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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Democrats Continue Losing Voters in Northampton and Lehigh County

Democrats continue to lose their edge in both Northampton and Lehigh County, while Republicans and independents are making gains. 


Northampton County's registration statistics, as of 7/25/2022, are as follows:

Total: 221,010, compared to 211,593 in 2016.

Democrats: 97,744, compared to 98,929 in 2016.  Democrats accounts for 44.2% of the total registration, compared to 47% in 2016. 

Republicans: 80,439, compared to 73,638 in 2016. Republican registration has increased from 34.8% to 36.4% of the total registration.  

Other: 42,827, compared to 39,026 in 2016. Independents have increased from 19.15% to 19.34% of the total number of registered voters. 


Lehigh County's registration statistics, as of 7/25/22, are as follows: 

Total registration: 234,996, compared to 236,081 in 2016. 

Democrats: 97,710. This is 47% of the total number of registered voters, compared to 49% in 2016. 

Republicans: 81,836. This is 34.8% of the total number of registered voters, compared to 34.15% in 2016. 

Other: 42,602 This is 18.1% of those who are registered, compared to 16.8% in 2016.

Source: Pa Dep't of State.


Anonymous said...

The Democrats are losi8ng the moderate voters and are getting Zirinski and other wild and crazy people ruining. They have all but abandoned wage earners and the middle class. What do you think makes ordinary Americans willing to vote for a maniac like Trump??

Dems better look at their souls and decide what they are. Right now, they are Pelosi at all levels and that is the kiss of death. No one cares about them wearing white cloths, but everyone cares about their budget. Even local government is losing the commonsense democrats.

Anonymous said...

Great news. The Republican-led Congressional hearings are going to be a lot of fun. Payback will be so sweet. Both Bidens will be indicted before the New Hampshire primary. Get ready for a cRaZy ride into 2024. What an exciting time to be alive.

Anonymous said...

the dems are going to lose a lot more before the election.

Anonymous said...

I'm a lifelong Democrat that is disillusioned by the current direction of the party. My parents were both diehard union Dems (steelworker and school bus driver) and I've always associated with their values. I'm not saying I'm leaving the party or joining the Republicans, I just feel I'm one of many middle/older age Democrats that are not excited about the direction of the party or the candidates we are selecting and I would think about becoming Independent. I just got a text message from the Shapiro campaign promising to protect my voting rights! I responded to them that I'm more concerned about property tax reform and education funding. An all Democrat ASD Board just passed a 5% property tax increase!! There's an issue Democratic candidates should be working on, I've never once in 30 years felt like my voting rights were in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

Republicans have no soul and are invested in a crazy person who will spend time in jail!

Anonymous said...

We need Trump more than ever to straighten out the mess made by politicians of both sides.

Anonymous said...

Biden's spokesperson said the current economic reports do not fit the classic definition of recession. Perhaps they taught it differently where Kari claims to have been educated. Or perhaps she never passed Econ 101 where the same definition has been taught to college freshmen for generations. It always shows up on the test, too! While they're trying to employ verbal razzle dazzle to avoid admitting the damage they've caused, said razzle dazzle doesn't dare mention that the numbers stink like this amid breathtaking debt, which makes these numbers even more stunning and tragic. It's going to be a long slog out of what took so little time to get into.

Anonymous said...

@11:37 What are your pronouns?

Anonymous said...

So one thousand registration loss over six years is a large slide?
As to republican and the increase it may be the republicans who changed to independent to avoid the tea party moniker are now being honest.
Or some folks are signing up republican because they see their party destroying itself with losers like trump and wish to avoid another lunatic like death santis.
Also many republican women will just lie about their vote when they punish republicans for trying to run a theocracy

Anonymous said...

Recession? What recession?

Gas down to $4.60 per gallon. Cheeseburgers holding steady at $17. And that’s with a pickle sliver and 4 ounces of potato chips.

Happy days are here again you blind Trumpsters.

Anonymous said...

Many independents are ex-republicans who are actually more conservative than the republican party. I suspect this is a nationwide situation. The problem is that both parties are out of touch with the regular American citizen. No question that Trump understood what many Americans feel and appealed to their frustration.

The leadership and establishment heads of both parties are not any more in touch than they were 2016. It is a re-alignment that is ongoing and the end result is still not clear.

I as a life long conservative have often speculated that the dysfunction of the parties, both either motivated by greed or power would cause a reaction that we will all be unhappy with.

While Trump was accused of being a dictator or worse, in reality, it was not so and this country is soon set up to see what a real authoritarian can be. People are going to want security, peace and stability and will eventually probably get it at any cost.

Anonymous said...

8:39am - please elaborate on your cryptic post. Maybe I'm slow but i'm not following.

Anonymous said...

Need to double check those Lehigh Dem numbers. Total doesn't add up.

Anonymous said...

11:37 If you think your voting rights are not in jeopardy, then you haven't been paying attention to all of the Repubs that are tenaciously trying to undercut confidence in our voting system AND trying to put people in office who can overturn election results. If that happens, we can kiss our democracy goodbye and say hello to Hungarian-type autocracy.

Anonymous said...

6:57 Ah the conspiracy theorist garbage. Gee, when Biden has incited a coup, let me know. When Hunter Biden is selected to be his father's chief advisor in the White House, let me know. When Hunter's girlfriend (or wife) is negotiating on behalf, of the U.S. with Israel and carrying out other foreign policies on behalf of the U.S. with no experience, let me know. Yeah, your boy Trump, he was not corrupt at all and his family, oh hell no...by the way, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell ya too.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for republicans, it doesn’t matter how many “new” sign up in predominantly white counties. Pennsylvania will remain blue for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

Local Bethlehem Dems have clearly moved far left of the electorate starting with the mayor. Climate change appears to be their moniker along with chicken coops to sustain them.

Do they really think Bethlehem has any impact on climate change with China building 30 new coal fired power plants?

Anonymous said...

@6;57 or die because you drank the coolaid.

Anonymous said...

Don’t do it. Becoming an independent mean you lose your rights to vote in the primaries. If you want to make a change go Republican like I did and vote in there primaries to make a difference. As for paying higher property taxes, it sucks but that help keep the community together and helps keep your property values higher. Otherwise move up north where the property values are less like Slatington. You have good schools and good water go to the city meeting and make the council accountable.

Anonymous said...

The coolaid is the democratic party

Anonymous said...

Because of REPUBLICANS, CEOs make $276.00 to $1 of your dollars. Hope this makes you happy @11:52. This is the widest gap than any country.

Anonymous said...

We need to open up the primaries. I just read where Andrew Yang and others are forming a new political party for moderates. I may be interested in this. Right now the far left and the far right control their parties. Which means 15% of the Democratic party, and 15% of the republican party are having way too much sway on our nation!

Anonymous said...

IT is all about control. Both the Dems and the Republicans have written election laws in such a way they are the only two parties. It will take a major upheaval to truly have a third party on the stage. It is all a play on campaign financing and the money that gets into who's bank accounts.

Anonymous said...

@11:52 the coolaid is orange and I am willing to bet you fall in line with that cult following.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are their own worst enemy. They have a prime opportunity and look what they nominate, Oz and Mastriano. Candidates matter both those can liens are going to lose.