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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Steve Baratta, Union Buster

NorCo DA-Elect Steve Baratta ran as a Democrat. During his campaign, he staked out positions that are a bit left of center, at least for prosecutors. He opposed the death penalty. He'd decriminalize possession of marijuana. He opposes cash bail for many crimes. He refused to wage a write-in campaign as a Republican, and criticized incumbent Terry Houck for doing so. But before he's even sworn into office, he's taking a very Republican position. He's a union basher. I've told you about his decision to terminate two highly regarded county detectives protected by a union contract that specifically requires "just cause" for their removal. He just happened to pick the two detectives who negotiate the contract. If he gets away with this, no unionized worker is safe in his office. That includes all the clerks. Like the detectives, they can be fired at any time for any reason, including a bad reason.  

When I spoke to Baratta, he told me that the law supports his expansive view of his power to hire and fire, regardless of any union contract.  Let's look at the law. 

Pennsylvania's Constitution, like the US Constitution, provides for three separate, equal and independent branches of government - judiciary, executive and legislative. It specifically reserves to the courts the right to supervise their own employees. (Article V, Sec. 10.)  This is why many unionized court workers are still considered "at will." 

Like the courts, the office of District Attorney is also established by Pa,'s Constitution, (Article IX, Sec. 4). It would be a part of the executive branch, not the courts. No constitutional provision gives that office the exclusive power to hire and fire its staff.      

State law, however, does throw a monkey wrench into things. The County Code (Section 1620) provides that the "salary board" (Executive and County Council) have the sole power to negotiate with unions representing court workers as well as other staff for other elected or even appointed officers. But it goes on to provide that this "shall in no way affect the hiring, discharging and supervising rights and obligations with respect to such employes as may be vested in the judges or other county officers."

A strict reading of this statute suggests that no county union is safe, regardless of any "just cause" provisions in a collective bargaining agreement.  A Northampton County Corrections Director who is appointed by the Executive and confirmed by County Council, could ignore union contracts negotiated by his boss. So could a constitutional row officer like the Prothonotary.  This is precisely the rationale being advanced by Baratta. 

The law should never be interpreted to produce absurd results. Let me give you an example. Law provides that a person who breaks out of prison commits a felony, but no prisoner will be prosecuted if he escapes because the jailhouse is on fire. As one English judge pithily reasoned, "he is not to be hanged because he would not stay to be burnt." 

I'll concede that an independently elected District Attorney stands in a superior position to a row officer appointed by the county. He can argue that he has the exclusive right (by statute, not Constitution) to hire, fire and supervise. But he has to assert that right when the contract is being negotiated.  In one Berks County case, an elected row officers actually notified the "salary board" (County Commissioners) that "I do not authorize any negotiation on behalf of myself in regard to the hiring, termination or supervision of employees in my office." In another Lackawanna County case involving a contract negotiated by deputy Sheriffs, the Sheriff was uninvolved in negotiations. In stark contrast to those cases, incumbent District Attorney Terry Houck accepted collective bargaining agreements. Abd Baratta was on the bench. 

Baratta might be able to argue that he must be consulted before any new contract is negotiated with detectives or his clerical staff. But he's unable to unilaterally change the terms of a contract that was agreed upon before he even assumed office. 

What Baratta is actually doing is undermining the morale of his office before he steps foot inside the door. He could have made better use of his time by familiarizing himself with several ongoing investigations and prosecutions.   


Anonymous said...

He and his buddy John "Napolean" Morganelli are two of a kind. Birds of a feather that use the Democratic party to get elected and then kick them in the guts after elected. Little Napolean went and registered as a "Independent" after sucking hundreds of thousands of dollars from his Democratic friends. He has all the judges fighting with each other and now he is giving guidance and advice to Union Buster Baratta. Thanks for reporting this Bernie. As a union member we will not forget.

Anonymous said...

Arrogance will be Baratta’s downfall. He seems to hold himself in high regard and may see himself as infallible. Heck, he seems to think he is the savior. When I saw his behavior at your debate, I realized he is nothing more than a self-important windbag who thinks anything he says/does is best. If he continues with this Trumpesque approach to management, not only will the county lose, but Baratta will lose what little respect people have for him.

Anonymous said...

What a revoltin' development this is.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who to believe. He's a successful judge and soon-to-be district attorney. You are a local blogger. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

Rumor is that houck is doing nothin to help in a transition. What a loser houck is.

Anonymous said...

This guy has a PhD in A-whole with a Masters in Liar. He's proud of it and demonstrates it on a daily basis. Common sense and intelligence are not flowers that grow in NORCO voter's gardens.

