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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Have You Voted at the Courthouse?

There are three ways to voter here in Pa. First, you can go to your precinct on election day and cast our ballot there. It gives you a chance to talk with your neighbors and there might be a bake sale, but you could have a long line. Second, you can vote by mail. That's very convenient if you are a busy person with a demanding job. Third, you can visit the courthouse, get your mail-in ballot, fill it out and return it right then and there. I've noticed that more people seem to be using this third method of voting. On Columbus Day, when many people had a holiday, some of you made the trip to the courthouse and voted. 

For those of you who voted at the courthouse, I commend you, regardless how you voted. If you did vote that way, I'd appreciate it if you could share your experience. What prompted you to vote that way? Do you have any suggestions?

I did notice myself that, because things are so tight in the NorCo elections office, there's only so much that can be done to protect privacy. That's one reason why the county administration is proposing a new building that will have an elections office (it must be in Easton City by state law) with a lot more elbow room. 


Anonymous said...

Landslide Trump that is how it felt Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2024, Vegas has the odds!

Anonymous said...

I wrote in Aunt Jemima for president and Uncle Ben for VP. My conscience would not allow me to vote for either trump or harris.

Anonymous said...

Voted at 911 Center. But what can be done to move the county seat from Easton?

Anonymous said...

The election workers have been great, but it’s just too crowded down there. They need more space.

Anonymous said...

It’s simple math, Lori Vargo Heffner and her Republican allies have decided to give McClure nothing, so nothing has gotten done.

Anonymous said...

Everybody should be guided by the sagacity of Ron Heckman.

Anonymous said...

I voted at Lehigh County Courthouse last Friday afternoon at 2:00 pm and the Allentown Mayor, Matt Tuerk, was out front handing out fliers for the Democratic slate and on my way out he was taking a selfie video.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Trump took over the courthouse.

Kim Jung Fun said...

Does Alfred E. Neuman still run for president every cycle? He did in the 70s and 80s. He's a solid choice today. When the Norks start engaging US troops, "what me worry?" would be a better rallying cry than anything the Cackler or McTrump could say.

Anonymous said...

If what 7:59 am said is true, is that hipster doofus mayor in violation of anything? That dweeb is just a rung below Wee Willie on the ladder of arrogance.

Anonymous said...

I voted for the coup winner because I didn't have that option in the primary. Elections are overrated. Here's Bernie on the need to ignore voters and have an "intervention."


Anonymous said...

Just think President Harris the end is here.

Anonymous said...

Simple, expedient process with courteous workers. Any of your contributors who voted for anyone not on the ballot just wasted the most treasured right we have as Americans. 🇺🇸

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people don't choose to save time, gas, tax payer money and aggravation and vote by mail and get it done.

Anonymous said...

that's correct its a treasured right to vote for whomever you feel... Nothing wrong with choosing neither candidate, just shows people don't believe either candidate is worthy of that role.

Anonymous said...

You can see the selfie video on his Facebook site. As long as he was using vacation time from work, there doesn't appear to be any violation of anything, he has the right to support candidates on his own time.

Anonymous said...

I voted at Norco yesterday, 10/23. Clearly they were not prepared for the number of people who were there but all voter staff were courteous. The Deputy Sheriffs (or at least one) when you come in were another story. Norco had no signs to indicate where to go when you enter. I asked a deputy and was told “I am working.” A simple sign with directions would help.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:25, I am sorry you had a bad experience. I have my disagreements with them, but most of the deputies are extremely courteous and professional with the public. I am actually surprised. The signs suggestion is a good one.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I just deleted a lengthy comment explaining why no office expansion is needed. The reason I deleted is bc of a huge gap at the end of the comment. You can resubmit without the gap and I'll publish it even though you are wrong lol.

Anonymous said...

You are fake news you are an enemy of this country.

Anonymous said...

What can be done to move the western municipalities to Lehigh County?