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Monday, October 21, 2024

Federal Court Finds Merit in NorCo Custody Master's Claim of Retaliation by Judges

I've previously told you that Lisa Tresslar, Northampton County's erstwhile custody matter, has sued in federal court over what she has characterized as her constructive termination by county judges and court administrator Jermaine Greene. On September 3, judges filed a motion to dismiss, claiming that Tresslar "uses a lot of words to say very little, especially about alleged discrimination and retaliation." Federal Judge John Gallagher has agreed to dismiss Tresslar's claims of discrimination but is allowing her complaint of retaliation to move forward. 

In an Order issued on Friday, Judge Gallagher concludes that Tresslar has failed to allege sufficient facts from which to infer she was a victim of sex discrimination. But Judge Gallagher observes that Tresslar does allege that the courts failed to retaliate against similarly situated male employees. Thus, its dismissal is without prejudice. 

Judge Gallagher does, however, find merit in Tresslar's complaint of retaliation. She had voiced concerns over new procedures in custody cases that would shield judges from hearing evidence of child abuse, and Tresslar's contention is that the courts did this to insulate themselves from public rancor in the event that a child was abused after a custody order is entered. It was after she voiced her concerns that the courts basically stripped her of most of her duties, reducing her to a glorified clerk instead of a Harvard-educated attorney. 

Previous stories about this matter:

NorCo Custody Master Resigns, Claims Hostile Work Environment Created by Two Judges and Court Administrator

Who is Lisa Tresslar?

The Importance of Custody Court

Judge Jennifer Sletvold Reported to Judicial Conduct Board For Unfair Treatment of Custody Litigants and Their Lawyer

Why Would I Dare Post About Tresslar's Ouster So Close to Judge Sletvold's Retention Election?

Lisa Tresslar's Value as a Custody Master

 Lisa Tresslar, NorCo's Ousted Custody Master, Has Sued in Federal Court


Anonymous said...

When will the Judges/AOPC realize Mr. Greene isn’t worth the squeeze anymore ?

Anonymous said...

How can Jermaine Greene cause so much trouble ? He’s almost never at work, is he ?

Anonymous said...

So glad this lawsuit will proceed to shed light on a big stink that has been hidden for years - maybe THEN the Judicial Conduct Board will sit up and take notice! Hopefully that will occur BEFORE another child is harmed. Yes - I said another - stay tuned to learn lots more about WHO you retained for another 10 year term John Q. Public.

Anonymous said...

I guess we need to hear actual facts but I can tell you it's extremely difficult to decide if a child is safe or not and if not removed then one has to deal with if harm occurs after that decision. Not easy. Most are just trying to protect the child and sometimes they're wrong but with good intent

Anonymous said...

Jermaine Greene spends a lot of time at the AOPC as a hedge against the local judges realizing he’s making fools out of them, right ?

Anonymous said...

This is just par for the course in Northampton County.
Screw the employees..... right