Anonymous said...

If you talk with many of the employees/attorneys who work with the employees/attorneys in the District Attorneys Office, it appears there is much that needs to be addressed. Turnover is one of the problems. Loyalty is another. The Path that the new DA is taking will not address the morale issues. It will only further exacerbate the problems. What a shame. Didn't Baratta campaign on the issue that he didn't want his DA'S working on the side as part time attorneys and now he is doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

To those who voted for this &*#@!-, you got what you asked for. No one should be surprised.

Anonymous said...

The Office of the DA agreed to forego the right to fire county detectives at will during the current contract. He may be a new man holding the Office, but the Office has not changed nor has its relationship to the collective bargaining agreement.

Anonymous said...

This a page out of Lamont and Bow tie book. They all want to get rid of the unions. Will get up there and say one thing but their action speak totally different. And in case you haven't noticed the RNC is the party for union workers. Just the head people like Tosti from AFSCME are still for the DNC. Tosti fights for the county more then anything else. Sure not the COs. They will get up there and fight hard for union workers on county bidding jobs for fair wages and safe working conditions. But when it comes to county union employees we are laughed at. Offered pennies as raises. The one council person provided the evidence when Lamont was bragging about the wage increases since he took office. He asked Lamont about he's big 12% in wage increase. " Did that even keep up with the cost of living ". Lamont said NO. Then said do you want me to give everyone a 18% raise. So county union workers are drowning struggling to strive. But no one cares. Not the Excutive ,not council, not the heads of departments. And not the union bosses

LVCI said...

Has this been done for professional reasons or personal ones?
Makes one wonder.

Bernie O'Hare said...

9:33, Dertinger and McClure are about as pro-union as you can get, especially when it comes to trade unions. I'd argue that some of the recent actions taken, like making career service pay more for medical and a very low salary increase, are designed to make unions more attractive. If you think the RNC is for union workers, you're crazy. Republicans have consistently opposed laws that make it easier to organize. They especially hate teacher or any public employee unions. They have actively courted manufacturers to move to antiunion states like South Carolina, where union membership is the lowest in the country and the poverty rate is the highest. You know what happened under Brown. He practically caused a revolt. And who stopped the step increases? Republican Brackbill.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"The Office of the DA agreed to forego the right to fire county detectives at will during the current contract. He may be a new man holding the Office, but the Office has not changed nor has its relationship to the collective bargaining agreement."

That is probably the strongest argument against what Baratta has done. The statutory right inures to the office, not the individual.

Let me add these:

The judges can argue they have a constitutional right to hire and fire, but the DA can make no such argument. His office is constitutional, but the right to hire and fire is not in the PA Const for the DA.

The statutory right to hire and fire is inconsistent with and runs afoul of national and state labor laws.

The detectives are being punished for exercising their rights as union negotiators, which is an unfair labor practice.

The caselaw supporting the DA has failed to consider these points. The Commonwealth Court is a Republican Court and will push an anti-union stance, but will be reversed by the state supreme court.

Anonymous said...

Personnel issues are off limits to the public. We elected Steve to do a job so let's give him a chance. Houck was a train wreck.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Rumor is that houck is doing nothin to help in a transition. What a loser houck is."

I have asked Houck whether he would assist Baratta in a transition, and he said that is his obligation. The cases are Commonwealth matters, not Terry Houck matters. He has not been contacted at all concerning his active cases.

Like I said in my post, Steve should really be spending his time by familiarizing himself with these cases than deciding where to put 80 yo Lenny Zito.

Anonymous said...

Baratta Is a bum and needs to be voted out of office ASAP.
What a piece of shit going after Union Workers, the backbone of this country.
And what’s up with 9:33? “ And in case you haven't noticed the RNC is the party for union workers.” How brainwashed is this person. Maybe he/she believes Trump is the Messiah.

Anonymous said...

Bernie you love your boy Lamont. But let's face it. He is not for the union workers in the county. Heck he isn't for the workers in the county. Does a pay study and misrepresent the numbers by putting different class county in the mix.. He is just about getting up there and say what you and all the tax payers want to hear. No tax increases. And he accomplishes that on the back of employees. If this was a business it would have crash years ago. But taxes are guaranteed money. Don't have to worry about selling it. And no one is pro union in that office. They are pro winning again. Screw the employees. Ask Mike Miller??? Ask him how he negotiates.

POTAL said...

