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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Baratta Gives Two Assistant DAs and Two County Detectives Their Walking Papers

Some anonymous comments posted here allege that District Attorney elect Steve Baratta has notified two assistant District Attorneys and two County Detectives that their services are no longer needed. I reached out to Baratta and he confirms that he is, in fact, discharging these prosecutors and detectives.   

Assistant DAs serve at the pleasure of the District Attorney and are "at-will" positions. They can be terminated for any reason or no reason so long as there is no violation of important public policy. 

Unlike Assistant DAs, county detectives are unionized. Does that afford them some protection? According to Baratta, No. He contends that they collectively bargain for wages and benefits, but are still considered "exempt" or "at will" employees.

He stated that it's important that he has his own people in place when he assumes office.  I've heard and expect that he will announce some of these people in the coming days. 


Anonymous said...

This is very tricky. Are they exempt employees protected by a Union agreement? I see a law suit coming

Anonymous said...

Da judge is da man!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But when all 4 names have the same politically connected investigation in common? Get out the check book

Anonymous said...

Very much agree with District Attorney Elect Baratta on this decision. Many in Houck's administration were campaign donors with some actively campaigning against Baratta. Bennie pull the donor list and give us a guess on who it may be.

Sam Elias for County Council

Anonymous said...

That's why we elected Steve. To clean house. Onward!

Anonymous said...

This is quite honestly, a shame. I know one of these individuals and I feel he is one of the few that will actually follow through with the work in a timely manner. Follow through with requested reports and investigations. It seems like competence and hard work always gets punished.

Par for the course. The only saving grace is that the ties to the county are cut and they can retire or move to better locations. This place sucks.

Anonymous said...

You guys really don't care about the quality of the workers? Just so everyone is aligned with the elected person. If they have any opinion other than the one you want they should fire them? Cancel culture? Really?

I honestly don't care who voted for who as long as they do their job and do it well. Being aligned with a politically party doesn't make you better or worse.

Anonymous said...

Holy Smokes! That's half of Houck's entire remaining staff!

Bernie O'Hare said...

"This is very tricky. Are they exempt employees protected by a Union agreement? I see a law suit coming" - It is absurd to have a union that is unable to protect you when you are terminated, but Baratta contends that the detectives' union only exists for salary and benefits. This would make it similar to some of the unions for judicial workers, who can still be fired without cause. The pay scale does list detectives as exempt.

Anonymous said...

"Elections have consequences." Baratta would be lucky to have Houck stay on his team.
Do Not Elect Sam Elias for County Council
Steve Lynch for County Executive

Anonymous said...

Sam Elias for council now that is funny He is barely a cop........do one job well and then look to step up!!!

Anonymous said...

try hiring some good people without political ties..no political affiliations....just once and watch the good that will be done!!!!

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:30, Few ADAs or detectives have political ties or affiliations.

Anonymous said...

On what basis were these prosecutors terminated? If based on politics, rather than merit, Blowhard Baratta may find himself in some hot water. Did he can some close to retirement? That, too, may cause problems for him. Did Morganelli have input? I mean, how does Blowhard function without John’s sage advice? I really wish I could retire and set up my lawn chair outside of the courthouse because this Baratta show is going to be one massive dumpster fire.

Anonymous said...

In todays job market, you cannot fire someone without "JUST CAUSE". You must have a reason. In Northampton County this was tested by the Public Defenders Staff and they won. Chaos in the DA'S Office. These are not cabinet level positions. These are County Detectives. Call John Brown and Bill Brackbill to get the lowdown on the law suit. They have all the answers. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were needed to settle the claim.

Anonymous said...

He’s not a very nice guy. Arrogant asshole but hey you get what you vote for. He’ll replace them with someone who checks a box but has no clue what they’re doing. The crime victims will suffer.

Anonymous said...

Baratta is a politician by trade. He's making political moves. That's what politicians do. He won fair and square. We don't select good people on election day. We select politicians. If it all feels a bit skeevy. It's because it is.

Anonymous said...

@536am. Hmm I heard that. Makes you wonder. Thank God for video

Anonymous said...

i think this is great, that office is full of incompetent people and they need to go
Lets start winning some cases again. Good for you Steve, this is exactly why you ran, to clean this sess-pool up

as far as suing they couldn't win anything they are exempt

JJ Cordi said...

Don't forget Mazz.

The D.A.-elect showed his true colors years ago when he forced out a good man.

Anonymous said...

In government many times excellent employees are terminated due to who hired them. McClure did it to dozens of people. Some good. Some bad. It's very sad to me that politicians believe that because of who hired them or who they voted for that would actually affect their work ethic and drive and passion for what they do . Do you want good people or yes people is the question. Politicians want yes people. They're truly missing the point of true leadership. As for those terminated. You will find better and you deserve to work for someone who appreciates your work not your politics. Be proud and I know they'll find a better job where they're appreciated.

Anonymous said...

THE ONLY reason they were fired is the crooked Lance Wheeler incident. What a clown Baratta is!!

Anonymous said...

I’m actually confused. How can someone who has yet to start his job, fire people? Seems to be overreach on the part of a micromanager-in-the-making.

Anonymous said...

The problem with this approach, is that hard working professionals working for lower pay in the public interest are unable to vest their pensions. That on top of being bounced between offices. It’s not good for justice either.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bernie,

Can someone file a complaint against an ADA or DA after they are no longer in the office for alleged prosecutorial misconduct? If so can that complaint be filed with the new DA to look into?

Anonymous said...

These reportedly have a January 2 effective date - although he will not yet be sworn in as of the effective time (8:30 am) of the letters.

Anonymous said...

All lawyers have political ties - detectives I don't know but lawyers yes

Anonymous said...

Sam Elias ROCKS! I would vote for him everyday! #eliasistheking