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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, October 04, 2024

Congress Member Susan Wild Gets Booted For Unpaid Fines, Parks in Handicapped Spot

Let me start by saying that as an election cycle nears its end, it's common to see the mud fly. My brother, an evil Republican, told me that in a meet and greet with Congressional candidate Ryan Mackenzie at someone's home, a Susan Wild spy illegally recorded the private event. But Republicans have spies, too. It appears they've been better in the Pa-07 Cingressional. 

According to The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news source, Congress member Susan Wild recently had her Toyota hybrid SUV booted after she failed to pay $775 in fines for speeding between 11-15 mph over the speed limit in May as well as her failure to secure DC tags. The news account also reports a more recent fine for speeding 11-15 mph over the speed limit in July and yet another citation for failing to get DC tags. 

This comes on the heels of another account about her participation in a zoom call in 2022 while driving. Amazingly, you can actually see her driving, with cars passing by and a small dog moving around inside the car. 

Her bad driving is not just limited to the District of Columbia. In August 2022, she was cited by PSP for running a light. She pled guilty. 

I'm taking a defensive driving course to get a 5% discount on my car insurance, and it's pretty clear to me that she engaged in distracted driving.

Now I'm no saint. Over the years, I've managed to rack up numerous parking tickets. And soon after I got my first smart phone, I was so caught up with it that I was weaving on Rte 248. Fortunately, a Palmer Tp police officer stopped and cited me. I thanked him. I could have killed someone. I can understand why Wild, who must have a busy schedule, might lose sight of how important it is for her to watch her speed and avoid distractions on the road. I would hope she changes how she drives before she hurts herself or someone else. 

Having said that, what really bothers me is something for which she was never cited.  To me, this is far more despicable than speeding. Not long ago, she parked her Toyota SUV, the same one featured in the Washington Beacon story, in a handicapped spot. According to the spy who took the picture, the car displays no handicapped placard. It instead displays "Vote Wild" and "I Voted by Mail" bumper stickers

I can overlook speeding, failure to register DC tags or getting your car booted. But people who park in handicapped parking spaces are the lowest of the low. This selfish and completely inconsiderate behavior betrays her elitism, something she has already demonstrated in condescending comments about Carbon County voters.

The Washington Free Beacon's story states that Wild never responded to requests for comment. So on Wednesday, I sent two emails to Wild's campaign, requesting an explanation. She might answer a Democratic blogger. She might even have a reasonable explanation for her behavior.


So I am concluding there is no reasonable explanation for why she selfishly parked in a handicapped parking spot. I am also concluding that her refusal to explain demonstrates a lack of transparency and accountability. 

In a few days, I will receive my Mail-In Ballot (MIB). I understand how important it is that Harris supporters would want a Democratic Congress so she can actually get things done. But I am unable to vote for an elitist who is neither transparent nor accountable. I will cast no vote for Mackenzie, her opponent, because I differ with him on most policy issues. I will instead leave that part of my ballot blank or write in Charlie Dent. 

Wild just lost a vote she would otherwise have received. 

Character matters, and she clearly has none. 


Anonymous said...

Susan Wild is just another elite. She doesn’t care. Disparaging Veterans on Memorial Day shows how she just doesn’t care.

Anonymous said...

Really Susan! Is that campaign trying to lose votes?

Anonymous said...

Elitist hubris. She insulted veterans, while spoiling for another war. She insulted and entire county because they have her figured out. She's all about my body my choice, except for supporting firings of those who wouldn't take a questionable injection. She dictates on health while waddling her significantly overweight frame around DC. She represents the lowest form of government trough sloppers.

Lou Shupe said...

Please consider writing my name in your ballot to serve as your Independent Congressperson for the PA-07th Congressional district. Why? Start with http://www.shupeforcongress.com

Anonymous said...

You always read about how little members of Congress get paid and how high the cost of living is down in DC, but that’s a pretty new-looking SUV in the photo.

Politics must be good for Wild. Or maybe she’s getting some insider stock tips from Nancy Pelosi.

Karl Hungus said...

Wild thing, you make my heart sing.
you make everything, Groooooovy!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she just didn’t realize it was illegal.

That excuse worked for her when she was Ed Pawlowski’s solicitor and the FBI showed up.

Anonymous said...

"Elitist?" Careful, some of your readers get triggered by that word. I wonder if her big donors from Bain Capital and U Penn care.