This is becoming a county wide theme. It seems like they are quietly trying to beat down the unions. The struggles to staff many departments county wide are boiling over one after another and beating down those loyal employees that do remain. From Gracedale a couple years ago to Juvenile Detention and now the Jail. Of course Gracedale got extra money to help fix their issues, the other units throughout the county are offered fractions of what they actually need to remain competitive in the job market and it shows. People are leaving faster than they can be brought in. Most comparable counties around us all pay more. Costs of everything have gone up exponentially over the last several years yet somehow the county still manages to cut budget spending. How does that happen exactly…by balancing that budget off of the backs of its employees. I know people don’t want to see taxes go up, or they think county employees have it so much better than everyone else, I’ve seen all the public outcries and bashings over the years. The fact is this county isn’t able to maintain a stable, quality workforce in several of its departments anymore and sooner or later that will start to hurt those seeking the services they deserve and pay for.

Anonymous said...

NorCo is home rule, so the county code's hire-fire supervise provisions wouldn't apply to the row officers unless the charter specifically brings them back in. In Lehigh back in the early 90's that was the position when Sheriff Rossi was elected and tried to remove deputies he disliked because they were associated with the former sheriff. Those deputies were reinstated (and then formed a union).

Anonymous said...

So now this county will understand why Terry was the better choice. Barrata displayed his ugly nature and belittled Terry’s work ethic and family openly. The county made a bad choice and now they, who bought into his BS, will live with it.

Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with mr Zito? Wasn’t pepper 300 years old?

Anonymous said...

I’m with you on this. His primary tactics were trumpesque from start to finish but that seemed to evade primary voters. So now it seems that Barrata may be a union buster? After all the Republican money in his campaign coffers, that’s no surprise. Ho-ho-ho!

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Personnel issues are off limits to the public. We elected Steve to do a job so let's give him a chance. Houck was a train wreck."

Really? Baratta made personnel issues the central focus of his campaign. He even mentioned specific employees, even clerks. Sure he should be given a chance to do his job, but he does that by familiarizing himself with pending cases, something he has failed to do. Also, union busting is very much a public issue. No specific employee need be mentioned.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"What’s wrong with mr Zito? Wasn’t pepper 300 years old?"

At least 400 years old.

Anonymous said...

Any criticism must be aimed at the Dems who failed to behold the real Steve Barrata in the primary and failed to point out to voters that he ran with lots of Republican money bet on him. In fact, many Democratic leaders fell hook, line, and sinker for a stinker. If you look hard at Barrata’s donors, you might see that the Republicans actually did run a guy in the race, the Democratic primary, and their guy won.

Anonymous said...

@12:00 PM can you provide an example of when Houck's family was attacked by Baratta? Pretty despicable if true, but I hadn't seen anything like that...

Anonymous said...

Under his watch, the office was unionized. They have since been decertified. But his reward was that he was let go. Always remember Mazz and who did this to him.

Anonymous said...

Leave Zito out of this…this is about Democrats being told who they should vote for…and instead of giving fair time to Terry and Barrata, they were told to go with Barrata . It was determined behind doors to push Barrata in the neighborhoods, in political strategy meetings, by certain groups and they now see the results of herd mentality versus objective and fair Democratic vetting for good candidates.

Anonymous said...

The Baratta apologists are delusional. I’m not saying Houck was perfect — I heard the rumors that he could be unprofessional — but he seemed to take his position seriously. Baratta ran a campaign fueled by spite. He is a classic playground bully who wants to “get” people he doesn’t like at any cost. The guy is out of his league. My gosh, he has already said that he won’t prosecute some offenses even though the people are breaking the law. Not only will he alienate many in the courthouse, but he will also run afoul of law enforcement.

Perhaps Morganelli encouraged Baratta to run to be rid of him AND open the door for the inexperienced Panella. If the case, I sure hope it backfires and Morganelli bogies every hole he plays in 2024.

I’m glad Santa brought me a new popcorn popper because this is one show that I won’t want to miss!

Anonymous said...

1:39 pm: My big objection for this campaign (from DA to controller to Bethlehem City Council) was that I didn’t have one knock on my door during the campaign season. I am a super voter, so I should have been courted, so to speak, during the primaries. I can’t fault Baratta for campaigning because that is what a candidate does. I fault Terry for being lazy during the primaries, but did note on this blog that he, unlike Baratta, had a demanding day job.

I do fault Baratta for his blatant dishonesty during the campaign. How he was never challenged about his lies outside of this blog disgusts me. Thank God for Bernie because neither newspaper employs journalists who look for stories.

I sure hope Barrata is reading these threads because his face would be glowing a bright red. Totally fitting for the Christmas season, holiday cheer, and all that stuff.

