Trump wants to push votes to states and let the voters decide. So, go vote at the State level for your choice. I do not agree with the Roe v Wade changes by the way. And on the other side, abortions at the very latest stages disgust me too.

Anonymous said...

9:15... The Vietnam draft occurred more than 50yrs ago, so how can voters "get the government out of those things, first"? Stop the Vietnam draft now! Hahaha!

Also consider that the draft tore the nation's social fabric, so no one should be surprised that the end of Roe is doing the same thing.

Bureaucrats should not be involved in healthcare decisions. Imagine if something similar happened for men: "Sir, we've run the federally-mandated tests, and we see your sperm cells are substantially degraded from years of casual drinking. Look at this chart. The risk to your progeny of unfavorable and expensive mutations is in the yellow zone, so you are no long eligible to have children. We've scheduled your vasectomy for tomorrow morning."

Anonymous said...

There were more abortions in PA, and the US, in the last two years since before Roe vs Wade was overturned, as Ruth Bader Ginsberg advised because it was bad law. Abortions are easy to do via pills, and there are more than ever occurring. Thomas is weak on crime. Cops hate her. She's even weaker on the economy and illegal immigration. Stay focused. It's the economy, stupid. On economics, she's as stupid as stupid gets.

Anonymous said...

Stop lying.

Anonymous said...

That was my question. Bernie, would love to see an article on where Anna Thomas is getting her money. I am willing to bet from California & New York probably far left liberal donors.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, I think that you use your blog as a cover-up to show just how stupid people are that we live among. Anybody who uses the example of my body, my choice and then brings up the vaccine or using a mask is a complete and utter moron and any man here that posted a comment about women and their bodies are hypocrites. You should all get vasectomies and then when you get married, you could have them reversed. I don't know how our country has gotten this far with people this dumb living here. Day after day I really hope to see somebody with enough common sense that posts here, and every day I lose more faith in humanity.

Anonymous said...

I have had two different door to door campaigners coming around. One for Harris-Waltz, one for Thomas. Both were driving cars with NJ plates...this is in Upper Nazareth.

Anonymous said...

You still have to register for the draft.

Anonymous said...

That doesn’t mean he was fair to all children. He hasn’t been fair to all adults.

Anonymous said...

From me, for one. Don’t think for a second that Anna doesn’t have tremendous support out here.

Anonymous said...

Then neither is any other form of murder.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, idiot.

Anonymous said...

Your rant provides the the very proof of the point you had wished to make. BRAVO...

Anonymous said...

Emrick is the worst, but Thomas is way too radical- makes you wonder why all this out of state money is pouring into this race!

Anonymous said...


Here we go again with the false equivalencies.

Allowing individual states to decide on abortion policy is that it can lead to significant inequality in access to healthcare and reproductive rights across the country. When states have the authority to set their own laws on abortion, it creates a patchwork system where a person’s ability to access abortion services depends on their geographic location, socioeconomic status, and resources. This situation can disproportionately affect low-income individuals, people of color, and those living in rural areas who may not have the means to travel to another state where abortion is accessible.

Anonymous said...


Yawn. Here we go again with the false equivalence. No one forced you to the "the jab". It was a public health policy that was created by scientist and medical professionals that were a lot smarter than you. Your "choice" of not getting the vaccine put a lot of people at risk, most notibly the elderly and small children, you know, the actual living beings that you are adamantly "protecting" during your hollow rants about being pro-life, so there are consequences to that decision - specifically if you work around these groups. At least YOU had a choice, women in these states affected by the overturning of Roe vs Wade don't even have that.

Get it now? Wow, and you have the audacity to call other people dumb.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So what?