Bernie O'Hare said...

OK, Lou. You get my protest vote.

Anonymous said...

why is she not driving a fully electric vehicle? I guess she partly cares about the environment. Per Cook PVI her district is an R+2. How does she keep winning?

Anonymous said...

This one goes in the Bernie hall of fame. You've been desperate for years to find an excuse to vote against Wild. How do you even know it's her car? How do you know she wasn't in the vehicle waiting for someone to come out? How do you know this wasn't photoshopped? This isn't the Washington Post - it's a rag that you're giving credibility to. Why would the Wild campaign bother responding to you? You think they have time for your constituency-of-one obsession with attention? You're as pathetic as the people who wrote this, Bern. Hope you're proud of your principled stand. Hey weren't you disbarred by the way? Character counts.

Anonymous said...

Susan Wild has changed a lot since 2018. She got to comfortable in DC which is sad. I’ll be voting for Ryan Mackenzie come November.

Randy said...

Vote Wild out. Time's up Susan. Bye.

Anonymous said...

I'm simply curious, not defending Wild, but does she have a placard but and simply didn't hang it? The reason I ask is because I was eligible for a placard after two back to back strokes and multiple residual medical ailments. I have two vehicles and sometimes I forget to switch my placard from one vehicle to the other, but I keep my eligibility card in my wallet. On the rare occasions that I forget my placard, I place my eligibility card in my dashboard. I honestly don't know if this is acceptable, but if I got ticketed, I would probably defend my actions and hopefully the magistrate would agree.

If this is not the case, Wild should apologize and explain her actions.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Literacy likely isn't one of her traits so being able to read road signs is probably beyond her ability. Her sole function is to grunt 'yeah' to the party line.

Anonymous said...

Was your brother evil before he was a Republican too?

Anonymous said...

Allow me to make a not-so-bold prediction:

Susan Wild will come out and admit she made a "mistake". She'll claim it was a one-time thing, and then tell us about how much she cares about the disabled all the wonderful things she's done for them. She'll probably have some disabled constituents there to say that they continue to support her.

She'll then try to turn the tables on Mackenzie, blaming him for the spy and claiming that as a woman, the "spy" made her feel uncomfortable.

Such is the aversion to truly accepting blame by democrat politicians, and she'll stick to their playbook.

Anonymous said...

She does not come across as a nice person to me. This story shows that she’s about one person, herself.
Not paying her fines shows she thinks laws don’t apply to her. Hopefully they suspend her drivers license for non payment

Anonymous said...

Good for you! As a Republican, I'm similarly skipping the vote for President as I couldn't live with myself if I voted for Trump, but I think the Harris/Wild ticket is just too far left for America right now. I'm also contemplating skipping the US Senator race as well as I strongly dislike both candidates. I'm surely up for voting for McKenzie, even though I suspect he'll be just another in a long line of self-serving career politicians. Like you, I miss the Charlie Dents of the political world, a moderate Republican that really representing his constituents well.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. If she's a resident of PA why would she need DC tags on her car?

Anonymous said...

@8:22am Anyone parking in the spot is required to display a handicapped tag. as for how do we know it's her car, well there's one person who can clear this up right quick but apparently she is not talking...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Not one, but two tickets for going 11 plus over the speed limit? I would love to see the body/dash cam. How much you want to bet she played the, “Do you know who I am?” She’s so lazy she can’t even get her tags changed? Or even have her substantial staff do it?

Anonymous said...

As the father of a special needs child I despise any asshole was who parks in a handicapped space. It’s despicable and in excusable. It says a lot about someone’s character.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:22, It's her car. There are photos of her getting in and out. I've also seen it myself.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I am declining to publish off topic rants. This is about Wild

Bernie O'Hare said...

9:29, My brother was always evil but can't help it. He's my brother.

Anonymous said...

So she took a spot that a handicapped vet might need? What an asshole. It really infuriates me when ppl park in handicap spots that don’t need it. The fine should be 5 grand that would stop it.

Anonymous said...

If this was a Republican it would be on CBS news already. The reason for the crickets is they are trying to figure out how to spin it. I commend you Bernie, you chose character over partisan politics.

Anonymous said...

DC law requires all cars that are houses or residing in the district to be tagged in the district within 60 days.
There is an exception for students, diplomats, military members, pay time residents, Congresspeople, etc that requires them to apply for a permit as an exception. It sounds like that is the step she has skipped.