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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, October 11, 2024

Judge Sletvold Taken To Woodshed By Superior Court Over Termination of Mother's Parental Rights

I've told you before about the federal civil rights suit filed by Lisa Tresslar, Northampton County's former Custody Master. She claims she was constructively terminated after blowing the whistle on the conduct of several Northampton County judges (specifically Judges Jennifer Sletvold and Paula Roscioli) in custody disputes.  Instead of seeking out evidence of danger to children, Tresslar claims these judges try to prevent its admission so that they are insulated from the public outcry that would ensue in the event that a parent with visitation or custody would harm a child. She even pointed to one instance in which she states that happened. Judges want her case tossed, and a hearing has been scheduled for November 21. This story is about a separate matter involving Judge Sletvold, who recently terminated a mother's parental rights without bothering to explain why. Pennsylvania's Superior Court blasted her. 

In an October 1 opinion penned by President Judge Anne E Lazarus, the Superior Court minced no words in its criticism of Judge Sletvold for terminating a mother's parental rights with no meaningful inquiry or rationale. She did so even though "[a] parent’s right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of his or her children is among the oldest of fundamental rights.”

Instead of explaining why she ruled the way she did, she just adopted wholesale the findings of fact and conclusions of law submitted by one of the parties. "[W]e strongly disapprove of a trial court’s wholesale adoption of a party’s proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, without independent analysis, in a termination of parental rights matter," said the Court. "[W]e are faced with a trial judge who has completely abdicated her responsibility to provide an 'independent judicial analysis.'", adds President Judge Lazarus, who also accuses Judge Sletvold of "dereliction of duty." The Superior Court has ordered Judge Slevtold to explain herself within the next 30 days and has retained jurisdiction.

Last year, Northampton County voters decided to retain Judge Sletvold with 34,909 Yes Votes to 23,862 No votes. 


Anonymous said...

It seems she gets in trouble a lot.

Anonymous said...

Wait, not one of the Northampton county divas with a god complex?

Anonymous said...

So, she's lazy. That tracks...

Anonymous said...

And she wants to be a federal judge 🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this isn’t at all shocking

Anonymous said...

That’s a whole lot of “No” votes for retention, Jenny - maybe try doing better up there on your ivory tower.

Anonymous said...

Her judicial temperament is horrific. Kudos to the Superior Court.

Anonymous said...

Never should have made it to the bench.

Anonymous said...

Taken to the woodshed seems a bit extreme since the appellate court only wants the judge to issue an opinion setting forth her reasoning. Its not like they said she decided the case wrong.

Anonymous said...

She’s a better judge than Baratta ever was.

And Northampton County’s Ignoramous Corp elected that guy District Attorney.

Anonymous said...

Those of us who play in the legal sandbox and courts for a living are used to reading all sorts of opinions and Orders. Appellate opinions are usually gentle in tone. Judicial language, like those you quote, are damning statements about another member of the bench one very rarely sees.

A concerned citizen of the Valley said...

Her Honor lacks the temperament for the job, but over half the county's voters elected her to a ten year term. Elections for judges are problematic in that generally voters know very little about the candidates, who tend to cross-file on both parties to appear neutral and above politics. The alternative is a corrupt system where insiders choose other insiders.

Anonymous said...

Good. Now someone should sue Lisa Tresslar for knowingly handing over custody to physically abusive parents.

Anonymous said...

Listen the sub-part-time work they do is very taxing.

Matt Flower said...

Sletvold should resign and make room for a grown up who can control their emotions and who does not have a god complex. Their is no room for her type of serious dysfunction in the Northampton County judiciary.

Anonymous said...

Someone should ask her why she couldn't get appointed under the first Trump administration and why she was told she would NEVER be appointed under that administration.

Something to do with her answer to this question:

"Is there anything in your history that may embarrass the administration should you be appointed as a federal judge"

The answer is a doozy, but I'm saving that one to use later.

Wait for it, Jenny

Anonymous said...

Yet for some reason, this is not the first time an appellate court has made such commentary about this particular judge.

It's almost as if she is unfit for the bench and has a track record to support such a conclusion.

fletch said...

At least her governing body is telling her where she went wrong and asks that she correct herself.

Anonymous said...

I hope all the details come out in that Federal lawsuit by Tresslar because where there is smoke…

Remember- this is by far the first time that the Superior Court slammed her for clear inappropriate conduct.

“Completely abdicated her responsibility” and “Dereliction of Duty” is strong stuff from the PJ of the appellate court so what the hell ever happened with the Judicial Conduct Board investigating her?

With that many people voting against her in a retention election- and all this baggage- she won’t get a Federal appointment.

At least that’s something but it means everyone has to put up with this ridiculousness for 9 more years. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Weird. I only see the superior court slamming Jenny

Anonymous said...

It speaks volumes when your own party organizes to throw you off the bench.

Anonymous said...

since she is getting blamed for everything else, maybe, just maybe, she was the one who stole your bike. wink wink

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the Superior Court is paying attention to this issue. Thank you for covering this, Bernie.

Anonymous said...

In your article, Bernie, you write that Tresslar “blew the whistle on several Northampton County judges,” yet you only focus on two, but mostly Sletvold. Who are the others? What is her beef with them? Why is Tresslar working for Baratta when he was on the bench and may be part of the lawsuit? (You previously wrote that she is suing the entire bench.) Jennifer Sletvold may have her faults, but this Lisa Tresslar sure seems to have a vindictive streak.

Bernie O'Hare said...

12:34, Sounds to me as though you know exactly what Tresslar's suit is all about.

Anonymous said...

12:34 pm here. I know nothing more than what I have read on your blog. I’m just trying to connect some dots because things don’t seem on the up-and-up with Tresslar and Baratta. I know I wouldn’t take a job with someone I was suing.