Anonymous said...

you people are ridiculous with your comments about Hock and barrette
you sit in your welfare houses and comment on your free internet about things you have zero knowledge on.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Perhaps Morganelli encouraged Baratta to run to be rid of him AND open the door for the inexperienced Panella. If the case, I sure hope it backfires and Morganelli bogies every hole he plays in 2024."

You're half right. The evidence that Morganelli encouraged Baratta to run is overwhelming. But the person he wanted as judge is Nancy Aaroe.

Anonymous said...

why would john want Nancy to be the judge, she is a trainwreck of a person and her husband is a Nazi

Bernie O'Hare said...

I consider her a very nice person and a good lawyer. Her husband is very right wing, but one of the nicest guys around.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. Both Morganelli and Baratta were pushing for Aaroe. I was happy when panella took a shot at Baratta during the election. And JM is a nobody anymore. No one respects him

Anonymous said...

Norco Dems need new leadership. The majority hate munsey. He does nothing

Anonymous said...

Barrata sealed his fate when he tied up with Wheeler, when he aligned with Morganelli, when he decided to publically attempt to discredit and
Disgrace Houck, and now direct his angst toward the unions and those he wishes to disparage.
Misery follows the untrustworthy.

Anonymous said...

Barrata sealed his fate when he tied up with Wheeler, when he aligned with Morganelli, when he decided to publically attempt to discredit and
Disgrace Houck, and now direct his angst toward the unions and those he wishes to disparage.
Misery follows the untrustworthy.

yeah, he won the position

Anonymous said...

And yet, Dems won every state- and county-wide race this election in Northampton County. He can't do everything on his own, but if he really did nothing, the Dems wouldn't be winning every big race and even picking up seats in tough areas like the Slate Belt.

Anonymous said...

And you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Remember how you told everyone that Houck was going to win the race. Now, we have to listen to you bash Baratta for the next 4 years. The DA office needs a major overhaul and you covered up all the problems that were going on for your buddy Houck. You claimed that assistant DA’s were leaving for better pay.
well, if that’s the case Lamont and County Council should give all county employees a well deserved raise.
Bordering Lehigh County pays way more than Northampton County in every department. But, I guess the company doing the salary study hasn’t heard of Lehigh County. I can make a prediction, if all county employees don’t vote for Lamont, maybe he can get a a union job with Dertinger changing light bulbs.

Anonymous said...

Barata and McClure are products of the Morganelli political mold, what did you expect?
McClure is not a union employees' guy. He and the union bosses are buddies, and they work out deals that benefit them not the employees. You have been carrying this guy's water for years.

Anonymous said...

Bernie your blog is old, tired and worn out and shows how you just don't do your homework. You should try and get a job at Trumps TRUTH social media company. No skills needed.

Anonymous said...

Barata is an ASSHOLE to say the least. He only Ran for DA for the $$$ BIG MONEY $$$ DA's GET (Just my personal thought)

His Campain manger was the son of long time Past PA State Rep TJ ROONEY of the OLD 133rd District.

I would have liked to see Houck stay in the DA'S Office rather than Barata
But this is what the Voter's wanted. PERSONALLY I VOTED for Houck.

Time will Tell how Barata run the Northamton DA's Office.

Anonymous said...

There was never good morale in that office under houck. He sucked.

Anonymous said...

What is the evidence? Can you show us?

Anonymous said...

I saw Baratta campaigning with Panella. But…I wouldn’t fault Baratta if he liked Aaroe. She was the more qualified.

Anonymous said...

So true about Morganelli being a no body anymore. He lost the respect of many, many people, myself being one of them. Disgusted in both JM and Baratta.

Anonymous said...

Barrata sucks. Talk about being out of touch with the city, town, and the people here, he never physically visited or spent time in any neighborhoods, maybe College Hill, but Southside, Westward, probably doesn’t even know their respective borders. His coldness and distance will expose him as exactly what he is, a Morganelli puppet with anger management issues.

Anonymous said...

What a shocker….Morning Call reports Baratta wants former custody master Lisa Tresslar to head court appeals in DA’s office. Anybody have any trouble connecting the dots to the anti-Judge Sletvold retention campaign that arose right before the November election based on a years-old custody case fight between Tresslar and the judge.

Bernie O'Hare said...

The addition of Lisa Tresslar and Bob Eyer are excellent moves by Baratta. Trellar has a commanding knowledge of the law and would be superb handling appeals. She should be on an appellate court herself. She can do a lot of good. Bob Eyer is also very well versed in criminal law and served as Public Defender. He is quite personable and might be able to smooth out some of Baratta's rough edges. Zito is extremely intelligent but he's 80 years old. That is a fast-paced office, and I think he should be slowing down. Just as I think Biden and Trump are too old to be President, I think Lenny should only serve in a PT capacity. I know little about the assistants leaving Lehigh, but what little I do know is good.

Overall, I think Baratta has made some good moves. He's also made some bad ones with respect to two ADAs he is letting go and two union detectives he illegally terminated.

Anonymous said...

9:21 am: Actually, I am shocked that the first deputy is an outsider of the office. I figured Baratta would promote from within because he will need someone who has a strong knowledge of the offerings. Just as I lost the Houck bet, I lost this one because I figured he would choose a woman. Eyer and Panella from the same firm. Must be a lotta attaboys over there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lisa trestler should try getting off the government teat for a change. He's filling his office with people who haven't spent one day in the private sector, except Bob ever. Another group of out of touch life long bureaucrats. I wonder if he's bringing his son over from lehigh County da. Houlihan won't be prosecuting much crime either, so I'm sure he's thrilled baratta is poaching his staff

Anonymous said...

He won't need to staff his office with pundits like liberal freak Joe Welsh working in the background. He won't be allowed to prosecute minorities and if he does all crimes will be plead down to summary offenses. He showcased one of Welch's sweetheart gang members as a supporter during his campaign. Lock n load legigh valley because crime is going through the roof.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Maybe Lisa trestler should try getting off the government teat for a change. He's filling his office with people who haven't spent one day in the private sector, except Bob ever."

You are mistaken. Lisa Tresslar devoted quite a few years as a Wall Street lawyer in NYC and Philly, and practiced internationally. That's about as private sector as you can get. Lenny Zito spent decades (or perhaps centuries) in the private sector and built up a well regarded practice.

These are all highly qualified lawyers, although I really think Zito needs to take a step back or work part time because it is too much for him.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"He won't need to staff his office with pundits like liberal freak Joe Welsh working in the background. " Joe is far more liberal than I, but there have always been disparities in our justice system, and there should be people who call attention to it. It's always been a question of how much justice you can afford. I have a good friend who took a plea bc it simply would be too costly to go to trial. I have never and will never fault Baratta for being cognizant of this reality. My criticism is premised on his summary dismissals and lack of transition.

Anonymous said...

Who from inside that office would fill that position? The three longest tenured people in that office are not exactly first assistant material. All the quality candidates in-house have already left.

Anonymous said...

3:57 pm: What a thing to post. Any of the three would do a fine job and would counter Baratta’s grandiose opinion of himself.

Matt Flower said...

You don't have to connect any dots. I publicly took responsibility for that campaign and would do it again because Sletvold is arrogant and paranoid person and a horrible judge.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. He practiced law for quite a bit of time in the westward as did his dad. The houck-ites are so bitter. So similar to the MAGA Trump-ites. It’s pretty much the 5 people that sit on the democratic committee and few of those left wing groups (LV4All and LV Roar) who are do nothing other than go out and do BS mail drops, while screaming that the world sucks, thinking they can control a vote, but no one listens to them. Get over it. Houck was a terrible incumbent. The voters agreed and neither party wanted anything to do with him.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t the word “illegal” a bit much? Maybe a contract issue or a Civil matter but not “illegal”.

Anonymous said...

Nah, Baratta doesn’t play nepotism.

Anonymous said...

Yep and I think it’s great.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"I beg to differ. He practiced law for quite a bit of time in the westward as did his dad. The houck-ites are so bitter"

I'm uncertain whether it was west ward, but definitely was Easton. Funny thing. Steve lost in Easton, which contradicts your points.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, he won anyway! And, yep, it was the westward. Above 6th street is the west ward. My point is that yes, he knows Easton. It wasn’t that he won Easton. And, yes, I saw him in south side and he k knocked on my grandmother’s door at 13th street.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter who was the campaign manager? BS comment.

Anonymous said...

Nah, McClure quietly supported houck in the primary so- no, there’s no link between baratta and mclure. And, the illusions that baratta is a morganelli puppet is nonsensical and based on O’hare’s false and incorrect assumptions. Stop spreading lies.

Anonymous said...

Houck disgraced himself.

Anonymous said...

What’s wrong with Republican money? Who are these republicans you speak of? Can’t republicans donate to democrats or is that a no-no to the lunatics on the far left?

Anonymous said...

Actually, Zito and pepper were admitted to the pa bar in the same year. Check the admission dates. Yet again, you use one standard for houck and one standard for Baratta. Fake news.